Helpful tips and information on cats and kittens


We are a non-profit organization called “Furry Nation Salvation.” You can find us on Facebook and Instagram and *Like & follow*our page to help spread the word on what we do=) We are in desperate need of foster parents so please contact us if you can open your heart to a furry friend~


SAFE ROOM TECHNIQUE***FIRST FEW DAYS to a couple WEEKS with your newly adopted cat/kitten- Please leave him in a “SAFE ROOM” (small bathroom or bedroom that can be closed off) for two days to a couple weeks with the litter box and food/water in the same room. That way he can get adjusted to his new home and know how to get to his needed items with ease. After a few days to a couple weeks you can start leaving the door open that way he can come in and out as he wishes and always has a “Safe room” to go back too. This greatly helps with the adjustment period! Some animals may need as much as two weeks to get adjusted to a new home and for you to see his true personality so please be patient with your newly adopted pet.

Helpful tips for your cat or kitten

1) GET YOUR KITTY USE TO THINGS AT A YOUNG AGE - If you want your new kitten to enjoy being picked up or receive kisses among other things, do it when they are kittens and they will get use to it when they become adults. I use to put my kitten “Wimsy” up on my shoulder and walk around. To this day she absolutely loves it up there and feels completely comfortable.

2) KITTY IS ATTACKING MY HAND - Some people like to play with their kitten with their hands and get attacked in the process. That behavior will continue if the kitten gets use to it. Try using a string or toy instead, so the kitten doesn’t associate your hand as a toy.

3) STAY OFF THE COUNTER! -To keep your cats off the counters or any other area (plants, curtains, or couch) try spraying them with water in a spray bottle. It is very efficient as cats don’t like getting wet and the cat will become afraid of the water bottle but not you, which is what you want.

|KEEPING CATS AWAY FROM FURNITURE AND OTHER AREAS - Give your cat a quality scratching post to deter her or him from scratching your furniture.  Still |

|scratching?  Try putting lemon scent or orange scent on the area.  Cats hate these smells. Also try double sided sticky tape (Found at most pet supermarkets) or|

|aluminum foil. *For more intense cases where you don’t want your animal coming anywhere near your expensive couch there is a mat called the “Scat Mat or Pawz |

|Away” which is a clear plastic mat that is placed on the couch and once the animal touches the mat it sends out a harmless little static shock. It will teach |

|your cat to never come near it and is what we have used in the past and YES it worked wonderfully. |


|find his way home should he ever be lost. *Better yet, outfit your animal with an electronic identification chip, which greatly increases your chances of |

|finding your animal. To make sure your cat’s collar fits properly, see that you can slip two fingers under the collar between the collar and your cat’s neck. |

|Make sure it is not too lose as it can get caught in your cat’s mouth or on a branch. You can get a tag engraved at your local Walmart or order a collar with |

|the name/phone number sewn into the collar. *They also make break-away collars (rubber band type works best as it stays on better or ones where the whole collar|

|is elastic) so your cat can’t get trapped on a branch as the collar will “break away.” Those are HIGHLY recommended. I DO NOT recommend getting any break away |

|collar that is a clasp type (like a seat belt). I’ve bought 6 of them for my cats before and the cats LOST every single one! The clasps releases way too easily.|

|To find excellent break-away collars you can go to Pet Supplies Plus, PetCo, Walmart, or PetSmart. Ones that have the rubber band on one portion or the whole |

|collar is stretchable work great. |

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|HELP! MY ANIMAL IS MISSING! –. Don't delay looking for your cat. The longer the cat is gone, the further away it may be. Statistics show that owners don't |

|start looking for their cat for several days. If your cat has been taken to a crowded shelter or municipal pound they may only be able to hold cats for a few |

|days before euthanizing him/her. REMEMBER to call your local humane societies right away and give a description of your animal and where it was lost so they can|

|keep it on file in case they come in contact with him/her at the shelter. Also put out fliers around the neighborhood with a recent photo of your cat/kitten on |

|it. Don’t forget to put an ad in the lost section of the News Journal and on Craigslist. |

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|A CLEAN LITTER BOX MAKES YOUR KITTY HAPPY- Keep your cat’s catbox clean by scooping it daily! You wouldn’t want to use a toilet that was previously used |

|multiple times without flushing so why would your cat? This would prevent him or her from using the bathroom elsewhere. Scoopable clumping litters work the |

|best for odor control. You can also try putting a thin layer of baking soda at the bottom of the cat box as well. |

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|FEEDING INSTRUCTIONS FOR A GROWING KITTEN: A bowl of dry food and fresh water should be available at all times. Wet food should be given morning, midday and |

|evening (as much as a growing kitten wants). You can always try adding a little bit of water to the wet food to get it more mushy. The best nutrition you can |

|give your new family member is natural food made for cats without by-products. NEVER give milk to any cat unless it is specifically made for cats. |

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|FLEA CONTROL ON YOUR PET- Use only vet recommended flea control. Over the counter ones can kill your cat. Revolution & Advantage MULTI (Has to be multi) kills |

|fleas, ear mites, and most internal parasites when used regularly. There are a couple places you can look to find discounted flea controls. 1) CCFAW |

|() - they offer these at a discount. 2) I use PetCareRx () or () which are always less expensive to buy flea |

|control than a veterinarian’s office. You will need a prescription (give the sites your vet’s name and number so they can call). * |

|*Also- Regular dawn dish soap will kill fleas on your cat/kitten and is safe to use at any age. Start at his head and then |

|work your way down. Make sure to rinse it all off and dry off the kitten good. *Place the dish soap directly on the kitten. |

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|FLEA’S IN HOME- You can find flea sprays for carpeting/floor at your local Walmart or other stores. Flea bombs work well also just|

|make sure your animals are OUT OF THE HOUSE when using them. ALSO-Vacuum your floor every day for 7 days and dispose of the contents of the vacuum OUTSIDE of |

|your home. This will suck up any fleas/eggs in your home and is a method I use very often. |

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|Recommended shots needed for your kitten/cat |

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|1) It is important to get your kitten 3 shots of distemper to build up their immunity. The first shot is given when the kitten is 8 week olds, the second|

|at 12 weeks, and the third at 16 weeks old. It is also important to de-worm your kitten at the time of his/her first shot. Rabies vaccination can be given at |

|the time of your pets spay/neuter at 5 months old. |

|Check this website for CCFAW’S (Concerned Citizens for Animal Welfare) calendar for upcoming shot clinics. |

|. Through CCFAW, their distemper shot is $10 dollars each and rabies is $10 dollars. De-worming costs $5 dollars. ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT |


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Problems that could arise in your cat or kitten

1) Tapeworms – Looks like a piece of white rice. It is found in their feces, bedding, or around the anus of the cat or kitten. Tapeworms are very common and generally aren’t harmful to cats. Rarely, tapeworms may cause debilitation or weight loss if they are present in large numbers. Cats become infected with tapeworms from swallowing a flea infected with a tapeworm larvae or from eating infected mice or other exposed animals. To rid your cat/kitten (over 7 weeks old) of these, purchase Praziquantel Feline Tape Worm Tablets or liquid. Usually you can buy this over the counter at your local pet supermarkets (Petco/PetSmart). Check with your vet if you have any concerns or questions. One pill costs anywhere from 4-8 dollars. Some vets like to charge you a visit fee for this issue, while others will let you walk in to grab the pill.

*Here is the dosing chart for Praziquantel Feline Tape Worm Tablets 23mg each (not located on the bottle). 4 lbs and under = ½ tablet, 5-11 lbs = 1 tablet, Over 11 lbs = 1 ½ tablets.

2) UTI (Urinary Track Infection) Your cat is going to the litter box frequently with little to no pee coming out OR your cat peed on the tile or wood floor and there is blood in it- The cat is trying to tell you something and is why this is going on. The cold floor is also soothing for a cat in pain and reason he/she may have peed there. They probably have a UTI or other bacterial issue. Take the cat to the vet as soon as possible.

3) A simple illness can overwhelm a kitten very quickly. If your kitten becomes lethargic or has any drastic changes call a vet ASAP.


1. Chocolate 2. Grapes, raisins & currants 3.Xylitol/sugar-free gum/candy

4. Fatty table scraps 5. Onions & Garlic 6. Compost

7. Human medications 8. Macadamia nuts 9.Household cleaners

10. Unbaked bread dough/alcohol

Interesting cat facts

1) People who own pets live longer, have less stress, and have fewer heart attacks.

2) The more cats are spoken to, the more they will speak to you.

3) Cats love high places.  They share this love with leopards and jaguars, which sleep in trees. 

4) A cat eats grass as it helps in digestion and also gets rid of fur in its stomach.

5) A cat is unable to taste sweet.

6) A domestic cat can run at speeds of about 31 miles per hour

7) A cat is able to jump 5 times as high as its height.

8) Cats are the only animals that purr. They purr at about 26 cycles per second

9) The average cat sleeps for 12-14 hours per day.

10) Cats sweat through their paws. But the surface area of their paws is relatively small so in the big picture, this is not an effective cooling mechanism. Cats generally seek out shady spots and rest. They may rest on cool surfaces such as tile or hardwood floors, or in the shade under bushes. When in distress in extremely hot conditions, cats will pant.

Why spay and neuter your pet?

• Spaying and neutering makes your pet a better, more affectionate companion

• Spaying a female before her first heat protects her from risks of uterine, ovarian, and mammary cancers.

• Spaying a dog or cat eliminates her heat cycle. Females in heat can cry incessantly, show nervous behavior, and attract unwanted male animals. Female cats can also spray urine in the same manner that is usually associated with tomcats - lifting the tail and squirting urine on a vertical surface (my father had this personal experience until he finally got his cat spayed).

• Spaying and neutering makes pets less likely to bite

• Neutering your pet will make him less likely to roam the neighborhood, run away, or get into fights

• An average cat has 1-8 kittens per litter, and 2-3 litters per year.

• A single pair of cats and their kittens can produce as many as 420,000 kittens in just 7 years.

• In six years, one female dog and her offspring can be the source of 67,000 puppies



Many people have this unrealistic idea that if they bring their pet to an animal shelter that they will be placed in loving homes. That is very far from the truth and I wanted to share a few statistics from our local humane societies.

At Halifax Humane Society on LPGA in Daytona Beach (HHS) during cat and kitten season, about 1,000 a month are EUTHANIZED. This averages out to 50 cats/kittens A DAY (50 per day x 20 working days).

SEVHS took in 2409 animals in 2013 and they euthanized 265 dogs and 1,385 cats.  So, out of 2,409 animals only 759 were placed in homes, which left 1,650 euthanized.


 It is not the shelters fault, it is the fault of pet owners who do not get their pets fixed and let them wander or decide they no longer want them and surrender them to a shelter. Please don’t ever give your animal the ultimate fate of being euthanized at a shelter. Give them a chance by finding them a suitable home. Animals do not get a choice of who becomes their caregiver, so don’t give them the choice of death.


*If this information is not helpful PLEASE contact your local humane society!*

1) REDINGER CLINIC, which is located within the Arnie Foundation complex.

Address: 600 Mason Ave, Daytona Beach, FL

Phone: # 310-4935


They offer discount neuters ($25) and discount spays ($40). They also offer LOW COST vaccinations (1 vaccination for $10, 2 for $15, and 3 for $25) and identification chips incase your pet ever gets lost. Identification chips only cost $15.98. *Make sure to REGISTER your microchips after receiving one!

****FOR DOGS**** (at Redinger Clinic) # 310-4935: Male (up to 29 lbs) $45 and Female (up to 29 lbs) $55. Male (30-59 lbs) $55 and Female (30-59 lbs) $65. Male (60-80 lbs) $60 and Female (60-80 lbs) $75. Male (over 80 lbs) $75 and each additional 10 lbs is $5 dollars and Female (over 80 lbs) $90 and each additional 10 lbs is $5 dollars.

2) CCFAW (Concerned Citizens for Animal welfare)- ** Located in the Port Orange/Daytona area

You can go to their website to see upcoming days for LOW COST SHOT CLINICS. ALSO at their shot clinics you can purchase flea meds and heart worm medications (with proof of heart worm test).

CCFAW sets up spay and neuter appointments at participating vet clinics east side of the county. Cat Spay costs $45 and a cat neuter $35. Shots are super inexpensive (rabies 10 dollars and distemper 10 dollars).


CCFAW also does spay and neuter at a discount for dogs. Please contact them for prices.

You can email CCFAW so they can schedule your discount spay/neuter/shots at CCFAW@.

Or You can call Cheryl Robel, President (386) 760-2324, Patty Mihalic, Treasurer (386) 405-1559 Marea DeMauro (386-760-6330)

3) "Volusia Society for Animal Aid" in Edgewater

The number to the shelter is 386-957-3994.

Located at: 605 mango Tree Drive Edgewater, FL 32132

Cat Neuters = $60 Cat Spay's = $80 Shots are $16 for distemper and $10 for rabies *Feral cats* $45 for spay and $35 for neuter (additional 20 dollars for shots). Will receive an ear-tip as well. -Dogs will go by weight, no dogs under 10lbs.

4) FLAGLER CATS located in BUNNELL Located at: 2550 N. State St. (US1) Suite #11 Bunnell, Fl 32110

Phone: (386) 503-4250

Male cats - $45 includes neuter, rabies, distemper shot, full exam and pain meds

Female cats- $60 includes spay, rabies, distemper shot, full exam and pain meds

*Feral cats*- $25 includes spay/neuter and shots WITH an EAR-TIP (cat must come in a trap)

5) FLAGLER HUMANE SOCIETY on 1 Shelter Dr. Palm Coast, FL 32137

Phone: 386-445-1814


The Flagler Humane Society offers two discount spay/neuter programs for cats:

Option #1: $25 dollars for spay or neuter for a cat which INCLUDES the rabies shot and MANDATORY ear tip (Ear-tip is an universal signal that shows the animal has been fixed). Distemper shot is an additional $15.

Option #2: $50 for a spay or $35 for a neuter for a cat. Rabies cost $12 and distemper $15. This is WITH NO EAR TIP

*** With this facility, you must go into the shelter and fill out the paperwork and PRE-PAY for the spay/neuter appointment. No payments over the phone.

****FOR DOGS*** $95 = female spay of over 80 lbs $80 = female spay 3-80 lbs $80 = Male neuter over 80 lbs $65 = Male neuter 3-80 lbs.Rabies costs $12 and Distemper at $15. Please call for any additional information or check out web

6) PET VET CRUISER for the county if a person lives in the unincorporated part of the county or the cities of Deland or South Daytona. The county offers a Free Roaming Cat program that is unlimited for these residents and the cost is $25per cat no matter what the sex is. This program is not income based. This includes the spay/neuter, a rabies vaccination and also the ear notch. ***For household cats, If you qualify you may be able to receive low cost spay/neuter as low as $15.00. You must show proof. Please call the following numbers to get more information.

386-323-3575 Daytona Beach 386-626-6643 Deland 386-424-6875 New Smyrna Beach

7) NEUTER COMMUTER in Ocala (for Marion County residents only): #352-307-1351 $40 dollars for cats/dogs male or female. The 40 dollars includes spay/neuter, rabies shot, and micro-chipping. Call a month or so in advance to make an appointment


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