General Information

|WELCOME |Mark Your Calendars |

|WELCOME TO 5th GRADE! We will each be teaching your child at some point in the school year, so we wanted to| |

|introduce ourselves! | |

| | |

|My name is Mrs. Bedford, but a lot of you probably know me as Miss Swann. This is my 9th year teaching 5th | |

|grade at North Ridge and I have loved every minute of it! My husband, Sam, and I have been married for just| |

|over a year and are expecting our first baby in February! We live in Wake Forest with our adorable kitty, | |

|Alice. My parents are building a house in Cape Carteret and my sister, Brannan who works for a lawyer in |First Day of School |

|Greenville. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, attending country music concerts, going to the |Monday, August 29th |

|beach, among many other things! | |

|Email Address: bbedford@ Class Website: |Labor Day—No School! |

|_______________________________________________________________________ |Monday, September 5th |

|My name is Meredith Jarrett and I have been a fifth grade teacher for the past 12½ years in Wake County and | |

|this will be my second year at North Ridge. I am a native of Raleigh and grew up right in the North Ridge |EARLY RELEASE (12:30) |

|area! I am married and have a six year old girl named Hailey, a three year old boy named Hayden, and a 3 |Friday, September 9th |

|month old boy, named Hudson. I graduated from UNC-Wilmington with my bachelor’s degree and I have my | |

|Master’s degree in Reading. I am also a National Board Certified Teacher and will be working vigorously |Open House |

|throughout the school year to renew my certification! When I am not at school, you can find me either |Thursday, September 22nd |

|playing with my children or traveling somewhere! I love to drink coffee (especially from Dunkin) and I like |6:30-8:00 pm |

|attending UNC football games! |*more info. to come* |

|Email Address: mjarrett2@ | |

|I’m Gwen Peters and I have lived in Raleigh since the summer of 2003 when I started teaching at North Ridge.| |

| I was born in Virginia and am very proud of my heritage and upbringing.  My family home is in the country—a| |

|truly rural area.  My father, a retired farmer, still resides there. My only sibling, Milton, and his son, | |

|Jackson, live in Omaha, Nebraska.  I usually only see them a couple of times a year. I have two daughters, | |

|Courtney and Laura.  Courtney graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.   She also | |

|graduated with a Juris Doctor degree from Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law at Campbell University. Laura | |

|graduated from North Carolina State University for her undergraduate degree as well as her Master of | |

|Accounting degree. I have a jack russell terrier, Tootsie! Tootsie weighs around 8 pounds and is 15 years | |

|old.  In spite of her size, she thinks she’s as big as any of the larger breeds.  Unfortunately, she doesn’t| |

|like other dogs!!!  She does, however, love people!  She is most entertaining.  Your children will probably | |

|come home with stories about her!  I enjoy working out at Orange Theory Fitness.  It's a wonderful and | |

|CHALLENGING exercise program.  Tootsie and I also enjoy taking walks down Rainwater to Spring Forest. | |

| I love dining out with my girls or friends, shopping, and catching the latest movies.  Fifth grade | |

|is AWESOME! We work hard and have a lot of fun!!  We do all that we can to get students ready for middle | |

|school.  I look forward to working with you this year! Email Address: gpeters@ | |

| | |

|I’m Kelly Cyr and I'm so looking forward to meeting all of you and having a great year! This will be my 7th | |

|year teaching and I love it just as much as the day I started. My husband, Jacob and I just had our first | |

|child on July 29th, his name is Declan. He has been keeping us busy since he got here! Both Jacob and I | |

|graduated from the University of South Carolina and are big Gamecock football fans! We also have a crazy dog| |

|named Lexi who always gives me plenty of stories to tell. Between a new baby and her, I'm sure I'll have | |

|some funny things to share this year:) I love to cook, eat, workout and spend time with my amazing friends | |

|and family. I look forward to seeing you all in November! Email Address: kcyr@ | |

| | |

| | |

| |Class Wish List |

| |-Target, Staples, and |

| |Walmart Giftcards – |

| |-electric pencil sharpener- |

| |-address labels- |

| |-1-inch binders- |

| |-white computer paper- |

| |-cardstock white/color- |

| |-colorful computer paper- |

| |-clear packing tape- |

| |-ziploc bags (all sizes)- |

| |-paper towels- |

| |-single subject Notebooks- |

| | |

| | |

| |Supply of the Month |

| | |

| |Band Aids |

| | |

| |[pic] |

Unicorn News

August 2016

General Information

Schedule—This year, we will be on a rotating A – E days for our specials. We will also have something new -- our schedule will be different on E day to allow for a longer grade level PLT meeting. On E days our class will start the day in specials. Our PE day is on A day; please remember to wear appropriate attire/shoes on PE days. Please ensure that your child does not wear athletic shorts that are shorter than mid-thigh as they are against our dress code policy.

Newsletters— Fifth grade will send home a grade level newsletter each month with general information, curriculum updates, and important date reminders. Please read through the newsletters. If you prefer to receive your newsletter by email, please send me a brief email and I will add you to my newsletter mailing list.

Volunteering—To do any volunteering in the classroom this year, you must be cleared as a Level 4 volunteer. Go ahead and register early so that the background check clears before you would like to come in. Let me know if you have any questions.

Classes- Each science unit will be taught by a different Fifth grade “expert” teacher. Your child will have every fifth grade teacher this year for a science unit. We also will be assigning your child a math teacher within the first couple of days of school. Switching classes will help prepare them for what’s ahead in middle school.

Mrs. Gourley - Mrs. Gourley will be starting the year with us in Mrs. Cyr’s room. Because she will be working with a number of the 5th graders, we wanted to allow her to introduce herself:

I’m Cheryl Gourley and I grew up in rural upstate New York and graduated from the State University of N.Y. at Cortland with a B.S. cum laude in elementary education and a minor in mathematics. I taught middle school math, science, and language arts for many years, mainly in Wake County. I taught fifth grade for 12 years at Fox Road Elementary and fourth grade for another 12 at North Ridge Elementary.  I retired in June 2014, but returned as a long-term substitute in August 2015. I am excited to be a part of the NRE family again! I work extensively on NC environmental education and was selected as an Educator of Excellence by the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences four times. Since 2014, I have been an active member of the NC Fossil Club.  I live in a log home in rural Wake County with my husband, David, and our two cats, Nimbus and Shadow. Our son and grandson live nearby.

Specials Rotation Daily Schedule Times

A - PE (Mr. Keller) 10:00 – Snack

B – Technology (Miss Philbeck) 12:45 – Lunch

C- Music (Mrs. Ferri) 1:20 – Recess

D- Media (Mrs. Lewis)

E- Art (Mr. Ring)

*We will have a quick snack each day, due to our

late lunch. Snack should be quick and handheld.

ONLY water to drink (no juice, sports drinks, etc.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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