Lead Game Balance Designer vacancy (World of Tanks Blitz ...

Lead Game Balance Designer vacancy (World of Tanks Blitz) Test TaskPlease complete all parts of the test task below: Part 1. ResumePlease convert and save your resume as an XML file.Part 2. Tank settingsUsing an Excel table, describe in detail the technical characteristics of any tank from World of Tanks or World of Tanks Blitz.Part 3. Project roadmapDetail your vision of where World of Tanks or World of Tanks Blitz will be in 3 years. Your description should not exceed the 1 page limit and should include your opinion on tank balance and its future.Part 4. Ideas on how to improve the projectWhat would you improve or change in World of Tanks or World of Tanks Blitz to lower the barrier to entry for users and keep them playing for longer?Part 5. Game mechanicsPlease describe camouflage mechanics. You may use our game’s mechanics as a basis or create your own. The description should include two parts: Describe the mechanics for a user who does not have a technical background, who has never played World of Tanks, and whose interests are nowhere near the gaming sphere. Requirements: the text must be as short as possible, and the information shall be well-structured and presented in a visual form. While fulfilling the task, please keep in mind that it must be understandable by a programmer or a person with a technical background.Requirements: the description should be as clear and concise as possible. Informational graphics, charts and formulas are allowed.Part 6. You game profilePlease send the link to your in-game profile.Also, leave comment on the fulfilled test task stating how much time it took to fulfil the task, what problems you encountered, etc.Please send the fulfilled test task with your comments to cv_job@.Good luck! ................

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