Warehouse Management System

Chapter 3- Analysis and Design3.1 Software Requirements Specification3.1.1 Introduction3.1.2 Goals and ObjectivesA?warehouse management system?is a key part of the?supply chain. It aims primarily in monitoring and controlling the movement of materials within a?warehouse.?It processes the associated transactions including shipping, receiving, put away and picking. A WMS monitors and controls the progress of products through the warehouse. It involves the physical warehouse infrastructure, tracking systems, and communication between product stations. Warehouse management involves the receipt, storage and movement of goods, to intermediate storage locations or to a final customer. In the multi-echelon model for distribution, there may be multiple levels of warehouses. This includes a central warehouse, a regional warehouses and potentially retail warehouses.Warehouse management systems often utilize?automatic identification and data capture?technology, such as?barcode scanners,?mobile computers,?wireless LANs?and potentially?radio-frequency identification to efficiently monitor the flow of products. Once data has been collected, there is either batch synchronization with, or a real-time wireless transmission to a central database. The database can then provide useful reports about the status of goods in the warehouse.Warehouse design and process design within the warehouse is also part of warehouse management. Warehouse management is an aspect of logistics and?supply chain management.The objective of a warehouse management system is to provide a set of computerized procedures for management of warehouse inventory with the goal of minimizing cost and fulfillment times. Statement of ScopeLocal government warehousing system is very important, because some items are urgently needed by the department and doing very crucial, it can have the supply from their storage. If going to buy it takes a lot of time to purchase because of the government procurement act which provides for purchasing should be done through public bidding as a general rules in public bidding. Stocks from the storage are available when urgently needed and immediately address to the delivery service Items should approve first before the issuance, record, and lock all the deliveries. It requires of making daily, weekly and monthly inventory report. Accuracy of inventories is important because without an automated system, companies tend not to know what they have on hand, making inaccuracies a common problem. Inadequate visibility frequently causes excess/obsolete inventory to build up or, perhaps worse, creates demand for extra stock in case of shortage.? Excess inventory can cause lack of cash flow, warehouse space issues, higher cost to house extra materials and deficient customer service.? However, inventory shortage tends to be the greater problem as it can lead to orders being unfulfilled.The place where raw material and/or finished goods are stored is referred to as warehouse or store. Generally, warehouse is structure or building design keeping in mind raw material and finished goods it is going to store. Therefore, warehouse management should be able to: Receive the purchase goods and entered upon the stock register. Monitor and control inventory Accounting of raw material, work- in-progress or finished goods.Preserve of the inventoryAccess goods whenever called upon.Make an appropriate record keeping through coding as to preserve goods and reduce obsolescence.Stock of goods in proper to ensure smooth handling. Software Context3.1.1.4 Major Constraints3.1.2 Usage Scenario3.1.2.1 User profilesWarehouse AdminMust obtain and process the information fairly, keep it only for one or more specified and lawful purposes, keep it safe, secure, accurate and up-to-date.Supply Officer It is the one whose responsible locating supplies that comes in and out.EmployeesSupervise, evaluate, and train employees assigned to warehouse.System The system refers to the computer hardware and software that control the application.StorekeeperIs responsible for making sure that all materials delivered to activity after normal working hours on weekends or on holidays is receipted identified inspected and placed in the designated receiving section or turned over to the requesting department. Use-cases1. Log onto system2. View transaction3. Enter Tracking Number4. Enter reports5. View reports6. Update Inventory3. Use-Case DiagramThe use-case in Figure 1 shows 3 actors that were described in section In order to minimize the complexity of this diagram several connections were left out.Login Remove usersChange password View department RecordsSystem maintenanceRegisterAdd productsRemoveProductsView ProductsGenerates ReportsWarehouse Admin UserFigure 1: Use-Case Diagram of Material Warehouse Management System3. Use-Case DescriptionsUse-Case:Log onto systemPrimary Actor:EmployeeGoal in context:To gain access to the systemPreconditions:The employee has a valid username & passwordTrigger An employee needs access to the system to perform their jobScenario:1.The system prompts the employee for their username & password2.The username prompts their username & password3.The system verifies the password & sets the users authorization4.The employee is given access to the system to perform jobUse-Case:Enter transactionPrimary Actor:Warehouse AdminGoal in context: Special usage considerations3.1.2.4 Activity Diagrams3.1.3 Data Model Description3.1.3.1 Data objectsSupplier Data ObjectSupplier ID Supplier AddressSupplier Contact NumberSupplies Data ObjectSupplies Tracking NumberSupplies NameSupplies DescriptionSupplies QuantityEquipments Data ObjectEquipments Tracking NumberEquipments NameEquipments DescriptionEquipments QuantityEmployee Data ObjectEmployee IDEmployee PasswordEmployee FirstNameEmployee LastNameEmployee Classification ................

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