Warehousing Management System

CHAPTER 1IntroductionA?warehouse management system?is a key part of the?supply chain. It aims primarily in monitoring and controlling the movement of materials within a?warehouse.?It processes the associated transactions including shipping, receiving, put away and picking. A Warehousing Management System monitors and controls the progress of products through the warehouse. It involves the physical warehouse infrastructure, tracking systems, and communication between product stations. The process of physical handling of goods in and out of the warehouse is an extensive and costly operation. To keep costs as low as possible, it is essential that quantity and placement of the items are accurate. To have efficient warehouse processes, the company must define the warehouse in terms of layout, put-away and pick logic, as well as internal replenishment information.1.1 Project Overview Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) have been available since the earliest computer systems and were allowed simple storage location functionality. Today WMS systems can be standalone or part of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and can include complex technology such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and voice recognition. However the basic principle of the warehouse system has remained the same, which is to provide information to allow efficient control of the movement of materials within the warehouse.1.2 The Problem Domain1.2.1 Statement of the problemLack of tracking suppliesInsufficient space for storageUnsanitized storage areaTemperature1.3 Objectives of the ProjectWarehouse management involves the receipt, storage and movement of goods, to intermediate storage locations or to a final customer. In the multi-echelon model for distribution, there may be multiple levels of warehouses. This includes a central warehouse, a regional warehouses and potentially retail warehouses.Warehouse management systems often utilize?automatic identification and data capture?technology, such as?barcode scanners,?mobile computers,?wireless LANs?and potentially?radio-frequency identification to efficiently monitor the flow of products. Once data has been collected, there is either batch synchronization with, or a real-time wireless transmission to a central database. The database can then provide useful reports about the status of goods in the warehouse.Warehouse design and process design within the warehouse is also part of warehouse management. Warehouse management is an aspect of logistics and?supply chain management.The objective of a warehouse management system is to provide a set of computerized procedures for management of warehouse inventory with the goal of minimizing cost and fulfillment times.1.4 Significance and scope of the projectLocal government warehousing system is very important, because some items are urgently needed by the department and doing very crucial, it can have the supply from their storage. If going to buy it takes a lot of time to purchase because of the government procurement act which provides for purchasing should be done through public bidding as a general rules in public bidding. Stocks from the storage are available when urgently needed and immediately address to the delivery service. Items should approve first before the issuance, record, and lock all the deliveries. It requires of making daily, weekly and monthly inventory report. Accuracy of inventories is important because without an automated system, companies tend not to know what they have on hand, making inaccuracies a common problem. Inadequate visibility frequently causes excess/obsolete inventory to build up or, perhaps worse, creates demand for extra stock in case of shortage.? Excess inventory can cause lack of cash flow, warehouse space issues, higher cost to house extra materials and deficient customer service.? However, inventory shortage tends to be the greater problem as it can lead to orders being unfulfilled.The place where raw material and/or finished goods are stored is referred to as warehouse or store. Generally, warehouse is structure or building design keeping in mind raw material and finished goods it is going to store. Therefore, warehouse management should be able to:Receive the purchase goods and entered upon the stock register.Monitor and control inventory Accounting of raw material, work-in-progress or finished goods.Preserve of the inventoryAccess goods whenever called upon.Make an appropriate record keeping through coding as to preserve goods and reduce obsolescence.Stock of goods in proper to ensure smooth handling.Achieving the objectives, warehouse management significantly increases the overall efficiency of the production and organization. A robust warehouse management would ensure that:A smooth flow of productionAppropriate layout management to reduce material handling and equipment handlingReduce to wastage as well as spoilageEliminate the possibility of theft and damageEnsure preservation of environment and reduce pollution.Encourage cost reduction and driving efficiency1.5 Documentation of existence and seriousness of the problem1.5.1 Documentation of current system/sFirst, should have better track on inventory location because lack of inventory oversight can cause a buildup of inefficiencies within the warehouse that slows operations and increases costs. Without adequate insight into location, pickers take longer to find the items to ship, which slows the loading process and creates a backup in labor allocation and dock door scheduling. Utilization/warehouse layout?is also needed ‘coz if you don’t optimize storage systems, racking and pallet patterns, the amount of space necessary to house inventory increases. Inefficient warehouse layouts also cause unnecessary labor. For instance, if you have high selling inventory in the back of the facility, you’ll drive further more often than would be required if the warehouse layout was better optimized.1.5.2 Problem/s identified with the existing systemThere is also technicalities such redundant processes its common for warehouse workers to pass a pick ticket or other documentation through multiple hands. The picker will pass it to the checker, who will pass it to the stager, who will pass it to the loader, and so on.? Using bar code technology, which is frequently found in today’s automated warehouse systems, eliminates multiple touches. But it doesn’t mean that manual process is unreliable ‘coz for warehouses that still have manual processes in place, there tends to be no common route taken to pick items for shipment, which adds unnecessary time to the process.?With system directed pick/put away, the routing is easily automated, reducing wear and tear on both your equipment and your labor force.1.5.3 Process models of existing system contributing to the problemLetter received counter sign by warehouse officialDay, date suppliesdeliveredStoring of suppliesRecording of suppliesstoredRecording of supply distributedRequest letter from the staff, and list of supplies requestedMonthly report of whole month transaction, and supplies still available1.5.4 Data models of these existing systemsManages0..*1UserUser IDUser NamePasswordManageSalesRep1EmployeeEmployee IDEmployee NamePasswordFollowsOIC1AssistsDepartmentManages0..*11Assists0..*Assigned toaPlaces 1 WarehouseLocationAddressTelephone NumStock OrdersProductProduct CodeRequestAssistancePlacesOrderProduct DetailsNumberTypeInvoiceDateTotal PAddItemsOrderedDeleteItemsOrderedChangeItemsOrdered0..*Includes0..*1..*ProductPart NumberPart DetailsQuantityCostTAXTotalAdd OrderCancel OrderChange Order1.6 Review of existing alternatives1.6.1 Description of how users/clientele currently copes with the problemAfter the user/client identifies all the problems that causing them more trouble, they find ways to cope with the problem.They’ve been more aware of the supplies/stocks that they have inside the warehouse and check it regularly for its inventory to have better track to the supplies that they in the warehouse. And unlike before they make sure that the supplies are being stored well and ensure that the space of the storage are well maximize for its normal capacity.1.6.2 Assess the best available resources for addressing the problemThey make sure that the warehouse/storage area is well cleaned and sanitized daily to avoid having pest inside the warehouse/storage area that may affect the quality of the supplies that being stored inside. The whole storage area is always at room temperature to make sure that the equipments and all other supplies are in good condition till for its time of use.1.6.3 Describe how you propose to take advantage of existing & current best practices in your projectThe propose system that we are proposing has advantages that the current system that is being use. The system is more user friendly, meaning it is easy to understand and use. It’s more secure and updated. It will be very useful and it saves time. And have secured and reliable records of all supplies stored in the warehouse for its security. This will make work easier for the users/client. ................

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