Identification of the Class

Identification of the Class(Spanish, 45 minutes, 4th, 10th Grade, 20 students)Subject: SpanishTime Frame: 45 minutes, 4th period Grade: 10th Grade Number of Students: 20 students West Virginia CSOFL.S.FLEX.1 Students will communicate using both spoken and written forms of the target language to demonstrate a wide range of skills including: ? Interpersonal-interacting with others to provide and obtain information;? Interpretive-understanding and interpreting what one reads, hears or views (not translation);? Presentational-delivering information in spoken and written forms, tailoring it to the intended audience.Rationale for InstructionTo help students understand short phrases for salutations and introducing themselves. Students will understand and demonstrate the differences in greetings from other countries. Students will learn how to ask and answer questions in target language using appropriate vocabulary. Daily Objectives(State in operational, measurable terms; objective should be directly linked to evaluation procedures; If you are working with a small group or one-on-one, individual goals may be appropriate; 1-3 goals per lessonStudents will be able to interact appropriately with partner for oral practice. Students will be able to correctly pronounce the letters of the Spanish alphabet. Students will be able to correctly spell appropriate level vocabulary. Essential Question(s)The focus question(s) that identified and organized the specific elements of the day’s instruction. Thought provoking (inquiry, not just recall) Refer back to the WV CSO Big ideaDo you know any Spanish words? What are different ways we greet our friends? How do Latin Americans greet people they know? Evaluation/Monitoring (Description of how you will evaluate student achievement of lesson objectives; attach any quizzes, questions used for assessment, or worksheets)MUST INCLUDE BOTH FORMATIVEAND SUMMATIVEStudents will begin unit with a pretest. Throughout the unit they will take short quizzes every other day that evaluates new vocabulary, grammar rules, and cultural facts. The quizzes will act as formative assessments to demonstrate understanding and display what areas need to be discusses more. The same pretest will act as a posttest at the end of the unit to demonstrate achievement. Students present to the class a current and interesting fact that connects with salutations that they have researched on their own on the Friday after the lesson has been taught. Accommodations/ModificationsList any accommodations ormodifications that are required by the students’ IEPs. For purposes of this class, you may make some assumptions about the nature of the special ed students in your class. Students will receive additional time on quizzes and tests. Students will be allowed to listen to listening portions additional times for any quizzes and tests. Students will have instructions, quizzes, and tests read to them. Students will be given visual prompts for vocabulary on quizzes and exams. Students will work with peer tutor to help complete worksheets in class. Instructional Sequence(estimate amount of time per section)Start of Class PeriodRequired TasksCollection of HomeworkWarm-Up ActivityBeginning Lesson (Introd or connecting to previous day)Motivation/relevanceOverviewDirectionsPurpose of lessonMiddleObjectiveKey questionsStudents engagedActivityStudent sharingInformal ck for understandingClosingWrap UpReview of key pointsCollection of papers/materialsEnding of Class PeriodRequired TasksCollection of Classwork Level of Instruction (Acquisition, Practice, or Generalization): Acquisition and PracticePlease make sure to include approximate times for each portion of the lesson. Introduce Lesson: Students will watch a short (four minutes) video clip of an interaction between two Latin American friends. Students will take note of the differences between how they interact on the video and how they interact with their friends. Two student volunteers will demonstrate a typical American greeting between two friends. Lesson Development: (Explore, Explain, and Elaborate)Students will be presented with new vocabulary that includes greetings, salutations, appropriate questions to ask each other, personal pronouns, and some descriptive words. Students will work with partners to orally practice with the new vocabulary. Students will be creating a brief (1-2 minutes) conversation incorporating the new vocabulary and cultural norms that have been discussed. Students will complete a “fill in the blank” worksheet using new vocabulary. Closing Routine: (10 minutes) Students will pass their papers to the front of the classroom for instructor to collect. Students will then take out one piece of paper and make a “poof” book for the new vocabulary they think they need to spend extra time studying. Materials/Equipment/Preparation(list materials, assessment forms, describe worksheets or provide examples,. websites needed and any other materials needed.)Pre and post tests will have sections for writing, reading comprehension, vocabulary, listening comprehension, and culture. They will be identical in order to accurately measure student achievement. Worksheets and quizzes will be short (5-10 problems) that focus on the lesson and material taught that day. Video clips will be needed that demonstrate Latin American greetings and salutations. Reflections/RevisionDo I need other resources? Will I be using the paraeducator?How will I know I have succeeded?Did the learners learn what they needed to?Is there a co-teacher? If so, how do we think the lesson went?Notes: Use this space to make any notes about how to improve lesson for next time. What went well? What might need to be changed?I will need access to the internet to show videos to the class. I will also need recorders for students to be able to listen to their created conversations and self-critique later during the lesson. For students that need additional help I would like to have peer assistants within the classroom to promote engagement and appropriate behavior. Comparing the results of the pre and posttest will allow me to know if I have succeeded teaching the students the material. ................

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