1990’s and 2000’s


I. Ronald Reagan

A. 1980 Election

1. Carter vs. Reagan

2. Conservatives wins

B. Domestic

1. Supply-Side Economics – Trickle Down Theory

2. Economic Recovery Tax Act – Massive Tax Cut

3. Reduce Domestic Spending (education, food stamps, public housing, and the Arts)

4. Increase defense budget

a. SDI – Strategic Defense Initiative – “Star Wars”

5. Increases Federal Deficit

6. Assassination attempt by John Hinkley

7. Agriculture – Prices drop many go into bankruptcy

8. Sandra Day O’Connor

9. Limited help for women or minorities

10. NASA tragedy – Challenger explodes soon after liftoff

C. Foreign

1. Cold War – outspent USSR –

2. Arms control - agreement with Gorbachev and USSR

3. Iran-Contra – illegal funds to the Contras from arm sales to Iran

4. Falkland Island

5. Libya – Reagan challenges Muammar al-Qadhafi

II. George Bush

A. 1988 Election

1. Michael Dukakis vs. Bush

2. Bush says “Read my lips, no new taxes” - will raise taxes and hurt reelection

B. Domestic

1. Bush abandons Reaganomics

a. to deal with the budget deficit

2. Savings and Loan Debacle

3. Scandals in the financial markets

4. Leads to economic slowdown

5. Exxon Valdez – oil spill in Alaska

C. Foreign Policy

1. Panama - US troops sent into Panama to put in new government and arrest Manuel

Noriega for drug trafficking charges

2. China – Chinese protest and martial law was enacted (Bush met with Chinese

leaders – to gain better relations)

3. Bush – Gorbachev Summits

4. Eastern European Communism is collapsing

5. Persian Gulf War – Operation “Desert Shield”

6. USSR breaks up and the collapse of Soviet Communism – 1990

1990’s and 2000’s

I. William Jefferson Clinton

A. 1992 Election – Clinton v. George Bush

1. Bush struggles because the US is in a recession

2. 3rd Party Candidate – Ross Perot

B. Domestic

1. Centrist

2. Gays in Military – Don’t Ask. Don’t Tell

3. Universal Health Care – led by Hilary Clinton

a. was defeated

4. Reduced the federal deficit

5. NAFTA – North American Free Trade Organization

a. lowered trade and investment barriers between the US, Mexico and Canada

6. Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act

7. Family and Medical Leave Act – required employers to grant workers time off to

care for ailing relatives or their newborn children

8. Economy booming – Why?

a. New informational technology – Computers and the Internet

C. Foreign Policy

1. Somalia – Protect UN humanitarian efforts – withdraw troops after soldiers are


2. Bosnia – US led NATO forces began aerial bombardment

3. World Trade Organization

4. Haiti – send Carter to resolve political instability

5. Israel – agreement – more control to Palestinians

6. Kyoto protocol Treaty – limit carbon dioxide emissions

D. Critics of Clinton

1. Republican’s “Contract with America”

a. Led by Newt Gingrich

b. wanted conservative legislation and proposed a balanced-budget

amendment to the Constitution

c. argued NAFTA would cost American jobs

E. Scandal

1. Monica Lewinsky Scandal

a. Affair

b. Impeached, but not removed from office

II. George W. Bush

A. Election

1. Bush v. Al Gore

a. Florida plays an import role in election

b. Hanging Chad’s (people question the voting process)

2. Third Party Candidate – Ralph Nader

B. Events

1. Withdraws from Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with Russia

a. Shows a unilateralist course

2. 9/11

a. Afghanistan

b. Iraq

c. Patriot Act

3. Enron Corporation – Corporate Scandal taking advantage of employees and investors


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