4-2 Note Guide: Land of the Pharaohs

4-2 Note Guide: Land of the Pharaohs

(1) Along the Nile River 5,000 years ago, Egypt’s village were thriving. Farmers were learning to produce surplus crops and craft workers were making tools, pottery and jewelry. (A) What happened to the Nile River as a result of an increase in trade? (B) Why did the people of Egypt band together into two separate kingdoms? (C) What king did the people of Upper Egypt support? (D) What king did the people of Lower Egypt support?

(A) The Nile River became crowded with boats as trade increased between towns.

(B) The people of Egypt banded together into two separated kingdoms to better protect themselves and their belongings.

(C) Menes wore the white crown and ruled Upper Egypt.

(D) Khufu wore the red crown and ruled Lower Egypt.


(2) In about 3100 B.C. forces led by Menes (King of Upper Egypt) swept north into the Nile Delta. (A) Who did Menes defeat? (B) How did Menes show off his victory? (C) What does unification mean? (D) What did Menes become the first of in Egypt? (E) What was the main goal of the Old Kingdom?

(A) Menes defeated Khufu the ruler of Lower Egypt.

(B) Menes wore a double crown to show unification of Egypt.

(C) Unification is the joining of separate parts into one.

(D) Menes became the first pharaoh.

(E) The main goal of the Old Kingdom was to establish unity.

(3) At first, Egypt’s pharaohs did not greatly change the civilization that they ruled. In time, though, the pharaoh became the center of the civilization. (A) What were some of the jobs that local governors (under pharaoh) did (3 things)? (B) Where (city) was pharaoh’s headquarters located at?

(A) Some jobs of the local governors were to collect taxes, local judges and oversaw how the flood waters were shared.

(B) Memphis was the city where pharaoh’s headquarters was located. Memphis is present day Cairo.

(4) the pharaoh had great political power in Egypt. He or she had great religious powers as well. (A) Egyptians believed pharaoh was a child of whom? (B) Who was Ra? (C) Explain the Egyptian’s “Next World”. (D) What is mummification?

(A) Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the son of Ra.

(B) Ra was the sun god.

(C) Egyptians believed that after a person died, they would go to the “afterlife”.

(D) Mummification is the processes of drying bodies and wrapping them in strips of cloth.

(5) Since the pharaoh was considered a god, all things in Egypt belonged to him or her. Pharaoh was the center of the economy. (A) What is an economy? (B) What was Egypt’s economy based on? (C) What were some things that pharaoh took as taxes? (D) If no money existed in Egypt, how did Egyptians get things?

(A) The economy of a country is the way its people manage money and resources for the production of goods and services.

(B) Egypt’s economy was base around agriculture (farming).

(C) Some items that pharaoh took for taxes included grain, eggs, meat, fruits, olive oil, leather goods, linen cloth and baskets.

(D) Goods of equal value where traded.

(6) How was it possible for the pharaoh’s government to keep track of all its business details? (not a question) (A) How did pharaoh communicate with his kingdom? (B) What are hieroglyphics?

(A) The pharaoh communicated with his kingdom through a system of writing.

(B) Hieroglyphics is a system of writing that uses pictures and symbols.

(7) Pharaohs depended on written records to keep their government in order. (A) What were scribes? (B) What were some of the jobs of scribes? (C) How did boys train to become scribes?

(A) Scribes were young boys who wrote/kept track of records.

(B) Some of the scribes jobs were to determine taxes, write letters, write marriage contracts and record farmers harvests.

(C) Boys trained to be scribes by practicing their writing on broken pottery.

(8) After the boys mastered a simple type of hieroglyphics used for record keeping, they graduated to writing on papyrus. (A) What is papyrus? (B) What skills did scribes need to have?

(A) Papyrus is paper made from reeds.

(B) Scribes must have the skills of good handwriting and math.

(9) By about A.D. 400 hieroglyphics fell out of use and their meaning was lost. In 1799, a French soldier found a large, black stone. (A) What three languages were on the Rosetta Stone? (B) What was Jean Francois Champollion able to do with the Rosetta Stone?

(A) The three languages that were found on the Rosetta Stone were hieroglyphics, Greek and Demotic.

(B) Jean Champollion was able to solve the mystery of hieroglyphics by using the Rosetta Stone to translated to a know language.

(10) No project could have been more challenging to scribe then keeping track of the building of the pharaoh’s pyramids. (A) Why were pyramids built? (B) What pharaoh was responsible for the building of the Great Pyramid? (C) How long did it take to build the Great Pyramid?

(A) Pyramids were built as tombs or burial places for the pharaohs.

(B) The pharaoh that was responsible for the building of the Great Pyramid was Pharaoh Khufu.

(C) The Great Pyramid took 20 years to be built.


(11) Khufu was not the only pharaoh who demanded such massive building projects. (A) What did the building of these pyramids do for the economy of Egypt? (B) What did leaders in Upper Egypt do in 2000 B.C.? (C) Where was the new capital of Upper Egypt based?

(A) Building these pyramids took a toll on Egypt’s economy. The construction took a look of resources and people to build such large pyramids.

(B) Leaders in Upper Egypt revolted and eventually set up a new pharaoh.

(C) The new capital in Upper Egypt was based in Thebes.


Great Pyramid

Rosetta Stone



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