The 1st permanent English Colony

|2015 EOCT Review Sheets |

|Unit One |

|Colonization in the New World |

|Trade of crops, technology, and culture between the |Virginia’s rich soil, temperate climates, coastal |Joint stock company that sent people to Jamestown to |

|Indians and Europeans after the arrival of Europeans |harbors, and river systems aided in the settlement of |find gold and natural resources to ship back to |

|to the New World |___________________, the first English colony. |England |

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|Cash crop discovered by John Rolfe that saved the |People agreeing to work for another person under |Policy where the English government allowed colonists |

|Jamestown settlement and led to more colonists coming |contract, for a specific period of time, in exchange |to govern themselves |

|to Virginia |for food, clothing, shelter, etc. | |

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|This was the first elected legislative body in the |Rebellion where indentured servants revolted against |Leader of the Native Americans that first came in |

|colonies that was an example of a representative |the governor for not protecting them from the Native |contact with Europeans and attempted to make trade |

|government |Americans attacking them and their land. Results in |agreements; hostility causes him to flee and move |

| |the increased reliance on slavery and not indentured |west. |

| |servants. | |

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|Name of the religious dissenters who created the first|What was the main reason for why the New England |How did the Puritans of the New England colonies run |

|New England colony at Plymouth, Massachusetts |colonies were established? |their government? Who held the most power? |

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|Colony founded by Roger Williams as a safe haven for |Since Puritan church membership began to decline among|Court cases that resulted in mass hysteria in |

|those dissenters banished from the Massachusetts |the younger generation, the Puritans created this to |Massachusetts as colonists accused one another of |

|colony |allow partial membership in the church for children |witchcraft; showed Puritans desire to create a pure |

| |and grandchildren of full members |society |

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|Which colony had their charter taken away from King |Early bloody conflict between the English colonists |This colony was originally called New Amsterdam by the|

|Charles II so he could assert more control over them? |and the Chief Metacom’s Native Americans that resulted|Dutch and was known for being a very diverse and |

| |in English colonists gaining firmer control in New |successful center of trade |

| |England | |

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|Founder of the religious tolerant colony Pennsylvania |What resource in the Middle-Atlantic colonies helped |Why did the southern colonies become heavily dependent|

|that served as a refuge for English Quakers |boost the economy? |on slavery? |

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|What did the French make most of their profits from? |First permanent French settlement in North America |Theory that stated Earth has a limited supply of |

|How did this impact their relationship with the | |wealth in the form of natural resources so the best |

|Indians? | |way to become wealthy is to acquire the most wealth; |

| | |export > import |

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|What three continents were involved in the triangular |Part of the triangular trade system that carried |Term used to describe improving one’s social status by|

|trade system? |slaves from Africa to the New World |working hard to earn more money and land |

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|This person rose in society through social mobility |Religious revival in the 1700s that placed emphasis on| |

|and sought ways to improve himself through |individual religious experience rather religious | |

|individualism |experience through the church; challenged authority of| |

| |the church leaders | |

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|Unit Two |

|The American Revolution |

|War where Great Britain challenged France for |This officially ended the French and Indian War and |This forbid colonists from settling west of the |

|territory and power in North America, specifically the|forced France to give up Canada and all land east of |Appalachian Mountains to limit their conflicts with |

|Ohio River Valley |the Mississippi River to Great Britain |the Native Americans |

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|Why did Great Britain charge extra taxes for the |Phrase commonly used by colonists to protest the |This tax required colonists to print newspapers, legal|

|colonists to pay? |numerous taxes placed upon them by the British king |documents, playing cards, etc. on paper bearing |

| | |special stamps |

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|Group organized to draft formal petitions to |Violent demonstration b/w colonists and British troops|What group of colonists were responsible for the |

|Parliament about their discontent with taxes, like the|that led to the death of five unarmed colonists; |Boston Tea Party? |

|Stamp Act |increases public anger amongst the colonists | |

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|These acts forced the port of Boston to close for the |At this convention, the colonists discussed how they |In protesting British rule in North America, which |

|Boston Tea Party and forced colonists to house British|will protest British actions and form militias to |group wove their own fabric to make clothes and made |

|soldiers. The colonists called these the __________ |resist enforcement acts |other goods so the colonists would not have to rely on|

|Acts. | |British goods |

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|These committees were formed because American patriots|Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that had a huge |English philosopher believed in citizens natural |

|could not communicate publicly. They also helped |impact on the colonists and moved many Americans to |rights of life, liberty, and the property; also says |

|undermine the British by helping each colony |support independence from Great Britain |that if government fails to uphold Social Contract, |

|communicate with each other. | |they can be replaced |

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|French philosopher who had a huge influence on the |Document written by Thomas Jefferson that states the |French military officer who helped he Americans fight |

|U.S. Constitution with his beliefs of separation of |reasons for why American colonists wanted to separate |against the British during the American Revolution |

|powers and checks and balances |from Great Britain | |

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|What is the name of the British General that was |Location of where the first shots were fired during |George Washington and his men crossed the Delaware |

|defeated at Yorktown ending the American Revolution? |the American Revolution; showed colonists were not |River to surprise the Hessian mercenaries fighting |

| |afraid to stand up to most powerful military in the |with the British. What did this victory do for |

| |world |Washington’s army? |

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|This battle during the American Revolution convinced |He served as an American ambassador and convinced the |During the winter at this location, Washington |

|the French to support the colonists in their efforts |French to be our ally in our fight for freedom from |suffered horrible conditions with his men, but used |

|against Great Britain |the British. |the time to turn his Continental Army into a strong |

| | |infantry by using an intense training program |

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|Where did General Cornwallis and his British soldiers |Who did the American colonists rely on to force Lord |What officially ended the Revolutionary War and |

|surrender during the American Revolution? |Cornwallis to surrender? |recognized the U.S. as its own independent country? |

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|This was our first written constitution as a free |This event showed the weakness of the federal |This group was for the Constitution and desired a |

|nation. Its weaknesses were that there was no national|government and the Articles of Confederation since |strong federal government |

|unity, no difference in representation by population, |there was no national army to intervene and put an end| |

|the government could not collect taxes. |to it | |

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|A series of essays written to gain support for the |What is the name of the group that spoke out against |This keeps one branch from becoming more powerful than|

|ratification of the constitution. Written by |the passing of the Constitution unless it consisted of|the others by allowing them to monitor each other’s’ |

|Hamilton, Madison, and Jay. |a Bill of Rights? |actions; idea of Montesquieu |

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|This compromise settled the dispute of representation |This compromise allowed slaves to be counted towards a|1st ten amendments to the Constitution; protects and |

|by creating a bicameral legislature (House of Reps. |state’s population |guarantees rights of citizens |

|and Senate) | | |

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|Why did Washington declare a neutrality proclamation |The Whiskey Rebellion happened as a reaction to tax on|What did President Washington warn about in his |

|for the United States? |whiskey by farmers who then attacked federal tax |farewell address prior to leaving office? |

| |collectors. What did this event show? | |

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|What did the first two U.S. political parties disagree|Political party that favored a strong central | |

|on? |government and held to a loose interpretation of the | |

| |Constitution. | |

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|Unit Three |

|Growth of a Nation |

|This law set rules for how territories would be |This doubled the size of the United States and gave |Who did Thomas Jefferson appoint to explore the |

|governed and turned into states; banned slavery in |the U.S. access to the trading port of New Orleans |Louisiana Territory? |

|Northwest territory and encouraged westward expansion.| | |

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|Name of the Native American who translated for Lewis |What caused the Mexican-American war to break out? |What treaty gave the U.S. the territories of New |

|and Clark and provided them knowledge while traveling | |Mexico and California while also ending the |

|unknown territory | |Mexican-American War? |

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|Name of the settlers who traveled to California to |What states that it was Americans God given right to |What helped NYC stay a dominant commercial center of |

|seek for gold. |expand westward and possess territory all the way to |trade since it made shipping products easier and |

| |the Pacific Ocean? |connected the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean? |

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|Who invented the cotton gin, which had an opposite |Because of this Eli Whitney invention, machines that |What reform movement states that people should drink |

|effect and increased the demand for slaves? |broke did not have to be destroyed due to parts that |less alcohol or it should be outlawed altogether? |

| |fit any machine | |

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|This movement was aimed getting rid of slavery |This term is used to describe dividing tensions |What was the goal of the public education movement? |

| |between different parts of the country due to culture | |

| |and economy | |

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|Where did women meet to primarily discuss voting |What was caused by British impressments of U.S. ships |What heightened the U.S. nationalist spirit in the War|

|rights and other rights for women? Led by Elizabeth |and their attempt to control U.S. trade? |of 1812? |

|Cady Stanton | | |

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|Which document warned the European Nations not to |Another way of saying hands-off government |What two things did followers of Jacksonian Democracy |

|interfere in the politics, or try to establish | |believe in? |

|colonies in North and South America? | | |

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|Unit Four |

|The Civil War |

|Why were southern states in support of states’ rights?|Why did South Carolina almost secede from the Union |He was a major supporter of state rights during the |

| |during the Nullification Crisis of 1832? |Nullification Crisis and the Vice President of the |

| | |U.S. |

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|How did the economies of the North and South differ |Who wrote The Liberator, which called for the |He was a former slave who later published his own |

|during the early 1800s? |immediate, uncompensated ending of slavery, abolishing|anti-slavery newspaper called The North Star? |

| |slavery? | |

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|Radical women that lectured in Northern states about |Rebellion led by a radical abolitionist who believed |Under the ______ ______, Missouri was brought in as a |

|the evils of slavery since they saw its evils |it was his mission on Earth to free the slaves, so he |slave state and Maine as a free state to ensure the |

|firsthand on the plantations they grew up on |led a rebellion in Virginia where some 60 whites were |balance of representation in Congress. |

| |killed; led to stricter slave codes | |

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|Proposal made to Congress that would ban slavery in |What document admitted California as a free state, but|This required all northerners to return runaway slaves|

|newly gained Mexican-cession territory; was rejected |allowed Utah and New Mexico to decide on the issue of |back to the south; controversial since it gave the |

|by Congress |slavery? |south too much power |

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|Term used to describe when people in a particular |This act allowed the previously free and unorganized |Which court case stated that slaves are not and could |

|state vote to decide whether or not they will be free |territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide on the |never be citizens and therefore had no right to go to |

|or not |issue of slavery; led to Bleeding Kansas |court to win their freedom? |

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|Abolitionist that tried to steal weapons from the |Why did the Election of 1860 cause the south to |President of the Southern States during the Civil War |

|arsenal at Harper’s Ferry to lead a slave revolt; |secede? | |

|captured and executed | | |

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|General of the Union? General of the Confederates? |What was the goal of the south during the Civil War? |What was Abraham Lincoln’s main goal at the beginning |

| | |of the Civil War? |

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|First battle of the Civil War was here; last fort |Northern strategy for winning the Civil War; involved |Lincoln suspended this legal rule so he could put |

|controlled by the Union in the south |surrounding the Confederacy and cutting off all their |Confederate sympathizers in jail without question |

| |supply lines | |

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|The bloodiest single day battle of the Civil War. It |What document officially only ended slavery in states |This Confederate leader was shot during the Battle of |

|halted Lee’s first attempt to invade the North and |under control of the Confederacy? |Chancellorsville by his own men, crushing the morale |

|gave Lincoln the victory he needed to issue the | |of the Confederacy |

|Emancipation Proclamation. | | |

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|Civil War battle where the Union leads a 7-week siege |Which Civil War battle was the turning point because |What famous speech given by Lincoln reminded people of|

|to cut the off Confederate supply line; Union gains |it caused the south to never invade the north again? |the North’s goal to preserve the union? |

|control of the Mississippi River | | |

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|Why did General Sherman surround and capture Atlanta |Where did General Lee surrender to General Grant, |Term given to the time period after the Civil War |

|prior to leading his March to the Sea? |signifying the end of the Civil War? |which was aimed at repairing the U.S. economically, |

| | |politically, and socially |

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|This type of reconstruction did not want the south to |This type of reconstruction wanted to put the South |He was almost removed from his presidency due to his |

|be punished for their actions in the Civil War and |under military control as punishment for their actions|firing of a Radical Republican over Reconstruction in |

|wanted to readmit them as quickly as possible |during the Civil War |the South |

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|Institution founded by two former slaves that aimed at|What organization was established to provide food, |What did the 13th Amendment do? |

|providing education for African Americans in the |clothing, shelter, and education for newly emancipated| |

|fields of education and ministry |slaves? | |

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|What did the 14th Amendment do? |What did the 15th Amendment do? |What did sharecropping allow African Americans to do? |

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|What was passed by many of the Southern states after |It was founded by veterans of the Confederate Army to |What is the significance of the Compromise of 1877? |

|the Civil War to maintain control of former African |fight Reconstruction and threatened freed African | |

|American slaves? |Americans so they wouldn’t vote | |

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|Unit Five |

|Expansion and Reform |

|The construction of this would connect the east and |What ethnic group made up the majority of laborers to |What do we call a single company that controls the |

|west coast of the U.S in 1869 at Promontory, Utah |work on the expansion of railroads? |price of a product since it is the only seller? |

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|Who made a fortune with his Standard Oil Company? |What do we call several companies arranged in a single|He was an inventor of the first long lasting |

| |unit and controlled by a single governing board? |incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, and motion |

| | |picture? |

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|Station located in New York where immigrants from |Law that was passed in 1882 to ban Chinese immigration|Leader of the Sioux tribe who surrendered to white |

|mostly Southern and Eastern Europe came to be examined|to the U.S.; worked for low wages which took away jobs|settlers moving west after running out of resources |

|and registered for admission to the U.S. |from Americans | |

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|Last major conflict between Native Americans and white|Group of laborers that worked together to gain better |Who was the leader of the American Federation of Labor|

|settlers; Native Americans lose power to U.S. gov’t |working conditions, shorter hours, and more pay |who fought to get better working conditions for |

| | |skilled workers |

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|What event did President Cleveland get involved with |What was the goal of the Progressive Era? |Which amendment prohibited the sale, manufacturing and|

|because it was interfering with RR travel and it was | |drinking of alcohol? |

|the 1st time the gov’t sided with the workers? | | |

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|Which amendment gives women the right to vote? |Name of the establishment founded by Jane Addams that |In what court case did the Supreme Court rule that |

| |provided basic medical care, taught immigrants how to |“separate but equal facilities” was constitutional? |

| |read English, and helped them find jobs | |

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|Southern and border states passed legal segregation |This group sought to fight racial inequality through |What do we call journalists who exposed corrupt |

|laws that required separate but equal facilities for |the use of the legal system |businesses, child labor, slum conditions, and other |

|African Americans. These were known as _____ ______ | |social issues? |

|______. | | |

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|Which corrupt business did Ida Tarbell specifically go|Which president made a strong effort to conserve |What is the name of the book written by Upton Sinclair|

|after? |nature by establishing the National Parks and Forests |that helped bring about the Pure Food and Drug Act? |

| |system? | |

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|To propose a new law is called ______________. |This is where citizens can remove a public official |Which amendment calls for the direct election of |

| |before the end of their term. |senators by the people? |

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|Unit Six |

|Becoming A World Power |

|The extension of a country’s power beyond its borders;|Which war did the U.S get involved with because they |The explosion of this U.S. ship caused the start of |

|countries take over territories and control them |wanted Cuba’s profitable sugar cane and to protect |the Spanish American War |

| |them from Spain’s abuse? | |

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|Who did the U.S promise independence to following the |This was built mainly for a desire to improve the |________ ________ to the Monroe Doctrine stated the |

|Spanish American War, but then we kept control of them|defense of the U.S by connecting the Atlantic and |U.S. could intervene in Latin America if countries |

|as an imperialist action? |Pacific Ocean |were in economic crisis. |

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|What does Roosevelt’s Big Stick Diplomacy state? |The sinking of this British cruise liner by Germany’s |In this intercepted message, Germany asked Mexico to |

| |unrestricted submarine warfare is one reason why the |attack the U.S. with promise they will receive land |

| |U.S. became involved WWI |back from the Mexican Cession |

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|What is the name of the event where African Americans |During WWI what was passed to make it a crime to |The Espionage Act specifically targeted this person |

|migrated in large numbers from the south to the north?|communicate any information that would interfere with |because of his speaking out against U.S involvement in|

| |US military operations, aid its enemies or speak out |WWI? |

| |against the war? | |

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|Under Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points, he hoped that this |Why did the U.S. refuse to join the League of Nations?|Which type of government is based on a single party |

|organization would provide peace and protection from | |government ruled by a dictator, there is no private |

|future wars. What was the proposed organization? | |ownership and all property is owned by the state? |

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|What is the name of the event that instilled fear in |Who was able to make the Model T successful with his |What are the two medias that attracted millions of |

|Americans and led the government to pursue suspected |development of mass production? |loyal fans and became popular sources of entertainment|

|communists and socialists? | |in the 1920’s? |

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|What is the term given to the African American |During the Harlem Renaissance, who wrote poems about |During the Harlem Renaissance, who became one of the |

|creativity in songs, poems and art that took place in |the lives of working class African Americans? |most famous jazz musicians? |

|the 1920’s? | | |

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|What other type of music was occurring during the | | |

|Harlem Renaissance besides jazz? Hint: Irving Berlin | | |

|was one of the most famous composers of it. | | |

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|Unit Seven |

|A Nation in Crisis |

|What are the main causes of the Great Depression? |What event, also known as Black Tuesday, plunged the |A severe economic recession in the 1930’s that |

| |U.S. into the Great Depression? |affected the entire world’s industrialized nations and|

| | |the countries that exported raw materials to the U.S. |

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|What event was caused by drought, high winds, and dry |Shantytowns where homeless and unemployed people lived|Which first lady was very influential in convincing |

|farming and over plowing? |during the depression as a way to show their disgust |her husband to appoint more women to government |

| |with Hoover’s laissez-faire approach |positions? |

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|What New Deal Program built dams to prevent disastrous|What New Deal Act, also known as the National Labor |What New Deal program provides unemployment insurance,|

|floods, power plants, and electrified the south? |Relations Act, established collective bargaining |economic provisions for the blind and disabled, and |

| |rights for workers and prohibited unfair labor |old age pensions? |

| |practices? | |

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|Name of the politician that critique FDR’s New Deal |This bill was proposed by FDR would allow a president |Why did the U.S. pass a “cash and carry” policy? |

|program and proposed having a “Share the Wealth” |to appoint extra Supreme Court Justices | |

|program | | |

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|What did Congress pass to make it legal for the U.S. |What event caused the U.S. to enter WWII? |Where were Japanese-Americans placed at the start of |

|to sell arms or make loans to our Allies at war? | |WWII to prevent them from spying and planning another |

| | |attack? |

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|What African American pressured FDR to issue an |Propaganda figure that inspired women to find their |During WWII each household received a “c book” with |

|executive order, which made discrimination in hiring |WWII job and help support the war effort |coupons that were used to buy scarce items. This |

|illegal? | |system is called ________________________. |

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|What battle in WWII is regarded as the naval turning |What was the code name for the first day of Operation |The death of thousands of German and Soviet troops as |

|point of the war because the Japanese never recovered |Overlord, which was the Allied beach invasion of |well as the suicide of Hitler occurred during the fall|

|and it led to the U.S. adopting “island hopping?” |Nazi-occupied France? |of ____________. |

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|What was the code name for the development of the |In what city and state was the atomic bomb tested? | |

|atomic bomb? | | |

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|Unit Eight |

|The Cold War & Civil Rights Movement |

|This race between the USSR and U.S. cost both nations |The launching of this Soviet satellite caused the U.S.|What was the largest public works project done during |

|tons of money and resources; produced ICBM’s and is |to invest more money into science and math education |the Eisenhower presidency? It was a national network |

|the reason M.A.D. developed | |of highways to connect every major city for military |

| | |purposes and for the surplus of cars. |

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|What was passed by Congress after WWII that helped |Document that stated the U.S. would not hesitate to |The policy of stopping the spread of communism during |

|rebuild Western Europe by spending $13 billion in |help and provided aid to those nations resisting |the Cold War Era. This was the basis for many U.S. |

|economic aid and oppose communism? |communism |foreign policy decisions. |

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|What country fell to the Communist Party under the |What is the first war the U.S got involved with to |What Cuban leader had U.S support at first, but then |

|leadership of Mao Zedong? (This made the U.S. fearful |stop the spread of communism? |allied himself with the Soviet Union, suspended all |

|of its spread) | |elections, and declared himself dictator? |

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|Where did the U.S attempt to overthrow Castro during |What is the name of the event where the Soviet Union |What is the name of the event where the North |

|the Kennedy presidency, although it was unsuccessful? |was secretly selling nuclear tip missiles to Cuba and |Vietnamese and the Vietcong attacked South Vietnamese |

| |Kennedy set up a naval blockade? |on the Vietnamese New Year’s celebration? (Its goal |

| | |was to drive Americans out of Vietnam) |

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|Hit and run military tactic used by the Vietcong |Why were many Americans against the war in Vietnam? |President Nixon visited this country to gain trade |

|against the U.S. | |agreements and form an alliance against the Soviet |

| | |Union |

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|Which woman is credited with the start of the |What prominent leader founded the SCLC and was best |What does SCLC stand for? |

|Montgomery Bus Boycott after she refused to give up |known for his nonviolent tactics? | |

|her seat to a white man on a bus? | | |

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|How did SNCC’s original membership and original |What does SNCC stand for? |What group rode in buses during the civil rights era |

|philosophy change? | |and went into the south using segregated facilities as|

| | |a non-violent protest? |

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|What president issued an executive order to integrate |Who was the first African American to play for a major|What Supreme Court case integrated the nation’s public|

|the U.S armed forces following WWII? |league baseball team in the U.S, the Brooklyn Dodgers?|schools and overturned Plessy v. Ferguson? |

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|Where did President Eisenhower send in federal troops |Where did MLK write letters from addressing fears that|What event did MLK give his famous “I have a Dream |

|to enforce the integration of public schools? |white religious leaders had that he was moving too |Speech”, which called for peace and racial harmony? |

| |fast toward desegregation? | |

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|This was signed by Pres. Johnson and prohibited |What act outlawed literacy tests and poll taxes? | |

|discrimination based on race, religion, national | | |

|origin, and gender; outlawed Jim Crow laws | | |

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|Unit Nine |

|The 50s and 60s |

|What Senator’s anti-communist crusade ended when he |From the mid 1940’s to the mid 1960’s the birthrate |What was the name of the first suburban housing |

|alleged that there were communists in the army? |led to the largest generation in American History. |development built using the mass production concept? |

| |What was this called? | |

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|What did 90% of American families own during the |What presidential debate was the first one ever |What helped create more tolerable working conditions, |

|1950’s? |televised and changed the shape of American politics? |and encouraged economic growth in hot and humid |

| | |climates? |

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|In the 1970’s the Internet and _______________ |This President was assassinated in Dallas TX in 1963; |What did President Lyndon Johnson call his legislative|

|________________ gave Americans a glimpse of the |his death showed the strength of the gov’t since it |programs that attempted to help Americans regardless |

|technologies that connect everyone today. |was able to move forward without chaos |of their race or social status? |

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|What Great Society program provides health care for |What Great Society program provides health care for |What was the primary goal of President Lyndon |

|the elderly and disabled? |individuals and families with low income? |Johnson’s Great Society program? |

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|The _______ Court typically ruled in favor of the |In what court case was a decision made where a suspect|Senator who was running for President but was |

|expansion of civil rights and rights of the accused. |must be informed of their constitutional rights at the|assassinated in California in 1968. Hint- Brother of|

| |time of arrest? |a former President |

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|What were Barry Goldwater’s political goals? |This organizations goal was to promote equal rights |Which event in Chicago is remembered as a scene where |

| |and opportunities for women? It grew from the civil |police armed with clubs and tear gas violently beat |

| |rights and anti-war movements. |antiwar protestors on live TV? |

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|Who is the leader of the United Farm Workers union and|Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring inspired what |What day celebrates the environment by raising |

|started a nationwide boycott of California grapes, |movement? |awareness of environmental issues? |

|forcing grape growers to negotiate a contract for | | |

|higher wages and other benefits? | | |

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