Sunday Liberty Pole

Vol.2. No.5 Jan. 31, 2016 Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Tad Cronn (TC). This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America as a symbol of the colonials’ resistance to British tyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records indicate these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and GA. International:Iran & China announce $600 Billion more in Trade over Next Decade1/23/2016: Bozorgmehr Sharafedin in Haaretz (Middle East News). Hey, Mr. Obama, how's that Iran Nuke treaty 'thangy' working for the USA? National: National Reviews' case "Against Trump" 1/21/2016: The Editors of "National Review". This link is to the main web site with more links to the features and commentaries. Watch:?Will primary 'Elimination Round' trump wild cards? 1/22/2016 Dick Morris, former mega GOP consultant, does the elimination math on primary candidates. Key Primary Dates: Iowa Caucus (2/1), New Hampshire Primary (2/9), South Caroling Primary (2/20), Nevada Caucus (2/23), Super Tuesday (3/1)DHS report: 527,127 foreign nationals overstay visas in one year in U.S. 1/21/2016: S. Nobel at the Independent Sentinel states figure EXCLUDES student and work visas (H-1 B, H-2 B, L-1). Does U.S. immigration policy need a fence or a will in DC??Call the Wizard of Oz, our Scarecrow needs a brain. (MN) National (continued) 2016 Winter Storm Jonas slams East Coast: Watch how?East Coast?governors and mayors?inform their constituents about ‘public safety’; check body language and tone. 1/21/2016 Gov. Larry Hogan of MD wants the people to know "their state is ready and working together." This is only the 2nd Republican governor of the state and recently reported being cured of cancer. Mayor Muriel Bowser, Washington, DC declares state of ER and a snow ER, closes DC. Gov. Chris?Christie, NJ interrupts his presidential?campaign tour to declare state of ER, then report on crisis. Bill De Blasio, NY declares travel ban (drivers subject to arrest). Gov. Andrew Cuomo, NY underscores public safety with 'ban on roads' and designated parkways. Case You Missed It: CDC Report on the Gay Lifestyle: Higher rate of Violence12/13/2015 Michael F. Haverluck in One News Now outlines early-life exposure to domestic/sexual violence as a key. Most media skipped this science. Cities with Minimum Wage Hikes Sink in Job Growth, Opportunity1/20/2016 Leah Jessen in the Heritage Foundation's 'Daily Signal' shows Chicago,?Washington, DC and?4 'Left Coast' cities--San Francisco, Seattle, Oakland and Los Angeles--dropping in key entry-level?jobs?at restaurants and hotels. Who knew? PACs slush-flushed $50M in 2014: Giver Beware in 2016?2/20/2015: John Hawkins' Right Wing News. The chart tells the story in this outstanding investigative article on key conservative PACs and the percentage of donations actually goes to conservative causes or candidates. Better to donate directly to a local group or candidate rather than to fundraising rackets. Tank: Editors Note: This recurring column is our effort to challenge your frontal lobe by presenting opposite or original views to controversial social, moral or historic issues.Editors Rationale: A thought on national healthcare and taxes led us to an AOL search on "Soviet health care." AOL linked that inquiry immediately to ‘advertisements’ for Kaiser, Medicare Health Plans and .The articles below those listings were a gold mine.Below are articles of historical note, clarity and interest that are thought-provoking on government healthcare. They could serve you well in any discussion on public v. private-sector health care.Issue box: Soviet Care v Obama’s CareRed Medicine: Socialized Health in Soviet Russia (Report: 1933)1932-33 by Sir Arthur Newsholme, MD (Britain) and John Adams Kingsbury, LLD (USA): A detailed study--this link is to the index—that could be a crystal ball on Obamacare. It is worth the read for a historic perspective. I recommend you scan the index and click on a topic of interest.? NOTE: Many of the photographs are by Margaret Bourke-White, the photographer portrayed in the film, "Gandhi." The Problem of Abortion: If you read nothing else in this link, read the 2nd paragraph: in 1920 the Soviet?government repealed existing laws against abortion—then the crime of murder--with detailed, proscribed guidelines. The chart (1922-1929) shows a 10-fold increase in induced abortions.?The commentary that follows in "Mises Daily" gives the impact of unfettered abortions on Russian women. The socio-economic bridge is unmistakable and stunning.? ?'Right to Health' and?Cradle-to-Grave Medical Care: Soviet style (Commentary)1/22/2012 article in?the Austrian/libertarian?"Mises Daily" by Yuri N. Maltsev, professor of economics at Carthage College in Kenosha, WI and editor of ?Requiem for Marx.??The article is a solid read that outlines what Big Brother can do regarding healthcare access and standards of care--especially for undervalued populations (i.e. frail elderly). Tank (continued)8/1987: D.S. Friedenberg, Western Journal of Medicine article (4 pages). Click on the visible numbered pages to enlarge them for reading. After a couple, you'll get the drift of the details. The 2nd page negatively compares the Soviet model to American medicine, especially with the lack of specialty care doctors and reliance on triage to clinics. the Soviets used posters as propaganda during their Healthcare Crises (1970s-80s)This article entitled "Making the History of 1989" is a remarkable read?'for those teaching the Soviet experience’—or seeking to understand Marxist values. Affordable Care Act Penalties: Despite naysayers, this chronology warned us of?the highest spike in?'Obamacare' taxes?in 2016! Will the middle-class revolt at Hillary's expense??Before you begin: Remember this list of those groups exempt from the ACA Tax Penalties? Bet no one you know qualified. Ryan Ellis at Americans for Tax Reform lists two dozen new or higher taxes--complete with percentage?charts-- on the annual, adjusted,?excise, investment?and surtax penalties we knew then were part of Obamacare's progressive and delayed?tax structure. These chickens are now home to roost: an outstanding, detailed?glimpse into the present. Investment Watch compiles key points on the graduated Obamacare tax penalties run through . ? 10/28/2013: Mike Patton, contributor to Forbes. This is the BEST comprehensive overview we've found on Obamacare penalties and exemptions: Clear analysis. Caplinger in The Motley Fool recalls when the initial penalties were small: $95 per adult; $285 for family. Bill Bischoff in Market Watch details the impact of?the 6-3 decision in King v. Burwell, which allowed tax subsidies in states without health insurance exchanges; guaranteed Obamacare 'progressive' taxes. (Think a little more…)Think Tank (continued)2015: Truth or Fiction probed the Affordable Care Act e-rumor of "2016 Tax Increases Due to Obamacare," and labeled the contents FICTION. OK, then Hillary tells the truth, Trump is humble and Obama is a great bowler. : Emma Court in Market Watch asks if nearly doubling the Obamacare penalty would hike enrollment. A Kaiser report gets the?facts right: Q & A: Does the GOP mantra to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act ring true after reading just these two 2016 articles? You decide.1/15/2016 Natalie Johnson in the Heritage Foundation's "The Daily Signal" gives a state-by-state?chart of Obamacare rate increases for 2016. Between the tax penalties and the premium hikes, the ACA sounds like a Hell if you do, Hell if you don't proposition. Is this another one of those times government manufactures a problem and blows the solution? Todd Campbell in The Motley Fool--with excellent charts--shows?how Obamacare enrollment skyrockets to avoid?steep tax?penalties. Wonder how the taxpayer awakening will impact Hillary Clinton's run for the White House. The Highlight Reels:Blizzard Boys get a wild snowboard tow. (Video): 2016 NY guys meet NYPD. (MN) 'Crusoe' the Daschund hunts 'wabbits'. (Video): Snowbound pup must also be a card-carrying member of the NRA. Figure the 'Cat Lady' below may try to rehab him? Lattanzia of "The Cat House on the Kings": 28,000 CA felines rescued. (Video): If you sneeze at cats, don’t watch this one! Truman Era WH Makeover (Array): Count the trucks in the foyer. Bet Bess was mad. to Bowie: "Timebound"--the Portnoy Brothers (Video): Scenes from Jerusalem highlight the visuals in this music video tribute to the recently deceased iconic entertainer. California/Los Angeles:CA Budget Watch for 2020: State faces shortfall of $29-$43 Billion1/26/2016 Dave Roberts in Cal Watchdog. Get out the Red Ink, Gov. Moonbeam does Common Core math. sparks Park Service name change in?Yosemite trademark sites1/26/2016?Michael Doyle in the Sacramento Bee:?Park Service getting heat for name changes on Yosemite landmark businesses. Farewell, Ahwahnee; so long, Wawona; bye-bye, Curry Village? Under the Wire:Gov. Brown seeks ballot initiative to ease mandatory prison terms 1/27/2016: John Myers, Los Angeles Times.?Is Brown's 'justice'?agenda here to cut costs? You decide.? behind Petition to cut CA Mandatory SentencesThis far-left 'civic action' and 'political action' site asks for signatures. Bet you'll get donation requests shortly. Francis?greets Iranian President, Praises their "Common Values": 1/27/2016 in Breaking Israel News AG Harris gives 'Green Light' to Turn Train $$$ to Rain $$$ 1/27/2016 Stephen Frank at California Political News: Cruz's 'American Restoration': a Conviction Politician at Work (Commentary) 1/26/2016 Caroline Glick in Truth Revolt on foreign policy, the Middle East, and principles?at the core of ?the candidate from TX. the Wire (continued):Google and Fox TV pick Anti-Trump You Tube 'Celebs' for Debate Q & A29298908375651/26/2016 Neil Munro at Breitbart. Wonder if Trump's decision to?bail included these critics: one a muslim activist, who called Trump a bigot. giveth?rebates on 'drought tolerant'?landscape; IRS taketh away as taxable income. 1/27/2016 Chris Reed California Watch Dog: Do you file this under 'No good deed goes unpunished?" Government Unions are Destroying CA (Commentary) 1/26/2016 Bob Loewen in Union Watch: The impact of public-sector unions on the Golden State. Note: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor: Sunday Liberty Pole to klkenneyphd@ for a future edition.New! Sunday Liberty Pole archives. Readers’ choice: a DOCX or PDF version of previous editions at At the Hearth: Editors Note: Welcome to your space for sharing views or original commentary.Migrant Mob Attacks Swedish cops after They Rescue Raped Boy (Commentary) 1/27/2016 Tad Cronn at : Migrant mob assaults from Germany to Sweden ................

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