Ann n clarke - School of Engineering



ANC Associates, Inc.

7101 Executive Center Drive, Suite 187

Brentwood, TN 37027

615-373-2005 (office)

615-370-4090 (fax)

615-944-4090 (cell #1))

615-943-9883 (cell #2)

EDUCATION: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee

Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, 1975 (Minor, Environmental Engineering)

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

M.A., Chemistry, 1970; M.A., Geology, 1971

Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

B.S., Chemistry, 1968 (with honors)

AWARDS: 1989 Educator of the Year, National Environmental Training Association


2002 - present Adjunct Professor, Dep’t Civil and Environmental Engineering

Invited lecturer in Vanderbilt courses including:

- Environmental Assessemnt (School of Engineering)

- Environmental Characterization and Analysis (School of Engineering)

- Radiogical Aspects of Environmental Engineering (School of Engineering)

- Voluntary Compliance with Environmental Regulations (Owen School) - Environmental Law (Law School)

2003 - 2005 President, Sigma Xi, Vanderbilt Chapter

1994 - present Member, Key Board, Blair School of Music, Vanderbilt University

1976 to 1981 Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Center for Environmental Quality Management and in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

Dr. Clarke held appointments as Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Center for Environmental Quality Management; an Assistant Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Vanderbilt University; and Adjunct Professor, Toxic Substances Control Laboratory, Vanderbilt University. Previously, she held appointments as Research Assistant Professor, Environmental and Water Resource Engineering. She also had served in the capacity of Research Engineer, Center for Industrial Water Quality Management.

During Dr. Clarke’s appointments at Vanderbilt, she developed a continuous biomonitor unit to provide early warnings of potential upsets at joint municipal/industrial wastewater treatment plants. In addition, she was the author of several industry-specific reports on the cost-of-clean water in conjunction with P-92-500 requirements. Dr. Clarke also taught undergraduate chemistry laboratory as well as undergraduate/graduate environmental chemistry laboratory. She also provided invited lectures on state-of-the-art treatment technologies in graduate environmental engineering courses.

1974 - 1976 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee

Research Assistant/ Adjunct Assistant Professor, Environmental Quality



REGISTRATIONS: Certified Environmental Supervisor (CES), expired

Certified Environmental Trainer (CET), expired

Registered Environmental Assessor (REA), California, expired


AFFILIATIONS: National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Mixed Wastes

Scientific Review Panel, National Library of Medicine

National Environmental Training Association (Past Director)

Editorial Board, Environmental Protection Magazine(inactive)

Editorial Board, Environmental Engineering Science (inactive)

1997- present ANC Associates, Inc., Brentwood,Tennessee, President

1998 – 1999 Advisory Board,Cumberland Science Museum, Nashville, Tennessee

1982 - 1997 ECKENFELDER INC., Nashville, Tennessee

- Director of Special Projects, Waste Management, 1996

- Division Director, Remedial Technologies Development, 1987-1996

- Corporate Director of Training and Professional Development, 1982-1987

1981 - 1982 RECRA Research, Inc., Amherst, New York

Director of Training and Professional Development

81. AWARE Incorporated, Nashville, Tennessee

Project Manager, Resources Management

1971 - 1972 Sheppard T. Powell and Associates, Baltimore, Maryland

Consulting Engineering

1964 - 1968 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Eastern Utilization, Research and

Development Division, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania

Research Chemist

2004 - Reviewer, WISER, Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders, National Librbary of Medicine

1995 to 1999 - Member, National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Mixed Wastes Member,

1998 to 2000 - Review Panels, Institute for Regulatory Science, Columbia, Maryland

1994 - General Conference Chair, HazMat South Orlando, Florida, February

1987 to present - Member, Scientific Review Panel, National Library of Medicine (Peer review of Hazardous Substances Data Bank),

1990 to1995 - Member, Environmental Engineering Review Panels USEPA,

1996 to present - Member, USEPA, Office of Research and Development, Exploratory Research Grants Review Panels,

- environmental chemistry

- environemental engineering

- bioremediation

1996 to present - Member, USEPA, Office of Research and Development, Small Business Innovation Research Grants Review Panels, Phases I and II,

1996 to 1997 - Member, Joint USEPA, NSF, USDOD, and USDOE Proposal Review Panel for Bioremediation Research,

Member,USEPA Peer Review Panel for the five year performance evaluation of the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substances Research Center

2000 - Member,USEPA Peer Review Panel for the award of the Hazardous Substances Research Centers grants

Member,USEPA Panels for Futures ResearchGrants:

2000 - Natural Sciences

2002 - Hazardous Waste/Remediation

2006 - Member, USEPA Panel on Treatment R+Technology and Engineering Solutions for Arsenic

2007 - Member,USEPA Peer Review Panel for the award of Graduate School Fellowships in Ocean and Coastal Processes

2007 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Waste Management and Monitoring

2007 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Drinking and Water Montioring

2007 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Waste Management and Monitoring

2008 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Homeland Security

2008 - Member, USEPA Peer Review Panel for the award of Graduate School Fellowships in Environmental Decision MakingProcesses

2008 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Waste Management and Monitoring

2010 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Wastewater and Contmainated Water,

2010 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Soil Contamination and Reducing CO2,

2010 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Drinking Water Quality

2010 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase II Peer Review Panel on Biopersistent Herbicides and Fertilizers

2010 - Member, USEPA SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Homeland Security

2010 - Member, USEPA Peer Review Panel for the award of Graduate School Fellowships in Pesticides and Toxic Substances

2011 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase II Peer Review Panel on Air and Water Treatment

2011 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Water Monitoring

2011 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Wastewater and Industrial/Commercial Runoff

2011 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase I Peer Review Panel on Wastewater Treatment

2011 - Member, NSF SBIR Phase II Peer Review Panel on Atmospheric Contaminants,

2011 - Member, NSF Peer Review Panel on Partnership for Innovation (PFI) for Materials, Manufacturing and Construction

2011 - Member, USEPA Peer Review P3 Panels (2011) on:

- Built Environment/Materials and Chemicals

- Water/Agriculture

- Energy

2012 - Member, USEPA STAR Peer Review Panel on Pesticides and Toxic Sunstances,

2012 - Member, USEPA SBIR P3 (People, Prosperoty, and the Planet) Peer Review Panelson:

- Energy

- Cook Stoves


1982-1997 ECKENFELDER INC., Nashville, Tennessee

In situ/ex situ treatment research, design and implementation of alternative, innovative technologies. Hazardous waste management, environmental audits, permitting, aspects of risk assessment focusing on complex trace level analyses, training, and professional development. Evaluation of immuno-assay techniques for use during site remediation; evaluation of treatment technologies for the removal of arsenic from drinking water in an effort to determine if a lowered MCL can be reliably achieved; and the preparation of new and review/update of existing health and safety plans for hazardous waste sites; perform annual Hazwoper refresher courses; 1998/99 faculty in an intensive course on Environmental Health, sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Univesity and presented in Prague, Czech Republic, to professionals from the former Soviet Union countries.

Provided expert witness and fact witness testimony; provided litigation support.

Research and mathematical modeling of in situ treatment of organic contaminants. Performed environmental and regulatory compliance audits (acquisition and internal due diligence) for various industries throughout the U.S. and Europe. Performed laboratory evalutions and formal audits of commercial laboratories for clients as well as in-house laboratories. Also remedial investigations and feasibility studies. Developed several RCRA Part B Permit Applications for industries and military facilities throughout the United States and its territories. Developed and conducted RCRA compliance and Superfund related training for industries and state governments. Directed state-of-the-art analytical programs for PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs in complex materials of construction and environmental media. Served as special consultant for industrial studies on cost-effectiveness, and development of treatment alternatives for industrial waste treatment. Developed an early warning biological monitor for use at joint wastewater treatment facilities. Other areas of expertise--noise studies; fate of chemicals; toxic substances assessments; environmental assessment and evaluation studies (nation, international); hazardous waste sampling program design including QA/QC; analytical aspects of trace levels organics and priority pollutants; ground and groundwater contamination studies; and estuary water quality studies. Developed a guidance training manual for the Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment Facilities. Directed activities under contract to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - CERI, including the organization of international symposia, workshops, and technical documents and proceedings in the areas of toxicological research health effects and lake restoration. Author of over 100 technical reports, papers, and books.

Presented papers and chaired sessions nationally and internationally. Also served on program development committees for national conferences such as HazMat International and Superfund. Past Director of the National Environmental Training Association. Served on Board of Examiners for certification of environmental trainers. Serves on National Academy of Sciences Committee on Mixed Wastes, Scientific Review Panel, National Library of Medicine's Hazardous Substances Data Bank; USEPA Environmental Engineering Review Panel.

Associate, Director of Training and Professional Development, AWARE Incorporated Nashville, Tennessee 1972; 1976 to 1981; 1982 to 1987

Dr. Clarke served as a free-lance consultant to AWARE and then, as a full-time employee, provided expertise in proposal and report preparation and editing of technical reports. She has served as special consultant for industrial cost-effectiveness studies and development of treatment alternatives for industrial waste treatment projects. She also directed several large resources management studies, both here and abroad. Other areas of expertise include: regulatory compliance audits throughout the United States and abroad; remedial investigations and feasibility studies; research on in situ and innovative treatment of environmental contaminants; preparation of RCRA Part B permit applications (land treatment, incineration, storage, thermal treatment, surface impoundments); SPCC plan preparation; noise studies; fate of chemicals in the environment; literature reviews and assessments of toxic substances; environmental assessment and evaluation studies; analytical aspects of trace level organics and priority pollutants, including QA/QC; also, PCB, PCDD and PCDF studies in complex environmental and construction media; ground and groundwater contamination studies; and estuary water quality studies. She is currently leading the development of in-situ treatment technologies including vapor stripping and surfactant flushing/washing research and feasibility studies modeling for the company. Dr. Clarke helped develop a training guidance manual for the Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment facilities for USEPA and a Hazardous Materials Management Guide for TVA, Division of Occupational Health and Safety. She has designed, developed, and implemented RCRA compliance for various industries throughout the United States and Superfund related training for state agencies and industrial representatives as well as SARA compliance (29 CFR 1910.120) training. She was a major force in the NETA effort to develop and implement an environmental trainer certification program. Dr. Clarke served on the training Board of Examiners for the certification of environmental trainers, and is a CET herself. In addition, she directed several activities for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - CERI, including the organization of international symposia, workshops, and technical documents in the areas of toxicological research and lake restoration. Dr. Clarke assists in developing in-house training programs and materials. She also conducts short courses, workshops and seminars for ECKENFELDER INC. and in association with various universities and continuing education associations in the United States. Dr. Clarke is the author of many technical reports, papers and books. She has presented papers and chaired sessions at technical meetings both nationally and internationally.

Director, Training and Professional Development Program, Recra Research, Inc., Amherst, New York 1981 to 1982

As Director of Training and Professional Development Programs for Recra Research, Inc., Dr. Clarke was responsible for the development and implementation of training programs designed to meet the specific needs of the client. Types of programs managed by Dr. Clarke include personnel training programs for owners or operators of hazardous waste management facilities (RCRA), training in occupational safety and health (OSHA), programs designed for responders to hazardous materials incidents and uncontrolled waste sites, and a variety of national and international workshops and symposia designed to provide information transfer and regulatory updates in the area of health effects and environmental resources management. Other areas of activity included training needs assessment for both industry and governmental agencies; creation of medical surveillance plans for personnel associated with hazardous materials and wastes; and response to Right-to-Know.

Sheppard T. Powell and Associates, Baltimore, Maryland 1971 to 1972

Experience as Consulting Engineer in data collection and analysis, mathematical modeling, cost evaluation, troubleshooting, client liaison, laboratory testing, and project planning.

Government Experience 1964 to 1968

Experience as a Research Chemist specializing in physical biochemical research, structure and composition of milk proteins for the United States Department of Agriculture, Eastern Utilization Research and Development Division, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania.


Free Lance Consulting 1972 -1976: Resource Consultants; Environmental Science and Engineering; Stauffer Chemical Company.


The State of Development of Waste Forms for Mixed Wastes (contributing author), U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1999.

Environmental Management Technology - Development Program at the Department of Energy, 1995 Review (contributing author), National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC 1996.

Modeling of In Situ Techniques for Treatment of Contaminated Soils: Soil Vapor Extraction, Sparging, and Bioventing, contributing author, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1995.

Environmental Encyclopedia, 1st Edition, (contributing author), Gale Research, Inc., Washington D.C., pp 408-410, 1994.

Hazardous Waste Site Soil Remediation: Theory and Application of Innovative Technologies, D. J. Wilson and A. N. Clarke, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, October 1993.

Hazardous Waste Treatment Processes, MOP, FD18 (contributing author), WPCF, 1990.

Development and Implementation of Internal Due Diligence Audits, Manual of Practice, with J. L. Pintenich, WPCF, 1989.

"Hazardous Materials Handling," with J. H. Clarke, Section in Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design, (Chapter 25), J. J. McKetta, Ex. Ed., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1987.

"Bubble and Foam Separations," with D. J. Wilson, Chapter 17 in Handbook of Separation Process Technology, R. W. Rosseau, Editor John Wiley and Sons, 1987.

Foam Flotation Theory and Applications with D. J. Wilson, Chemical Industries Series, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, May 1983.

"Electrical Aspects of Floc Foam Flotation," with D. Wilson, C. Huang and J. Wilson, Chapter 8 in Recent Developments in Separation Science, Vol. V., CRC Press, 1979.


“Engineered Containment Systems for Radioactive and Hazardous Wastes – Do Current Approaches Present Opportunities for Future Environmental Forensics?”, J.H.Clarke, Ann N. Clarke, and L. Everett, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Acadmey of Forensic Sciences, Dallas, Texas, Februaury 2004

"Quantitative ELISA of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in an Oily Soil Matrix Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction", J.C. Johnson, J.M. Emon, A.N. Clarke, and B.N. Wamsley, Analytical Chimica Acta,428,pp 191-199 (2001)

"Collecting and Interpreting Data to Answer Forensic Questions", J.H. Clarke, D.J.Wilson, and A.N. Clarke, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Acadmey of Forensic Sciences, Reno, Nevada, Februaury 2000

" Environmental Forensics – Using Science to Resolve Adversarial Situations ", J.H. Clarke, A.N. Clarke, and J.S. Smith, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Acadmey of Forensic Sciences, Orlando, FL, February 1999

“Environmental Forensics - Using Science to Resolve Adversarial Situations”, J.H.Clarke, A.N. Clarke, and J.S. Smith, Environmental Protection, September 1999

“Groundwater Cleanup by In-Situ Sparging. XIV. An Air Channeling Model for Biosparging with a Horizontal Pipe”, D.J. Wilson, R.D. Norris, and A.N. Clarke, Separ. Sci. Technol., 33, pp. 97-118 (1998)

“Using Slow Release Oxygen Compounds for Groundwater Remediation”, D.J. Wilson, A.N.Clarke, and R.D. Norris, Environmental Technology, 7(7), Nov/Dec 1997, pp.28-35.

“Suggestions for Developing Valid Environmental Data”, A.N.Clarke, Hazardous Waste Strategies Update, 8(3), pp. 5-13, 1997

"Groundwater Cleanup by In-Situ Sparging. XIII. Random Air Channels for Sparging of Dissolved and Nonaqueous Phase Volatiles", D. J. Wilson, A. N. Clarke, K. M. Kaminski, and E. Y. Chang, Separ. Sci. Technol., 32, pp. 2969-2992, 1997

"Groundwater Cleanup by In-Situ Sparging. XV. An Air Channeling Model for Biosparging with a Horizontal Pipe", D. J. Wilson, R. D. Norris, and A. N. Clarke, submitted to Separ. Sci. Technol. (1996)

Destruction of Vapor Phase Chlorinated Compounds Using a Pilot-Scale Alkaline Reactor", K. H. Oma, A. N. Clarke, M. M. Megehee, and D. J. Wilson, I&EC Special Symposium Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management VIII, Sept. 9-11, 1996, Birmingham, AL, p. 544.

"Aquifer Cleanup by In Situ Air Sparging: Effects of Air Channeling and Mass Transport Limitations", D. J. Wilson, R. D. Norris, and A. N. Clarke, 89th Ann. Meeting, Air & Waste Management Association, Nashville, TN, June 23-28, 1996, paper no. 96-TA39A.01.

"In Situ Vapor Extraction under a Capped Landfill at the Lord-Shope NLP Site", A. N. Clarke, J. L. Pintenich, K. H. Oma, M. M. Megehee, and D. J. Wilson, 89th Ann. Meeting, Air & Waste Management Association, Nashville, TN, June 23-28, 1996, paper no. 96-TP39B.01.

"A New Technology for the Destruction of Vapor Phase Chlorinated Compounds", A. N. Clarke, M. M. Megehee, K. H. Oma and D. J. Wilson, 89th Ann., Meeting, Air & Waste Management Association, Nashville, TN, June 23-28, 1996, paper no. 96-WA75A.05.

"An Evaluation of Immunoassay Screening for PCBs in Soils," A.N. Clarke, M.M. Megehee and R.J. Devaney, Jr., Proceedings Immunochemistry Summit V, August 1996, First National Conference on Immunochemistry, published December 1997.

"Using Models for Improving Groundwater Cleanup by In Situ Air Sparging," A.N. Clarke, D.J. Wilson, and R.D. Norris, Environmental Technology Journal, July/August, 34-41 (1996).

"Groundwater Cleanup by In Situ Sparging. X. Air Channeling Model for Biosparging of NAPL", D. J. Wilson, R. D. Norris, and A. N. Clarke, Separ. Sci. Technol., 31, 1357-1376, 1996.

"Groundwater Cleanup by In Situ Sparging. IX. Air Channeling Model for NAPL Removal", D. J. Wilson, R. D. Norris, and A. N. Clarke, Separ. Sci. Technol., 31, 915-939 (1996).

"Using Models to Improve Soil Vapor Extraction Operations", A. N. Clarke and D. J. Wilson, Nat. Environ. J., Mar./Apr., 24-28 (1996).

"A Review of 2,3,7,8-Tetra Chlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Toxicity Equivalencies in Fish in the United States and International Waterways," A. N. Clarke, D. J. Wilson, M. M. Megehee, and D. L. Lowe, submitted to Hazardous Waste & Hazardous Materials, 13(4), pp. 419-443, 1996.

Environmental Management Technology Development Program at the Department of Energy -1995 Review - Appendix A, Subcommittee on Mixed Wastes Report, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., 1996.

"Sparging and Biosparging - Part I: A Technical Review," D. J. Wilson, K. H. Oma, and A. N. Clarke, ECKENFELDER INC. Technical Bulletin, Vol. 3 (1), 1995.

"Soil Cleanup by In Situ Aeration. XXI. Effects of Desorption Rates and Equilibria on Remediation Rates," A. N. Clarke, J. M. Rodríguez-Maroto, D. J. Wilson, C. Gómez-Lahoz, Separation Science and Technology, 30(4), pp. 521-547, 1995.

"Removal of Semivolatiles from Soils by Steam Stripping. III. Steam Dyanmics and the Stripping of Contaminants in a Column," A. N. Clarke, J. M. Rodríguez-Maroto, C. Gómez-Lahoz, and D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 30(3), pp. 317-336, 1995.

"Removal of Semivolatiles from Soils by Steam Stripping. II. Effects of Diffusion Kinetics," A. N. Clarke, J. M. Rodríguez-Maroto, C. Gómez-Lahoz, and D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 30(2), pp. 159-187, 1995.

"Soil Clean-Up by Surfactant Washing. V. Supplementary Laboratory Testing," S. B. Burchfield, D. J. Wilson, and A. N. Clarke, Separation Science and Technology, 29, pp. 47-70, 1994.

"A Review of Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans and Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins in Sediments in the United States and International Waterways," A. N. Clarke, M. M. Megehee, D. L. Lowe, and J. H. Clarke, Journal of Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Materials, 11 (2), pp. 253-275, 1994.

"Soil Clean-Up by Surfactant Washing. IV. Validation of Mathematical Models of the Surfactant Recycle System including Contaminant Removal," M. M. Megehee, A. N. Clarke, K. H. Oma, and D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology 28 (17 & 18), pp. 2507-2527, 1993.

"The Recycle/Reuse of Spent Surfactant from the Treatment of Contaminated Soil," A. N. Clarke, K. H. Oma, M. M. Megehee, and D. J. Wilson, Proceedings of The Sixth Annual Environmental Management and Technology, Hazardous Materials Management Conference - Central, Rosemont, Illinois, March 1993.

"Soil Clean-Up by Surfactant Washing. III. Design and Evaluation of the Integrated Pilot Scale Surfactant, Recycle System," K. H. Oma, A. N. Clarke, M. M. Megehee, and D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 28 (15 & 16), pp. 2319-2349, 1993.

"Soil Clean-Up by Surfactant Washing. II. Design and Evaluation of the Components of the Pilot-Scale Surfactant Recycle System," A. N. Clarke, K. H. Oma, M. M. Megehee, and D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 28 (13 & 14), pp. 2103-2135, 1993.

"Soil Cleaning by In Situ Aeration. XII. Effect of Departures from Darcy's Law on Soil Vapor Extraction," A. N. Clarke, M. Maria Megehee, and D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology,  28 (9), pp. 1671-1690, 1993.

"Darcy's Law Limited in Soil Venting Test," with D. J. Wilson and M. Maria Megehee, Environmental Protection, November 1992.

"Pilot-Scale Surfactant Flushing Results with Soils Spiked with Biphenyl and Toluene," K. H. Oma, A. N. Clarke, M. M. Megehee, R. D. Mutch, Jr. and D. J. Wilson, presented at the 1992 ACS I&EC Division Special Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Hazardous Waste Management, Atlanta, Georgia, September 21-23, 1992.

"Groundwater Cleanup by In Situ Sparging. I. Mathematical Modeling," with D. J. Wilson, S. Kayana, and R. D. Mutch, Jr., Separation Science and Technology, 27, pp 1023-1041, 1992.

"Design and Implementation of Pilot Scale Surfactant Washing/Flushing Technologies Including Surfactant Reuse," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., D. J. Wilson and K. H. Oma, Proceedings from Water Quality International '92 Conference (IAWPRC), Washington, DC, May 1992.

"Flushing and Washing Technologies Including Surfactant Recovery," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., D. J. Wilson, K. H. Oma, Proceedings from HAZTECH International, Houston, Texas, February 1992.

"Pilot Scale Results of Surfactant Washing/Flushing of Soils Including Surfactant Recycle," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., D. J. Wilson, K. H. Oma and M. M. Megehee, Proceedings from ETE Expo, Chicago, Illinois, February 1992.

"Removal of Semi-Volatiles from Soils by Steam Stripping. I. A Local Equilibrium Model," with D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 27, pp 1337-1359, 1992, January 1992.

"Preliminary Results of Pilot Scale Implementation of Surfactant Flushing of Hydrophobic Refractory Organic Compounds," with K. H. Oma, et al., Proceedings from 64th Annual WPCF Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 1991.

"USEPA Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA: Soil Vapor Extraction," Peer Review Panel Member, EPA/540/2-91/019A, September 1991.

"Soil Clean-Up by In-Situ Flushing. IV -- A Two-Component Mathematical Model," with D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 26 (9), pp. 1177-1194, 1991.

"Soil Clean-Up with Surfactant Washing. I -- Laboratory Results and Mathematical Modelling," with D. J. Wilson, et al., Separation Science and Technology, 26 (3), pp. 301-341, 1991.

"Surfactant Washing/Flushing Approaches to the Remediation of Contaminated Soil," with K. H. Oma, et al., Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Hazardous Materials Management Conference - International, Atlantic City, New Jersey, pp. 627-639, June 1991.

"Surfactant Flushing/Washing: Economics of an Innovative Remedial Process Including Recovery and Recycle," with K. H. Oma, et al., Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Hazardous Materials Conference - Central, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 45-68, April 1991.

"Results of a Year-Long Field Study of In Situ Vapor Stripping Simulating the End of Remediation," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., et al., Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Hazardous Materials Conference - Central, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 45-68, April 1991

"Inter- and Intra-Laboratory Comparison of Protocols for the Congener-Specific Analysis of Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans and Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins in Residues and Sediments," A. N. Clarke, J. H. Clarke, R. J. Devaney, Jr., F. L. DeRoos, and M. J. Miille, Chemosphere, 23 (8-10), pp. 991-1000, 1991.

"Results of an Investigation of an Old Manufacturing Facility for Levels of Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans and Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins," A. N. Clarke, J. H. Clarke, R. J. Devaney, Jr., F. L. DeRoos, and M. J. Miille, Chemosphere, 23 (8-10), pp. 1001-1008, 1991.

"In Situ Vapor Stripping: Results of a Year-Long Pilot Study," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., et al., Hazardous Materials Control, 3 (6), pp. 25-39, November-December 1990.

"Analysis of Polychlorinated Dibenzufurans and Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins: I--An Inter- and Intra-Laboratory Evaluation of Various Protocols for Congener-Specific Analysis of Sediments and Residues," Dioxin '90, 10th International Meeting, Bayreuth, F.R.G., September 1990.

"Interaction with the Analytical Laboratory--the First Phase of Quality Assurance," with D. R. Davis and J. H. Clarke, American Environmental Laboratory, August 1990.

"Design and Implementation of a Sampling Program for PCB/PCDF/PCDD Residuals in Materials of Construction Found in Old Manufacturing Buildings Targetted for Demolition," with J. H. Clarke et al., Proceedings of 1990 EPRI PCDD Conference, Palo Alto, California, June 1990.

"In Situ Vapor Stripping: Preliminary Results Of A Field-Scale U.S. EPA/Industry Funded Research Project," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., J. H. Clarke, and D. J. Wilson, Superfund, Washington, D.C., November 1989.

"Preliminary Findings Of A Jointly Sponsored U.S. EPA /Industry Study Of An In Situ Vapor Stripping Research Project," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., and D. J. Wilson, HAZTECH International, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 1989.

"In Situ Vapor Stripping Research Project: A Progress Report," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., D. J. Wilson, and P. D. Mutch, HAZMAT Central, Chicago, Illinois, March 1989.

"Training Compliance," HAZMAT WORLD, 2 (2), pp. 53-56, February 1989.

"Soil Clean-Up by In-Situ Aeration. III -- Passive Vent Wells, Recontamination and Removal of Underlying NAPL," with D. J. Wilson, et al., Separation Science and Technology, 24 (12 & 13), pp. 939-979, 1989.

"Soil Clean-Up by In-Situ Aeration. II -- Effects of Impermeable Caps, Soil Permeability, and Evaporative Cooling," with D. J. Wilson, and J. H. Clarke, Separation Science and Technology, 24 (11), pp. 831-862, 1989.

"Soil Clean-Up by In-Situ Aeration. I -- Mathematical Modeling," with D. J. Wilson and J. H. Clarke, Separation Science and Technology, 23 (10 & 11), pp. 991-1037, 1988.

"Good Management Practices For Hazardous Wastes Generated In Laboratories," with K. E. Fischer, Hazardous Waste: Detection, Control, Treatment, pp. 141-148, 1988.

"A Phased Approach to Planned Development for In-Situ Vapor Stripping," Proceedings of the HAZMAT Central, pp. 191-193, 1988.

"Remediation of Contaminated Structures - Part I: Investigative Strategies and Methodologies," with J. H. Clarke, S. D. MacMillin, and L. M. Hodges, HAZMAT Central, Rosemont, Illinois, March 1988.

"Expanded Hazard Communication Standard Covers 18 Million Additional Employees," with L. A. Corson, cover story, Occupational Health Safety News Digest, February 1988.

"Practical Training: How to Save Money and Avoid Problems," with J. H. Clarke, Proceeding of the HAZTECH International Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, August 1987.

"Training Considerations To Effect Compliance with the Hazard Communication Standard," Proceedings of International Congress On Hazardous Materials Management, 1987.

"Training Ramifications of the 1984 RCRA Amendments," with J. H. Clarke, Proceedings of the Third Annual Hazardous Materials Management Conference, June 1985.

"Impact of the 1984 RCRA Amendments on Personnel Training Needs," with J. H. Clarke, Proceedings of the Hazardous Professionals ‘85 Professional Certification Symposium and Exposition, May 1985.

"A Cost-Effective Approach to RCRA Compliance Training," Proceedings from the Second National Conference, Meeting Environmental Work Force Needs, pp. 31-33, Information Dynamics, Inc., Silver Springs, Maryland, April 1985.

"Personnel Training Hazardous Materials and Waste," with J. H. Clarke, Invited Paper, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 8 (2), pp. 129-137, 1983.

"Training in Compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act," with J. H. Clarke, National Environmental Training Association Newslette, 5 (1), Spring 1982.

"Electrical Aspects of Adsorbing Colloid Flotation X. Pretreatments, Multiple Removals, Interferences and Specific Adsorption," with D. J. Wilson, et al., Separation Science and Technology, 14, p. 669, 1979.

"Theory of Adsorption by Activated Carbon I. Microscopic Aspects," with D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 14 (3), pp. 227-241, 1979.

"The Removal of Metallo-Cyanide Complexes by Foam Flotation," with B. L. Currin and D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 14 (2), pp. 141-153, 1979.

"Theory of Clarifier Operation IV - Orthokinetic Flocculation in Concentrated Slurries," with D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 14 (1), 1979.

"Theory of Clarifier Operation III - Sludge Blanket and Up-flow Reactor Clarifier," with D. J. Wilson and J. H. Clarke, Separation Science and Technology, 13 (10), pp. 895-915, 1978.

"Theory of Clarifier Operations I - Quiescent Hindered Settling of Flocculating Slurries," with D. J. Wilson and J. H. Clarke, Separation Science and Technology, 13 (9), pp. 767-789, 1978.

"Electrical Aspects of Adsorbing Colloid Flotation VIII - Specific Adsorption of Ions by Flocs," with D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 13, (7), pp. 73-586, 1978.

"The Development of An Influent Monitor for Biological Treatment Systems," with W. W. Eckenfelder, Jr. and J. A. Roth, Progress in Water Technology, 9 (5 & 6), Pergamon Press, 1977.

"An Analysis of the Costs of Compliance with 1985 Effluent Guideline for the Electroplating Industry - Including Reuse Benefits," with W. W. Eckenfelder, Jr. and J. A. Roth, Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Complete Water Reuse, “Symbiosis as a Means of Abatement for Multimedia Pollution,” pp. 115-128, AIChE/EPA, 1976.

"Lead Levels in Fresh Water Mollusk Shells," with J. H. Clarke, D. J. Wilson and J. J. Friauf, Journal of Environmental Science Health -Environmental Science Engineering, All, 1, pp. 65-78, 1976.

"The Adsorbing Colloid Flotation of Fluoride Ion by Aluminum Hydroxide Aqueous Media," with D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 10 (4), pp. 416-424, 1975.

"Electrical Aspects of Foam Flotation: The Streaming Potential," with D. J. Wilson, Separation Science and Technology, 10 (4), pp. 371-380, 1975.

"A Static Monitor for Lead in Natural and Waste Waters," with J. H. Clarke, Environmental Technology Letters, 7 (3), pp. 251-260, 1974.

"Preparation of Hair for Lead Analysis," with D. J. Wilson, Archives of Environmental Health, 28, pp. 292-296, 1974.

"The Determination of S-Carboxyethylcystein and the Cyanoethylation of Milk Proteins," with E. B. Kalan, L. Weil and W. G. Gordon, Analytical Biochemistry, 12, pp. 488-498, 1965.

TECHNICAL REPORTS (a Partial Listing):

Review of the Treatment of Highly Concentrated, Alkaline Nitrate, Nitrite, and Carbonate Wastes

Survey of Commercial Activities in the Russian Nuclear Cities

Congener-Specific PCBs: A Review and Update of the Analysis, Toxicology, and Regulatory Status

Environmental (Phase I) Assessment and Compliance Audit of Industrial Knives and Saws Manufacturer (2X)

Screening of Soils for PCBs Using Immunoassay Techniques

Fixation of Lead and Select Organic Compounds Using a Cold Mix Asphalt Process USEPA SBIR Phase I, Contract No. 68D 30136,

An Innovative Technology for the Destruction of Chlorinated Compounds in the Vapor Phase, USEPA SBIR Phase I, Contract No. 68D 30107.

Environmental (Phase I) Assessment and Compliance Audit of Metal stmping Facities (2X)

Environmental (Phase I) Assessment and Compliance Audit of an Impact Extrusion Plant

Environmental (Phase I) Assessment of Small Motor Manufacturing Facilities (2X)

Environmental (Phase I) Assessment of a Group of Polyethylene Pipe Products

Environmental (Phase I) Assessment of Concrete Pipe and Forms Manufacturing Facilities (3X)

Environmental (Phase I) Assessment of Steel Forging Facilities (2X)

Treatability Studies - Innovative Treatment Technologies/Multiple.

Environmental (Phase I) Assessment of a Piano Manufacturing Facility

Surfactant Flushing/Washing:An Innovative Method of Hazardous Waste Treatment, USEPA SBIR Phase II

Surfactant Flushing/Washing: An Innovative Method of Hazardous Waste Treatment, USEPA SBIR Phase I

Zone I Soil Decontamination Through Vapor Stripping - Phase II

Zone I Soil Decontamination Through In Situ Vapor Stripping - Phase I

Environmental (Phase I) Assessment of Integrated Defense System Facility

Environmental (Phase I) Assessments for an Electro Optical Facilities (3X)

Environmental Compliance Audit for Marine Defense Systems Facilities (4X)

Environmental Compliance Audit for Display Rack Manufacture

Environmental Compliance Audit for Metals Stamping Facilities (5X)

Evaluation of Efficacy of In-Situ Vapor Stripping at Superfund Sites (4X)

Environmental Compliance Audit for Color Separation and Printing Facilities (4X)

Environmental Compliance Audit for Bearing Manufacture (2X)

Environmental Compliance Audit for Pesticide Formulator

Environmental Compliance Audit for Electrooptical Facility

Environmental Compliance Review for Glass Manufacture

Environmental Compliance Audit for Carpet Manufacture

Evaluation of In Situ Treatment Options for a Hazardous Waste Landfill

Protocol Development for Ex Employee Medical Monitoring Program

Environmental Compliance Review for Label Manufacture

Environmental Compliance Audits for Container Manufacture (2X)

Environmental Compliance Audits for Bearing Manufacture

Environmental Compliance Audits for Tank Manufacture

Environmental Compliance Audits for Cap Manufacture (2X)

Health and Safety Plan for Environmental Facility

Comparison of Leachate Profiles for Municipal vs. Industrial Landfills.

Environmental Compliance Audits for Lighting Fixture Manufacture

Environmental Impact Statement for a Waste Management Facility

In-Situ Vapor Stripping of Contaminated Zone I Soils (research and development including modeling) (3X)

Environmental Compliance Audit for Audio/Video Tape Manufacture

Environmental Compliance Audit for a Machinery Repair Facility

Environmental Compliance Audit for a Forging Facility

Environmental Compliance Audit for Scissor and Platform Lift Manufacturing

Environmental Compliance for Box Manufacturing (2X)

Environmental Compliance Audit for Can and Closures Manufacturing (4X)

Plan of Study for Disposal of a Manufacturing Facility Contaminated with PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs.

Plan of Study for Sampling Manufacturing Facilities for PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs before and after a Heat Event

Environmental Compliance Audits for Specialty Steel Companies Environmental Compliance Audits for Resistant Alloys Industries

Environmental Impact Statement for the Closure for Sanitary Landfill

Environmental Compliance Audit for Electronic Components Industry (2X)

Needs Assessment and Proficiency Examination for Field Investigators (State Environmental Agency)

Feasibility Study - Remedial Action for Contaminated Industrial Site

Hazardous Materials Management Guide

Request for Exemption from a Trial Burn (2X)

PCB Sampling and Quality Control Plan

Environmental Impact of Proposed Interstate Improvement Alternatives (Nashville, Tennessee)

RCRA Operations and Management Manual (Refinery)

Permitting of a Storage and Thermal Treatment Facility

Permitting of a Surface Impoundment Facility

Permitting of a Land Treatment Facility (2X)

Permitting of Munitions Deactivation Furnace

Water Quality Monitoring - Black Warrior System (Alabama).

Permitting of an Industrial Hazardous Waste Incinerator

Environmental and Health Impact-Hazardous Waste Incinerator

Training Needs Assessment in the Areas of Hazardous Materials and Wastes.

Training Guidance Manual for Owners/Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment Facilities.

Water Quality Survey of the Calcasieu Estuary for Allocation of Industrial Effluent Discharges.

An Assessment of Ground and Groundwater Contamination by Heavy Metals.

An Evaluation of the Remand Document for an Inorganic Chemicals Industry.

Plan of Study for an Environmental Impact Evaluation of Petroleum Extraction Activities.

Water Quality Modeling Manual for the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Evaluation of a Tannery Waste for Chromium Content.

An Assessment of Soil and Groundwater Contamination by Organic Compounds.

Evaluation of Macro Reticular Resin for the Treatment of an Organic Chemicals.

Environmental Impact Statement Route 23, Madison, Gibson and Weakley Counties, Tennessee Department of Transportation, GHWA -TN-EIS-77-06-D.

An Assessment of the Noise and Air Quality Impacts for the Proposed Restoration of Union Station.

An Assessment of the Noise and Air Quality Impact Associated with the Proposed 18th Avenue Overpass.

An Assessment of the Noise Impact of a New Speedway on the Surrounding Community.

Engineering Concept and Design - Report for an Upflow Anaerobic Fixed Film System for the Treatment of Domestic Wastewaters.

Literature Review for Ammonia Toxicity.

Development of a Biological Simulation Monitor for Joint Municipal/Industrial Treatment Systems, (EPA, contract number R803740-01-0).

Industrial Water Cost Studies for "Cost of a Clean Environment." (1) The Electroplating Industry; (2) The Textile Industry.


Engineered Containment Systems for Radioactive and Hazardous Wastes – Do Current Approaches Present Opportunities for Future Environmental Forensics?”, J.H.Clarke, Ann N. Clarke, and L. Everett, American Acadmey of Forensic Sciences, Dallas, Texas, Februaury 2004

"Collecting and Interpreting Data to Answer Forensic Questions", J.H. Clarke, D.J.Wilson, and A.N. Clarke, American Acadmey of Forensic Sciences, Reno, Nevada, Februaury 2000

" Environmental Forensics – Using Science to Resolve Adversarial Situations ", J.H. Clarke, A.N. Clarke, and J.S. Smith, American Acadmey of Forensic Sciences, Orlando, FL, February 1999

Chair, Special Waste Clean-up: Sediment Remediation, SUPERFUND XVIII, Washington DC, December 1997

“An Overview of Defense Waste and the DOE Environmental Restoration Efforts in the U.S.”, J.H. Clarke, A.N. Clarke, presented to the University of Miami Law School, Coral Gables, FL, April 1997.

"Destruction of Vapor Phase Chlorinated Compounds using a Pilot-Scale Alkaline Reactor," K. H. Oma, A. N. Clarke, M. M. Megehee, and D. J. Wilson, Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management VIII Symposium,, Birmingham, Alabama, September 9-12, 1996.

"Screening Soils for PCBs Prior to Site Monitoring Using Immunoassay Techniques", A.N. Clarke, M.M. Megehee, D.J. Devaney, Jr., Immunochemistry Summit V Conference, August 13-15, 1996, Las Vegas, Nevada.

"In Situ Vapor Extraction Under a Capped Landfill at the Lord-Shope NPL Site," A. N. Clarke, J. L. Pintenich, K. H. Oma, M. M. Megehee, and D. J. Wilson, Air & Waste Management Association, 86th National Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, June 23-28, 1996.

"A New Technology for the Destruction of Vapor Phase Chlorinated Compounds," A. N. Clarke, M. M. Megehee, K. H. Oma, and D. J. Wilson, Air & Waste Management Association, 86th National Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, June 23-28, 1996.

"Treatability Studies for Pesticides Contaminated Soil from a Superfund Site: A Case Study of Six Technologies," D. R. Showers, R. D. Norris, and A. N. Clarke, Air & Waste Management Association, 86th National Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, June 23-28, 1996.

"Aquifer Cleanup by In Situ Air Sparging: Effects of Air Channeling and Mass Transport Limitations," D. J. Wilson, R. D. Norris, and A. N. Clarke, Air & Waste Management Association, 86th National Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, June 23-28, 1996.

"Treatability Test Results and Implementation of Various Applications of Solidification/Stabilization Techniques," K. H. Oma, R. D. Norris, A. N. Clarke, and M. M. Megehee, Air & Waste Management Association, 86th National Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, June 23-28, 1996.

"Surfactant-Enhanced In Situ Remediation: Current and Future Techniques," A. N. Clarke, K. H. Oma, M. M. Megehee, R. D. Mutch, Jr., and D. J. Wilson, to be presented at the 33rd Hanford Symposium on Health and the Environment -- In Situ Remediation: Scientific Basis for Current and Future Technologies, Richland, Washington, November 1994.

"Recycle/Reuse of Spent Surfactant from the Treatment of Contaminated Soil," with K. H. Oma, M. M. Megehee and D. J. Wilson, HazMat Central 1993, Rosemont, Illinois, March 1993.

"Design and Implementation of Pilot Scale Surfactant Washing/Flushing Technologies Including Surfactant Reuse," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., D. J. Wilson and K. H. Oma, Water Quality International '92 Conference (IAWPRC), Washington, DC, May 1992.

"Flushing and Washing Technologies Including Surfactant Recovery," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., D. J. Wilson, K. H. Oma, HAZTECH International, Houston, Texas, February 1992.

"Pilot Scale Results of Surfactant Washing/Flushing of Soils Including Surfactant Recycle," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., D. J. Wilson, K. H. Oma and M. M. Megehee, Environmental Technology Expo (ETE), Chicago, Illinois, February 1992.

"Preliminary Results of Pilot Scale Implementation of Surfactant Flushing of Hydrophobic Refractory Organic Compounds," with K. H. Oma, et al., 64th Annual WPCF Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 1991.

"Surfactant Flushing/Washing: Design and Preliminary Testing of an Innovative Process for Recovery and Recycle of Surfactant," with K. H. Oma, et al., Emerging Technologies for Hazardous Waste Management, American Chemical Society, 1991 I&EC Division Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1991.

"Surfactant Washing/Flushing Approaches to the Remediation of Contaminated Soil," with K. H. Oma, et al., Ninth Annual International Hazardous Materials Management Conferences, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 1991.

"Results of a Year-Long Field Study of In Situ Vapor Stripping Simulating the End of Remediation," with R. D. Mutch, Jr., et al., Fourth Annual Hazardous Materials Conference - Central, Chicago, Illinois, April 1991.

"Analyses of Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans and Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins: II-- An Inter- and Intra-Laboratory Evaluation of Materials of Construction," Dioxin 90, 10th International Meeting, Bayreuth, F.R.G., September 1990.

"Analyses of Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans and Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins: I--An Inter- and Intra-Laboratory Evaluation of Various Protocols for Congener Specific Analyses of Sediments and Residues," Dioxin ‘90,10th International Meeting, Bayreuth, F.R.G., September 1990.

"Design and Implementation of a Sampling Program for PCB/PCDF/PCDD Residuals in Materials of Construction Found in Old Manufacturing Buildings Targetted for Demolition," 1990 EPRI PCDD Conference, Palo Alto, California, June 1990.

"In Situ Vapor Stripping: Results of a Year Long Study," (Poster Sessions), 199th National American Chemical Society Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, April 1990.

"In Situ Vapor Stripping: Preliminary Results of a Field-Scale USEPA/Industry Funded Research Project," Superfund 1989, Washington, DC, November 1989.

"Preliminary Findings of a Jointly Sponsored USEPA Industry Study of an In Situ Vapor Stripping Research Project," HAZMAT International, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 1989.

"In Situ Vapor Stripping Research Project: A Progress Report," HAZMAT Central, Chicago, Illinois, March 1989.

Chair, two sessions at the 8th National NETA Conference: "OSHA Hazard Communication Standard," and "Status of Hazardous Material/Waste Training in the United States," Monterey, California, August 1988.

"Remediation of Contaminated Structures - Part I: Investigative Strategies and Methodologies," with J. H. Clarke, S. D. MacMillin, and L. M. Hodges, HAZMAT Central, Chicago, Illinois, March 1988.

"A Phased Approach to Planned Development for In Situ Vapor Stripping," HAZMAT Central, Chicago, Illinois, March 1988.

"Good Management Practices for Hazardous Wastes Generation in Laboratories," with K. E. Fischer, World Conference on Hazardous Waste, Budapest, Hungary, October 1987.

"Practical Training: How to Save Money and Avoid Problems," HAZTECH International Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, August 1987.

Chair, 10th Annual Meeting - National Environmental Training Association, Session on "Emergency Response - 1987," Portland, Maine, August 1987.

"Training Considerations to Effect Compliance with the Hazard Communication Standard," International Congress on Hazardous Materials Management, Chattanooga, Tennessee, June 1987.

Co-Chair, International Congress on Hazardous Materials Management Session on "Training Under Current and Proposed Regulations," Chattanooga, Tennessee, June 1987.

Chair, HazMat West Conference, Session on "Meeting Training Requirements Under Various Hazardous Waste/Materials Laws," Long Beach, California, December 1985.

Co-chair - HazPro Conference, Session on "Hazardous Materials/Waste Management Training," Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 1985.

"A Cost-Effective Approach to RCRA Compliance Training," Meeting Environmental Workforce Needs, Second Annual Conference (USEPA/TVA), Washington, DC, April 1985.

Chair, Hazardous Materials and Wastes Session, National Environmental Trainers Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, August 1984.

Co-chair, "Hazardous Material Training," Conference Session HAZMAT, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 1984.

"Preparing RCRA Part B Permit Applications," Center for Professional Advancement, New Brunswick, New Jersey, May 1984.

Wastes-Sampling Procedures and Techniques for Field Investigations, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York, March 1983; Avon, New York, October 1983; Albany, New York, October 1983; Rockland County, New York, October 1983; Albany, New York, September 1985; Albany, New York, October 1985; Albany, New York, April 1985; Albany, New York, April 1986; Avon, New York, April 1986; Hudson, New York, November 1986.

"Training Needs Assessment Programs," National Environmental Trainers Association Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 1983.

"Health and Safety Training for Hazardous Waste Management Facility Personnel," with J. H. Clarke, Annual Educational Conference, National Environmental Health Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 1982.

"Personnel Training Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act," with J. H. Clarke, 183rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1982.

"Contingency Planning and RCRA Compliance," An Assessment of Industrial Waste Management Strategies Seminar/Workshop, Danbury, Connecticut, January 1982.

"RCRA’s Requirements for Emergency Preparedness in Hazardous Wastes - Treatment, Storage and Disposal," Hazardous Materials Workshop and Exposition, Columbus, Ohio, September 1981.

"The U.S. EPA Clean Lakes Program," Lake Management Association of America, San Diego, California, November 1980.

"The Removal of Metallo-Cyanide Complexes by Foam Flotation," with D. J. Wilson, Management and Control of Heavy Metals in the Environment, London, United Kingdom, September 1979.

"A Model for Activated Carbon Adsorption," with D. J. Wilson, 30th Annual ACS Southeast Regional Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, November 1978.

"Theory of Continuous Flow/Up Flow Clarifier Operations," with D. J. Wilson, 30th Annual ACS Southeast Regional Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, November 1978.

"A Continuous Monitor of Microorganism Activity for a Biological Wastewater Treatment System," with W. W. Eckenfelder and J. A. Roth, 51st Annual Conference Water Pollution Control Federation, Anaheim, California, October 1978.

"Specific Adsorption of Ions by Flocs," with D. J. Wilson 87th Meeting, Tennessee Academy of Science, Cookeville, Tennessee, November 1977.

"On the use of Corbicula Mannilensis as Indicators of Heavy Metal Contamination," with J. H. Clarke, D. J. Wilson and J. J. Friauf, presented, 1st International Corbicula Conference, Dallas, Texas, October 1977.

"The Impact of Toxic Substances on the Aquatic Environment," with J. H. Clarke, Short Course, Professional Development Program - Water Quality Management. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 1977.

"An Early Warning System for Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant," Short Course, Control and Management of Biological Wastewater Treatment Plants, Nashville, Tennessee, September 1977.

"The Development of an Influent Monitor for Biological Treatment Systems," with W. W. Eckenfelder, J. A. Roth, Instrumentation and Control of Water and Wastewater Transport Systems - IAWPR, London-Stockholm, May 1977.

"The Removal of Heavy Metals and Fluorides in Industrial Wastes by Adsorbing Colloid Foam Flotation," Seminar, Tennessee Eastman Co., Kingsport, Tennessee, April 1977.

"Shock Load Monitor for Joint Municipal/Industrial Treatment Facilities," with W. W. Eckenfelder and J. A. Roth, 173rd National ACS Meeting, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Division New Orleans, Louisiana, March 1977.

"Analytical Procedures for the Detection of Trace Level Pollutants," Seminar on the Safe Drinking Water Act, Nashville, Tennessee, March 1977.

"Biological Early Warning System for Joint Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems, (Bio Monitor)," Municipal Wastewater Treatment Processes, Nashville, Tennessee, March 1977.

"Detection of Trace Level Organics," short course Development of Design Criteria for Wastewater Treatment Processes, Nashville, Tennessee, March 1977.

"Wastewater Treatment Alternatives and Costs in The Glass, Asbestos and Cement Industries," 1st International Symposium on Industrial Wastes and Environment, Caracas, Venezuela, November 1976. (Chairperson of session on Glass, Cement and Asbestos).

"Electrical Aspects of Floc Foam Flotation," with D. J. Wilson, C. Huang and J. W. Wilson, 172 ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, California, August 1976.

"An Analysis of the Costs of Compliance with 1985 Effluent Guideline Limitations on the Electroplating Industry-Including Reuse Benefits," with J. A. Roth and W. W. Eckenfelder, Jr., presented at 2nd International Conference on Water Reuse, AIChE, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1976.

"Asiatic Clamshells as Biological Monitors of Lead Levels," with J. H. Clarke and D. J. Wilson, presented at the 26th Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, October 1974.

"Genetic Polymorphism in Goat Beta - Lactoglobulin," with E. B. Kalan, presented at Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, New York, New York, February 1968.


Proceedings of the International Symposium on Inland Water and Lake Restoration

U.S. EPA Health Effects Document - Inhalation Toxicology

U.S. EPA Health Effects Document - Non-Ionizing Radiation

U.S. EPA Health Effects Document - Short Term Health Effect Testing

Our Nation’s Lakes

Training Manual - An Assessment of Ground Water Contamination

Video Tapes - National Clean Lakes Program (for general public)

- Lake Restoration - Technical Interviews and Discussion (for technical audience)

- Waste Water Engineering (for technical audience)

RCRA Training Materials - for Oil Refining Industry (8X)

- for Computer Components Industry

- for Chemical Manufacturing Industry (4X)

- for Circuit Board Industry

Handbook - Sampling Procedures and Techniques for Field Investigations (of Hazardous Waste).

Assessment of Microbiology and Turbidity Standards for Drinking Water (Proceedings of an International Symposium)

RCRA Operations and Management Manuals

Design Manual for Removal of Fluoride from Drinking Water Supplies by Activated Alumina.

Hazardous Materials Management Guide (Government Agency).

National Certification Program for Trainers in the Field of Hazardous Materials and Wastes.

Training Program Evaluation (Wastewater Treatment Operators Upgraded Joint Facility)


“Arsenic Removal Technology Workshop”, for USEPA ,Office of Drinking Water Research, San Antonio TX, February 1998

RCRA Compliance Training, 8-Hr refresher courses, New Jersey, Tennnessee, 1997, 1998

"Acquisition and Interpretation of Environmental Data," short course, 1987 (with updates 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992).

SARA Compliance Training including Supervisor extended training, Chemical Industry, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997

Spill Response Training (3 courses) - Aerospace Industry, Fall 1986.

Pre Conference Workshop: "Toxicity Reduction in Industrial Wastewaters," HazPro Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, April 1986.

Short Course: Cost-Effective Toxicity Reduction in Industrial Wastewater Management, Kansas City, Missouri, October 1985.

Short Course: Waste Disposal Sites Investigation and Remedial Action Technology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Spring 1985.

RCRA Personnel Training - Chemicals Industry, Spring 1985.

RCRA Personnel Training - Commercial Disposal Site, Spring 1985.

Revised - Albany, New York, September 1985; Albany, New York, October 1985; Albany, New York, April 1985; Albany, New York, April 1986; Avon, New York, April 1986; Hudson, New York, November 1986.

Seminar/Workshop: Solid Wastes - Sampling Procedures and Techniques for Field Investigations, NYS, Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York, March 1983; Avon, New York, October 1983; Albany, New York, October 1983; Rockland County, New York, October 1983.

Seminar Workshop: An Assessment of Ground Water Contamination, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York, December 1981.

RCRA Personnel Training: Several Ohio and New York Industries, Summer 1981, Fall 1981.

RCRA Personnel Training (Oil Refining Industry); Bakersfield, California, May 1981; Martinez, California, May 1981; El Dorado, Arkansas; Duncan, Oklahoma, May 1981; (Train-the-trainer), October 1983.

Screening Methodology Workshop for Clean Lakes, Central U.S., Winter/Spring 1981.

Workshop: Options in the Development of Revised Regulations for Microbial Contaminants in Drinking Water, Washington, DC, August 1981.

International Symposium on Solid Wastes, Sludges and Residual Materials, Rome, Italy, June 1981.

Assessing the Health Hazards of Tumor Promoters - Workshop, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 1981.

Hazardous Waste Management Seminar: Cincinnati, Ohio, January 1981; Indianapolis, Indiana, February 1981; Cleveland, Ohio, March 1981; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 1981.

Symposium on the Health Effects of Disinfection and Disinfection By-Products, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1981.

Workshop for the Stream Water Quality Model Qual II; Austin, Texas, January 1981; Seattle, Washington, March 1981; Danvers, (Boston) Mississippi, May 1981.

Clean Lakes Program - Technology Transfer Workshop; Kansas City, Missouri, October 1980; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 1980; Atlanta, Georgia, November 1980.

International Symposium on Inland Waters and Lake Restoration, Portland, Maine, September 1980.

Mussel Watch Meeting (Biomonitoring - Coastal Water Quality), Washington, DC, June 1980.

Clean Lakes Program - Overview and Technical Assistance Workshop; Edison, New Jersey, March 1980; Dallas, Texas, March 1980; Denver, Colorado, March 1980; Chicago, Illinois, April 1980.


“Environmental Health”, a two week intensive short course, lectured on site remediation, sponsored by the Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health, Prague, Czech Republic, June 1998, June 1999

"Collection and Evaluation of Data For Environmental Projects," The Institution of Chemical Engineers (QLD), Environment Management Industry Association of Australia, Limited, and the University of Queensland, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, June 1993, June 1994.

"Hazardous Waste Site Remediation," The Institution of Chemical Engineers (QLD), Environment Management Industry Association of Australia, Limited, and the University of Queensland, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, July 1992, June 1993, June 1994.

"Bioventing and Vapor Extraction: Uses and Applications in Remediation Operations," Air and Waste Management Association, Satellite Seminar, Raleigh, North Carolina, April 1992.

"Overview of Transactional Environmental Assessments," Owen School of Business, Vanderbilt University, 1991, 1992, 1993.

Safety and Emergency Response Training (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120) Confidential Industrial Client, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 [Course also met requirements under the OSHA Construction Standard; provided CEUs; and portions qualified for LSP credits]

"Sampling and Inventory of Hazardous Waste Sites," Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998.

"Acquisition and Interpretation of Environmental Data," Co-Director of Course, Center for Professional Advancement, East Brunswick, New Jersey, December 1987; November 1988; November 1989; October 1990; Dearfield Beach, Florida, October 1991.

Short course, Mean Free Path, Inc., "Introduction to In-Situ Treatment Options," Salt Lake City, Utah, March 1988.

Center for Professional Advancement, Site Remediation Course, "In Situ Treatment," Burlingame, California, November 1987.

"Nutrient Removal from Wastewater Streams," Nashville, Tennessee, April 1987.

"Management of Leachate and Groundwater at Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites," Nashville, Tennessee (May 1986; December 1986; April 1987).

"Wastewater Engineering," Nashville, Tennessee, (May 1985; December 1985; May 1986; April 1987).

"Toxicity Compliance for Industrial Discharges," Nashville, Tennessee, December 1986.

"Process Design in Operation, Water Quality Engineering," Nashville, Tennessee, (May 1985; December 1986).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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