Hamilton Township collects trash on Mondays through a subcontractor (Waste Management “WM”). The Association pays for a second pickup on Thursdays through EarthTech Contracting. Please put trash out early morning or the night before, but no sooner than 6 p.m. Do not leave your trash out prior to the scheduled pick-up days. Please make all efforts to keep trash and recyclables contained. Fines may be assessed for failure to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association.


On the first Monday of every month WM will pick up bulk items; no more than four bulk items at a time. Metal items and appliances are not considered bulk trash. To schedule pickup of metal items and appliances, please call the Hamilton Township Department of Public Works at 609-625-6311. Appliances, air conditioners, computers, electronics, metal items and televisions can also be dropped off at the Atlantic County Utilities Authority on Delilah Road.

(609-272-6950) for a small fee.


Curbside recycling is collected every Friday by the Atlantic County Utilities Authority. The ACUA has single stream recycling which means that glass, plastic, metals and paper can all be combined in the same receptacle.


Yard Waste is also collected every Friday by the ACUA. Trimmings, weeds, branches and leaves can be placed in cans or bags. Items that do not fit in cans or bags must be bundled together with rope or twine and cannot exceed four feet in length.

Should you experience any problems with trash, recycling or yard waste collection (excluding the Thursday trash collection) you can contact Hamilton Township Public Works at 609-625-6311 and the

ACUA at 609-272-6950.


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