

QuakerSpeak videos are all available for online viewing at . Click on “Watch” (on the top menu bar) and then on “Collections”. Select the collection (e.g., “Quaker History”) most likely to contain the video you want and then search for the picture/title link for it, possibly requiring the viewing of several pages. A given video might be included in more than one collection. For offline viewing, the BFM Library contains borrowable copies of the DVDs containing the Season 1 and Season 2 videos. We hope to purchase the videos for seasons 3 and 4 soon.

Season 1 videos:

1. How Quakerism Began

2. The Faithfulness Lecture

3. Student Activism as Prophetic Ministry

4. Quaker Silence

5. Why Are Quakers Pacifists?

6. Quaker Faith in Song

7. Being Gay in Kenya

8. Quakers and Women in Ministry

9. How Quakers Read the Bible

10. I Am Always At Quaker Meeting for Worship

11. Why Quakers Don’t Take Communion

12. Quakers and the Light

13. How Quakers Make Decisions

14. Every Murder is Real

15. The History of Quaker Plain Speech

16. Quaker Problems

17. How Quakers Can Transform the World

18. The Quaker Practice of Surrendering the SelfWill

19. Are Quakers Amish?

20. What is a Quaker?

21. Who is Quaker Meeting For?

22. Advice for White Men

23. Why I Don’t Wear a Tie in Court

24. Quaker Thought and Life Today: Behind the Scenes at Friends Journal

25. The Challenge of Sitting in Silence

26. Quakers and Sex

27. The Ministry of Occupy Wall Street

28. Giving Vocal Ministry

29. War is Not the Answer

30. Undoing the Damage of Violence

31. Quakers, Racism, and the Blessed Community

32. A Gathered Meeting

33. Why I Stopped Paying Taxes

34. Rise Up Singing

35. What to Expect in Quaker Meeting for Worship

36. Quaker Voluntary Service: Transforming Service, Living Faith

Season 2 videos:

1. Welcome to Season 2

2. How Quakers Got Their Name

3. Why I Cried the First time I Went to Quaker Meeting

4. The Difference Between Quaker Meeting and Other Christian Services

5. How Jesus Affirms My Queerness

6. Why Quaker Worship Shouldn’t Be Limited to Sunday Morning

7. Guided By An Inner Truth: Quaker Hip-Hop Artist Sterling Duns

8. Why Climate Change Is an Issue of Faith: Quakers Lobby Congress

9. Christ Has Come to Teach Us Himself

10. Let Your Heart Sing: Quakers and Music

11. A Quaker Call to Action on Israel-Palestine

12. A Life Beyond Fear and Guilt

13. How Quaker Cemeteries Are Different

14. How Modern Quakers Challenge Traditional Gender Roles

15. Why I Blockaded 40,000 Tons of Coal With a Lobster Boat

16. How Quakers Can Help End Mass Incarceration

17. Why I Worship With Other Kinds of Quakers

18. How to Clerk a Quaker Business Meeting

19. How to Teach Civics in a Quaker School

20. Quakers and the Still, Small Voice

21. What If Wall Street Were Honest?

22. The Top 7 Most Quaker Bible Verses

23. How Can Pacifists Support Our Troops?

24. What Do Quakers Do in Silent Worship?

25. Becoming Convinced

26. What’s the Difference Between “Programmed” and “Unprogrammed” Quaker Worship?

27. The Courage to Be a Quaker

28. A Quaker in the Texas House of Representatives

29. Do Quakers Drink Alcohol?

30. Quakers and Migrant Justice

31. A Quaker Lobbyist on Capitol Hill

32. Why Traveling Ministry Is Vital for Quakers in the 21st Century

Season 3 Videos:

1. Welcome to Season 3

2. My First Time at Quaker Meeting

3. Who is John Woolman?

4. Why I’m Not a Pacifist

5. Staying Engaged as a Young Adult Quaker

6. Can There Be a Nonviolent Response to Terrorism?

7. The History of Quaker War Tax Resistance

8. The Quaker Practice of Discernment

9. How I Survived the ExGay Movement with Theater

10. Quaker Spiritual Disciplines

11. How to Listen for a Leading

12. Listening Each Other Into Wholeness

13. Did Quakers Invent Solitary Confinement?

14. How Did Quakers Come to North America?

15. Quakers and the Kingdom of God

16. Why I Still Say “Kingdom of God” Despite the Baggage

17. What Can Quakers Do to Combat Islamophobia

18. Why I Am a Quaker and a Muslim

19. How to Serve on a Quaker Clearness Committee

20. The GI Rights Hotline

21. Listening in Tongues

22. What Does a Quaker Pastor Do?

23. How to Become a Conscientious Objector

24. Looking to Let God Out

25. How Many Quakers Are There in the World?

26. How Do Quaker Meetings Do Outreach and Welcome Newcomers?

27. How I Went from Being an Anarchist to Quaker

28. How to Have a Quaker Clearness Committee

29. The Top 10 Reasons I Am a Quaker

30. How to Deepen Quaker Meeting for Worship

31. Behind the Scenes at QuakerSpeak

32. A Quaker Vision for Political Activism

33. How Do Quaker Meetings Support Ministry?

34. Quakers and Sustaining Life on Earth

35. Why Quakers Value Process Over Outcome

36. Was Nixon a Quaker?

37. How Mysticism Informs Quaker Activism

--This document produced by BFM’s Outreach and Welcoming Committee. Contact Don Goldstein, dnx6309@, with questions or other feedback.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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