ศน.นิรุทธิ์ อุทาทิพย์ | สำนักงานศึกษาธิกาาจังหวัดราชบุรี

?????? 1?????????????????????????? ???????? ? ?????????????????????1. HelloA:? Hello, my name is Sam. ?????? ???? ????? ??? ??? (?????????)B:? Hey, I’m Jane. ?????? ??? ??? ??? (??????????)A:? Nice to meet you. ????? ?????? ?? ??? (?????????????????)B:? Nice to meet you, too. ????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????? (????????????????????????)???????????Hello??????????????????Hey???????????????????Hi??????? ?????? ????????????????????? ? ???????????Nice?????????????????????? ?? ???????????????????? ?????Nice to meet you????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????2. CountryA: Where are you from? ??? ?? ??? ???B: I’m from England. ??? ?? ??? ????????????B: Where do you come from? ??? ?? ??? ???A: I come from America. ??? ?? ??? ?????? ??????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ????I’m from Bangkok, Thailand. ??????????????? ?????????Where do you come from?/ Where are you from? ??????????????????I’m from… / I come from… ?????????????????????3. JobsA: What do you do? ??? ????? ????B: I’m a student. ?? ???? ????????B: What’s your job? ??? ????? ????A: I work in a bank. ??? ????? ?? ?????????????????What do you do? / What’s your job? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ????I’m a teacher. (?????????)I’m a doctor. (??????????)4. GoodbyeA: It was nice meeting you. ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? (???????????????????????)B: It was nice meeting you, too. Bye. ??? ?? ?????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????A: Goodbye. ?????????????????Bye / Goodbye????????????????????? ??? Goodbye? ?????????????? ?????????????Bye?????????????????? ?????????Nice to meet you.???????? ????????????????? ???????????????????????????It was nice meeting you.???????? ??????????????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????????????? ? ??? ???????????????????????????????5. How are you?A: Nice to see you again. ????? ?????? ?? ??? ?????????B: You too. How are you? (?????????????) ??? ??????? ??? ?????? ???A: Fine thanks, and you? ?????? ?????? ??????????A: I’m okay, thank you. ??? ?????? ?????????????????Hi?????????????????Hello??????????????????You too.???????????????????? Nice to see you again, too.And you??????????????????“??????????”??Thanks.??????? ????? ????????????????????? ??????????? ?????Thank you.??????? ?????? ???????????????????? ?????????? I’m ?????????????? Fine. / I’m fine.????????? ? ??? How are you? ??????????????????????How are you doing? How are things? How’s it going? ????????? ? ???? Fine. ?????????????????????Good.Great. Not too bad. Happy.6. WorkA: Where do you work? ??? ????? ??????B: I work for the Smile Bank. ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????A: Do you like your job? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??????B: Yes. I like it very much. ?????? ??? ??? ??? ??????????????work for????????????????????????? ???????(??????????) ????for????? ?????? ?????, ??????work at?????? ??? (??????????)7. SchoolA: Where do you go to school? ?????? ???????? ?????? (??????????????????)B: I?go to King School. ?? ?? ???????? ??? (?????????????????????????)A:?What subjects do you like? ???? ???? ?????? ??? (??????????????)B:?I like math and English. ?? ??? ?????????? ??? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Q: What school do you go to? ??? ?? ???????? ???? (????????????????????????)Q: Where are you studying? ??? ?????????????? ??????A: I’m studying at King School. ??? ?????????????? ??? ??? ????Q: What grade are you in? ??? ???? ???? ????A: I’m in grade nine. ??? ???? ???? ?. 9 ( ?. 3)8. SportsA: What’s your favorite sport? ???? ?????????? ?????? ??? ????B: My favourite sport is football. ???? ?????????? ?????? ??? ??????B: What sport do you like? ??? ??? ???? ????A: I like golf. ??? ??? ????? ???????????Favorite ??????????????????????Favourite ????????????????????9. Animal A: What animals do you like? ????? ???? ?????? ??? (??????????????????) B: I like cats. Do you like cats? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????? B: Yes, I do. ?????? (??? ??? ???)???????????cat ?????? cats ???? s ??? ?????????? ??????????????????? ???? pigs ?????????? birds ????????? ???????Yes, I do. ????? Yes, I like cats. ???????10. A: What kind of fruit do you like? ????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ??? (??????????????????) B: I like bananas. ??? ??? ????? B: Do you like bananas? ??? ??? ????? ??? A: No, I don’t. I like apples. ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ???????????????????Do you like bananas? ??????????????No, I don’t. ??? ??? ?????? ??????????????????Yes, I do. What kind of fruit do you like? ??????????????????11. A: What time do you get up? ?????????????????????? B: I get up at six o’clock. ?? ??????? ???? 6 ?????? A: What time do you go to school? ????????????????????????? B: I go to school at 7 o’clock. ?? ?? ???????? ???? 7 ??????????????What??????? ????time??????? ????What time??????? ???????????? (??????)??????????????????????????????????????????? What time do you…… ????What time do you have breakfast? ??????????????????????????? (have ???????????????????????????????????)What time do you eat dinner? ???????????????????????????What time do you go to bed? ??????????????????????12. A: What time is it? ????????????????? B: It’s four o’clock. ??? ??? ??? ?????? B: What time do you have? ???? ???????? (???) ??? ?? A: It’s nine twenty-five. ??? ??? 9 ?????? 25 ???????????????What time do you have?????????????????????????????? ???????? (???) ??? ????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????Have you got the time? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??????????????????????? ?????????? ????????????13. A: How tall are you? ??? ??? ???????? B: I’m 165 centimetres tall. ??? ??? 165 ?????????? B: What is your weight? ??? ???? ???????? A: I wiegh 42 kilograms. ??? ???? 42 ???????????????????How??????? ???????tall??????? ???How tall??????? ?????????? ???? ??????????? ???????How tall are you?????????????????????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? (??? ??? ????????)I’m 165 centimetres tall.????????????????????? ??? ??? 165 ?????????? ??? (??? ??? 165 ??????????)14. A: How old are you? ??? ???? ???????? B: I’m twenty-three. ??? ???? 23 B: How old are you? ??? ???? ???????? A: I’m twenty years old. ??? ???? ?????? ?????????????How??????? ???????old??????? ???How old??????? ?????????? ???? ????????? ???????????????????? ????????????How old are you?????????????????????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? (??? ??? ??????)I’m twenty years old.?????????????????????? ??? ??? 20 ?? ??? (??? ??? 20 ??)I’m twenty-three.????????????????????????? ??? ??? 23?????????? ?????????????? years old ???????????? ???? I’m ten./ I’m twenty./ I’m thirty.15. A: When is your birthday? ??????????????????? B: Fourth of July. 4 ??????? B: When were you born? ????????????? A: December 6th, 1994. 6 ??????? 2537??????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? ??? ????? ??? 6th December, 1994?????????????????????????? ?????????????????? December 6th, 1994were born ?????? ???????????????????????????????????When were you born??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????16. A: What are those? ???????????????? B: Those are cats. ??????????????? (???????) A: What are those? ???????????????? B: They are cars. ??????????? (???????)???????????Those are….. ????????????They are….. ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????A: What’s those? ????????????????B: Those are cats. / They are cats. ???????????????/ ????????????They?… ???????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ??????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????????????????????????????? ??????? ????????????? s ????????? is am are ?????? ???? ???? ??? ???is ???????????????????am ?????? Iare ??????????????????17. A: What are these? ??????????????? B: These are books. ?????????????????? (????????) A: What are these? ??????????????? B: They are mangos. ?????? ??? ?????? (??????)???????????These are….. ???????????They are….. ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????A: What’s these? ???????????????B: These are books. / They are books.? ???????????????? / ??????????????18. A: What’s that? ??????????? B: That’s a cat. ???? ??? ??? (????????) A: What’s that? ??????????? B: It’s an orange. ??? ??? ??? (???????)???????????That is….. ???????It’s….. ????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? ????A: What’s that? ??????????B: It’s a cat. / That’s a cat.? ????????? / ????????????????a / an ?????? ????????????? a / an ????????? ???????????????????????????????????an ?????????????????????????? (a, e, i, o, u)an apple ???????? ???????an egg ??? ????????an icon ????????? ????????an orange ??? ???????an umbrella ??? ????????a ??????????????????????????????a boy ??????? ???????a dog ????? ????????a pen ????? ?????????a bank ?????? ?????????19. A: What’s this? ?????????? B: This is a pen. ??? ??? ????? (?????????) A: What’s this? ?????????? B: It’s an apple. ??? ??? ???????? (???????)???????????A: What’s this? ??????????B: It’s a pen. / This is a pen.? ??????????? / ?????????????????a / an? ?????? ????????????? a / an ????????? ???????????????????????????????????20. A: Do you like Thailand? ??? ??? ????????? ??? B: Yes, I like Thailand very much? ??? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ??? A: Me too. It is a beautiful country. ??? ????????? ??? ???? ?????? ????????????????????Do you like + ?? ????? ??????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ??????????? ? ??????????????? ? ?????????Do you like?Tim? ????????????Do you like?cats??????????????Do you like?pizza? ???????????????Do you like?Thailand? ???????????????????????– Yes, I do. ??? ??????– No, I don’t. ??? ????????? ????????????? ? ??? Yes. ???? No. ?????21. A: Do you have a mobile phone? ??? ?? ???????? ?????? ?????? B: Yes, I do. ??? ??? ?? A: What’s your phone number? ????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???? B: 086 123 3129 ????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ??? ???????????????mobile???????? ?????????????moble phone??????? ???????? ????????????????a mobile phone??????? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ???????? ??????????????????? ??????????????????????Yes, I do. = Yes, I have a mobile phone.?(??????????????????????)??? 0????????? oh ?? ??? ?????mobile phone? = cell phone?, hand phone 22. A: What day is it today? ????????????????? B: It’s Monday. What’s the date today? ??? ???? ?????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???????? A: Today is the fourth of January. ?????? ??? ?????? 4 ??????????????????????fourth??????? ???????? 4 ???????????????? ??????? ??????????????????? ?????????What’s the date today???????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ?????????????????? ????????????????????Today is the fourth of January.??????? ?????? ??? ????????? ??? ???????????23. A: What nationality are you? ???????????????? B: I’m American. ?? ??? ??????????????? (???????????????????) B: What’s your nationality? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ?A: I’m English. ??? ??? ????????????? (??????????????????)24. A: How do you go to school? ??? ?? ???????? ??????? B: I go to school by bus. ?? ?? ???????? ??? ????? B: How do you go to work? ??? ?? ????? ??????? A: I usually get to work by train. ??????? ??? ?? ????? ??? ???????????????go to….get to….???????????????????????????get ?????? ?????? ??? get to ?????? ?????work ?????? ??? ???? ????? go to work ?????? ???????25. A: What do you do after school? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ????????? B: I play football. ?? ???? ?????? B: What do you do after work? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? A: I read books. ??? ???? ???????????????????after school???????? ?????? ????????????? ??????????????????after work??????? ????????????????????????????????????watch TV– ??????watch movies– ??????listen to music– ???????play the piano - ??????????play games– ???????swim – ???????go shopping– ?????????read books– ???????????hang out with friends – ????????????? ? ???????26. A: What do you do in your free time? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?????? B: I listen to music. ?? ??? ???? B: What do you do in your free time? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?????? A: I watch TV. ??? ?? ????27. A: How often do you play football? ??? ???? ?????? ?????????? B: I play football twice a week. ?? ???? ?????? 2 ????? ?????????? B:?How often do you cook? ??? ??????? ?????????? A: I cook every day. ??? ??????? ??? ????????????????????????????????onec ??????????twice ????????three times ????????four, five, six….. times? ??, ???, ?? … ?????week ???????month ?????year? ??28. A: What do you want to be when you grow up? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? ?? ???? B: I want to be a singer. ??? ???? ???? ??????? B:?How about you? ?????????? A: I want to be a cook. ?? ???? ???? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???What do you want to be when you’re older???? ???? ???? ???? ???????? ??? ????How about………….. ????????? ?????? ????………..???29. A: Do you have any pets? ??? ?? ??????????? ???? ??? B: Yes, I have one dog and two cats. What about you? ??? ??? ?? ????? ???????? ??? ??? ?????? ?????????? A: I have two rabbits? ??? ?? ??????? ?????????????????Do you have any pets??????? ??? ?? ??????????? ??? ??????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????How about………….. ????????? ?????? ????………..???30. A: How many people are there in your family? ?? ???????? ?????? ?? ??? ?? B: There are five people. What about you? ?? ??? ?? ?????????? A: There are three people in my family. ?? ??? ?? ?? ???????? ??????????????????there ?????? ???????are??????? ???? ???? ???????there are??????? ??how??????? ???????many??????? ???How many??????? ?????????? ????????????? ????????? ???? ???What about………….. ????????? ?????? ????………..???31. A: How many brothers and sisters do you have? ??? ?? ????????????? ??? ????????????? ????? B: I have one sister and two brothers. ??? ?? ????????????? ??????? ??? ????????????? ????? B: Do you have any brothers or sisters? ??? ?? ????????????? ???? ????????????? ??????? A: Yes, I have one brother. ??? ?? ?? ????????????? ???????????????????brother ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ???????????????? ? ?sister ?????? ?????? ???? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ??????????????? s ??????? brothers/ sisters ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????younger? ?????? ?????????older?? ?????? ????????elder? ?????? ????????Jo, this is my younger sister.??? ??? ??? ??????? ???????My older brother is at home.??????? ?????? ???? ??? ?????How many brothers and sisters do you have????????????? ???????????“??? ?? ??????? ?????”?any??????? ?? ? ???????????????? ??????Do??????????????? ?????? “???????”32. A: Who do you live with? ??? ????????? ??? ??? A: I live with my parents? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?????? B: Do you live with your parents? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ?????? A: No, I live with my brother. ??? ?? ????????? ??? ?????????????????Parents ?????? ?????? ?????? parent ??????? ??? ???? ??? ???????????33. A: What is your sister’s name? ???????????????????? B: Her name is Tracy. ???? ???????? ??? ?????? (???????????????) A: What does she do? ????? ?? (?????) ???? B: She’s a doctor. ????? ???? ????34. A: What is your brother’s name? ???? ??? ?????? ?????? ??? ???? (????????????????????) B: His name is William. ???? ?????? ??? ???????? (????????????????) A: What does he do? ??? ??(?????) ???? B: He works in an IT company. ??? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ?????????? HYPERLINK "" ?????? 2 ?????????????????????????????????????????????? (Greetings)Good morning ?????? (????????????????)Good afternoon ?????? (????????????????????????)Good evening ?????? (??????????????????)Good day ?????? (???????)Hello/Hi ?????? (????????????????????????)??????????????-??? ?????????????????????????????? ??????How are you? (????????????????)How are you going? (??????) How are you doing? (????????)How’s it going? (???????????????????????????????)How have you been? (????????? ? ????????)How’s your life?How’s everything?How are things (with you)??????? ?????????????? ??????(I'm) fine, thanks. And you? ?????? ?????? ??????????Good. ??????Very well ?????????I'm O.K. ????So so. ?????? ?Not (too) bad ????????Great! ??????, ???????????? (Leave Taking)See you again….. ????????? ….. (??????????) ???? (See you again tomorrow/next time/next week/next month/next year/on Monday. ???????)See you later/soon/then. ??????????????Have a nice day/time. ???????/??????????????????????Have a nice holiday. ?????????????????????????Have a nice weekend. ???????????????????????????????Have a good time. ????????????????/????????????????????Have a good/nice trip ??????????????????????????Take care (of yourself) ??????????????/?????????????????????? Sweet dreams / Sleep well ???????/????????????????Good luck./Be successful. ?????/????????????????????Good night. ????????????/???????? (???????????????)Goodbye/Bye ????????/???????????????????????????? (Introducing Oneself and Others)?????????????Let me introduce myself. ?????????????May I introduce myself? ?????????????I’m/My name’s Udom Chaiyo. ?????????? ????I'm Thai. ????????????I'm from Thailand. ????????????????I'm a student at …….. College. ?????????????????????????? …..I study at …………… College. ?????????????????????? …..I’m teaching at …………… College. ???????????????????? …..I’m a teacher of ….. at ….. College. ????????????? ….. ??????????? …..I work at ….. College. ??????????????????? …..I live in Chonburi. ????????????I'm in the first year. ???????? 1I'm a second year student. ????????????????? 2I study ………………. ??????????? ……..My field of study is …………. ????????????????????? …………My college is in Rayong. ??????????????????????????? ?Certificate of Vocational Education ???????????????????? (???.)Diploma of Vocational Education ??????????????????????????? (???.)???????????????This is Peter. ?????????????I'd like you to know Peter. ?????????????????????????I'd like to introduce you to Wanna. ????????????????????????????I want to introduce my friend May. ?????????????????????????I want you to meet my friend John. ???????????????????????????Here's Sawat and that's Suphon. ?????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ?????? (It’s) nice/good to meet/see you. (I’m) pleased to meet/see you. (I'm) glad to meet/see you.It's a pleasure to meet you.?????? ????????????? too ?????????? '????????????’ ????Nice to see you, too. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? (Giving and Asking for Personal Information)?????????????How old are you? ?????????????(I'm) seventeen. ?????? 17 ??How tall are you? ????????????I'm 170 centimeters tall. ?????? 170 ?.?.How much do you weigh? ????????????? (I weigh) 65 kilograms. (??????) 65 ??????????????????????How many people are there in your family? ????????????????????How many brothers and sisters do you have? ?????????????????I have 2 brothers/sisters. ?????????????????/???? 2 ??I don't have any brothers or sisters. ?????????????????There are 7 people in my family. ???????????? 7 ?????????My grandparents live with us. ??? ??? (?? ???) ??????????????What does your father do? ???????????????My father is a teacher. ????????????Does your mother work? ????????????????????She works with government. ????????????????She doesn't work. ??????????????What do you want to be (in the future)? ??????????????? (???????)I want to be a pilot. ????????????????I haven't decided yet. ?????????????????????????? (Thanking)Thanks you (very much). ?????? (???)Thanks (a lot). ????? (???)Thank you for …………….. ???????????? ????Thank you for your present. ???????????????????Thank you for everything. ????????????????????Thank you for your help. ???????????????????????????????I really appreciate that. ???????????????????? ??????????????????You’re welcome. ?????????Don't mention it. ?????????Not at all. ?????????It's nothing. ?????????That's all right. / That's O.K. ????????? (It's) a pleasure. ?????????????My pleasure./With pleasure. ?????????????Don’t worry (about it). ??????????????No problem. ?????????????????? (Apologizing)I’m sorry. ???????I’m sorry. I’m late. ?????????????I’m sorry I troubled you. ??????????????????????Excuse me, please. ?????????/???Excuse me for interrupting. ?????????????Excuse me for a moment. ???????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????That’s all right. ????????? (?????????????)Don’t worry (about it). ??????????????No problem. ??????????That's O.K. ???? I'm O.K. ????????? ???? ????????????????????? (Asking for Time)Excuse me. What time is it? ????????? ??????????????Could you tell me the time, please? ???????????????????Do you have a time? ?????????? (??????????????)?????? (It's) seven o'clock. 7 ??????Six twenty/Twenty past six. (6.20)Five to four/Three fifty-five. (3.55)A quarter past eight/Eight fifteen. (8.15)Half past ten/Ten thirty. (10.30)A quarter to ten/Nine forty-five. (9.45)Noon ?????????Midnight ?????????In the morning ???????In the afternoon ???????In the evening ???????At night ???????????????????? ?????????????????? (Asking about Name, Address, Study and Work)??????????What’s your name? ???????????What’s your surname? ???????????(family name, last name, second name = ???????)?????????????Where are you from? ???????????Where do you come from? ???????????Where do you live? ?????????????Where are you staying now? ??????????????????????What is your village? ???????????????????What’s your address? ????????????????????Could I/May I have your address? ?????????????????????????Could you tell/give me your address? ???????????????????????????Could you write your address for me? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????What do you study? ????????????Where do you study? ??????????????What is your school? ?????????????????????What school are you in? ???????????????????What year are you in? ????????????/????????Do you have a part-time job? ?????????????????????????????????? (Asking for Direction)Excuse me. ????????? (??????????????????)Do you know where …… is? ???????????? ……. ??????????Do you know where Michael is? ???????????? ????????????????Do you know where the toilet is? ?????????????????????????????Do you know the way to….? ??????????????????? .. ???Where is the nearest public telephone? ??????????????????????????????????How can I get to…..? ???????????????? …. ??????????????????????Turn left. / Turn right. ?????????? / ?????????On the left. / On the right. ??????? / ??????Go straight. ?????????????Go straight on./Go ahead. ?????????????Go past. / Walk past. ??????????Keep going until you get to…. ???????????? ? ????????????…..Take the first/second turn. ??????????????? / ?????????It's near/close to ….. ??????????????It's not far from here. ???????????????It's very far from here. ??????????????????It's 5 kilometers from here. ????????????????? 5 ????????It's about 500 meters away from here. ?????????????????????????? 500 ????????????????????????? (Asking about Health)?????Are you all right? ?????????????What’s the matter? ????????????What's the matter with you? ???????????????????? (??????) ????What happened? ????????????????What are your symptoms? ??????????????????????????Do you have a headache? ?????????????????????Do you have fever/high temperature? ?????????????????????How do you feel now? ??????????????????????Did you get hurt? ????????????????????????? ?You look very well. ??????????????????You don't look well. ?????????????????You look (very) pale. ???????????? (???)I feel better./I'm getting better. ???????????????????I feel sick. ????????????????I am all right now. ???????????????I'm much better. ???????????????I have a headache/toothache. ?????????/??????I have a stomachache/backache. ??????????/???????I have a sore eye/throat. ?????????/??????I have a cold. ???????????I have a slight fever. ??????????????????I feel chilly/dizzy. ?????????????????/??????I have a terrible cold. ????????????????????My leg hurts. ??????I guess I'm just tired. ????????? ?????????????????????It's nothing. How come? ????????????? ????????You should stay in bed. ??????????????????????????????You should see a doctor. ???????????????????You should take some medicines. ???????????????????It's not serious. ??????????????????????? ?an earache ?????a cough ???????a burn ?????????bruise ???????stress ???????????sore muscles ?????????????the hiccups ??????????aspirin ??????????eye drops ????????ear drops ????????pill/tablet ??????bandages ?????????constipation ??????????asthma ??????high blood pressure ???????????????hemorrhoids ????????????skin disease ??????????ambulance ????????homesick ?????????????a rash ???????an allergy ????????prescription ????????diabetes ??????????injection ??????????????????????????????????? (Talking about Weather)How do you think about the weather in Thailand? ??????????????????????????????????????How is the weather like in Canada? ?????????????????????????????There are three seasons in Thailand. ??????????? 3 ???What are they? ?????????????Winter, summer, and rainy seasons. ??????? ???? ?????We don't have spring and autumn. ???????????????????????????????Could you tell me about the weather in each season? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????How long is each season? ?????????????????The weather is good today, isn't it? ???????????????I like this kind of weather. ???????????????????????????????????????? (Offering Help) Can I help you? ??????????????????Would you like me to help you? ????????????????????Let me help you with this. ???????????????????????????Can I give you a hand? ????????????????????????????????????????Thank you very much. You’re so kind. ????????? ??????????????Thanks. It’s very kind/nice of you. ?????? ?????????????????????????????????Thank you very much. You’re so kind. ????????? ??????????????Thanks. It’s very kind/nice of you. ?????? ?????????????????????????????????Thanks a lot. But I think I should do that myself. ????????? ?????????????????????Thank you very much. But I should be responsible for that. ????????? ???????????????????????????????? (Requesting)Can/Could I ….., please? ???????? …. ??????Can you help me? ???????????????Would you mind ….? ????????? ….. ??????Do you mind …..? ????????? ….. ???????????????????????Yes./Yes, of course. ???/??????Sure! ??????No problem! ???????????????????????????Sorry./I'm sorry. ????????I'm sorry. I need it myself. ???????? ???????????????I'm afraid I can't. ??????????????????????????????????? (Expressing an Opinion)??????????? ?????????????????????????? ????I agree. ??????????So do I. ????????????That’s a good idea. ????????????????You’re right. ?????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ????Good idea! ?????????????!That sounds great! ??????????????!Wonderful! ?????!??????????????I don’t agree. ?????????????I think you’re wrong. ??????????????I don't think so. ????????????????I'm not sure. ???????????I wouldn't do that. ????????????????? (???????????)??????Do you have any (good) ideas? ???????????????? (?? ?) ???????????????? (Admiring)?????????????????????????? ??????I would like to compliment you on …. ??????????????????????????? ….??????????????????????? ? ?????????????????? ??????That’s nice. ?????That’s excellent. ????????Well done. ??Brilliant! ?????Great! ??????Pretty good. ?????????????????????????I really like your hairstyle. ???????????????????? ?I love your work. ???????????????????I think your idea is very nice. ????????????????????????Your watch is very beautiful. ??????????????????What a nice bag! ?????????????????????????????????????????????Oh, thank you. I just got it yesterday. ?????? ??????????????????????????Oh, thanks. My friend gave it to me. ?????? ?????????????Thank you. I'm glad you like it. ?????? ??????????????????Thank you. It's nice of you to say. ?????? ?????????????Thank you. Yours is also very nice. ?????? ?????????????????????????????????Congratulations! ???????????????Happy Birthday ???????????????Congratulations on your appointment/promotion/success//graduation.?????????????????????????????????/??????????/??????????????Congratulations on your winning the prize/award/contest.??????????????????????????????/????????????????Please give her my congratulations. ????????????????????????????Please accept my congratulations. ???????????????????????????????? (Inviting)Would you like to join the ride? ???????????????????????How about playing football? ????????????????Do you want to go swimming? ??????????????????????????????????Thank you. I'd love to. ?????? ????Thanks. That sounds fun. ?????? ??????????????Thanks a lot. That sounds great! ?????? ?????????????????????????????I'm sorry but I'm so busy. ???????? ?????????I'm sorry. I can't. I have something to do. ???????? ??????????????I'm sorry. I already have a plan this evening. ???????? ????????????????????????? ? ??????Thank you for your invitation. ???????????????Thank you for inviting me. ???????????????Thank you for coming. ???????????I'm glad you could come. ???????????????It's good to see you. ???????????????Come in, please. ????????????????Could I see Mary? ???????????????Just a moment, please. ???????????I'm sorry. She is out now. ?????????? ?????????????????????Have/take a seat, please. ????????I've been waiting for you. ????????????????I was afraid you weren't coming. ????????????????????????????????????? ? ??????????????? (Other Words & Expressions in Everyday Life)???????? & ????????car ??????taxi ?????????bus ??????????coach ???????train ????plane/airplane ??????????boat ????port/pier ???????bus stop ??????????bus terminals ??????????airport ???????domestic ???????????international ?????????????railway station ?????????sky/electric train ???????underground/subway ??????????bicycle/bike ?????????motorcycle/motorbike ?????????????tricycle ???????????Tuk-Tuk ??????????van ?????truck/lorry ????????express way ???????highway ???????footpath/pavement ???????(pedestrian) crossing ?????????short cut ??????take a bus ??????????take a ferry ???????????????by bus ?????????get on ???? (??????)get off ?? (??????)get in ???? (??)fare ????????????????????????????????opposite ???????across from ???????near ????far ???next to ??????/??????beside ???? ?close to ???? ? ???in front of ????????behind ????????between ???????on the right (hand/side) ??????????on the left (hand/side) ???????????on the corner of ?????????on ??in ??at ??????????????????wake up ???????/?????????get up ???????, ???????breakfast ?????????brunch ?????????+???????lunch ????????????dinner ?????????early ???????, ????late ???, ???, ???activities ???????routine ???????????????hobby ?????????leave home ??????????arrive at college ?????????????get/arrive home ???????????free/spare time ????????weekend ?????????????????weekday/working day/workday ?????????/???????? (??????-?????)??????????????always ???? ?usually ????often ???? ?sometimes ????????occasionally ????????seldom ?????????from time to time ???????????????rarely ????????ever ???never ????????????????????????????????go to the cinema/movies ????????go to see a film/movie ????????action movies ???????comedies ???????horror movies ????????????/??musicals ????????romance movies ???????/????????drama ?????????thrillers ?????????????????????tragedies ??????????????science fiction ???????????????????opera ????soap opera ????????/?????????????????????????I like to sing./I like singing. ??????????????I like to read./I like reading. ?????????????????I'd like a glass of water, please. ??????????????????Samet is a beautiful Island. ???????????????????????????????I have an appointment with a friend tonight. ??????????????????????How do you say that? ????????????????How do you do that? ??????????How do you spell that? ??????????????Open the door, please. ??????????????????Close the windows, please. ????????????????????Press the button here, please. ?????????????????Turn the light on, please. ???????????Turn the light off, please. ??????????Let's have something to eat. ????????????????Would you like something to eat? ?????????????????Don't look so serious. ?????????????????????????Don't be serious. ??????????/??????????????Relax/Calm down. ?????? ? (??????????)I'm serious./I really mean it! ???????????I speak a little English. ??????????????????????????I can speak a bit of English. ?????????????????????????????????Somchai is going out with Somsri. ??????????????????I'm sorry. Mike is not in now. ?????????? ?????????????????I got angry with him. ??????????Are you angry at me? ???????????????????Would you like ice-cream? ????????????????????Would you care for ice-cream? ????????????????? ???Would you like to go to ….? ????????? …… ???What will you do tomorrow? ???????????????????I'd like some coffee, please. ????????Help me, please. ????????????????Can you help me with this? ????????????????????????There are ………… ?? ………… (??????? 1 ?????)There is ………… ?? ………… (1 ?????)How's your work? ?????????????????????How's your study? ??????????????????????????How was your holiday? ??????????????????????How was your weekend? ?????-???????????????????????????????How's your fried rice? ???????????????Great! ????????How's yours? ?????????????How's John? ???????????????? (??????????)What's Somchai like? ?????????????????He's very kind/talkative/cheerful. ?????????????/???????/???????He always looks happy. ???????????????????????She's very honest/patient. ??????????????????/????She's very serious/shy. ????????????????/??????What's Bangkok like? ??????? ? ???????????What do you think of Thailand? ?????????????????????????Where are you going? ???????????????What are you doing? ??????????????????What will I do?/What am I going to do? ?????????????Do you enjoy the work? ????????????????Was it fun? ??????????Can you swim? ????????????????Do you smoke? ?????????????????????The show was fun. ??????????????I've been to Patthaya. ????????????I've seen you before. ???????????????????I must go./I have to go. ???????????I'm interested in cooking. ?????????????????Cooking is interesting. ?????????????????Could you please slow down? ??????????? ? ???????????Could you speak more slowly, please? ??????????? ? ???????????I'm bored. ????????It's boring. ???????????I'm excited. ?????????????????It's exciting. ??????????????Do you have any paper clips? ?????????????????????I'd like to buy some drink? ????????????????????????????It's getting late/dark? ?????????/?????????I'd better be going now. ????????????????I've had a good time this evening. ???????????????????I enjoyed the dinner very much. ?????????????????????????Say hello to Tom. ?????????????????????Pass my regards to Kelly. ??????????????????????????????Pass my love to Jane. ?????????????????????????Take care of yourself. ????????????????Take it easy. ??????????????Please come and see me again. ??????????????When can I see you next time? ?????????????????????It's a nice day. ??????????????????I can't find ………….. ???? …. ??????Hurry up! ??? ? ?????Don't bother me. ???????????I'm coming. ?????????That's my favorite dish. ?????????????????????????I don't like that. ??????????????????I'm going to bed. ???????????????Will you wake me up at 6 o'clock? ?????????? 6 ?????????I was up late last night. ????????????????I'm going to play football. ??????????????What time are you coming back? ?????????????????Around five. ??? ? 5 ???????We'll start at ten. ?????????????? 10 ???That's great/wonderful. ??????/????????Bring the camera. ?????????????????????Don't forget anything. ?????????????I can't go with you. ????????????????????Can you wait a moment? ???????????????I'll be waiting for you at …… at four. ???????????? … ??? 4 ???What do you do in your spare time? ???????????????????What do you do when you have a free time? ???????????????????I listen to music. ??????????What kind of music do you like? ????????????????????Pop music. ????????Are you interested in ……? ????????? ….. ?????????Do you like ….? ?????? ….. ???I read books. ??????????????I like fishing. ???????????Do you have a hobby? ?????????????????What are your hobbies? ??????????????????????I collect stamps/coins. ????????????/????????????I'm hungry/thirsty. ??????/??????How did you make it? ???????????????How do you like it? ????????????When will you be ready? ?????????????????Next Monday. ?????????????Something is wrong with this tape recorder. ?????????????????????????????????The lamp doesn't light. ?????????????It doesn't work. ???????????Will you take a look at it for me? ???????????????????????I think it's broken. ????????????????It's not plugged in. ???????????????????Can you fix/repair it for me? ???????????????????????????????There's a fire someplace. ???????????????????????????There's been an accident somewhere. ???????????????????????????????Let's go and see. ??????????????Is anybody hurt? ?????????????????????Two people were injured. ????????? 2 ???????? 3100 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????How are things? ??????????How is it going? ??????????How's life? ????????????????Long time no see! ?????????????????What are you up to? ?????????????What have you been up to? ?????????????See you soon! ????????????????See you later! ?????????????????Till next time! ????????????????Good luck! ?????Take care! ??????????????Talk to you later! ?????????????????Until we meet again! ???????????????Have a nice day! ????????????????????????????Have a good weekend! ?????????????????Have a safe trip! ?????????????? ??Say hi to… ?????????… (?????????????????????????/??????????????????????????)Send my love to… ??????????(???????)???… (????????????????????????????????????????????)???????In short ??????? ? ???In brief ??????? ? ???In a word ??????? ? ???As far ?????????........ ???????????.........As to ?????????........ ???????????......... (???????????????????????????????????????)Not to mention... ??????????????????What’s more, ... ??????????????First of all ?????????????Above all ?????????????By the way ?????, ??????????????After all ??????????? , ??????????Just for the record ??????????????.....And so on and so forth ???????If I’m not mistaken ?????? (???/????????) ??????In other words ????????????????, ????????????????????????On the contrary ?????????????The thing is ???????????????So as to ????????So that ????????Either way ????????, ????????????As a rule ?????????As well as ?????? All the same ??????????, ?????????????????On one hand ?????????????, ???????????????On the other hand ????????????Such as ????As I said before ????????????????????Believe it or not, but ????????????????????.... If I remember rightly ??????????????If I recall correctly ?????????????? ???????????????????????????Perhaps ?????, ????? Of course ??????, ?????Sure ??????, ?????Definitely ???????????, ???????????Absolutely ???????????, ???????????Naturally ???????????Probably ?????, ????? You are right ???(???/??/???)???It can hardly be so ?????????????????????????, ???????????????????????????Very well ?????Most likely ???????????????????????????Most unlikely ?????????????????????Not a bit ?????????????????I believe so ????????????????????????????????I suppose so ????????????????????????????????I doubt it ???????????????????????/???????????? (?????????????????/?????????????) No way ????????, ???????????? Exactly so ?????????????, ????????????Quite so ?????????????, ???????????? I agree with you ????????????????? I’m afraid you are wrong ???????????????????????????, ?????????(???/??/???)??? I’m afraid so ??????????????????????????? I’m not sure ???????????I don’t think so ???????????????????? In a way ????????????????To a certain extent ???????????????? No doubt ????????????????????I’m in ?????????? (???????????????????????????????????????????????????)I’m game ?????????? (???????????????????????????????????????????????????) I think I’ll pass ?????????????????????, ????????????????? (???????????????????????????????????????????????????)Deal! ????! It’s a great idea! ??????????????????????????? Not a very good idea ?????????????????????????????I'm looking forward to it ??????????????????????????????? I’m so sorry! ???????????????? I beg your pardon! ?????/??????????????/???I’m sorry, I can’t. ??????? ??????????????? Sorry, I meant well. ????? ????????????(??????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????? It’s very kind of you! ?????????????, ????????????? Thank you ???????????????anyway! ??????????????? Thank you in advance! ???????????????? Don’t mention it! ?????????, ?????????????????? ????????? May I help you? ??????????????? No problem! That’s ok! ?????????, ??????? ????????? Don’t worry about it! ????????????????? This way, please! ?????????????????? After you! ?????????????????????????????????? What’s the matter? ????????????What’s going on? ???????????? What’s happening? ????????????What’s happened? ????????????What’s the trouble? ??????????????? How was it? ?????????????????????? (?????????????????) Did I get you right? ?????????????????? Don’t take it to heart. ?????? I didn’t catch the last word. ?????????????????? (??????????????? ????????????) Sorry, I wasn’t listening. ?????? ??????????????????? It doesn’t matter. ???????????????It is new to me. ????????????????????????????? Let's hope for the best. ????????????????????????????????????????? May I ask you a question? ?????????????????????????? Next time lucky! ???????????????????? ? ?? Oh, that. That explains it. ??? ????????????????????????? (???????????????????????) Say it again, please. ?????????????????????????? So that’s where the trouble lies! ????????????????? Things happen. ????????????????????, ????????????????? What do you mean? ????????????????????? Where were we? ??????????????????????? Were you saying? ??????????????????????????????? I’m sorry, I didn’t catch you. ????????????????????????????? Lucky you! ????????????? Good for you! ??(?????????)??????? I’m so happy for you! ?????????????????????(??????????????????????????/???????????????) What do you know! ???????????????? 4100 ???????????????????? ????????Very lovely photo. ??????????????? That's a really nice picture. ????????????????????? You look great today. ????????????? You are charming. ????????????????? You have a nice smile. ?????????????????????? ? You have the prettiest eyes. ???????????????????????????? I like your style. ???????????????????? You are just adorable. ???????????? You look very handsome in this photo. ???????????????????????You are so seductive. ????????????? / ????????Your charm is irresistible. ??????????????????????????????????????? Your photos always make me smile. ???????????????????????????? This hairstyle is just right for you. ????????????????????????? That is a really pretty dress. ????????????????????????? ? This shirt looks great on you. ????????????????????????????? What a nice skirt! ??????????????????? I really like your shoes. ??????????????????????????? That is a great looking car. ??????????????????? Your motorcycle looks very cool. ?????????????????????????????????? Nice house! Looks very cozy. ?????????? ????????????????? ????????????????/????What a lovely baby. ???????????????????????????????????You son/daughter is so adorable. ??????/???????????????????????? He/She is so lovely! ???/???????????? He/She has your eyes. ???/??????????????????? He/She has her father's smile. ???/???????????????????????????/????????? Such a funny kid. ??????????????????? Your baby is so sweet. ?????????????????? He/She is growing so fast. ???/??????????????? How did you name your baby? ????????????????????????????????? (?????????????????????????????) His/Her smiles melt my heart away. ?????????????/?????????????????? ?????Where did you take this photo? ???????????????????? Who is it with you on the photo? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? Is this your boyfriend/girlfriend/brother/...? ??????????/??????/... ???????????? When was this photo taken? ??????????????????????? What is it? ?????????? Where have you bought it? ??????????????????? How did you get it? ??????????????????? How much does it cost? ???????????? Was it tasty? ????????????? (??????????) Did you cook it by yourself? ???????????????? (????????????????????) ????????I totally agree with you. ????????????????????????????? That makes sense. ???????????????It's hard to argue with you. ?????????????????????? (???????????????? ????????????????????) It's impossible to disagree. ??????????????????????????????? I was just going to say that. ??????????????????????? Could not agree more. ????????????????????????????? (?????????????? ? ?????????????????????????) That is so true. ???????????????? You're absolutely right. ???????????????????? (?????????????, ?????????, ??????????) You have a point there. ??????????????????????I don't think so. ?????????????????No way! ???????? ???????????? I'm afraid I disagree. ??????????????????????? I totally disagree. ????????????????? I'd say the exact opposite. ??????????????????? (?????????????, ???????????????) Not necessarily. ????????? (??????????????????????????, ????????????????????????) That's not always true. ????????????????????????????? That's not always the case. ??????????????????????????? I'm not so sure about that. ?????????????????????????????????? (??????????????????????????) That's not entirely true. ?????????????????????????????I'm sorry to disagree with you. ???????????????????????? (????? ??????????????????????) ?????????????? What's your idea? ?????????????? What are your thoughts on all of this? ????????????????????????????????? How do you feel about that? ??????????????????????????????????? Do you have anything to say about this? ???????????????????????????????? What do you think? ????????????? What is your honest opinion? ???? ? ??????????????????? Do you agree? ?????????????? Wouldn't you say? ?????????????????????? (??????, ??????, ???????????????) I will be glad to hear your opinion. ???????????????????????????????????? Can I ask your opinion? ????????????????????????????????????????????? What’s the matter? ???????????? What’s going on? ???????????? What’s happening? ???????????? What’s the trouble? ??????????????? What’s happened? ???????????? How was it? ???????????????? Are you okay? ???????????????? Are you all right? ???????????? Is everything fine? ????????????????????????? Do you need any help? ????????????????????? ????? Have a good night! ???????Sweet dreams! ???????(???????) Sleep tight! ?????????????Get well soon! ?????????? Have a nice trip! ??????????????? Come back soon! ?????????? ? ?? Enjoy your holiday! ???????????????? Enjoy your meal/dinner/lunch! ????????/?????????/????????????...???????? Best wishes to you! ??????????????????????????? Good luck! ?????????/?????? ??????! It was nice to talk to you. ??????????????????????? It was great to see you. ????????????????? See you later! ?????????? Call you back later! ??????????????? See you soon! ?????????????? ? ????? See you on Friday! ???????????????? See you tomorrow at the university/work. ???????????????????????????? /???????? Miss you already! ???????????? Take care! ???????????????? Have a good day! ????????????????????????????????I have no idea.? ????????????/ ????????????I’m not sure.? ????????/???????????Don’t ask me.? ?????????? ?????????I’ve been wondering that, too.?????????????????????????Who knows?? ??????????????? ................

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