AP Statistics - Breaking Vegas

Name: ________________________

Chapter 6: Breaking Vegas Movie Guide

Part I: Answer the following questions as you watch the film.

1.  What is the team's “MO”?

2.  In what country was Blackjack developed?

3.  Blackjack is subject to the Law of ______________ _______________.  What two other games are not

subject to this law?

4.  What was the stated goal for Strategic Investments, LP?

5.  What was the profit split between management, investors and players?

6.  What are the three components of card counting? Give a brief explanation of each.




7.  What does the "Checkout Process" include according to Katie (there are 3 parts)? (Remember - this is what

they had to endure before being given money to play at the casino)





8.  List some of the "comps" received by the players.

9.  The team started to be "made" during the summer of what year?  By who?

10.  What was the name of Seymon Dukach's team he formed after Strategic Investments disbanded?  Give specifics about the team if possible.

Part II: Answer these questions after you watch the film.

11.  Refer to question #3.  Explain what the Law of Independent Trials means?

12.  The players kept referring to the Law of Large Numbers.  Give you interpretation of what you believe this to be based on the film.

13.  In your opinion, is card-counting a form of cheating? Why or why not?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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