Watch the slide show on the website and fill in the information required:

Nuri Razek

Born in ____________ Went to a __________school. Is happy in Hong Kong but doesn’t like the rich people ___________ ___________.

Adela Chan

____years-old. Works as a ___________ __________ Remembers ___________

_________ coming to Hong Kong in 1997. Has a son called _____________.

Ming Yan

Born in _________ Likes ___________ ___________ but doesn’t like the _____________ in Hong Kong. Is learning ____________.


Read the transcript of the slideshow and try to correct the mistakes in the phrases or sentences in italics. All three people speak quite well but, because they are not native-speakers and because they were not reading from a script, they made a few grammatical mistakes.You may need to add additional words, remove a word or

My name is Nuri Razek. My Chinese name is Shek Yu Fai. I was born in Hong Kong in 1924 under the British rules – that was a British colony in those days. My grandfather said if you want to live in Hong Kong and make a living in Hong Kong you must learn Chinese and I was sent to a Chinese school. When Hong Kong was given back to China, of course we had been under the British for so long we felt rather sad about it. We were not too happy. But then in those days a lot of people were afraid of the changes so many of them migrated to Canada, to other parts of the world. Well, I did not go, I stayed and I saw the change – it was alright because everything went about the same. Hong Kong to me is still very international and a lot of people still prefer to come to Hong Kong either to live or to do business because we are at liberty, we have no such thing as controlling us to walk about in order sort of thing, so we are pretty free in Hong Kong. In fact I think everybody’s happy here except for one thing: the rich people are getting richer.

My name is Adela Chan, I’m 36-years-old and I’m living in Fortress Hill, Hong Kong. The most memorable things to me during the handover was the coming in of the troops from China and Prince Charles was here and also Chris Patten and his family was moving back to England.

`Now Hong Kong people are to rule Hong Kong. That is the promise and that is the unshakeable destiny.’ (applause)

I’m a wedding planner now and the reason why I enter into the market is because I see there is a potential. There are still people who get married in the Chinese wedding gowns because most of their parents they- they still love to see their childrens in traditional wedding. Over the ten years I notice there are some changes on TV and the radio aspect. Everyday when before the TV news we would hear and listen to the Chinese national songs. Even now my son Arthur can sing the Chinese national songs so I realize how big influence the TV and commercial can do on people.

I’m Ming Yan. I’m ten-years-old and I’m born in 1997, the year Hong Kong was handed back to China. The favourite thing I like about Hong Kong is the shopping malls but the worst thing I like about Hong Kong is the pollution. It makes me cough and I have allergy to it. I feel that Hong Kong’s most special and unique thing is that there are lights after the night time and it makes Hong Kong really look unique. I feel both like a Hong Kong person and a Chinese person. I’m learning Mandarin now and I think it’s very important since China is a very big country and there’s a lot of people there and we should learn how to communicate with them.


You are not old enough to remember Hong Kong before 1997 but you have heard just heard three people talk about it and you must also have heard things from other people. What are changes are mentioned in the slideshow? What other changes can you think of?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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