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6th Grade English -- Mr. Heafitz

Harris and Me: Chapter 7-12 Review Packet

Chapter Questions

Chapter 7

The Larsons go to town:

Harris and “Me” watch a movie:

Chapter 8

Harris imitates Gene Autry in 2 ways



“Me” takes the blame:

Chapter 9

Dipping the bull:

How does Glennis feel about Harris?:

Chapter 10

“Me” falls in love and Harris ruins it:

Chapter 11

“Me” gets his revenge:

Chapter 12

“Me” has to go home. How does everyone react?

“Me”: He is upset to be leaving. He says: “I had come to belong here, wanted to be here, thought of this as home… and didn’t ever want to leave.”

Clair: Clair tries to cheer “Me” up by saying, “Isn’t this nice? You’re going home at last…” but she does not sound happy.

Knute: Knute says nothing but stands with his hands balled in fists in his pockets and looks at the ground.

Glennis: Glennis cries.

*Harris: Harris is very upset. At first he wants “Me” to hide in the corn and never leave. When “Me” is finally leaving he stays away until the last minute and then runs up to the car and crys, “You make them bring you back.”


Harris sends a letter:

• Harris tells about how he tried to run over Ernie with a wheelbarrow.

• Glennis still hits him when he swears

• Knute broke a finger but it doesn’t bother him

• Clair is cooking

• In other words, everyone is acting the way we would expect

Louie sends a gift:

The gift is the little carved figure Louie made of him. This is important because there was a figure for each member of the Larson family. Having his own figure meant that “Me” was a part of the family and that he belonged there.

Essay Questions (you will need to answer 1 of them)

A. Is Harris a good friend?


B. How does the relationship between Harris and “Me” change?

At first, “Me” follows whatever Harris does, but over time he starts to stand up for himself and it is more of an equal friendship.

Some important moments:

• Harris tricks “Me” into doing all the work on the separator

• “Me” decides at the last minute not to jump after Harris onto Bill’s back.

• When Harris is hit by a bull and pretends to be more injured in order to get out of work, “Me” tells him, “If you don’t help tomorrow, I’m going to kill you.”

• When Harris ruins his chance at love, “Me” gets revenge with the electric fence.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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