Questionnaire of Free Time Activities- Result of the

Questionnaire of Free Time Activities- Result of the


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|1.  What country are you from? |

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|Participation of students in the survey : |

|At the questionnaire about Free Time Activities there were 166 students taking part in the survey, in different percentages. We thank all of |

|them for contributing with their participation. All of them are adult students, certainly this is relevant for the interpretation of the |

|answers. |

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|2. How many hours do you sleep at night? |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|Usually about 10 hours. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 15% |

|25 |

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|At least 8 hours. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 49% |

|81 |

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|About 6 hours. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 36% |

|60 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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|49% of the students sleep 8 hour at night , that being almost minimum range of time for keeping up a good health. Another considerable |

|percentage of students-36%- is situated under the reccomended minimum time for night sleep , this lack of rest is certanly affecting the |

|activities during the day. |

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|3. Your workplace is situated at only two km. away from home. What means of transport do you choose? |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|I almost always walk. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 36% |

|59 |

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|I take the bus, but I get off earlier and walk the rest of the way. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 26% |

|43 |

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|I drive my own car. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 39% |

|64 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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|Regarding the means of transport , 39% of the students drive their own car in order to get to their workplace.It’s probably a result of time |

|management , the car being fast and giving the opportunity to get in different place during the coffee break, or solving other problems |

|after work.A significant percent -36%- use almost to walk . This gives them a possibility to preserve a healthy status and to interact with |

|other people. Aproximatelly 26% take the bus or walk, that is also encouraging for their health. |

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|4. How many times a week do you practice at least 30 minutes of physical exercise? |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|I go to the gym at least once a week. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 33% |

|55 |

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|I don't do any physical exercise regularly, but I go out for a walk at least twice a week. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 47% |

|78 |

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|I never take any exercise. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 20% |

|33 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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|The most significant information , and also the most severe , is 20% of the students take never any physical exercise.This could affect their |

|health status, especially because of their disinterest in sustentation of a good physical condition. |

|Aproximatelly, half of the students don’t do regularly physical exercises but go out at least twice a week for a walk. Only 33% go to the gym |

|at least once a week , demonstrate their concern to maintain their health through lenthened and periodical efforts. |

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|5. How do you relax after a stressful day at work? |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|I do something pleasant with my friends or family. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 43% |

|72 |

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|I sit in front of my TV set with a bowl of chips and a glass of wine. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 16% |

|27 |

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|I take a bath or sleep. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 40% |

|67 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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|Taking a good sleep or a bath seems to be most freguent ways of relaxing at home ( 40% ), although these are rather types of passive free time |

|. They probably indicate a deficiency and failure of sleeping over night or they are a direct result of an overwhelming day , as in the the |

|case of 16% that indicates the same. |

|Another suggestive percentage- 43%- prefers to do something pleasant with their friends or family, which means an active free time , improving |

|the quality of free time in the benefit of personal relationships and growing self identity in their own family / social group. |

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|6. How much time do you spend clubbing? |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|I don’t usually go / I rarely go. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 59% |

|98 |

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|Once a week. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 27% |

|45 |

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|Twice – three times a week. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 14% |

|23 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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|For the most of the questioned adult student, clubbing isn’t the favourite activity ( 59%), but it’s part of their life , probably of the |

|younger one. |

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|7. How often do you watch TV? |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|Sometimes, when I am interested in something specific. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 35% |

|58 |

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|Pretty often, I like watching TV in general. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 36% |

|60 |

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|Every day, I can't live without the TV. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 29% |

|48 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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|More than half of those who were questioned use to watch TV , even they aren’t interested in something special. |

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|8. The last time you went to a concert/opera/ballet/show was: |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|The other day. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 8% |

|14 |

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|A few weeks ago. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 28% |

|46 |

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|I don't usually go, I haven't been for a long time. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 64% |

|106 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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|It’s rather demoralizing for the most of them-64%- that there isn’t enough time or eagerness to go to a concert, opera or ballet , not only as|

|an opportunity to see an art manifestation, but an entertaining way of spending free time . Probably it’s a little difficult to can reach at a|

|precise time at a concert or to spend some amount of money on this kind of activities. |

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|9. When I have free time… |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|I always organize it; I know what to do. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 16% |

|27 |

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|I don't have a program, but I normally spend it with friends and family. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 57% |

|95 |

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|I never organise it, that is why I call it "free"! |

| [pic][pic][pic] 27% |

|44 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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|More than a half from the students answering the questionnaire ( 57%) don’t have a program and they would rather spend their free time with |

|their friends and family. Maybe the necessity of organizing one’s free time is not a practice and this lead to more wasted time, even when it’s|

|free. |

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|10. At the week-end, most of the time: |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|I meet my friends or I go out with my family/partner. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 55% |

|92 |

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|I wait and see how the others organise their time (friends, family, partner). |

| [pic][pic][pic] 19% |

|32 |

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|I stay at home, to relax. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 18% |

|30 |

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|I always have something left from work. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 7% |

|12 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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|Probably the indirect answer is the most free time is weekend time , when the adult students have enough time to spend with family or friends |

|( 55%). It ‘s time for family / partener/ friends, for personal social and emotional needs . |

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|11. How often do you surf the internet? |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|Sometimes, only when I need something specific. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 36% |

|59 |

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|Pretty often, I enjoy surfing the net. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 34% |

|57 |

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|Every day, I can't live without surfing the net. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 30% |

|50 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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|The percentage of 30% who cannot live without surfing the internet is medical classified as “ internet addicted “ , a disorder that must be |

|observed and corrected. It is one of the most freguent disorder of the modern world , affects health and communication. |

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|12. Motto: "Free time does not mean the end of work, but work means the end of free time" |

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|Response |

|Average |

|Total |

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|I agree completely. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 39% |

|65 |

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|I partially agree. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 51% |

|84 |

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|I disagree. |

| [pic][pic][pic] 10% |

|17 |

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|Total |

| [pic][pic][pic] 100% |

|166/166 |

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To draw a conclusion, most of the adult students don’t have free time organized activities (84%), their free time being focused on the end of the week (55%), after finishing everyday working or compulsory activities. Rather alarming is 36% from the questioned students sleep about 6 hours at night and this lack of rest could affect that daily activities and health.

That final part of the week is dedicated to their families, partners or social life (43%), containing types of activities in opened spaces or walking. During the week, the adult students who took part at the questionnaires do relaxing activities – sleeping, taking a good bath, watching TV or surfing on the internet- most of them being passive free time , from the point of view of the psychologists .

The good news is most of them walk their way to the work office ( approximately 40-45% ) and/or do physical exercises at least once a week ( 33%) in order to maintain or improve their physical condition.

An irrelevant percentage use to go to opera, concerts or other artistic manifestations, probably the causes being lack of time during the precise day of this kind of manifestations or the costs.

Using the internet (64%) or watching TV (65%) seem to be ones of the favourite activities, while clubbing does not (59% goes never/ rarely).

Thank you again those who took their time to participate to this Grundtvig lesson as students or teachers.

Magda Mantu and Adriana Bulearca , Romania


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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