ENG 4C - David Lomax

ENG 1D Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Romeo and Juliet Response Journal Assignment

While you are reading Romeo and Juliet continue to use your response journal as you have in the past. Write one full page (or more) in response to each act of the play. In your responses, refer to each of the literary terms mentioned on this page. Use this page as a checklist to remind yourself to use each of the terms. You can use a term more than once, but don’t forget to use all of them at least once.




Blank verse









Initiating event

Rising action





Your choices make a difference when we read and study Romeo and Juliet. In section two of this booklet, there are twenty-four different activities for you to choose from. As we read the play, pick twenty of these activities and complete them; since there are twenty-five scenes in the play, this means that you don't quite have to do one activity per scene, but it does mean that you must have all twenty of the ones you choose completed by the day we finish reading the play.

Section 1: In Class

|Task |

|Notes on Shakespeare |

|Activity on Shakespearean language |

|(including insults) |

|Notes on tragedy |

|Notes on Romeo and Juliet |

|Notes on movies and adaptations |

Section 2: While Reading

|Task |Act , Scene |

|Modern translation | |

|T-Chart | |

|Summary | |

|Summary | |

|Summary | |

|Facebook | |

|Facebook | |

|Wordsmith | |

|Wordsmith | |

|Wordsmith | |

|Acting appreciation | |

|Acting critique | |

|Thoughts about true love/love | |

|at first sight | |

|Thoughts about arranged | |

|marriages | |

|Thoughts about feuds and | |

|feuding | |

|Evaluation of character | |

|Evaluation of decisions | |

|Researcher | |

|Researcher | |

|Researcher | |

|Questioner | |

|Questioner | |

|Comic Book | |

|Comic Book | |

Section 3: After Reading

|Task |

|Fortune graph |

|Relationship map |

|Review of the movie |

|Essay |

|Date |Act and Scene |Characters |Students |

| |I, i |Sampson |_______________________________ |

| | |Gregory |_______________________________ |

| | |Abraham |_______________________________ |

| | |Benvolio |_______________________________ |

| | |Tybalt |_______________________________ |

| | |Citizen |_______________________________ |

| | |Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Lady Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Montague |_______________________________ |

| | |Lady Montague |_______________________________ |

| | |Prince |Teacher |

| | |Romeo |Teacher |

| |I, ii |Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Paris |_______________________________ |

| | |Servant |_______________________________ |

| | |Benvolio |_______________________________ |

| | |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| |I, iii |Lady Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Juliet |_______________________________ |

| | |Nurse |_______________________________ |

| | |Servant |_______________________________ |

| |I, iv |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| | |Benvolio |_______________________________ |

| | |Mercutio |Teacher |

| |I, v |1st Servant |_______________________________ |

| | |2nd Servant |_______________________________ |

| | |Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |2nd Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| | |Tybalt |_______________________________ |

| | |Juliet |_______________________________ |

| | |Nurse |_______________________________ |

| |II, i |Benvolio |_______________________________ |

| | |Mercutio |_______________________________ |

| | |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| |II, ii |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| | |Juliet |_______________________________ |

| |II, iii |Friar Laurence |Teacher |

| | |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| |II, iv |Mercutio |_______________________________ |

| | |Benvolio |_______________________________ |

| | |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| | |Peter |_______________________________ |

| | |Nurse |_______________________________ |

| |II, v |Juliet |_______________________________ |

| | |Nurse |_______________________________ |

| |II, vi |Friar Laurence |_______________________________ |

| | |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| | |Juliet |_______________________________ |

| |III, i |Benvolio |_______________________________ |

| | |Mercutio |_______________________________ |

| | |Tybalt |_______________________________ |

| | |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| | |First Citizen |_______________________________ |

| | |Prince |_______________________________ |

| | |Montague |_______________________________ |

| | |Lady Capulet |_______________________________ |

| |III, ii |Juliet |_______________________________ |

| | |Nurse |_______________________________ |

| |III, iii |Friar Laurence |Teacher |

| | |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| | |Nurse |_______________________________ |

|May 24 |III, iv |Paris |_______________________________ |

| | |Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Lady Capulet |_______________________________ |

|2012-05-24 |III, v |Juliet |_______________________________ |

| | |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| | |Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Lady Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Nurse |_______________________________ |

| |IV, i |Juliet |_______________________________ |

| | |Paris |_______________________________ |

| | |Friar Laurence |_______________________________ |

| |IV, ii and iii |Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Lady Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Servant |_______________________________ |

| | |Nurse |_______________________________ |

| | |Juliet |_______________________________ |

| |IV, iv and v |Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Lady Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Nurse |_______________________________ |

| | |Paris |_______________________________ |

| | |Friar Laurence |_______________________________ |

| | |First Musician |_______________________________ |

| | |Second Musician |_______________________________ |

| | |Third Musician |_______________________________ |

| | |Peter |_______________________________ |

| |V, i |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| | |Balthasar |_______________________________ |

| | |Apothecary |_______________________________ |

| |V, ii |Friar John |_______________________________ |

| | |Friar Laurence |_______________________________ |

| |V, iii |Paris |_______________________________ |

| | |Page |_______________________________ |

| | |Romeo |_______________________________ |

| | |Balthasar |_______________________________ |

| | |Friar Laurence |Teacher |

| | |Juliet |_______________________________ |

| | |All Watchmen |_______________________________ |

| | |Prince |_______________________________ |

| | |Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Lady Capulet |_______________________________ |

| | |Montague |_______________________________ |

Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Before-Reading: Notes on Shakespeare







Personal life:


His times:


Shakespearean Insult Sheet


"Thou ____________________ __________________ _________________"


"Thou ____________________ __________________ _________________"


"Thou ____________________ __________________ _________________"

"Thou ____________________ __________________ _________________"

"Thou ____________________ __________________ _________________"

"Thou ____________________ __________________ _________________"

Shakespearean Insult Words

|Column A |Column B |Column C |

|bawdy |bunch-backed |canker-blossom |

|brazen |clay-brained |clotpole |

|churlish |dog-hearted |crutch |

|distempered |empty-hearted |cutpurse |

|fitful |empty-headed |dogfish |

|gnarling |evil-eyed |egg-shell |

|greasy |eye-offending |gull-catcher |

|grizzled |horn-mad |hedge-pig |

|haughty |ill-breeding |hempseed |

|hideous |ill-composed |jack-a-nape |

|jaded |ill-natured |malkin |

|knavish |ill-nurtured |malignancy |

|lewd |iron-witted |malt-worm |

|peevish |lean-witted |manikin |

|pernicious |lily-livered |minimus |

|prating |mad-bread |miscreant |

|purpled |motley-minded |moldwarp |

|queasy |muddy-mettled |pantaloon |

|rank |onion-eyed |rabbit |

|reeky |pale-hearted |rampallion |

|royish |paper-faced |remnant |

|saucy |pinch-spotted |rudesby |

|sottish |raw-boned |ruffian |

|unmuzzled |rug-headed |scantling |

|vacant |rump-fed |scullion |

|waggish |shag-eared |snipe |

|wanton |shrill-gorged |waterfly |

|wenching |sour-faced |whipster |

|yeasty |weak-hinged |younker |

Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Before-Reading: Notes on Tragedy

Other tragedies before Shakespeare:


Other things people wrote besides tragedies:


Other tragedies Shakespeare wrote:


Tropes of a tragedy:


Tropes in modern stories:


Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Before-Reading: Notes on Romeo and Juliet

Where the story came from:


How Shakespeare changed it:


What people thought about it:


Why it is so popular:


Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Before-Reading: Notes on movies and adaptations

R&J in the movies:


R&J on stage:


R&J in other media:


R&J in popular culture:


Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Modern Translation

Pick a passage that is at least ten lines long from the scene. Make a translation of your own into modern language. For your translation, do not rely on the translation in the book, but rather change the images and ideas into modern images and ideas the same way you change the words into modern words.


O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!

It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night

Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear;

Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!

So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows,

As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows.

The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand,

And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand.

Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight!

For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.

Wow, next to her a spotlight would look dim.

If darkness had a neck, she’d be the diamond necklace that made it perfect. She’s too beautiful to be seen anywhere on earth, because nothing on earth comes even close to her. She’s like a perfect painting, hanging out with a bunch of paint splatters. When this dance is over, I’m going to see where she goes and try to just let my hand brush up against hers. I can’t believe I thought I was in love before. No way! I never even saw beauty until tonight.

Original Shakespeare: Your version:

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

_______________________________ ___________________________________

Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Create a t-chart showing the differences between any of the following (choose one pair of ideas): Romeo and you; Juliet and you; healthy and unhealthy relationships; customs them and customs now; anything else you think that’s worth comparing.

Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Create a graphic organizer based on the day's reading. Choose an organizer that is suitable for what you read (Venn diagram, t-chart, plot graph, hierarchy, window, etc.).

Write a 5-8 sentence summary of what you read:


Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Create a graphic organizer based on the day's reading. Choose an organizer that is suitable for what you read (Venn diagram, t-chart, plot graph, hierarchy, window, etc.).

Write a 5-8 sentence summary of what you read:


Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Create a graphic organizer based on the day's reading. Choose an organizer that is suitable for what you read (Venn diagram, t-chart, plot graph, hierarchy, window, etc.).

Write a 5-8 sentence summary of what you read:


Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Shakespearean Facebook

Choose 4 words from the reading that may be new, different, difficult, interesting or important. Pretend that the characters in this scene had access to Facebook. Create a wall with posts by some of these characters. Use a mix of lines and ideas from the play with lines and ideas of your own. Consider the following as a guide. You may create this by yourself on a piece of paper, or you may use an online tool (such as Wall Machine, which I used) and then print it out.

Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Shakespearean Facebook

Choose 4 words from the reading that may be new, different, difficult, interesting or important. Pretend that the characters in this scene had access to Facebook. Create a wall with posts by some of these characters. Use a mix of lines and ideas from the play with lines and ideas of your own. Consider the following as a guide. You may create this by yourself on a piece of paper, or you may use an online tool (such as Wall Machine, which I used) and then p

Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Choose 4 words from the reading that may be new, different, difficult, interesting or important.

Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Choose 4 words from the reading that may be new, different, difficult, interesting or important.

Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Choose 4 words from the reading that may be new, different, difficult, interesting or important.

Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Word: ________ Context:


I predicted this word means: ________________

When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found it means:


Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Acting Appreciation

Write two good SEEC paragraphs about the acting done by one of the actors in one of the movies. Specifically, comment on what you think the actor was doing well when it came to voice, expressions, use of his or her body, interactions with others, emotion, etc.


















Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Acting Critique

Write two good SEEC paragraphs about the acting done by one of the actors in one of the movies. Specifically, comment on what you think the actor could improve on when it came to voice, expressions, use of his or her body, interactions with others, emotion, etc.


















Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Thoughts about true love or love at first sight

Write two good SEEC paragraphs about your opinion of the ideas of true love and love at first sight.





















Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Thoughts about arranged marriages

Write two good SEEC paragraphs about your opinion of the idea of arranged marriages versus love-matches.




















Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Thoughts about feuds and feuding

Write two good SEEC paragraphs about your opinion of feuds and feuding as it is presented in this play and as it happens in modern life.





















Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Evaluation of character

Pick the person in this play who had the poorest character and the person who had the best, and explain your decisions. In this case “character” means their goodness, their commitment to principles, their good decision-making skills, their integrity, and so on.




















Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Evaluation of decisions

Pick the two people who made what you would think of as the worst decisions in this play and explain why you think their decisions were bad.





















Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Dig up some background information on any topic related to the text. This could include the history or geography of the book's setting, information about a time period portrayed in the book, or information about a specific individual. Below, write the website at which you found your information, and summarize the information you found.

Websites: ______________________________ ______________________________

Topic: _________________________________

What you found out:





Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Dig up some background information on any topic related to the text. This could include the history or geography of the book's setting, information about a time period portrayed in the book, or information about a specific individual. Below, write the website at which you found your information, and summarize the information you found.

Websites: ______________________________ ______________________________

Topic: _________________________________

What you found out:




Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Dig up some background information on any topic related to the text. This could include the history or geography of the book's setting, information about a time period portrayed in the book, or information about a specific individual. Below, write the website at which you found your information, and summarize the information you found.

Websites: ______________________________ ______________________________

Topic: _________________________________

What you found out:




Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Write some questions to help the group discuss this day's reading. Generate questions that invite group members to share their thoughts, feelings, reactions, and concerns about the text. Use the following suggestions to guide the development of your questions. After each question, write down what the group has to say.

Who...? What...? When...? Where...? Why...? How...? If...?

How did you feel about...? Did __________ surprise you? What lesson ...?



Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___


Write some questions to help the group discuss this day's reading. Generate questions that invite group members to share their thoughts, feelings, reactions, and concerns about the text. Use the following suggestions to guide the development of your questions. After each question, write down what the group has to say.

Who...? What...? When...? Where...? Why...? How...? If...?

How did you feel about...? Did __________ surprise you? What lesson ...?



Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Comic Book

Write a comic-strip that explains part of what you read.

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Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______ Act ___, Scene ___

Comic Book

Write a comic-strip that explains part of what you read.

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Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______

Fortune Graph

Complete the following graph showing the changes in fortune experienced by four characters in the play.



Complete the following charts for any 4 characters from Act V, scene iii.

|Somebody |Wanted |But |So |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Somebody |Wanted |But |So |

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|Somebody |Wanted |But |So |

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|Somebody |Wanted |But |So |

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Romeo and Juliet Reading and Activity Package

Date: _______

Character Relationship Map

On this sheet, create a map representing the relationships between the characters of the movie.

Review – Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet

Write a one-page review of the movie. In your review, you explain the following:

what sort of a movie it is

how the movie starts

how the setting is different from the play

how the characters involved are different from those in the play

how the style is different from in the play

Then, after having explained these things, you evaluate the movie. You say whether it's good or bad and why. You say who you think would like this movie, or who ought to see it. Break your writing into paragraphs.


Essay – “Romeo and Juliet”

In a reasoned and planned essay, address one of the following topics:

Do Romeo and Juliet experience true love?

What are the causes of the tragedy that befalls Romeo and Juliet?

Is Romeo and Juliet a true depiction of human nature?

Is Romeo and Juliet a play that unfairly shows Italians in a bad light?

Compare and contrast the characters of Mercutio and Tybalt.

Are Romeo and Juliet similar to modern teens?

The simplest way this essay will work is as follows:

Paragraph 1

a short summary of the play

a brief evaluation of the play

a single sentence explaining your thesis statement

Paragraph 2

a topic sentence, explaining one important argument

some examples from the play backing up your argument (at least two)

some ideas about those examples

a transition to the next paragraph

Paragraph 3

a topic sentence, explaining one important argument

some examples from the play backing up your argument (at least two)

some ideas about those examples

a transition to the next paragraph

Paragraph 4

a topic sentence, explaining one important argument

some examples from the play backing up your argument (at least two)

some ideas about those examples

a transition to the next paragraph

Paragraph 5

a restatement of your thesis

other thoughts

possible amusing closer

Essay Planner – “Romeo and Juliet”

Fill in this planner to help you prepare for writing the first draft of your essay. Then write the first draft, have a partner read it, and write a revised draft based on your partner's feedback.

|Paragraph 1 |

| |

|What is your thesis statement? ________________________________________________________ |

| |

|_________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Paragraph 2 |

| |

|An argument ______________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|An example to back this up ___________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Another example to back this up _______________________________________________________ |

|Paragraph 3 |

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|An argument ______________________________________________________________________ |

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|An example to back this up ___________________________________________________________ |

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|Another example to back this up _______________________________________________________ |

|Paragraph 4 |

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|An argument ______________________________________________________________________ |

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|An example to back this up ___________________________________________________________ |

| |

|Another example to back this up _______________________________________________________ |

|Paragraph 5 |

| |

|A restatement of your thesis ___________________________________________________________ |

1 Reading Activities Evaluation Rubric

|Categories |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |50-59% |60-69% |70-79% |80-100% |

|Knowledge/ |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates some |- demonstrates considerable |- demonstrates thorough |

|Understanding |knowledge |knowledgeconnor |knowledge |knowledge |

|- knowledge of novel and of the | | | | |

|various tasks in the package | | | | |

|- understanding of variety of the|- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates some |- demonstrates considerable |- demonstrates thorough |

|content of the novel |understanding |understanding |understanding |understanding |

|Thinking/ |- uses critical |- uses critical thinking |- uses critical thinking |- uses critical thinking |

|Inquiry |thinking skills with |skills with moderate |skills with considerable |skills with a high degree of |

|- critical thinking skills shown |limited effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |

|in various activities | | | | |

|- creative thinking skills shown |- uses creative |- uses creative thinking |- uses creative thinking |- uses creative thinking |

|in various activities |thinking skills with |skills with moderate |skills with considerable |skills with a high degree of |

| |limited effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |

|Communication |- communicates |- communicates information |- communicates information |- communicates information |

|- communication of information |information with |with some clarity |with considerable clarity |with a high degree of clarity|

|and ideas in activities |limited clarity | | | |

|- use of various forms of |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates moderate |- demonstrates considerable |- demonstrates extensive |

|communication in activities |command of various |command of various forms |command of various forms |command of various forms |

| |forms | | | |

|Application |- uses language |- uses language conventions |- uses language conventions |- uses language conventions |

|- application of language |conventions with |with some accuracy and |with considerable accuracy |with a high degree of |

|conventions |limited accuracy and |effectiveness |and effectiveness |accuracy and effectiveness |

| |effectiveness | | | |

|- connection of personal ideas to|- connection of |- connection of personal |- connection of personal |- connection of personal |

|writing pieces |personal ideas to |ideas to writing is |ideas to writing is |ideas to writing is highly |

| |writing is limited |moderately effective |considerably effective |effective |

2 Media-related Activities Evaluation Rubric

|Categories |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |50-59% |60-69% |70-79% |80-100% |

|Knowledge/ |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates some knowledge|- demonstrates considerable |- demonstrates thorough |

|Understanding |knowledge | |knowledge |knowledge |

|- knowledge of media-related | | | | |

|issues regarding adaptations of | | | | |

|film to plays | | | | |

|Thinking/ |- uses critical |- uses critical thinking |- uses critical thinking |- uses critical thinking |

|Inquiry |thinking skills with |skills with moderate |skills with considerable |skills with a high degree of |

|- critical thinking skills shown |limited effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |

|with relation to media-related | | | | |

|issues | | | | |

|Communication |- communicates |- communicates information |- communicates information |- communicates information |

|- communication of information |information with |with some clarity |with considerable clarity |with a high degree of clarity|

|and ideas in activities |limited clarity | | | |

|Application |- uses language |- uses language conventions |- uses language conventions |- uses language conventions |

|- application of language |conventions with |with some accuracy and |with considerable accuracy |with a high degree of |

|conventions |limited accuracy and |effectiveness |and effectiveness |accuracy and effectiveness |

| |effectiveness | | | |


4 Reading Aloud Rubric

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Comprehension |Student has trouble |Student understands some |Student seems to understand |Student seems to understand |

| |understanding or |parts of the story and |most of the story and |entire play and accurately |

| |remembering most parts |accurately answers 1 question|accurately answers 2 |answers 3 questions related |

| |of the story. |related to the story. |questions related to the |to the story. |

| | | |story. | |

|Participates Willingly |Student does not |Student does not volunteer |Student volunteers once or |Student routinely volunteers |

| |willingly participate. |answers, but willingly tries |twice and willingly tries to |answers to questions and |

| | |to answer questions s/he is |answer all questions s/he is |willingly tries to answer |

| | |asked. |asked. |questions s/he is asked. |

|Follows Along |Student is on the wrong|Student is on the correct |Student is on the correct |Student is on the correct |

| |page OR is clearly |page and seems to read along |page and usually appears to |page and is actively reading |

| |reading ahead or behind|occasionally. May have a |be actively reading, but |along (eyes move along the |

| |the person who is |little trouble finding place |looks at the reader or the |lines) or finger is following|

| |reading aloud. |when called upon to read. |pictures occasionally. Can |words being read aloud by |

| | | |find place easily when called|others. |

| | | |upon to read. | |

|Respects Others |Student interrupts |Student interrupts once or |Student listens quietly and |Student listens quietly, does|

| |often by whispering, |twice, but comments are |does not interrupt. Moves a |not interrupt, and stays in |

| |making comments or |relevant. Stays in assigned |couple of times, but does not|assigned place without |

| |noises that distract |place without distracting |distract others. |distracting fidgeting. |

| |others OR moves around |movements. | | |

| |in ways that distract | | | |

| |others. | | | |

|Communication Skills: Reading |Difficult to hear |Some projection |Good projection most of the |Projection: was able to hear |

|aloud |Rate was too fast or |Tone: appealing voice most of|time |throughout room |

| |too slow |the time |Tone: appealing voice most |Tone: appealing voice |

| |Could not be understood|Volume: loud enough some |of the time |Volume: loud enough |

| | |time |Volume: loud enough most of |Rate: just right speed |

| | |Rate: sometimes too fast or |the time |Articulation: able to hear |

| | |slow |Rate: sometimes too fast or |every word |

| | |Articulation: able to hear |slow | |

| | |some words |Articulation: able to hear | |

| | | |most words | |

Note: A student whose achievement is below level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity.

Essay Rubric

| |Below Level 1 |Level 1 (50-59%) |Level 2 (60-69%) |Level 3 (70-79%) |Level 4 (80-100%) |

| |(0-49%) | | | | |

|Achievement Categories | | | | | |

|Knowledge / Understanding |The student: |

|knowledge of essay format | |

|understanding of ideas and | |

|information | |

|understanding of relationships | |

|between ideas and examples | |

| |Shows very limited |Shows limited |Shows some knowledge of|Shows considerable |Shows thorough knowledge|

| |knowledge of the |knowledge of the |the form |knowledge of the form |of the form |

| |form |form | | | |

| |Shows very limited |Shows limited |Shows some knowledge of|Shows considerable |Shows thorough knowledge|

| |understanding of |knowledge of ideas |ideas and information |knowledge of ideas and |of ideas and information|

| |ideas and |and information | |information | |

| |information | | | | |

| |Shows very limited |Shows limited |Shows some knowledge of|Shows considerable |Shows thorough knowledge|

| |knowledge of |knowledge of |relationships between |knowledge of |of relationships between|

| |relationships |relationships |ideas and examples |relationships between |ideas and examples |

| |between ideas and |between ideas and | |ideas and examples | |

| |examples |examples | | | |

|Thinking / Inquiry |Uses critical |Uses critical |Uses critical thinking |Uses critical thinking |Uses critical thinking |

|critical thinking skills |thinking skills |thinking skills with|skills with some |skills with |skills with a high |

| |with very limited |limited |effectiveness |considerable |degree of effectiveness |

| |effectiveness |effectiveness | |effectiveness | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|inquiry skills | | | | | |

| |Uses irrelevant and|Uses some relevant |Uses some relevant and |Uses relevant and |Uses relevant and |

| |inaccurate |or accurate |accurate information to|accurate information to|accurate information to |

| |information to |information to |support ideas |support ideas |support ideas |

| |support ideas |support ideas | | | |

|Communication |Communicates ideas |Communicates ideas |Communicates ideas with|Communicates ideas with|Communicates ideas with |

|communication of ideas |with very limited |with limited |some effectiveness |considerable |a high degree of |

|communication to an audience |effectiveness |effectiveness | |effectiveness |effectiveness |

|for a purpose | | | | | |

|use of the form of linked | | | | | |

|paragraphs | | | | | |

Response Journal Rubric

|Categories |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |50-59% |60-69% |70-79% |80-100% |

|Knowledge/ |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates some |- demonstrates considerable|- demonstrates thorough |

|Understanding |knowledge |knowledge |knowledge |knowledge |

|- knowledge of the form required | | | | |

|for response journal | | | | |

|- understanding of information, |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates some |- demonstrates considerable|- demonstrates thorough |

|ideas, concepts related to each |understanding |understanding |understanding |understanding |

|individual journal entry | | | | |

|Thinking/Inquiry |- uses critical thinking|- uses critical thinking|- uses critical thinking |- uses critical thinking |

|- critical thinking skills shown |skills with limited |skills with moderate |skills with considerable |skills with a high degree of |

|in responses to questions |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |effectiveness |

|- inquiry skills in analysing, |- uses inquiry skills |- uses inquiry skills |- uses inquiry skills with |- uses inquiry skills with a |

|and interpreting information, and|with limited |with moderate |considerable effectiveness |high degree of effectiveness |

|forming conclusions to questions |effectiveness |effectiveness | | |

|Communication |- communicates |- communicates |- communicates information |- communicates information |

|- communication of information |information and ideas |information and ideas |and ideas with considerable|and ideas with a high degree |

|and ideas in journal writing |with limited clarity |with some clarity |clarity |of clarity |

|pieces | | | | |

|Application |- uses language |- uses language |- uses language conventions|- uses language conventions |

|- application of language |conventions with limited|conventions with some |with considerable accuracy |with a high degree of |

|conventions in response journals |accuracy and |accuracy and |and effectiveness |accuracy and effectiveness |

| |effectiveness |effectiveness | | |

|- connection of personal ideas, |- connection of personal|- connection of personal|- connection of personal |- connection of personal |

|feelings, and experiences in |ideas to writing is |ideas to writing is |ideas to writing is |ideas to writing is highly |

|response journals |limited |moderately effective |considerably effective |effective |



Ill Fortune

Neutral Fortune






Good Fortune


Old Montague

Lady Montague


The Prince

Old Capulet

Lady Capulet

Friar Laurence

The materials in this booklet were created by David and Christina Lomax to accompany the study of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. In some cases, they were adapted from materials made available as part of the Ontario Ministry of Education's Think Literacy project. They are offered under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike license, which means you can have it, you can use it, and you can even change it around, but you may not charge for it, and you may not remove the attribution of our names as the original creators. For more information, please visit .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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