Water Activity (a ) in Foods w CONTENTS

Water Activity in Foods

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Safefood 360? is the provider of food safety management software for industry leading businesses.


Water Activity (aw) in Foods


1. Introduction

2. The Structure of Water

3. Water In Foods

3.1 Water and Food Safety 3.2 Water Activity (aw) 3.3 Effects of Reduced aw on Food Safety 3.4 To Reduce aw

4. Measure of Water Content and aw 4.1 Relationship of Water Activity and Water 4.2 Analysis of Water Content 4.3 Analysis of Water Activity 4.4 Water Activity as a CCP


Water is the most abundant constituent of food and in terms of food safety the most significant. Its presence, quantity and nature determines many chemical and biochemical processes important for the control of product safety and quality. A better understanding of water activity aw can assist in developing robust and scientifically supported food safety plans.

Safefood 360, Inc. 2014

Part of Our Professional Whitepapers Series

Water Activity in Foods

Page 2

1. Introduction

Water is the most abundant constituent of food and in terms of food safety the most significant. Its presence, quantity and nature determines many chemical and biochemical processes important for the control of product safety and quality.

In many HACCP plans, water is frequently referred to as an intrinsic parameter required in product safety and while most of us understand its importance we often fail to understand the reasons why. A better understanding of water, and in particular water activity (aw), can assist in developing robust and scientifically supported food safety plans.

2. The Structure of Water

The chemical structure of water is H2O. It does not exist in an absolutely pure form in nature due to its chemical properties. One molecule of water is composed of two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single oxygen atom. It commonly occurs in all three states, i.e. liquid, solid and gas.

At standard temperature and pressure water is a liquid. It is also tasteless and odorless. The molecule itself is non-linear and polar with an electrical dipole movement. It is a good polar solvent and is typically referred to as the universal solvent.

Hydrophilic (water-loving) substances dissolve readily while hydrophobic (waterfearing) substances are immiscible. At standard temperature and pressure the boiling point of water is 100 ?C (212 ?F).

The density of liquid water is 1,000 kg/m3 (62.43 lb/cu ft) at 4 ?C. Ice has a density of 917 kg/m3 (57.25 lb/cu ft).

3. Water In Foods

Water in food is an important parameter in the field of food science and safety. Due to its unique role in various chemical and biochemical reactions in a food matrix an understanding of water is crucial.

3.1 Water and Food Safety

One of the oldest forms of preserving foods is drying or desiccation. When first applied there was little understanding of why removing moisture from food had the effect of extending its shelf life.

The table on the following page shows the typical water content of certain food product and categories:

Safefood 360, Inc. 2014

Part of Our Professional Whitepapers Series

Water Activity in Foods

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Food Lettuce, tomatoes Carrots, potatoes Apples, cherries Raw lean meat White bread Preserves Dried fruit Wheat flour Milk powder Fruit juices

% Water Food


Cabbage, broccoli


Citrus fruit


Raw poultry










Dried pasta





% Water 92 87 72 37 30 20 18 12 90 87

Over time, an understanding emerged and today we have a solid scientific understanding of how water impacts on product quality and safety. We now know that the water content is less important than the specific behaviour of the water or Water Activity. Water activity is related to water content in a non-linear relationship which is represented using as a moisture sorption isotherm curve.

3.2 Water Activity (aw)

This is the most important parameter of water in terms of food safety. Water activity or aw is the partial vapor pressure of water in a substance divided by the standard state partial vapor pressure of water.

In the field of food science, the standard state is most often defined as the partial vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature. Using this particular definition, pure distilled water has a water activity of exactly one.

To understand this more fully, we must recognise that much of the water in food is bound water, i.e. bound to ions as water of hydration, or bound to surfaces of large molecule or cell structures. This water is not free to support microbial growth, or to participate in or support chemical or enzyme reactions and spoilage processes. The total amount of bound water in a food has no relation to food stability.

The free or available water in a food supports microbial growth, and participates in and supports chemical and enzymatic reactions and spoilage processes. It is this amount of free water which is called water activity, aw, and it is more important for food stability, chemical and microbial, than total water content.

The factors that reduce the mobility of water in a food also reduce its tendency to evaporate and its vapour pressure and this provides a means of defining and measuring it.

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Part of Our Professional Whitepapers Series

Water Activity in Foods

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Therefore, we can generally define Water Activity (aw) as an indication of the amount of Free Water in a food.

Specifically Water Activity (aw) is:


Actual Equilibrium v.p. of air-space

over the food

Equilibrium v.p. of pure water at same temperature

Alternatively we can define it using Relative Humidity (RH):


Actual v.p. water vapour in air x 100

Equilibrium v.p. of Pure Water at Same Temperature

Water Activity


Relative Humidity of Airspace

Over the Food / 100

The ideal solution may be written as :

Aw =

P = Po

%ERH 100

3.3 Effects of Reduced aw on Food Safety

The rate of certain chemical and biochemical processes are effected by the amount of available water. One of the effects of reducing the aw in a food product is to reduce the rate of these reactions. The exception is the oxidation of fats where the rate decreases down to 0.4 to 0.5, then increases.

Another chemical reaction effect is Maillard Browning which is maximum at 0.6-0.7. Most enzymes are inactivated at ................

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