Vol. 16, No. 35 4 September 1981



It may not have been the Bolder Boulder or the Coors Classic, but NCAR

racers last Friday seemed equally challenged and spent, and spectators seemed equally entertained. Although clouds and lower temperatures this year gave all racers a break, the mesa's relentless grade has the power to make hamburger out of hamstrings and caramel out of calves.

A new addition to the races this

year was the water balloon relay race. Darkening skies and threats of lightning added excitement to the already volatile balloon relay.

Some highlights of the races in-

cluded second-place footrace winner

Kevin Sweder (Atmospheric Chemistry and

Aeronomy Division), who ran noncha-

lantly across the finish line flicking

a cigarette. Ronald Ferek (Advanced


(Photo by Ginger Study Program [ASP]), on bike, and

RWaudnlneirgsh.a)ttack the mesa's 152.4-meter climb.

Thomas Bettge (Atmospheric Analysis and

Prediction Division [AAP]), on foot,

looked like runaways from a luau. Both were adorned by straw hats and flower-

print racing silks. Tom sported a

chartreuse Florissant Beauty Salon vin-

tage shirt with his Hawaiian-style

trunks. Said Tom in a post-race inter-

view, "I don't know which was harder:

running up the hill this year or or-

ganizing the event last year." Richard

Katz (ASP visitor) just happened to be

in town for the race, and claimed first

place for the second year.

Lead cyclists (right to left) Vincent Greene, Lofton Henderson, and Ben Domenico vie for first place. (Photo by Ginger Wadleigh.)

First place among the women runners went to Liese Dall, a student assistant with the Convective Storms Division. "I've never run all the way up the mesa before," said a surprised Liese (who decided to run the race only days before), "and it was quite an experience; one I think I'll put off repeating right away." Liese, however, has run a marathon.


This Week in Staff Notes . . .

Races Harold Smith Announcements

Visitors Library News

Job Openings Calendar Notes

2/Staff Notes/4 September 1981

Leonard Romney (left) in cowboy hat and Thomas Bettge (right) in Panama hat sprint to the finish line. (Photo by Charles Semmer.)

Lofton Henderson (Scientific Computing Division [SCD]) battled wheel against wheel to finally take first place among the cyclists. "I did the Mount Evans race a few weeks ago," said Lofton, "and somehow I didn't feel nearly as ruined afterwards." Rounding the last bend, Lofton and Vincent Greene (SCD) nearly touched wheels and collided. Vince took second place.

In the women's section, Carol Fey (Library) passed Juli Rew (Publications) to capture first place by eight seconds. "I accidentally shifted into fourth gear instead of third in the final stretch," said Carol after the race, "I think that's what did it."

"I figure my time was off by about five minutes," said David Fulker (SCD), who had the misfortune to throw off his chain just as the race began (not even making it past the Bob Chervin Memorial before his mishap). "Otherwise I would have been in first place," he joked.

Staff Notes is published weekly by the Publications Office of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado 80307.

Writer/Editor: Sally Bates Writer: Reed Glenn Production Assistants: Mary Boyer, Reed Glenn

Copy deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday for publication on Friday. Office: Mesa Laboratory room 259. Phone: 303-494-5151, ext. 644.

Donning his racing silks, Ron Ferek prepares for the bike race. The water bottle holder on his bike carries a special eZectrolyte solution (Coors). (Photo by Ginger Wadleigh.)

Although there were rumors that Robert Chervin (AAP) was training on Trail Ridge Road this year for the bike race, Bob participated only as a spectator (rather than a spectacle). A few racers raised their eyes from the pavement just long enough to notice the Bob Chervin Memorial (see photo). Last year Bob became ill from the intolerable heat and competitive pressure, and collapsed about halfway up the hill. A memorial plaque was placed on the spot this year by anonymous persons to commemorate the event.

Some intrepid souls, such as John Adams (SCD) and Joseph Choy (SCD) competed in both hill races. But most others, content with just one, tried for improved times from last year. Jan Stewart (ASP) boasted a whopping two-minute, 12-second improvement over last year's foot race time, while Edwin Wolff (Director's Office) shaved two seconds off his cycling time.

The balloon race, though less grueling, was no less exciting. Staff members, no doubt, were amazed at the various techniques employed in the

(Text continued on page four)

3/Staff Notes/4 September 1981

(From left to right) John Middleton, Med Medrud, and Karen Lynch load balloons as relay begins.

(Photo by Charles Semmer.)

Daniel Anderson was on hand at the Bob Chervin Memorial to resuscitate any ailing racers. (Photo by Ginger Wadleigh.)

Terri Frank and At Trujillo (below) cool off during the water balloon relay race. The spectators also participated. (Photo by Charles Semmer.)


4/Staff Notes/4 September 1981


NCAR's mobile photographers Ginger Wadleigh and Robert Bumpas worked back to back to cover the event. (Photo by Charles Semmer.)

event. Some of these included wearing a Pinocchio nose (Karen Lynch [High Altitude Observatory]) and using a canine partner (Joseph Klemp [AAP]). There were various methods of loading and carrying the six water-filled balloons--the stacked grapefruit technique (which produced interesting running gaits) or the more advanced balloon-ends-in-thefingers grip (which required great manual dexterity). And there were other techniques too complex to describe. But John Firor (ASP) dispensed with the problem almost entirely, and ran to the finish with one waterless balloon dangling from his fingers. Perhaps buckling under the tensions of the race, several participants began hurling water balloons at each other and the spectators. Attacks on innocent bystanders up on the Tree Plaza were countered by the spilling of beer.

After the races the crowd gathered on the Tree Plaza for the award ceremony, refreshments, and musical entertainment by Budd Beane.

"In Bill Hess's absence, I want to express his thanks as well as mine to the Employee Activities Committee EAC for the wonderful party they put on for the staff on Friday afternoon," said NCAR's assistant director Edwin Wolff. "These events help make us all feel more like a family. The amount of effort by the [EAC] to organize these activities is great, and we don't often get the opportunity to

Volunteers (left to right) Wilbur Garcia and Michael Shibao, (pictured with Terri Frank) helped out. EAC members Bruce Henry and Patti Zinn organized and timed the races. (Photo by Charles Semmer.)

say 'thank you.' A very big 'thank you' is in order now to every member of the EAC who contributed to the success of the party." Many thanks go also to the security and cafeteria staffs, whose extra work capped the success and enjoyment of a great day. * RG

Below are the individuals who helped organize and run the races. The EAC would like to thank Security, Graphics, the racers, and all the others, too numerous to mention, who helped out.



Rodney Aschenbrenner Betty Davie Bruce Henry Susan Inman Sue Jensen Nancy Leach Douglas Mohr Ann Robinson Boba Stankov Barbara Summers Margaret Taylor Patti Zinn Carole Zolnick

Wilbur Garcia Bruce Henry Douglas Mohr Michael Shibao Patti Zinn


Daniel Anderson Linda Ballard Joseph Choy Ann Gayton Louis Jones

Bicyclists and their times: 1. Lofton Henderson (5:40) 2. Vincent Greene (5:47) 3. Benedict Domenico (6:13) 4. David Elmore (6:14) 5. Peter Bandurian (6:41) 6. Ronald Ferek (6:54) 7. Thomas Stewart (7:03) 8. John Adams (7:10) 9. Russell Rew (7:15) 10. Tyler Perkins (7:30) 11. Dale Durran (7:46) 12. Kenneth Koehlert (7:51) 13. Thomas Mayer (7:53) 14. Richard Grotjahn (8:08) 15. Frederick Clare (8:08) 16. Carol Fey (8:40) 17. Juli Rew (8:48) 18. Joseph Choy (8:55) 19. Edwin Wolff (9:14) 20. Marc Nelson (9:21) 21. David Fulker (9:32) 22. Charlene Bandurian (10:33)

Winning balloon-relay teams 1. Donna Barday

Salvador Munoz Robbi Press Chrisanto Salaz 2. Victor Borgogno Michael Moxey Carol Nicolaidis George Saum

Photo by Robert Bumpas.

5/Staff Notes/4 September 1981

Entrants (and their finishing times) in the foot race:

1. Richard Katz (7:42) 2. Kevin Sweder (8:15) 3. Peter Hildebrand (9:03) 4. John Adams (9:14) 5. Ronald Gilliland (9:23) 6. Peter Gent (9:27) 7. Morris Weisman (9:55) 8. Joseph Choy (10:10) 9. Richard Warrick (10:18) 10. Tor Fla (10:30) 11. Thomas Bettge (10:33) 12. Leonard Romney (10:35) 13. Michael McPhaden (10:37) 14. Stephen Rogers (10:38) 15. Liese Dall (10:43) 16. Timothy Brown (10:45) 17. Victor Borgogno (11:06) 18. Richard Fisher (11:17) 19. Ernest Hildner (11:20) 20. Joseph Klemp (11:41) 21. Paula Rubin (12:01) 22. Jan Stewart (12:03) 23. William Kohri (12:32) 24. Cliff Greenwood (12:34) 25. Michael Moxey (12:42) 26. Ronald Krubeck (13:00)

Note: Not all the racers picked up their participants' ribbons. If you ran in one of the races but did not receive one, contact Patti Zinn in the Printshop, ext. 271.


Known to most staff members as "Smitty," Harold Smith recently celebrated his retirement at a party in his honor. Smitty has worked at NCAR for the past 15 years in various capacities. "My first day of work here was also just about the first day the Mesa Lab opened," he said. Smitty began at NCAR as a security guard before all the glass panels were set in the doors, or the stairs were poured. "We used to lock up the building at night by placing two-by-fours through the door handles," he reminisced, "but since there was no glass in the panels beside the front doors, anyone could walk right through." After a year and a half as a guard, Smitty transferred to outside maintenance, which he headed until 1973. He then joined the electrical crew, where he worked until his retirement.

Smitty is actually retiring for the second time. As a U.S. Navy career man, he served as chief damage control officer. "This was the original carpenter's mate job with a new title," said Smitty, "but since the Navy no longer uses wooden ships, the carpenter's mate has become a jack-ofall-trades, doing pipefitting, welding, and all types of ship repair." During his 12 years of sea duty he taught damage control, fire fighting, and

6/Staff Notes/4 September 1981

on-board response to nuclear attacks. His last tour of duty was as a Navy recruiter in Boulder.

In between his first retirement and his second career at NCAR, Smitty drove the Gold Hill school bus, winding daily up Four Mile Canyon to pick up children in Gold Hill, and weaving back down Sunshine Canyon to drop them off in the Boulder schools.

"If anything, I don't have enough time since my retirement--I've got so many irons in the fire," he commented. Among other things, he is remodeling a 100-year-old cabin he owns in Eagle County. "It's

what you'd call a line cabin, the kind the cowboys

would build on the 'line' of a cattle drive. Once

it's finished, I'd eventually like to live in the

cabin full time and run my leather business from


Smitty operates a leather-working

business, making belts, wallets, accessories, and

some industrial items. He also plans to expand the

hloerastehertebaumssineusssed tobyincllocuadle rreapnacihreirnsg. harInnessbe0stwefeonr

working on the cabin and the leather business,

Smitty maintains his truck and does some hunting and fishing. He plans to celebrate Labor Day at his cabin, with an NCAR crew on hand for both work and play. e RG



During the month of September, the art gallery on the second floor of the Mesa Laboratory will feature batiks made by James Downton.

Downton, a native of California, has been on the

faculty of the University of Colorado's Department

of Sociology since 1969.

"While I have

experimented with various artistic media as a hobby

for years," says Downton, "I only became seriously

involved in art about two and a half years ago when

I began to work with a batik method." Batik

classically involves applying wax to cloth to form

designs and then dipping the cloth in dye. Rather

than dipping the entire cloth in dye, however,

Downton paints only specific areas of the cloth

with each dye.

Downton received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of California at Berkeley.


Some recent accidents with the handling of acid batteries at the University of Colorado (CU) have prompted their director of environmental health and safety to warn CU staff about injuries from acid on the skin or in the eyes. Protection against such injury is provided in part by goggles and face shields. NCAR safety officer, Blair Smallwood, would like to remind staff members to take such precautions, and to contact him about protective items available.

NAME CHANGE Wanda Bernal, formerly Wanda Keeney.

MONDAY IS A HOLIDAY This Monday, 7 September, is Labor Day, and a

holiday for NCAR employees.


meeTtihneg NCAonR STkuiesdCalyu,b w2i2ll Sheopltdembitesr, aninnual thegenMeraainl Seminar Room at 12:00 noon. Bring your lunch and enjoy an inspiring ski movie, guaranteed to whet your appetite for fun in that white substance. The Ski Club officers will provide information on dis-

cAolluntNsCARandstatfrfipsmempblearns neadnd fovrisittohers caorme inginvisteeadsont.o attend.


The Employee Activities Committee (EAC) has reserved a section of choice seats for Boulder's Dinner Theatre's production of West Side Story on tdhoeorseveonpienng oaft T6h:u3r0sdapy.m,. 15 anOdctotbheer. shoTwhe btehgeiantser'ast 8d:i0n0ner,, Thaend EAtCip,tickiset $1p3r.i4c5e., whTihcihs iinscluwdeells Tbheelowdeatdhleinecufrorer ntreseprrvicineg ftoicr keintsdivtihdruoaugl h titchkeetEsAC. iesxt.Fri2d7a0y,for25 reSseeprtvematbieorn. s. Please call Patti Zinn on


The NCAR library requests that all orders for office copy books which are to be charged to fiscal ylaetaerr 1t9h8a1n pFrroidjeacyt, f1u1ndSseptbeembseern. t toOrdSeirmsonerecMeiavendo after that date will be charges to 1982 funds.

Note: Office copies should be limited to

standard texts such as dictionaries or handbooks

that are in everyday use, or books so specific to a

penaorutgichulainrterpersotjectot twhaartranttheyaddainreg tnoot thoef gliebnreararly


The library requests that staff

members restrict their requests for office copies

to items in these categories.


As in the past, the University of Colorado has provided parking stickers to NCAR staff members who are enrolled there. To obtain a sticker, contact Julee Hanson at ext. 247 or in ML room 202. The sticker permits parking in the lot east of the Engineering Center, designated as area 436.


The "special special" for next Wednesday, 9 September, will be a stuffed veal patty, potato, a vegetable, carrot cake, and coffee or tea, all for $2.

The breakfast special for next week will be ham, one egg, a custard Danish, and coffee or tea, all for $1.10.

The winner of this week's free lunch is:



The books listed below are missing from the Mesa Laboratory's library collection. NCAR staff members and visitors are requested to check their offices and homes for these books and to return any they find to the Mesa Lab.

Aho, Alfred, 1977: Principles of Compiler Design. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. (QA76.6.A365)

American Meteorological Society, 1977: Sixth Conference on Planned and Inadvertent Weather Modification. (QC926.6.A5)

Bell, D., 1975: Fundamentals of Electronic Devices. Reston Pub. Co. (TK7871.85.B3786)

Bradley, Raymond, 1976: Precipitation History of the Rocky Mountain States. Westview Press. (QC925.1.U8R622)

British Library, 1978: Journals in Translation. British Library Lending Division. (REF Z6944.T7.B74)

Burton, Philip, 1976: A Dictionary of Microcomputing. Garland Pub. (QA76.15.B89)

Cole, Franklyn, 1975: Introduction to Meteorology. Wiley. (QC861.2.C64)

Date, C.J., 1975: An Introduction to Database

Systems. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. (QA76.9.D3D37)

Davis, Philip, and Philip Rabinowitz, 1975: Methods


Numerical Integration. Academic Press.


7/Staff Notes/4 September 1981

De Vries, Louis, 1976: French-English Science and Technology Dictionary, fourth edition. McGrawHill. (REF Q123.D37)

Gribbin, John, Ed., 1978: Climatic Change. Cambridge University Press. (QC981.8.C5C55)

Gries, David, Ed., 1978: Programming Methodology. Springer-Verlag. (QA76.6.P7516)

Hastenrath, S., and P.J. Lamb, 1977: Climatic Atlas of the Tropical Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Oceans. University of Wisconsin Press. (QC994.4.H3)

Heicklen, Julian, 1976: Atmospheric Chemistry. Academic Press. (QC879.6.H44)

Higgins, David, 1979: Program Design and Construction. Prentice-Hall. (QA76.6.H528)

Hoffman, A.J., 1975: Climatic Atlas of South America. World Meteorological Organization. (QC988.C53)

Holton, James, 1979: An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology. Academic Press. (QC880.H65)

Kovaly, John, compiler, 1976: Synthetic Aperture Radar. Artech House. (TK6592.S95S95)

Leeson, Marjorie, 1978: Computer Operations: Procedures and Management. Science Research Associates. (HF5548.2.L384)

Literary Market Place with Names and Numbers, 1980. Bowker Co. (REF PN161.L57)

MacRae's Blue Book, 84th edition, 1977. (REF T12.M3)

Mandl, Matthew, 1976: Handbook of Electronic Testing, Measurement, and Troubleshooting. Reston Pub. Co. (TK7870.M322)

Martin, James, 1977: Computer Data-Base Organization. Prentice-Hall. (QA76.9.D3M36)

Monro, Donald, 1979: Basic BASIC: An Introduction to Programming. Winthrop Publishers. (QA76.73.B3M65)

Morales, C., Ed., 1979: Saharan Dust Mobilization Transport Deposition, papers and recommendations from a workshop held in Gothenburg, Sweden. Wiley. (QC882.S23)

National Enquiry into Scholarly Communication, 1979: Scholarly Communication: The Report of the National Enquiry. Johns Hopkins University Press. (Z286.S37N37)

National Research Council, Ocean Science Committee, 1975: U.S. Directory of Marine Scientists. National Academy of Sciences. (GC10.N37)

8/Staff Notes/4 September 1981

Noye, Jon, 1976: Numerical Simulation of Fluid Motion, proceedings of the International Conference on the Numerical Simulation of Fluid Dynamic Systems held at Monash University, Melbourne. North-Holland Pub. Co. (TA357.1568)

Organick, Elliott, 1978: Programming Language Structures. Academic Press. (QA76.7.073)

Pack, D.H., Ed., 1979: Proceedings of the Advisory Workshop to Identify Research Needs on the Formation of Acid Precipitation. Sigma Research Inc. (QC882.A3)

Pfaltz, John, 1977: Computer Data Structures. McGraw-Hill. (QA76.9.D35P42)

Ponte, Lowell, 1976: The Cooling. Prentice-Hall. (QC981.8.C5P66)

Radar Probing of the Auroral Plasma, 1977. Proceedings of the EISCAT summer school, Tromso, Norway. (QC809.P5R3)

Rao, M.S.V., W.V. Abbott, and J.S. Theon, 1976: Satellite-Derived Global Oceanic Rainfall Atlas, 1973 and 1974. Goddard Space Flight Center preprint. (QC925.79.R3)

Robinson, Vester, 1977: Manual of Solid State Circuit Design and Troubleshooting. Reston Pub. Co. (TK7867.R6)

----- , 1975: Solid State Circuit Analysis. Reston Pub. Co. (TK7815.R59)

Russell, P.A., Ed., 1976: Denver Air Pollution Study, proceedings of a 1973 symposium. Environmental Protection Agency. (TD883.5.C6D4)

Schwerdtfeger, P., 1976: "Physical Principles of Micro Meteorological Measurements." Developments in Atmospheric Science, volume six. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co. (QC880.M5S3)

Smith, Jon, 1977: Scientific Analysis on the Pocket Calculator, second edition. Wiley. (QA75.S555)

Spilker, J.J., 1977: Digital Communications by Satellite. Prentice-Hall. (TK5104.S64)

Taylor, Fred, 1976: Digital Signal Processing in Fortran. Lexington Books. (TK5102.5.T34)

Texas Instruments Learning Center, 1975: Microprocessor Handbook, second edition. Texas Instruments Inc. (TK7888.4.T4)

Trolinger, J., and W.W. Moore, Eds., 1977: "Advances in Laser Technology for the Atmospheric Sciences." Proceedings of the Society of PhotoOptical Instrumentation Engineers, volume 125. (TA1673.A3)

U.S. National Bureau of Standards, 1951: Tables of Chemical Kinetics, Homogeneous Reactions, supplement no. 34. Government Printing Office. (QC100.U555)

Wallace, John., 1977: Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey. Academic Press. (QC861.2.W34)

Warrick, Richard, 1975: Drought Hazard in the United States: A Research Assessment, with P. Trainer, E. Baker, and W. Brinkmann. Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado. (QC929.D8W29)

Weinberg, Steven, 1977: The First Three Minutes: A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe. Basic Books. (QB981.W48)

Weller, Walter, 1975: Assembly Level Programming for Small Computers. Lexington Books. (QA76.73.A8W44)

Wiederhold, Gio, 1977: Database Design. McGraw-Hill. (QA76.9.D3W53)

Wilcox, Howard, 1975: Hothouse Earth. Praeger. (TD427.H4W54)

World Meteorological Organization, 1977: Guide to Marine Meteorological Services. (QC875.M3W6)


James Curry, University of Colorado. Field of interest: Statistical dynamical systems. 28 August 1981 - 31 January 1982. Computing carrel 17, ext. 501. --Cecil Leith, Atmospheric Analysis and Prediction


David Fritts, Physical Dynamics Inc. Field of interest: Wave dynamics. 28 August-12 September. Computing carrels, dial "0" for paging service. --Scientific Computing Division

Jeffrey Kiehl, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Field of interest: Trace gas radiative effects on climate. 1-30 September. ML room 249, ext. 648. --Ralph Cicerone, Atmospheric Chemistry and

Aeronomy Division

Joseph Pinto, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, New York. Field of interest: Atmospheric chemical modeling. 15 September 1981 - 15 March 1983. ML room 367, ext. 334. -- Ralph Cicerone, Atmospheric Chemistry and

Aeronomy Division


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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