Scott and Marouf List

Day 1

Bathrooms ? Deep scrub all bathroom floors and walls from the 3rd wall tile from the floor and down using Simple Green. Make sure to get inside the stalls. Use CLR on any calcium buildup you may find on the shower heads, door hinges, handicap rails, and other metal surfaces. Rinse dirty water down the drains with hose.

NOTE: Close bathroom w/ signs found at the front desk.

Windows (Inside only) - Clean the inside and outside of all windows. You should use a mixture of dish soap and water. Please only use roughly teaspoon of dish soap per gallon of water. Put the soap on the window with a rag from the soapy water and then use the squeegee to scrape the water off. Clean the inside of the window frames using a rag to remove any dirt, bugs, and other debris. In addition to the frames make sure you repeat the process for the window sills removing any bugs, dirt, and debris.

Trash Can Cleaning - Supplies: bleach spray bottle, bleach jug, green sponge, and spray nozzle. Take all the trash cans outside by the dumpster. Remove the trash can lids from the trash cans. Then take out the plastic trash can bags -all of them- check if there are any extra and remove those as well. Use the hose nearest the double-doors; make sure the spray nozzle is on it. Spray the inside and outside of the cans thoroughly. Once they are all sprayed take the big bleach can and put a glop inside every trash can. Fill each trash can about an inch full of water so that there are bubbles in each one. Re-spray the trash can you are working on (only outside, it will make cleaning it easier). Take the spray bleach and spray each side (inside and outside) with bleach, then take the green sponge and wipe it down, top to bottom corner to corner. Rinse the trash can to get the suds off. Tilt the trash cans so that the water inside spills out, keep tilted and spray the inside so the water is as clean as it can get. Take trash cans to a dry area and flip them over spray the bottom outside of can. Do this for all cans. With the lids, re-spray them with water and spray the bleach on the inside and outside and scrub with green sponge then spray so all suds are off, do this for all lids. Then take lids and put them on the bottom outside the trash cans. Make sure the corners don't match so that they drier faster (make it look like the 8 point star). Wait to dry. Once dry then flip over the trash cans and place the extra trash bags on the side of the bags hang half in, half out, then spread a new bag inside covering all 4 corners. Put lid on and place back at original area on pool deck.

Day 2

Caulking - Use Mold Armor and a scrub brush to clean all the caulking around the pool. Make sure you do this carefully as Mold Armor is not safe to ingest and children should not have exposure to it or its fumes. Before your first attempt at this task, please speak with Marouf or Ryan so they can show you the best way to do this.

Skimmer Baskets- Remove and clean with the small black brush the baskets inside all of the skimmer drains. The easiest way to do this is to carry an orange bucket with you and put all of the debris into it. When you are done please dump all debris and rinse out the bucket.

Sweep Pool Deck - Using the Push broom sweep the pool deck to remove any dirt and debris. Make sure you use a dustpan. Please do this in sections and around most of the client traffic. Also make sure that there is no trash or any other debris. Also when sweeping look for the ends of the chairs in the slot drain and remove them with using pliers.

CLR Facility - Use the CLR Mixture in the Break room to clean all the stainless steel in the facility. These surfaces are the dive block railing, handrails, flag poles, drinking fountains, swim suit dryer, and lane line reel. In the restrooms clean the partition hardware, handicapped stall hand rails, shower fixtures, handicapped stall seat and support rails. Spray the CLR onto the rag or scotch-bright pad and then wipe and scrub until rust and other dirt is off. Please use the stainless polish afterwards to ensure the surfaces look clean

Windows - Clean the inside and outside of all windows. You should use a mixture of dish soap and water. Please only use roughly teaspoon of dish soap per gallon of water. Put the soap on the window with a rag from the soapy water and then use the squeegee to scrape the water off. Clean the inside of the window frames using a rag to remove any dirt, bugs, and other debris. In addition to the frames make sure you repeat the process for the window sills removing any bugs, dirt, and debris.

Day 3

Bathrooms ? Deep scrub all bathroom floors and walls from the 3rd wall tile from the floor and down using Simple Green. Make sure to get inside the stalls. Use CLR on any calcium buildup you may find on the shower heads, door hinges, handicap rails, and other metal surfaces. Rinse dirty water down the drains with hose.

NOTE: Close bathroom w/ signs found at the front desk.

Breakroom ? Remove mats from floor and place in alley - scrub/ disinfect with bleach and hose down. Deep scrub the floor using Simple Green. Make sure to get inside the changing room. Mop up all remaining moisture. Clear drains of any debris/hair. Clear countertops of any trash then wipe down with Clorox disinfectant. Throw away any old, rotten food from refrigerator and Windex glass shelves.

Miscellaneous ? There will be tasks/fixes throughout the week that will accrue and be added to Day 3 Maintenance. Find either Brett or Justin for additional projects.


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