Property Owner VI Results Notification Letter

Potable Well Letter # 2 – treatment system installed

on well to address site-related contamination


Property Owner Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip Code

Re: Potable Well Sampling at:

Street Address


Block #, Lot #

DCF License #: (applicable to child care centers only)

Sampling Date:

For: Site Name

Street Address


NJDEP Program Interest (PI) #:

Dear [Property Owner Name]:

I am writing on behalf of [name of person responsible for conducting remediation] to provide you with analytical results from a treated water sample collected from your drinking water (potable) well on [date]. The well was sampled as part of the environmental investigation of the [Site Name] site.

Since previous sampling had indicated that ground water contamination from the [Site Name] site had affected your well, a Point-of-Entry Treatment (POET) system was installed on your well to remove contaminants from the water prior to use. The sample used to evaluate water quality was collected after the treatment system. [Please note that the POET system is still necessary to ensure your water quality is acceptable. (Include this sentence if applicable.)]

The sample was analyzed for [list parameter(s)] by [list USEPA Method(s)]. [Although the laboratory routinely analyzes for an extensive list of potential compounds, the contaminant(s) of concern associated with the [Site Name] site that could affect your water quality [is/are] [(list compound(s)]. (Include the previous sentence if reporting all sampling results, including any contaminants that are not related to the site.) [The sample[s] [was/were] analyzed only for the contaminants of concern associated with the [Site Name] site.] (Include this sentence if the laboratory only analyzed the potable water sample for contaminants that are related to the site.)] Summarized below are the analytical results of the water sample collected from your well, along with the applicable standard[s]. NJDEP’s Site Remediation & Waste Management Program currently uses the Class II Ground Water Quality Standards when evaluating drinking water quality, which may differ slightly from the drinking water standards used to evaluate public water supplies. Any sampling result that exceeded the applicable standard is presented in bold type.

Analytical Results of Treated Potable Water Sample

Compound/Element Concentration (in ppb) Standard (in ppb)

ppb – parts per billion

J- Estimated Concentration (if applicable)

D - Diluted Sample (if applicable)


(Author: Choose A or B.)

A. These sampling results indicate the current POET system is reducing the concentration[s] of [list compound(s)] to below the applicable standard[s]. With regard to the contaminant[s] tested for using the analytical methods listed above, the treated water obtained from your well is acceptable for drinking water and other household uses. The water from your potable well should be periodically tested to ensure the treatment system continues to operate effectively. You will be contacted when additional sampling of your well is planned.

B. These sampling results indicate that the current POET system is not reducing the concentration[s] of [list compound(s)] to below the applicable standard[s]. This level of contamination is not acceptable in drinking water and the water from your well should not be used for drinking water purposes. [Name of person responsible for conducting remediation] is required to ensure that the site-related contaminants are successfully treated by performing maintenance on the POET system and/or upgrading the system. [Name of person responsible for conducting the remediation] will contact you shortly to discuss the next steps.

(Author: Include the following two paragraphs in all letters.)

Please note that pursuant to New Jersey’s Open Public Records Act (OPRA), all potable well sampling results submitted to NJDEP during this investigation become part of the public record for the [Site Name] site. NJDEP is obligated to make this information available to any interested party that requests access to it through its Office of Record Access.

If you have any questions regarding this correspondence or remedial activities at [Site Name] site, please contact [name], [title] at [phone number/e-mail address].


[Name, Title]

c: Tenant (if applicable)

Local Health Officer

NJDEP Case Manager (if applicable)

Person responsible for conducting the remediation (if applicable)

Responsible party (if applicable)


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