Agenda for the Day - University of Montana

Watersheds & Surface WaterContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Agenda for the Day PAGEREF _Toc203302248 \h 2Scientific Practices: Scientific Models and Model-Based Reasoning: PAGEREF _Toc203302249 \h 3The Upper Anchor for Watersheds (Surface Water) PAGEREF _Toc203302250 \h 5Learning Progression Levels for Watersheds PAGEREF _Toc203302251 \h 6Examples of Student Responses to Schoolyard Map FA PAGEREF _Toc203302252 \h 9Student Learning and Instructional Activity Table: Watersheds and Surface Water PAGEREF _Toc203302253 \h 11Watersheds & Surface Water Activity Sequence Overview PAGEREF _Toc203302254 \h 12Student Learning and Instructional Activities (Watersheds and Surface Water Systems) Complete PAGEREF _Toc203302255 \h 13Scientific Practices and Instructional Activities: Watersheds & Surface Water PAGEREF _Toc203302256 \h 14Teacher Practices and Instructional Activities: Watersheds and Surface Water PAGEREF _Toc203302257 \h 16Watersheds & Surface Water Activities PAGEREF _Toc203302258 \h 18Watershed Models PAGEREF _Toc203302259 \h 21Tracing a Watershed PAGEREF _Toc203302260 \h 38Exploring Runoff & Surface Type PAGEREF _Toc203302261 \h 45Color Me a Watershed PAGEREF _Toc203302262 \h 48Agenda for the DayDay #2 Watersheds*8:30Loose ends from Day #18:45Scientific Practices: Models and Modeling9:15Introduction to WatershedsUpper anchor for watersheds and surface waterStudent thinking about watersheds9:45Break10:00Formative Assessments for Surface WaterSchool MapWash Trash11:00 Introduce Tools for ReasoningPathways ToolDrivers and Constraints11:45Lunch12:30Watershed Models1:30Tracing Watersheds2:15Break2:30Runoff Activity3:15Color Me a Watershed4:00Tucson Water Story (if time is available)4:30DoneHomework Assignment for Day 3:Ready Set Science: Chapter 5 Talk and Argument*All times are estimatesScientific Practices: Scientific Models and Model-Based Reasoning:A scientific model is an abstract, simplified representation of a system or phenomenon that makes the central features of the system or phenomenon explicit and visible, and that can be used to generate explanations and predictions (Harrison and Treagust, 2000). Examples of types of scientific models include conceptual models (e.g., Mendel’s simple dominance of heredity model), diagrams (e.g., water cycle diagram), mathematical models (e.g., Malthusian population growth model), and physical models (e.g., stream water table).Working with scientific models involves constructing and using models, as well as evaluating and revising them. Schwarz et al. (2009) operationalize modeling practices to include: Students can construct models consistent with prior evidence and theories to illustrate, explain or predict phenomena Students can use models to illustrate, explain, and predict phenomena Students can compare and evaluate the ability of different models to accurately represent and account for patterns in phenomena, and to predict new phenomena Students can revise models to increase their explanatory and predictive power, taking into account additional evidence or aspects of a phenomenon. Model-based reasoning involves all of these practices. Environmental science literate citizens should be able to engage in these modeling practices in order to understand the science of environmental issues, predict likely outcomes of different courses of action, and inform their decisions about what personal actions to take. It is important to clarify that not all representations are models. Models are specialized representations that embody aspects of mechanism, causality and function to illustrate, explain and predict phenomena. In other words, models must embody information about how and why a system or phenomenon works the way it does. Interestingly though, it is possible for some representations to serve as models for some people, but not for others. Consider the water cycle diagram. Young students memorize the water cycle diagram, dutifully indicating that water evaporates into the sky, condenses in clouds, precipitates to the ground, and then returns to the sky in a never-ending cycle. For young students, however, this diagram is often just a representation --- a story of water going from one place to the next through named processes. The water cycle only becomes a model when one considers the causality and mechanisms involved with water moving. What causes water to move from place to place? In other words, what’s the driving force for water moving? Sometimes it is gravity, sometimes, heat energy, sometimes pressure. The word gravity generally doesn’t appear in most diagrams of the water cycle. Yet it is there as an implicit understanding for individuals who use the water cycle diagram as a model for predicting and explaining what happens to water in the environment. Further, while young students view the water cycle as having a definite order – rain to ground to evaporation and back again, more sophisticated model-based reasoners understand that at any point in the cycle, water could go to different places next – depending on constraining factors such as topography, permeability, or relative humidity. Being able to reason about multiple diverse possibilities using a model is another characteristic that distinguishes model-based reasoning from merely reading a representation. In short, what makes something a model instead of a representation is sometimes about what a person brings to the model from their own understanding about implicit, rather than explicit, elements of causality, mechanism and function of the system or phenomenon that is being represented. Ideas about modeling practices described above are from:Schwarz, C. V., Reiser, B. J., Davis, E. A., Kenyon, L., Achér, A., Fortus, D., et al. (2009). Developing a learning progression for scientific modeling: Making scientific modeling accessible and meaningful for learners. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46, 632-654.The Upper Anchor for Watersheds (Surface Water)Structure of Watersheds: Watersheds (surface water systems) are connected to the atmospheric water system and the groundwater system. Water can exist on the surface in liquid and frozen states.Macroscopic Scale: Water that falls on the land either runs off over the surface watershed, infiltrates into the groundwater system, or evaporates into the atmosphere. Waters running off across land, as well as water in lakes, ponds, river, streams, creeks and oceans are all part of the surface water system.Large (Landscape) Scale: A watershed is an area of land where all of the surface water that drains off goes to the same place, often a body of water such as a river, lake, or ocean. The high point between two watersheds is the watershed boundary or a water divide. The watershed boundary does not necessarily have to be a noticeable ridgeline. In relatively flat landscapes, a watershed boundary could be a very slight rise in the land not noticeable to the eye. Watersheds can be nested within one another. For example, tributary watersheds are nested within larger river watersheds. Tributary parts of watersheds are higher in elevation than the downstream sections of the larger river watershed systems they belong to.Processes in Watersheds: Water moves in and out of as well as through the surface water system. Surface water flow is called runoff. These processes can be described at different scales. Macroscopic and Landscape Scales: Water enters the surface water system from the atmosphere through condensation and precipitation. Water also enters the surface water system through discharge from the groundwater into springs, marshes, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. Microscopic Scale: Water moves between the surface and atmospheric systems by changing state. During evaporation, water in the liquid state changes to the gas state; during precipitation water in the gas state changes to the liquid state.Scientific Principles: Water moves through watersheds according to scientific principlesDrivers: Water moves downhill due to gravity. Energy is required to move water uphill.Constraints: The rate and volume of runoff (discharge) in a watershed is affected byTopography and slope – Constrains direction of flow and rate of flowSurface Type – Constrains volume of runoff and infiltration. Includes:Permeability: Water runs off more quickly from impermeable surfaces; less volume infiltrates.Vegetated cover: Water runs off more slowly from vegetated surfaces and has more time to infiltrate.Representations: Watersheds are usually represented on maps. Topography can be represented by elevation contours. However, using principles of water moving in surface water systems, relative elevations can be inferred from maps.Dependency & Human Agency: Watersheds and surface features of the Earth change naturally. Water erodes Earth materials from one location and transports and deposits them in other locations. Natural changes in weather and climate can also affect the rate and volume of runoff and infiltration as well as the water quality within a watershed. Human activities (e.g., building or removing dams, paving surfaces, removing vegetation, changing the composition of the atmosphere) can also change the rate and volume of runoff, volume of infiltration into the groundwater system, and quality of water within a watershed. Learning Progression Levels for WatershedsLevel 4: Model-Based AccountsLevel 4 accounts of watershed fit the upper anchor described above. Level 4 accounts use drivers and constraints to explain how and why.Level 3: Incomplete School Science AccountsAt level 3, accounts are characterized by the retelling of stories or parts of stories about the water cycle usually learned in school. These stories put events in order, often include multiple pathways for water, and provide scientific names of processes that move and mix water at the macroscopic scale. However, these accounts are often incomplete, with steps missing or errors in tracing water and substances in water across systems. Furthermore, they do not include driving forces or constraining factors when tracing water or substances in water.Structure & Systems: Level 3 accounts are often characterized by school science stories and rules that describe systems without explicitly addressing driving forces and constraining factors. For example, students at Level 3 may indicate that a watershed boundary is always a hill or ridge, without understanding that changes in elevation that constrain movement of water can often be slight slopes. Level 3 accounts indicate that surface water and groundwater systems are connected. Interestingly, Level 3 accounts rarely identify groundwater as a source of river water unless specifically probed about why there is water in rivers even if it hasn’t rained recently.Scale: Level 3 accounts trace water from microscopic to landscape scales. They trace water across large distances, and can also talk about molecules, without describing processes, movements or changes at the atomic-molecular scale. Scientific Principles: Level 3 accounts explain phenomena by putting events in order to tell a story about what happens. For example, they trace water that evaporates from a puddle into water vapor in the atmosphere, then indicate that water condenses into a cloud, and precipitates back to the ground. These accounts name specific processes that move water and substances in water, such as infiltration, evaporation, condensation, and dissolution. However, level 3 accounts do not identify driving forces such as gravity or pressure, which move water and substances, or factors, such as permeability or topography, that constrain the pathways along which water and substances move. For example, when tracing water from a puddle, a school science story might identify that the water could infiltrate, evaporate, or runoff without considering the ways that permeability or topography might limit infiltration or runoff. As a result, at level 3, explanations and predictions suggest that water would be equally likely to follow any of a number of pathways and do not use generalized models to analyze why, given the variables present, water might be more likely to flow along one pathway than another.Representations: Level 3 accounts can trace water in three dimensions using 2-dimensional maps. However, they do not consider the implications of constraining factors on pathways they identify from representations.Dependency & Human Agency: Level 3 accounts recognize that human systems are part of environmental systems and that human actions have impacts on environmental systems.Level 2: Force-Dynamic Accounts with MechanismsLevel 2 accounts show an expanded awareness of and experience with the physical world. These accounts provide more sophisticated force-dynamic explanations and predictions about water. Most significantly, mechanisms to move water or change water are included.Structure & Systems: Level 2 accounts specifically note that the water flows from one place to another. They also suggest that students have a broader view of the landscape. For example, one Level 2 response about how water gets into a river states that, “If enough water forms it can form a little stream of some kind and the stream will go down into the river” (ES) This response indicates awareness of a hierarchy of river sizes.Scale: Level 2 accounts are aware that at the macroscopic scale, water will run downhill. However, Level 2 accounts generally do not apply this reasoning at the landscape scale.Scientific Principles: Level 2 accounts rely on natural tendencies of water, such as water spreads, drifts, travels, or flows to places that are connected or nearby. Accounts may also reference informal rules for reasoning about water pathways, such as water flows from larger bodies of water to smaller bodies of water. These accounts rely heavily on actors or agents to moves water, such as clouds sucking up water.Representations: When referring to maps, Level 2 accounts make explicit connections between representations of rivers on maps and water flowing in rivers, but do not constrain which direction water moves.Dependency & Human Agency: Level 2 accounts recognize connections between natural and human-engineered systems, but do not rely on humans as the source or cause of water movements. They also recognize that humans benefit or are impacted by movements of water and substances in water if human-engineered systems and structures are in the right place at the right time. For example, water gets into a bathtub if the ceiling leaks and the rain gets inside or if a window is open.Level 1: Force-Dynamic AccountsLevel 1 accounts portray a human-centric focus and force-dynamic reasoning. Water is identified in visible, familiar contexts, such as in puddles, rivers or streams, lakes, oceans, and in faucets, toilets, and bathtubs. Furthermore, these accounts focus on human uses of and experiences with water. At this level, accounts portray water as part of the everyday world and as something that people can use and do things to in order to move or change it.Structure & Systems: Level 1 accounts depict visible water in isolated locations, unconnected to water in other locations. These accounts imply that water that is not visible is “out of sight, out of mind”—no longer worthy of attention. The water in the puddle, for example, dries up and is gone rather than moving to another location. Scale: Level 1 accounts focus awareness on macroscopic, immediately observable scale. They do not acknowledge water in hidden or invisible locations.Scientific Principles: Level 1 accounts indicate that water in rivers is moving, but they do not identify where the water in the river comes from or where it is going. Level 1 ideas about how water gets into a river often suggest that rain falls into the river or humans put water in a river, but they do not identify other possible natural sources such as runoff, snowmelt, or groundwater.Representations: Level 1 accounts do not necessarily connect representations of watersheds to the physical world. They may note that the lines labeled as rivers are connected to other lines on the map, but do not indicate that the water in one river moves to or from another river. These accounts also say that water flows down the paper or that water always goes south.Dependency & Human Agency: These accounts portray humans as the sources and movers of water in watersheds. Examples of Student Responses to Schoolyard Map FA If you were looking from side instead of above, what would shape of land be like?Which direction is School Creek flowing?LevelNotes on levels or foci for instruction1F. We don’t know what the ground is like with this diagram.You can’t tell. The map doesn’t show the way the current is flowing.2D. The school creek would be contained at a lower elevation than the surrounding areas. As far as the rest of the cross-section, there is no further evidence of elevation change.You can’t tell. The map gives no contour lines or elevation markers that would show an elevation slope. Water runs downhill and I do not see any evidence of direction or slope.3D. Well, I think that it stays the same, and then it gets to the creek so it dips then goes back to normal.You can’t tell. Well, I can’t see any way that the water is moving North or South.4A. I looked at the pitcher above and it gave you a line and I looked at the answers and overlayed it.N. North because it showed an arrow with an N on it so I think that meant North.5D. I think D because it has a dip where the creek would be. You can’t tell from the map because it is an over hed view.6A. Because if you look at it sideways it is straight but it curves up a little.S. Because North is up and South is down.7D. The “dry” land would have to be at an elevation greater than the creek in order for the water not to spread out uniformly.You can’t tell. Depends on North to South elevation change and no information about this is given.If you were looking from side instead of above, what would shape of land be like?Which direction is School Creek flowing?LevelNotes on levels or foci for instruction8F. From above it looks flat. You can’t tell. On the map it can’t tell.9D. Because the river needs to be lower than the school or the H2O would flow into school. Middle flat due to playing field.You can’t tell. There is no elevation or other visuals to give you a hint of “down hill.” Gravity flow is down hill.10C. If seen on the same level it would just look like it’s directly across.S. From my basic understanding of how water flows.11D. So when you walk from the school across this field its flat but when you get to the creek it sinks into the ground.You can’t tell. The picture doesn’t show if it is running of a mountain or hill in the north or south.12F. I think the stream could be flowing either way. So there is no way to tell where it is flowing so you don’t know if it is on a hill or not.You can’t tell. It could be flowing either way.Student Learning and Instructional Activity Table: Watersheds and Surface WaterWhat students need to work on (Foci for instruction)Watershed Models & Tracing WatershedsExploring RunoffColor Me a WatershedStructure & Systems:ScaleScientific PrinciplesRepresentationsDependency & Human AgencyWatersheds & Surface Water Activity Sequence OverviewActivity/DescriptionLearning Goals – Practices fused with contentFormative AssessmentsDrivers & ConstraintsRepresentations ToolsWatershed ModelsStudents explore a 3D model of watersheds.Students willInvestigate watersheds and identify components of surface water systemUse and interpret 3D & 2D models of watersheds to trace waterExplain and predict how and why water moves in the surface system (watersheds) at landscape scales.RunoffSchool MapGravity pulls water downhillTopography constrains path of water3-D model of watershed using a tarp moving to 2-D model (maps) of watershedPathways tool to trace where water goes.Drivers & Constraints tool to reason about how topography shapes the pathway of the land.Tracing a WatershedStudents explore watersheds using maps.Students willUse and interpret 2D models (maps) of watersheds to trace water to trace water through watersheds.Explain and predict how and why water moves in the surface system at landscape scales.RunoffSchool MapGravity pulls water downhillTopography constrains path of waterMaps of watershedsPathways tool to trace water in a watershed.Drivers and Constraints tool to reason about topography using a map representation.Exploring Runoff & Surface TypeStudents explore how different surface types affect runoff.Students willInvestigate the drivers and constraints of runoff and infiltration.Explain and predict the relationship between surface type, permeability, and runoff volumeGravity pulls water downVegetation and permeability of a surface constrains runoff Physical models of watersheds and surface typesDrivers and Constraints tool to reason about surface typesColor Me a WatershedStudents compare maps of a watershed at three different times to explore how changes in land use affect runoffStudents willUse and interpret 2D models (maps) of watersheds to trace water to trace water through watersheds.Use models of the relationship between surface type and runoff to explain and predict how changes in land use affect volume of water in a watershed.RunoffSchool MapGravity pulls water downTopography constrains the path of waterVegetation and permeability of a surface constrains runoffMaps of watersheds and surface typePathways tool to trace waterDrivers and Constraints Tool to predict and explain pathwaysStudent Learning and Instructional Activities (Watersheds and Surface Water Systems) CompleteWhat students need to work on (Foci for instruction)Watershed Models & Tracing WatershedsExploring RunoffColor Me a WatershedStructure & Systems:Seeing watersheds as an area of land, not a body of water. (L2 to L3) Tracing water along multiple steps and multiple pathways (L2 to L3)Identifying watershed boundaries, even in areas with moderate or low topography (L3 to L4)Using maps and models to identify components of watersheds, including watershed divides (L2 to L3 and L3 to L4)Using Pathways tool to trace water pathways (L2 to L3)Using models to see that watersheds have different surface types (L2 to L3)Using Pathways tool to trace water through multiple steps and along multiple pathways (L2 to L3) ScaleMoving to landscape scale (L2 to L3)Reading 3D models and 2D maps of landscapes (L2 to L3 and L3 to L4)Reading maps of landscapes (L2 to L3 and L3 to L4)Scientific PrinciplesMoving from force-dynamics to rules for interpreting maps(L2 to L3) Moving from informal rules towards considering drivers (gravity) and constraints (topography, surface type) (L3 to L4)Reading models and maps Using D&C tool to explore drivers and constraints that influence on water pathways (L2 to L3 and L3 to L4)Writing Accounts (Explaining & Predicting) of water pathways (L2 to L3 to L4)Investigating: Investigating surface types and runoff (L2 to L3 and L3 to L4)Using D&C tool to reason about surface type on water pathways and runoff volume (L2 to L3 and L3 to L4)Writing Accounts (Explaining & Predicting) of water pathways (L2 to L3 to L4)Using D&C tool to consider relationship between topography and surface type to runoff direction and volume (L2 to L3 and L3 to L4)Writing Accounts (Explaining & Predicting) of water pathways (L2 to L3 to L4)RepresentationsMoving from interpreting 3D to 2D representations(L2 to L3)Interpreting drivers and constraints from representations (L3 to L4)Using Models: Comparing 3D models to 2D map representations (L2 to L3)Using D&C tool to consider topography and surface type on pathways in representations (L3 to L4)Using Models: Map representations (L2 to L3 to L4)Dependency & Human AgencyRecognizing how surface water and human actions are connected. (L2 to L3)Recognizing how topography & surface type influences human connections (L3 to L4)Exploring impacts at different places in watersheds. (L2 to L3 to L4)Investigating & Analyzing: Impacts of changing surface type on runoff (L2 to L3 to L4)Scientific Practices and Instructional Activities: Watersheds & Surface WaterWhat Students Need to Work On (Foci for Instruction)Watershed Models & Tracing WatershedsExploring RunoffColor Me a WatershedPracticesUsing ModelsDeveloping understanding of & facility w/both 3D & 2D representations.Using maps and models to identify components of a watershed.Using models to see that watersheds have different surface types.Using maps to trace water along multiple pathways.Investigating, Analyzing,Interpreting DataUsing first hand-experiences w/real world &/or maps & models to explore, analyze & interpret how water flows through connected systems.Analyzing map data to build a watershed model.Analyzing map data to determine watershed pathways.Investigating and analyzing surface types, runoff & infiltration.Investigating & analyzing longitudinal data related to development & runoff.Constructing ExplanationsMoving from force-dynamics & informal rules to considering drivers (gravity) & constraints (topography & surface types) to explain movement of water.Using D&C Tool to explain gravity and topographic influence on water pathways.Using D&C Tool to explain how/why surface type impacts surface water pathways & runoff volume.Using D&C Tool to consider how topography & surface type relate to runoff direction & volume.Arguments From Evidence (& Social Construction)Developing, defending & evaluating arguments & explanations using experience, evidence & scientific principles in social context (i.e., peer to peer). Co-constructing watershed model from map w/classmates.Developing, defending & evaluating watershed pathways on Pathways & D&C Tools.Developing, defending and evaluating pathways from surface water on D&C Tool.Developing and defending an argument that explains the data.What Students Need to Work On (Foci for Instruction)Watershed Models & Tracing WatershedsExploring RunoffColor Me a WatershedCross-Cutting ConceptsScale, Proportion & QuantityMoving from macroscopic to landscape scale understanding.Being able to translate 3D models to 2D maps & vice versa.Understanding role of surface type in proportion of runoff versus infiltration.Connecting macroscopic & landscape scale data.Systems & System ModelsSeeing watersheds as an area of land, not a body of water.Developing understanding of what a watershed is and how it works through experience with model and maps.Developing understanding of surface water system & connection to groundwater system.Developing understanding of watershed processes in different conditions.Flow & Conservation of MatterTracing water along multiple steps and multiple pathways.Using Pathways Tool to trace water pathways in watersheds.Using models to trace surface water.Using multiple maps to compare water flow in different conditions.Stability & ChangeRecognizing how surface water and human actions are connected. Recognizing how topography & surface type influences human connections Exploring impacts (e.g., oil spill) at different places in watersheds.Investigating impacts of changing surface on runoff versus infiltration proportions.Teacher Practices and Instructional Activities: Watersheds and Surface WaterWatershed Models & Tracing WatershedsExploring RunoffColor Me a WatershedFormative AssessmentDraw a Watershed Use this formative assessment to identify students’ ideas about what a watershed is before they begin to build the watershed model. Some students may think a watershed is a building where water is kept. You may want to use this formative assessment again later in the unit and allow students to compare their original ideas with their understanding after studying watersheds. Wash Trash Use this formative assessment to identify students’ ideas about how to use a large-scale map showing waterways to identify which way water (and things carried by water) flow. The Watershed Models, Tracing Watersheds, and Color me a Watershed activities can help students begin to understand how to make sense of maps to trace water. The Student Learning and Instructional Activities table on p. 13 provides ideas for using the activities to support students to develop understandings related to this formative assessment. Further suggestions are also provided in the formative assessment teacher materials. School Map Use this formative assessment to identify students’ ideas about how to read topography and water flow direction on a small-scale map. This formative assessment can help you understand if your students are seeing that the map represents a 3-dimensional space and how they are interpreting those 3-dimensions from the 2-dimensional map. This formative assessment is similar to Wash Trash, only at a different scale. See the Student Learning and Instructional Activities table on p. 13 as well as the formative assessment teacher materials for suggestions to support students who perform at different learning progression levels for this formative assessment.Tools for ReasoningUse the Pathways Tool to help students reason about what are reasonable pathways for water in a watershed (including surface water pathways and other pathways such as infiltration, evaporation, irrigation, etc.)Use the Drivers & Constraints Tool to help students reason about how and why water moves along the pathways it does in a watershed.Use the Drivers & Constraints Tool to help students explain the pattern they find in what happens to water that falls on different surface types. Students can also use this tool to explain why (flash) floods could occur in desert and/or developed areas.Use the Pathways Tool to scaffold interpreting two-dimensional representation of three-dimensional space and tracing water in the stream. The idea is to help students interpret which direction runoff flows.Use the Drivers and Constraints Tool to support students in thinking about whether water will infiltrate or runoff from the land the surface.Supporting ExplanationUse the Drivers & Constraints Tool and application questions in activities (e.g., oil spill question in Watershed Model activities, why people in deserts need to worry about flash flood question in runoff activity) to press students to not just DESCRIBE WHAT will happen, but to also EXPLAIN HOW AND WHY events and processes in water systems happen.Social Construction of UnderstandingUse participatory and collaborative teaching strategies to engage students in co-constructing their understanding. When you use formative assessment at the beginning of a unit or lesson, allow students to share their different ideas about “what, how and why” questions, but do not give the correct answers at this point. Write down different students’ ideas in a public place so they can be revisited throughout the unit (e.g., during investigations and further development of explanations). During investigations and other activities, have students work in small groups first to share their ideas and construct their explanations. Students may feel more comfortable sharing ideas if, initially, they are not asked to share in front of the whole class. Working in small groups, students also have the opportunity to learn from each other, and not just from the teacher. They also have the opportunity to question each other’s ideas.After students have worked in small groups, provide opportunities for groups to share their ideas and explanations with the whole class (e.g., completed tools, written explanations for application questions). If possible, use a document camera or other way to display groups’ responses so they can be seen by the whole class. Rather than evaluating students’ answers as the teacher, ask the students to consider and evaluate each others’ ideas and explanations. Do they agree or disagree? Why? Encourage students to be respectful when they disagree. Scientific argumentation is a central practice that scientists engage in every day. Providing opportunities for students to engage in scientific argumentation with peers supports development of a core scientific practice. Students learn that science is not just a body of facts to be learned from a textbook or a teacher. Rather, science is a process of learning about the world that scientists engage in together as a collaborative and critical community.Watersheds & Surface Water ActivitiesSummary of ActivitiesActivity #1: Watershed Models: Students build a three-dimensional model of the local watershed and trace water through the watershed.Activity #2: Tracing a Watershed Students explore a map of their own watershed. Students explore a map showing their own watershed. They identify tributaries and watershed boundaries for their watershed. Students also use the map to identify smaller watersheds that are nested within their own watershed, and/or larger watersheds that their own watershed is nested within. Students will deepen their understanding of the concept of a watershed, of how watersheds are interconnected, and of how the place where they live is part of a specific watershed.Activity #3: Exploring Runoff and Surface TypeStudents compare three surface types to explore how surface type affects runoff infiltration.Activity #4: Color Me a Watershed:Students compare three maps to see how development can affect a watershed.Learning GoalsIn these activities, students explore the following questions.What is a watershed?Where does the water flow in my watershed?When does water run off? (or, why are there flash floods in urban and desert areas?)How does human activity impact surface water runoff in watersheds?Practices fused with contentStudents willInvestigate watersheds and identify components of surface water systemUse and interpret 3D & 2D models of watersheds to trace waterExplain and predict how and why water moves in the surface system (watersheds) at landscape scalesInvestigate the drivers and constraints of runoff and infiltration.Explain and predict the relationship between surface type, permeability, and runoff volumeUse models of the relationship between surface type and runoff to explain and predict how changes in land use affect volume of water in a watershed.Construct and evaluate arguments from evidence and communicate information about surface water pathways.Cross-Cutting ThemesPatterns in surface water flow.Causal relationships between surface water pathways and ponents of the surface water systems.Elements of Accounts in the Learning ProgressionStructure of Systems: Structure of the watersheds and the surface water systemScale: LandscapeScientific Principles: Drivers: Gravity -Water flows down in elevation due to gravity.Constraints: Topography – water will run off from high elevation to low elevationSurface Type – How much water runs off is affected byPermeability – Water runs off impermeable surfaces and infiltrates permeable surfacesVegetation cover – Water runs off slower on vegetated surfaces and infiltrates more. More water runs off unvegetated surfaces.Representations:3-D models of watersheds2-D map representations of watersheds Human Dependency and Change: Topography and surface type constrains where water flows. Humans depend on water fresh water that enters watersheds as rain. Our actions can change how much fresh water is available and how it is distributed across the landscape. For example, humans change where and how water flows in a watershed when they change topography and surface type (e.g., more pavement leads to less infiltration and more runoff --- leading to less groundwater recharge). Formative AssessmentsUse the School Map assessment to assess students’ levels of achievement for reading two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional space.Use the Wash Trash Assessment to assess student level of achievement for tracing water.Target Explanation and ReasoningWhat is a watershed? Where does the water flow in my watershed?A watershed is all of the land area that drains water to one place. Gravity pulls water downwards and the topography of the land controls the pathway of the water across the land surface. As a result, within a watershed, water flows in tributaries from high elevations into larger streams in lower elevations. Areas of higher elevation separate adjacent watersheds. Watershed can be nested within larger watershed.When does water run off? (or, why are there flash floods in urban and desert areas?)Surface type constrains how much water runs off in a watershed. On permeable surfaces, some water will infiltrate into the ground (pulled down by gravity); on impermeable surfaces, most water will run off. On surfaces that are vegetated, water runs slower, allowing more water to infiltrate. On forests, grasslands, or wetlands, vegetation cover slows surface water flow, allowing more water to infiltrate into the ground. On agricultural land, when fields are fallow, water runs off more quickly and not as much water will infiltrate into the ground. Increases in rates of runoff also increase erosion from agricultural lands. On residential or urban land, there is usually more impermeable surface, resulting in more runoff and less infiltration.In urban areas, there are many surfaces, such as roads, sidewalk, parking lots, or rooftops, that are impermeable. Water runs off quickly and does not infiltrate. In desert areas and also agricultural areas where there is bare ground, water may infiltrate at a slower rate than the rate of precipitation and the ground will become saturated quickly in a rain event. The rain then runs off. In both of these situations, it does not take much rain for a large runoff event. In areas with lots of vegetation, the vegetation slows the rate of runoff, allowing more water to infiltrate. As a result, in vegetated areas, runoff from the same size precipitation event may not be as large as in areas with impermeable surfaces or bare ground.How does human activity impact surface water runoff in watersheds?In areas where people decrease the area of land covered by forests, grasslands, and wetlands, and increase the area covered by agriculture and urban areas, the volume of runoff will increase. The reason is because in areas converted to residential areas, the permeability of the land is decreased and less water is able to infiltrate, meaning more water runs off. In areas converted to agricultural land, the water runs off faster than when it was forest, grassland, or wetland, meaning there is less opportunity for the water to infiltrate into the ground. As a result, there is an increase in runoff.Watershed ModelsSummary of ActivityStudents build a three-dimensional model of the local watershed and trace water through the watershed.Materials:Several tarpsVarious size plastic plant pots to create topography under tarp3 watering cans and/or spray bottlesStudent handouts for each studentBlue yarn to mark rivers and lakesGreen yarn to mark watershed boundariesLaminated cards (see pages 3 & 4)Towels for wiping up spillsA compass for finding cardinal directionsA blank Pathways Tool for each student Time:What is a Watershed? ~15 minutesGetting the Lay of the Land ~25 minutesBuilding the Watershed Model ~25 minutesCheck your Ideas about Watersheds ~25 minutes Question: Establish a question and elicit student ideas.What is a Watershed? Ask students to complete the “What is a Watershed?” sheet. This activity will give you an opportunity to elicit student ideas. You may want to administer this the day before you complete the other activities so that you’ll have an opportunity to review students’ ideas about watersheds. Optional: Have students share out their ideas about what a watershed is. You may choose to use a document projector so that students can share their drawings.Explain: Introduce scientific ideas and Apply: Apply scientific ideas (model, coach, fade)Getting the Lay of the LandPracticesUsing ModelsPass out a map and a “Getting the Lay of the Land” handout to each student.Students should work in pairs on the “Getting the Lay of the Land” questions.If possible, project the map on a SmartBoard and, during whole class discussion, have individual students come to the front and complete the handout questions on the map. Allow the class to agree/disagree and come to consensus on how the questions should be answered.For Tucson students who are not familiar with water in the Rillito or Santa Cruz Rivers, these video links show footage of water flowing in these waterways.Santa Cruz River in 2005 and 1993 HYPERLINK "" Cruz River in 2011 - Wash- the Watershed ModelUse the directions below to facilitate the students in creating the Bitterroot Watershed model. Make sure all students get to help with at least one task. As students complete the tasks, engage the rest of the group in a discussion concerning whether they agree with the way the model is being built, or if they have any suggestions for changes.PracticesUsing Models(~3 students) Decide (or use the compass) to determine which direction will be North. Show students how big the tarp is so they get a sense of how big their watershed model should be. Tell students to use the plastic flower pots to start building the topography (shape for the land) for model. When the model is done, it should represent the watershed. The biggest pot should be used for the highest elevation on the map. The lowest elevation on the map can be at ground level. The arrangement doesn’t need to be perfect, but it should give an overview of the shape of the land. When the three students are done, check with the rest of the group that they are happy with the arrangement. If not, have the students make changes as needed.(~3 students) Now place the tarp on top of the pots. Arrange the tarp so that it provides a pretty good model of the watershed. Again, the rest of the group can help guide the students who are working with the model. The students should adjust the model as needed. This group should place the following cards on the model in the appropriate places:The North Arrow to show directionMajor landforms MT: Sapphire Mountains, Bitterroot Mountains, Lost Trail PassAZ: Mount Lemmon (Santa Catalina Mountains), Tucson Mountains, Tucson(~3 students) Students should use blue yarn to mark where they think rivers (or washes) will be on the model. They don’t need to show every creek, but should show some main waterways such as the Bitterroot River for MT or the Rillito and Santa Cruz Rivers for AZ and a few tributaries. Don’t just use the map --- use the model to show where water will be likely to flow. Next place arrow cards on the model to show which direction water will flow in the waterways. The students should also place cards marking the major rivers or washes on the map.(~3 students) These students get to test out the model with water. Use the watering cans to slowly rain water onto the model. Rain should fall on different places in the model. The whole group should carefully observe where the water goes on the model. Does the water follow the expected directions indicated by the arrows? Is the water moving into and through the rivers and creeks indicated with blue yarn? Does water drain to the expected place on the model?(~3 students) These students’ job is to mark the boundary of the watershed on the model (Bitterroot for MT; Rillito for AZ). The definition of a watershed is an area of land where all the water that falls on that area of land drains to the same place. The place where the water drains to is usually a body of water such as a river, lake or ocean. The Bitterroot River Watershed is the area of land in which all the rain that falls drains to the Bitterroot River. The Rillto Watershed is the area of land in which all the rain that falls drains into the Rillito Wash. Now that you know the definition, outline the boundary of the Bitterroot River or Rillito Wash Watershed on the model with green yarn.Reflect: Reflect on changes in ideasCheck Your Ideas about WatershedsPass out a “Check your Ideas about Watersheds” handout to each student.Students should work in pairs on (or lead the whole group in discussion about) the “Check Your Ideas about Watersheds” questions.Have students complete a Pathways Tool addressing question 6 from the “Check Your Ideas” questions. In the middle box, MT students should fill in “Bitterroot River near Darby” and AZ students should fill in “Pantano Wash.” You may choose to give students a more detailed watershed map of the area for completing this activity. Students should work in pairs to trace back where the water could have been before it was in the river near Darby or in the Pantano Wash. Students should trace forward where water with oil in it might go after the spill. Some students may indicate that for some movements, water and oil will separate (e.g., some water will go to atmosphere but no oil will. This is fine.) If possible, project the handout on a SmartBoard or with an LCD projector and, during whole class discussion, ask students to share their ideas and responses. Allow the class to agree/disagree and come to consensus on how the questions should be answered.Ask students to share their completed Pathways Tool (Use a document camera if available. If not, students can write their pathways on the board.) Ask other students in the class if they agree or disagree that the identified pathways show places where the water could have come from and where the oil and water could go to after the spill. If students disagree, ask them to explain why and to explain where they think the materials could have come from and where they could go to. Cards to Laminate: Bitterroot Watershed VersionCopy, cut out, and laminate the cards below.HAMILTONLOLOSULABIG CREEKTRAPPER PEAKLOST TRAIL PASSKENT PEAKSTEVENSVILLEDARBYLOLO CREEKBITTERROOT MOUNTAINSBITTERROOT RIVERSAPPHIRE MOUNTAINSNCards to Laminate: Rillito Watershed VersionCopy, cut out, and laminate the cards below.Tucson Mountains Mount LemmonTucsonRillito WashSanta Cruz RiverCa?ada del OroSabino CanyonPantano WashCheck Your Ideas about Watersheds Example Answer KeyWhat force causes water to move in our watershed model?Gravity. What impacts which way water will flow over the surface of the ground in a watershed?Topography (shape of the land). Liquid water moves toward lower elevation, whichever direction that may be based on the shape of the land. Does a watershed boundary always have to be mountain ridge? YES NO Explain why or why not.No. In places where the land is relatively flat, such as areas of the Midwest and Great Plains in the United States, watershed boundaries may represent small rises in elevation that are not even perceptible to the eye. Does the model you have built show just one watershed, or does it show more than one? If it shows more than one, explain where the other watersheds in the model are. Many watersheds are shown in the model. Each of the creeks shown has its own watershed nested within the Bitterroot River Watershed. In addition, all of the land represented outside of the Bitterroot River Watershed boundary shown on the model with the green yarn represents land in other watersheds outside of the Bitterroot Watershed.Does all of the water that falls as rain in the Bitterroot River/ Rillito Watershed flow over the ground? YES NO If no, where else can the water that falls as rain go?No. Water that falls as rain in the watershed could go to several other places besides flowing over the ground. For example:If the ground where the rain falls is permeable, some of the water will infiltrate into the ground and become groundwater. Groundwater generally flows underground in the same direction as water flowing above ground. Groundwater can leave the ground either by discharging back into surface water (e.g., back into a river or into a lake), or it could be pumped out of the ground through a well.Some water could also evaporate from creeks and rivers and return to the atmosphere as water vapor. Some water could also be used by plants (absorbed through their roots) and animals. If a tanker truck carrying gasoline had a rollover accident and spilled gasoline near Darby, where could the gasoline end up? Could any gasoline end up in Skalkaho Creek? How do you know?If the gasoline spilled near a river crossing, it might get directly into the Bitterroot River and flow north toward Missoula. Even if it didn’t spill right next to the river, some gasoline might infiltrate through the ground and end up in the groundwater and possibly in the river. Gasoline could not end up in Skalkaho Creek because Skalkaho Creek is at a higher elevation and liquid water does not flow uphill.If a tanker truck carrying gasoline had a rollover accident and spilled gasoline in the Pantano Wash, where could the gasoline end up? Could any gasoline end up in Ca?ada del Oro? If the gasoline spilled in the Pantano Wash when there was water flowing in the wash, it could flow into the Rillito Wash and then into the Santa Cruz River. If there was no water in the wash, the gasoline would likely just infiltrate into the soil and possibly into the groundwater. No gasoline would end up in Ca?ada del Oro because Ca?ada del Oro is higher in elevation and liquid water does not flow uphill.What is a Watershed?Draw and label what you think a watershed is. Explain the drawing in your own words, describing what is happening in the watershed and why.Getting the Lay of the Land (Bitterroot Watershed)Working with a partner, take a look at the map provided. Mark the directions (N,E,S,W) on the compass rose. Find the place with the highest elevation on the map. Circle it and write HIGH by the circle. Next find and circle the place with the lowest elevation on the map. Circle it and write LOW by the circle.What prominent landforms are located to the west of the Bitterroot River?What prominent landforms are located to the east of the Bitterroot River?Compare the southernmost place that is marked on the map with the northernmost place that is marked on the map. Which one is at a higher elevation?In which general directions do the creeks to the west of the Bitterroot River flow? Draw arrows on the creeks to the west of the Bitterroot River to show which direction they flow.In which general directions do the creeks to the east of the Bitterroot River flow? Draw arrows on the creeks to the east of the Bitterroot River to show which direction they flow.In which direction does the Bitterroot River flow? Draw arrows along the Bitterroot River to show the direction of flow.Check Your Ideas about Watersheds (Bitterroot Watershed)Answer the following questions with your team to check your ideas about how watersheds work. What force causes water to move in our watershed model?What impacts which way water will flow over the surface of the ground in a watershed?Does a watershed boundary always have to be mountain ridge? YES NO Explain why or why not.Does the model you have built show just one watershed, or does it show more than one? If it shows more than one, explain where the other watersheds in the model are. Does all of the water that falls as rain in the Bitterroot River Watershed flow over the ground? YES NO If no, where else can the water that falls as rain go?If a tanker truck carrying gasoline had a rollover accident and spilled gasoline near Darby, where could the gasoline end up? Could any gasoline end up in Skalkaho Creek? YES NOHow do you know?Rillito WatershedGetting the Lay of the Land: Rillito WatershedWorking with a partner, take a look at the map provided. Mark the directions (N,E,S,W) on the compass rose. Find the place with the highest elevation on the map. Circle it and write HIGH by the circle. Next find and circle the place with the lowest elevation on the map. Circle it and write LOW by the circle.What prominent landforms are located to the north of the Rillito Wash?Compare the southernmost place that is marked on the map with the northernmost place that is marked on the map. Which one is at a higher elevation?In which general directions do the creeks flow off Mount Lemmon into Rillito Wash? Draw arrows on these creeks to show which direction they flow.Into which river do creeks and washes flowing off the Tucson Mountains flow? In which general directions do the creeks from the Tucson Mountains flow? Draw arrows on these creeks to show which direction they flow.In which direction does the Rillito Wash flow (when it rains)? Which direction does the Santa Cruz River flow (when it rains?) Draw arrows along these rivers to show the direction of water flow when it rains.Check Your Ideas about Watersheds (Rillito Watershed)Answer the following questions with your team to check your ideas about how watersheds work. What force causes water to move in our watershed model?What impacts which way water will flow over the surface of the ground in a watershed?Does a watershed boundary always have to be mountain ridge? YES NO Explain why or why not.Does the model you have built show just one watershed, or does it show more than one? If it shows more than one, explain where the other watersheds in the model are. Does all of the water that falls as rain in the Rillito Wash flow over the ground? YES NO If no, where else can the water that falls as rain go?If a tanker truck carrying gasoline had a rollover accident and spilled gasoline in the Pantano Wash, where could the gasoline end up? Could any gasoline end up in Ca?ada del Oro? YES NOHow do you know?Tracing a WatershedAdapted from a lesson developed by Colleen WindellActivity SummaryStudents explore a map showing their own watershed. They identify tributaries and watershed boundaries for their watershed. Students also use the map to identify smaller watersheds that are nested within their own watershed, and/or larger watersheds that their own watershed is nested within. Students will deepen their understanding of the concept of a watershed, of how watersheds are interconnected, and of how the place where they live is part of a specific watershed. Students will also use Pathways and Drivers and Constraints Tools to trace water and think about what moves water through different pathways into, through and out of different places in their watershed.Time: Two to three 45 minute class periodsMaterials: Enough laminated topographic maps of students’ watershed (e.g., Lolo Creek, Rock Creek, etc.) for students to work with maps in groups of 3-4. If students live in a large watershed (e.g., Clark Fork River Watershed) you may choose to have different groups work on sub-basins within the watershed. Maps showing larger watershed in which students live (e.g., Columbia River Basin, Colorado River Basin, etc.)Vis-à-Vis markersLarge tracing paperBlank Pathways Tools for students to complete in groupsBlank Drivers and Constraints Tools for students to complete in groupsExploring My Watershed handoutsProcedure:Question: Establish the driving question & elicit student ideasPracticesAsking questionsBegin by asking students, “Where does all the water come from that flows in [name of river or creek near school]? And, “If an oil tanker over turned and spilled oil into [river or creek near school], how far away would the effects be felt?” Ask students to write their ideas down in their science journals. After a few minutes, have students share their ideas with the class. Explore & Investigate: Explore phenomena for patternsPracticesUsing ModelsAssign students to groups of 3-4. Each student should get an “Exploring My Watershed” worksheet that they can follow to complete the rest of the lesson activities (see below). Give each group a laminated map of their local watershed and a Vis-à-Vis marker. Have students find the waterway (e.g., creek, rivers, wash) nearest to their school. Next have students find the largest river in their watershed that is shown on the map. Have the students trace with the Vis-à-Vis marker from the largest river upstream finding and marking all of the other rivers and creeks that flow into the main river. NOTE: If students live within a large watershed with many rivers and streams above it, you may decide to have students trace just part of their upstream watershed (e.g., just the Rattlesnake Creek Watershed). Next, give each group a large piece of tracing paper and have them trace the rivers and streams they have marked on the tracing paper. Ask the students to then draw in a border line – a line that connects the ends (sources) of all of the rivers and streams. Students should label on their tracing paper the names of major streams and rivers, the watershed boundary, and the source of several streams. Students should also mark with arrows the direction of water flow on the streams and rivers on their tracing paper watershed map. If students are using topographic maps and are familiar with how they work, students should mark the places with the highest and lowest elevations in their watershed, indicating the elevation of both places. PracticesUsing ModelsHand out a laminated map of the overarching watershed that your school is part of (i.e., often a watershed that empties into an ocean). Have students locate their own watershed within the largest watershed. Students should observe how their own smaller watershed is connected to the larger watershed. Have students use the Vis-à-Vis pen to mark the path from their own watershed through the larger watershed to the ocean or other large body of water shown (e.g., Columbia River). Students in their groups next work on their Pathways Tools. Mark an X in a different place on each groups’ map and have them write the name of the place with the X into the center block on their tool (e.g., confluence of Bitterroot River and Clark Fork River). Groups should complete their pathways tool first indicating surface water places on their map where the water could have come from and where it could go to from the X marked on their map. Next, students can fill in more pathways on their tool by thinking about other places water could come from and go to besides the surface water system (e.g., rain from atmosphere, infiltration into ground, use by plants and animals, etc.). Support students in thinking about multiple pathways that may increase in number as students get further in either direction from the place marked on their map. After students complete their Pathways Tools, the groups can share, compare and discuss what they wrote. Why are the Tools from the different groups not all the same? Do the students agree that the paths identified by the other groups are all reasonable? How do they know? Explain: Students develop explanationsHave students work in their groups and with the Pathways Tool and their watershed maps to consider the implications of the interconnectedness of watersheds (e.g., how what people do upstream in a watershed can affect people and places downstream in a watershed.) Ask students probing questions such as:Where does water in Milltown come from? Can water in Milltown end up in Lolo via a surface pathway? Why or why not?Can water in Missoula end up in Alberton via a surface pathway? Why or why not?Can water in Tucson end up in Mexico via a surface pathway? Why or why not?When we change the water quality in the Clark Fork River in Missoula, who is impacted?Who and/or what impacts the quality of water in the Clark Fork River in Missoula?What kinds of materials and substances do you think will move down a watershed in surface water? What kinds of materials or substances won’t? Similar questions can be asked for the Rillito Wash and Santa Cruz RiverIf you haven’t done so already, take time to introduce to students how the Drivers and Constraints Tool works before you ask them to work on the tool in their small groups. Project the Drivers and Constraints Tool and discuss what the aspects of the tool mean and how to use. Drivers are forces that move water. Use example of water on a hill that starts on the side of the hill. If it goes over the ground, which direction will it move? (Down). What’s the force that moves it? (Gravity). The name of this is runoff. Constraints are things that limit how or how much something happens. So your parents may limit how much TV you can watch. That’s a constraint. And the law limits you from driving until you’re sixteen. That’s a constraint. With water, constraining factors limit how fast or slow, how much, or in which direction water moves. Use slope as an example. Draw a steep slope and a shallow slope on the board and ask students how these two slopes will affect how fast or slow water moves. Then draw two slopes slanting in different directions and ask students how these two slopes will direct which direction water moves.Next go through an example of a row of the Drivers and Constraints Tool as a class --- for example you might use the river to atmosphere example described below in procedure 9. Try to co-construct the responses with students by asking for their ideas rather than just telling students what should go in the boxes.Next ask students to complete a Drivers and Constraints Tool based on their Pathways Tool. The students should choose three different linked pathways from their Pathways Tools and fill these links into the three rows on their Drivers and Constraints Tool. For example, one row of their Drivers and Constraints tool might indicate that water starts in the Santa Cruz River and moves to being water vapor in the atmosphere. Students can complete the other cells of the Drivers and Constraints row by thinking about what the process is named (evaporation), what drives the process (heat energy), and what constrains the process (e.g., humidity, temperature, surface area of river). Take time for groups to share their Drivers and Constraints Tools (with a document projector if available; otherwise by writing on board. The class can evaluate the different responses and help refine each other’s ideas about how and why water moves through the different pathways that students identified.Ask each group to turn in their labeled tracing paper watersheds, their completed Pathways and Drivers & Constraints Tools, and their answers to the challenge questions you posed. Names:Exploring My WatershedDirections:Locate [name of river or stream near school] on the map.Mark the length of [river or stream near school] with the Vis-à-Vis pen. Find the largest river on the map that is part of the same watershed as [river or stream near school].Starting at the most downstream spot on the largest river on the map, use the Vis-à-Vis marker to mark the rivers and streams that flow into the large river you found. Get a piece of tracing paper from the teacher and trace all the rivers and streams you highlighted onto the tracing paper. Draw a line that connects the beginning of all the streams that you have traced. This should form an odd shaped ring around the largest river in your watershed on your map.On your tracing paper, label the following:Names of major streams and riversWatershed boundaryThe source of several streamsThe direction of water flow in streams and rivers (using arrows)The place that you think has the highest elevation in your watershedThe place that you think has the lowest elevation in your watershedPathways Tools:Simpler One Pathway Example:More Complex Multiple Pathways Example:Pathways ToolWith your group, complete the Pathways Tool below, thinking about where water in your community comes from and where it goes to.Pathways Tool ExampleDrivers and Constraints Tools:Example:Exploring Runoff & Surface TypeSummary of ActivityStudents compare three surface types to explore how surface type affects runoff infiltration.Time: 45 minutesMaterialsFor each group:Paint tray or paint tray liner. If you use liners, you will need books or other inclined surface on which to place the paint tray liner. Punch or drill a drain hole in the deepest end.Plug for the hole in the paint tray.Bucket or large container to collect waterRain cup – plastic cup with small holes in the bottomGraduated cylinderSandSoilSod (you can model with a piece of old carpeting)Asphalt shingle – if available. If not, just use the empty paint tray.TimerActivityDriving Question: Why do urban and desert areas have to worry about flash floods?Question:Establish the driving question PracticesAsking QuestionsConsider a rainstorm that drops 0.5 inches of rain. Will this cause a flood? It might in a desert or in a poorly designed urban area.Show students a video of a flash flood Ask students why there might be flash floods in the desert.Elicit student ideas. Students can write their ideas in their science notebooks, then share ideas with a partner or the whole class.Push students to explain why.Explore & Investigate Explore phenomena for patternsBegin with the empty paint tray. Set it up so that it sits on an incline, with the deepest end over the edge of the table so that water drains out of the drain hole and into a bucket or graduated cylinder. If you are using an asphalt shingle to represent a road surface, place the shingle in the bottom of the tray.PracticesUsing ModelsAnalyzing and Interpreting DataPour 100 ml of water into the rain cup. Let the rain fall onto the paint tray or shingle. Use a time to measure 15 seconds. Then plug the drain hole (finger will do, or a small piece of clay).Measure the volume of water in the bucket. Record the findings.Repeat 2 more times and average the results.Fill the tray with a small amount of sand. This setup represents a desert wash. You may also cover the sand with soil to represents bare soil, such as in an agricultural setting.Pour 100 ml of water into the rain cup. Let the rain fall onto the soil. Use a time to measure 15 seconds. Then plug the drain hole (finger will do, or a small piece of clay).Measure the volume of water in the bucket. Record the findings.Repeat 2 more times and average the results.Cover the soil with the sod or carpet square to represent a vegetated surface.Pour 100 ml of water into the rain cup. Let the rain fall onto the soil. Use a time to measure 15 seconds. Then plug the drain hole (finger will do, or a small piece of clay).Measure the volume of water in the bucket. Record the findings.Repeat 2 more times and average the results.Identify patternsStudents may graph results. Which type of surface had the most runoff?ExplainStudents explain patternsUse the Drivers and Constraints Tool to have students work in groups to develop their explanation for the pattern they noticed. Students compare ideasPracticesConstructing ExplanationsDeveloping Arguments from EvidenceEvaluating and CommunicatingHave students present their Drivers and Constraints Tools to the class. Compare tools from different groups. Introduce scientific ideas.Help students notice, if they have not already, that the vegetated surface slowed down the water so that it was able to infiltrate into the soil below. On unvegetated surfaces, the water ran off too fast. On the impermeable surface, no water was able to infiltrate and it all ran off.Students answer driving questionPracticesConstructing ExplanationsDeveloping Arguments from EvidenceEvaluating and CommunicatingUsing their Drivers and Constraints Tool, have students explain why desert or urban areas have to worry about flash floods. Students should develop their arguments and defend arguments to other groups.Have students write their explanation in their science notebooks.Color Me a WatershedSummary of ActivityStudents compare three maps to see how development can affect a watershed.See Project Wet, pages 223-231.Prior ActivitiesPrior to engaging in Color Me a Watershed activity, students should have some experiences with watersheds. Suggested activities include:Watershed Models: 3-dimensional watershed models (e.g., tarp activity, crumpled paper watersheds, large scale watershed models) (Activity 1 in this sequence)Tracing Watersheds: Tracing water through watersheds using 2-dimensional map representations (Activity 2 in this sequence)Exploring Runoff & Infiltration (Activity 3 in this sequence).Tools for ReasoningTracing Pathways– Use the maps and the Pathways Tool to scaffold interpreting two-dimensional representation of three-dimensional space and tracing water in the stream. The idea is to help students interpret which direction runoff flows.On Map A, assign each student, pair of students, or group of students to a pixel (it might help to add letters and numbers along the axes to facilitate identification of pixels.) You may assign the same pixel to more than one student, pair, or group. Students should indicate their pixel location on the Pathways Tool.PracticesUsing ModelsAnalyzing and Interpreting DataHave students trace backwards where they think the water in that pixel might have come from and where it will go to. Encourage student to think about multiple possibilities for pathways.Have students consider where the water in that location will go next. Encourage students to think about surface, soil, and atmospheric locations.It may help to have students draw the pathways on the map as well.PracticesConstructing ExplanationsDeveloping Arguments from EvidenceEvaluating & CommunicatingNote: To begin, choose pixels in the stream. Use land pixels after students do the Drivers and Constraints Tool below. The idea is to help students interpret which direction runoff flows.Allow students with the same pixel to compare their pathways tools. Support students in explaining their thinking about the pathways they traced.On the back of the Pathways Tool or in their science notebooks, have students write down their explanation for the Pathways that they traced.Drivers and Constraints Tool – Use the Drivers and Constraints Tool to support students in thinking about whether water will infiltrate or runoff from the land the surface.Assign students, pairs, or groups to a pixel. Put this pixel where the water starts.Have students complete the Drivers and Constraints boxes for the water in that pixel. Hints:Drivers – What moves the water (Gravity pulls water down). It will either runoff or infiltrate depending on.PracticesUsing ModelsAnalyzing and Interpreting DataConstraints –Topography – direction to lower landPermeability & vegetationForest, grassland, or wetland – most will probably infiltrate. Water has time to infiltrate in.PracticesConstructing ExplanationsDeveloping Arguments from EvidenceEvaluating & CommunicatingAgriculture – some infiltration, some runoff because bare soil can become saturated quickly.Residential – mostly runoff because permeability is decreased.Now have student complete the boxes for where water moves and the process (runoff or infiltration).Allow students with the same pixel to compare their Drivers and Constraints tools. Encourage students to discuss why their Tools are similar or different. Support students in coming to consensus.On the back of the tool or in their science notebooks, have students write an explanation for where water in their assigned pixel will go.Exploring the Relationship between Landuse and Runoff Volume –Use the Drivers and Constraints tool to support student in considering why the runoff increased from the time represented in Map A (100 years ago) to the time represented in Map C (present).PracticesUsing ModelsAnalyzing and Interpreting DataHave students complete a Drivers and Constraints tool for the same pixel on each map. Compare the results. Have students provide initial explanations for what is happening to the runoff. They should notice that there is more runoff as the land is covered by more agricultural and residential usage.PracticesUsing Mathematics & Computational ThinkingDo Option 2. You may also decide to do Option 3. Make appropriate accommodations for time and student computation skills. For example:Give students the land areas and water runoff volumes in the table on page 225 and 226.PracticesConstructing ExplanationsDeveloping Arguments from EvidenceEvaluating & CommunicatingIf you would like students to do the calculations, you could have different groups complete the calculations for different land coverage types (e.g., group A calculates areas for forests, group B calculates areas for grasslands, etc.)In pairs or groups, students can use their completed Drivers and Constraints tools and the tables to develop an explanation for why the runoff volume increases as the land use changes. Students can then write this explanation in their notebooks or on the back of the tool.Engage students in presenting their explanations to the rest of the class. Groups can evaluate each other’s arguments. ................

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