Properties of Water - WHEATLEY'S BIOLOGY

Water Distribution, Properties and Cycle WebQuest

Go to: and take the true/false quiz.

1. How many questions did you get right?

2. Identify the one question that MOST surprised you in the quiz and explain WHY you found this surprising.

Go to: and answer the following.

3. How much of earth’s water is actually useable?

4. How long can a human live without food? How does this compare to the length of time a human can go without water?

5. By what percent does water expand when it freezes?

6. What is the average total home water use for each person in the U.S.?

Go to: and answer the following.

7. Water is cohesive. How are chemistry and electricity involved at a more detailed level to make this possible? (check adhesion/cohesion)

8. Why is water called the universal solvent?

9. Why is water a unique compound here on Earth (check facts about water)?

10. What is cohesion and what is adhesion?

11. What is pH?

12. What is specific heat? (check heat capacity)

13. What does it mean that water has high specific heat?

14. What is capillary action?

15. At what temperature (Celsius) does water have its highest density? It’s lowest?

16. Why does solid water float in liquid water?

17. What is turbidity?

Go to and answer the following.

18. What is Hydrogen bonding?

19. Describe how surface tension works in your own words.

Go to and answer the following.

20. Completely describe how and why water is a polar molecule?

Go to: and answer the following.

21. Draw and label a sketch of the water cycle.

22. What is the Gulf Stream?

23-25. Define each of the following:

23. evaporation

24. condensation

25. precipitation

26. What is transpiration?

27. Identify three places where water can be stored.

Use the table all the way at the bottom of the page to answer the following:

28. Where is most of Earth’s surface water found?

29. How much of Earth’s fresh water is locked up in glaciers and ice caps?

30. Other than the water that is frozen as glaciers and ice caps what are all of the other sources of fresh water on this planet?


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