Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.










dry up



source ocean riverbed waterfalls

A river is a body of water that ______fl_o_w_s______ from high ground to _______lo_w_______ ground. The beginning of a river is called the ______so_u_r_c_e_____. As a river flows down, other smaller rivers called ____t_r_ib_u_t_ar_i_e_s ___ join it and it becomes bigger.

The river flows in its _______c_h_an_n_e_l______. The bottom of the river is called the _____r_iv_e_r_b_e_d_____. The sides of the river are called the _____ri_v_e_rb_a_n_k_s____. Usually, the river stays in its channel but

sometimes, after heavy rains, the river overflows its banks and there is a _______fl_o_o_d______. At other times, during the summer or during a drought, some rivers _______d_r_y__up________ completely and people can

walk on the riverbed.

The river usually flows down to a ________la_k_e_______ or an ______o_c_e_a_n_____. The place where the river meets the larger body of water is the end of the river and is called the ______m_o_u_t_h_______.

Sometimes rivers flow very fast over rocks. These areas, which are called ____r_a_p_id_s_____, are dangerous for boats. And sometimes, rivers flow over cliffs forming beautiful __w_a_t_e_r_fa_l_ls_________.

Rivers are very important for civilization. They provide ______w_a_te_r_____ for drinking and irrigation. As well, they were important routes for ___t_r_a_n_sp_o_r_t_at_i_on____ by boats in the past.

? 2006

4Learning Geography Essentials: Unit 14 ? Investigating rivers

Activity sheet B ? A river system

Name As soon as rain falls on high ground it starts to flow downhill. The water finds the easiest way it can to the sea. The picture shows the course of a river from the hills to the sea.

What are the features marked at A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I? Choose the correct labels from those listed below and write the letter in the boxes.

mouth G

lake D

waterfall B

delta H

meander E

tributary C

flood plain F

sea I

source A

Use the picture to help you fill in the gaps in these sentences:

The place where a river starts is called its





is a smaller river or stream which flows into a larger one.

A large bend in a river is called a





is an area of land roughly triangular in shape which

forms where a river enters a lake or the sea.

Which type of water will have the greatest amount of dissolved oxygen? A. Fast moving water flowing over rocks and waterfalls B. Slow moving water in the ocean C. Very warm water


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