Pepsi Bottling Group - Leeds School of Business

Meeting MinutesPepsi Bottling Group- Water Conservation ProjectSep 21, 20092:00- 4:00 pmMeeting called by Leeds School of Business TeamLocation: Leeds School of BusinessAttendees: Varita Hongsunirundon, SERA Nguyen, Chris Straface and Doug WaechterTopic 1Roles and ResponsibilityAssign roles and tasks for each team membersSERA: get name and contact number for water conservation rebates with city including procedures and requirements and also develop blue board. Also, do assumption part.Jin: Research, roles and responsibility and taking notesDoug: develop KPI for accuracy: choose high level KPI and also do cost analysisChris: Communicate with Dan, do stakeholder analysis and risk managementTopic 23 Phases of the ProjectPhase One is quick wins, blue board, urinals (pilot)Begin phase two is define; low cost-low time projects: localize projects (can warmer to Ammonium chill)Begin phase three is defined; high cost-high time projects: RO to truck wash, floor wash, ic 3Schedule with ClientShow water flow chart for accuracyGet agreement with new project outline for first deliverable Set first brainstorming session dateTopic 4 Wrap up and Questions for Brainstorm SessionTime objective assumptions for projectCost indicators for projectPhase 3 feasibility: a)Where's tank b) running pipes c) Gray water flowGoodwill evaluationsPepsi Bottling Group- Water Conservation ProjectSep 28, 20092:00- 4:00 pmMeeting called by Leeds School of Business TeamLocation: Leeds School of BusinessAttendees: Varita Hongsunirundon, Sera Nguyen, Chris Straface and Doug WaechterTopic 1Project OutlineFinalize project outline and agree that we will do the project without the three phasesCreate a delay for the first deliverable because Dan couldn’t meet us on Friday Sep 25,2009By having conflict, we can related and experience the real business worldFocus on the first deliverableTopic 2Each person explain their taskDoug made RACI diagram to show the objectives and work that needs to be doneIn contribution to that he also explain the project plan to the whole group and see if he missed anythingI’m explaining what researches that I had found and how it related to our projectSera called the Denver city water about rebate information and show us the project assumptionsChris show us the stakeholder analysis and risk management planTopic 3Design Brainstorming SessionDiscuss what questions should be askShow Dan the water chart process and clarifyLook into the water chart and see where we might miss and whether they have anything to addTopic 4 Wrap Up Continue to work on first deliverable and be prepare for the brain storming session on Oct 5, 2009Pepsi Bottling Group- Water Conservation ProjectOct 2, 200912.30- 4:00 pmMeeting called by Leeds School of Business TeamLocation: PBG Manufacturing facility, Commerce City, COAttendees: Varita Hongsunirundon, Chris Straface and Doug WaechterTopic 1Water ChartWaste water chart-pH Effulent is the good indicator of what is going down the drain because some day is less than other because the day that have inventory, the production stop (shut down the machine) for example start inventory at 7am and last till 3 pm. The production will not start until then and the water consumption has reduced significantly. At the end of each month for example Oct 3 will be period 3.Peak times are during summer (Memorial days through labor days) and slow down production in winter because people drink tea and coffee and only 5 days a week working. Also, open one line over the weekend and close can line during weekend.The way that Pepsi keeps track of the cost is: cost per case or consumption per unitPh Plant- use fresh water to run through the probe and keep pH level at 7 if not then the bacteria will come to create low pH and left water on for weekend about 10000 gallons of water. Sometime is a waste because forget to turn in off and all the water go to the drain.Concern: water consumption is not the same as the amount of case create since there are many factors contributed to it. Example: bottles jam, ic 2Clarify Process Map and Spread SheetAsk Dan to make sure that the process map is on targetLook for water loss and fix it, even though is already fixed but still has to be discuss in the project. System gives faulty result! It read that it closed but it wasn’t really closed.Make sure that the spreadsheet of possible water saving areas is correct to show how to safe 10% water and how much percent of water is use?There are four gravity filters and the capacity of the tank is…, 18 ft deep for the depth () 70,244 gallons of water is waste every 18 hours.Adding additional information in the process map to give clarity.Plot the process map to Dan for Monday brainstorming session (Jim Sheredon-ask him to help fill in the gap that Dan doesn’t know about) (Jeff Sawy-watering power technology) information on piping.Question for water expert: If grey water is collected can we bypass med troll and send it the ocean? So that can save Pepsi on ic 4 Clarify on the projectDiscuss the final project and what we want to do to finalize the project, whether are we on the right ic 5Wrap UpPrepare for brainstorming session on MondayAdditional Instructions:PBG team will provide client with documents that will be used during meeting. Pepsi Bottling Group- Water Conservation ProjectOct 5, 200912.45- 5:00 pmMeeting called by Leeds School of Business TeamLocation: PBG Manufacturing facility, Commerce City, COAttendees: Varita Hongsunirundon, Sera Nguyen, Chris Straface and Doug Waechter Topic 1Defined project goals and objectivesLook back at the project charter, 3 years ROI, reduced 10% of waterWhich project may take longer time and money?Topic 2Identify goals for conservingWhy do we conserve water? Conservation act every summer and PBG is the largest water consumer in the city and image wise don’t want to be seen as a ‘waster’ of water by the society We are in a drought region: half million of dollars we spend on water each year and it would save our resources if water reduce by 10%4 factors that need to take into consideration: Monetary , public relation, employee morals, environmentalTopic 3Identify conservation areas of interestUse map and process handout (explain to the client of what we are thinking)Identify the areas where we can safe water or reuse on the map by asking the client participationLooking for items that we as our group didn’t identify it outLooking for a way to better organize the information The cooling towersTopic 4Identify feasibility issues/concernsRO room, a lot of water has been going down the drain, so we are trying to figure out what can we do with the water…is the water too salty? Change the process maybe to improve it?Hard to reuse the water because it contains lots of chemicals, because different chemicals have been used. If the program changes maybe we can reduce the amount of water, but there is limitation to this assumption because the tank has to be fill to certain level for it to pump and as well as the pipe. Therefore, there is a point where they can no longer reduce the water.CIP process: clean and place, giving flow rate to create the cleaning of the pipe, not get cleaning acting in the pipe if the flow rate does not reach (cycle 8 min) reduce number of cycle minute and potentially safe water or put in the computer and cut it down until they can no longer reduce it. Also, different plant is different, therefore has to look at the critical time because water runs different for Pepsi and diet Pepsi. How many gallons of water needed per cycle? Jeff: 15 gallons per minute… (too much salt will go to the drain after 5 cycles because get too concentrate and also evaporate and leave solid so is concentrate also) (Reject water for truck wash) final rinse with clean water for the truck.When the tank is full the water could no longer be fill therefore need storage tank for water (10,000-20,000 gallons tank)Concern for using the water to wash truck and clean the floorLook at the areas where the water can be reuse because some of them is more clean than other while other is too saltyNew water cooling tower by 2010Doesn’t take long for water to freeze also with the city water…can’t let them freezeGrey water to clean water need filtering system on it to discharge, so can pick up some particle, can cause problem if is not completely clean if there is particle in the water (rinse)One collection point for all the grade (filter) and collect to one reuse point and then use the pipe to go to certain area that needed for water (cooling tower trunk) in the winter cooling tower need less water while maybe truck need more water so is complementary each other seasonal.PBC is the cheapest or stainless steel but watch for the price for truck because copper react with salt.The cost for pumping water (1500 dollars or less) Contact for engineering contractor to get to the (fire department) will be able to tell the cost of pipe per foot.Urinal to safe water…more sanitary for rinsing???Hot water run through the whole facility but if that process is input maybe need heater in each department for the sinkTopic 5Identify employee awareness campaignsGas, electricity, and water conservationEmployee don’t see how it affect themHard for employee to buy inTell how they involve in the process and how it affect themQuantify it more, so that they would understand, ex. How many trees do we safe? Instead of telling them the number. Justify go back and track. Ex. Salon Lake? Go to the web…so relate to the person life could make a bigger impression or images.Bring up to the meeting and tell them about the project (how much they safe each month and get people involve…a new way to perform not the old way go down the drainGive statistic percentage on water saving and efficiency.Long term sustainability of business because water is their main resource. So sustainability is a big thing. Continue to grow so the more we expand the more water is consume.Good game maybe whose department has the greatest percentage for saving water and give incentive to e up with green t-shirt for the employee for the conservation plan What to make sure if this could be done? Try the incentive and increase incentive (culture of pride and give people scorecard) make people feel like they are part of the solutionTopic 6Wrap UpMake sure that we understand how the report go for final deliverableMake the list for different project…like first task, second task, ex. install water meterPepsi Bottling Group- Water Conservation ProjectOct 16, 20092:30- 4:30 pmMeeting called by Leeds School of Business TeamLocation: PBG Manufacturing facility, Commerce City, COAttendees: Varita Hongsunirundon and Sera NguyenTopic 1Blue BoardEstablish target (objective, tool and resource) Short term progressOne blue board for management and smaller blue board give to employeeShow the slides and what we want to do for the blue board at the board meetingHow we can get the management to care? In order to do so we need to know our goal (10% water reduction) and measure it. Tell the board meeting how we are going to get to those goals Management information base and employee knowledge baseNeed the right scorecard, Pepsi is all about scorecardThere is a company that will make a blue board for us. Put things in excel spread sheet and will go back design what we want and design in the size that we want. They will put the content in it also. (slide paper vertically or horizontal) Here is the contact info. (407)-999-2215) tammy@Objectives, current usage (include in graph to project saving for the project) identify the project related to current topic, time-line work break down structure.Mission statement is fuel keeps increasing and to compensate and to keep the product price down, we can’t control the cost. Therefore, control the usage instead. Limit the waste, in order to control the cost of our product we need to conserve our resources to keep our products competitive. Competitive advantage, we didn’t look at the resources conservation yet. To be competitive out there and minimize cost we have to this. How to keep the cost for consumer down?Utility overall and the cost in order, 1) labor, 2) material, 3)utility, 4) capitalThe time frame for the water conservation (as soon as possible) 1st quarter 2010 done before summer within six months (also depend on the final project of which conservation plan to use, get capital approve (30days), send out PO) 80/20 rule would be 80% get the biggest bang, and continue to do with the small stuffs. Decrease 50,000 dollars, get the job to install in 6 months and be able to prorate and see the saving.Usage go up spring and fall but summer the use of water peak, done before summer then can see the biggest gain during the peak time. But whatever we do be able to quantify that measurement and see the saving and broadcast it to the blue board. (X amt water use, Y dollar save per certain gallon = Z dollar save)Continuous improvement throughout the plan, one project leads to ic 2Awareness planUnlimited budget $600 easily, the board that is out there is $300, easy to throw in a bunch of moneyIs this the only awareness plan that you plan to have? Maybe include; fliers, employee meeting, etc.? every four weeks manager get up in front of the whole teams to tell what happen for the past plan or weeks.Maybe add slides in his presentation for conservation plan and keep it real simple, include al conservation, electric, natural gas, recycling.Simple equation, so is simple to understand.Period awareness, communicate to all supervisor and what plan to do on that day, go up and tell how many gallons of water use and the cost, how many cubic gas we use and what is the lower PH level, leave them with the result and what they are trying to do. Give info and how it affects them, add this and ic 3Executional Planner Have to have the owner of the board, example how DAN update the board, contain objectives, person responsible, goals, actual. Get scope and call supplier to get quote, put pricing matrix. One objective will lead to two objectives, three objectives etc. like the project Also contain task lists (so can see what they done and where they are going, break task list to small win) Topic 4 Wrap up and ConcernsContinue planning for the blue board and the awareness plan and have it done by next two weeks; start with water savingDesign the outline and the layout of the board for management and see which one is going to be where? Ex. Gas, electric, and water conservationWhat is the objective for all these conservations and then write down the graphs and number.The blue board has to have blue color background; green color = win, yellow color = caution, and red color = badNo sex gender, no sexual harassment, no things like that on the boardThe board doesn’t have to be professional, it can be fun and creativePepsi Bottling Group- Water Conservation ProjectNov 2, 20092:30- 4:30 pmMeeting called by Leeds School of Business TeamLocation: PBG Manufacturing facility, Commerce City, COAttendees: Varita Hongsunirundon and Sera NguyenTopic 1Management Blue BoardShow Dan the draft of what we come up with so far for the management blue boardEvery 4 weeks update the graph for all three (electricity, water, and natural gas)Track the graph back to the previous periodStatus report layout what need to be done and what is not accomplish yetWhat needs to be done? Pepsi track everything by cost per unit or cost per case. Get goal and cost per case. Increase the cost but also save more.Mission statement: something continuous monitoring inTrouble with the graph measurement when incorporate all three things in one graph, because the unit is different (gallon, cubic ft, KWH) so we have to do base on case produce and do it by week because get measurement daily but post weekly. Will have a permanent graph on the blue board but the middle is empty, Dan can either draw it or print the graph outHow to put smiley face on the line graphGet approval for the first draftTopic 2 Employee Blue boardShow Dan the draft of employee blue boardUpdate weeklyChange the color of the cartoon uniform and also the face can be a Pepsi logoLook for pictures for natural gas (cubic feet)and electricity( KWH)Include water flow in the blue board and discuss that with DougGet approval for the first draft before going to the next stepTopic 3 Awareness planWhere to place the blue boards in the facilityFlier to show reminder, like turn off the light when you are not using itWhat other incentive we can do to make the awareness plan successfulDiscuss these projects in meeting. What are we currently working on and how much we save and what will be doing later on in the periodIncentives: Something has to be accomplish before the reward is gain (ex. Ice-cream party, pizza party)Praise in public or social gathering for workers when they accomplish the goal (want to promote)Topic 4 Status ReportSimilar to executioner planner, what need to be accomplish, what is the objectives, what needs to be done in the next period, what is not yet accomplishHave this on the management blue boardTopic 5 Wrap UpContinue working on the blue boards and the awareness planHave it done by next week for the next meeting Design fliers for the facility to give incentive to make employees contribute toPepsi Bottling Group- Water Conservation ProjectDec 7, 200912:45- 2:30 pmMeeting called by Leeds School of Business TeamLocation: PBG Manufacturing facility, Commerce City, COAttendees: Varita Hongsunirundon, Chris Straface and Doug WaectherTopic 1Final presentation at Pepsi14, 15 or 16 December will be the day to present the final project at PBGTopic 2CharterA run through of the charter to make sure that everything is being cover for the final deliverableHow do we roll it into other plant? The folder contain what and how to do for water conservation in detailRebate, explaining what they are? And how much Pepsi could potentially save, one project can potentially save $40,000. We have to wait for them to come in and measure the amount of water.Cost benefit analysis, the capital project under $100,000. Make sure that the number is right and the information is accurate.The flyer maybe at in the cost of how much leaking hose might ic 3Screen as a blue boardDan decide to go with the screen as a blue boardPut on the slide in the presentation to show how the screen will work in the final presentation (using thumb drive and the screen will continue show the slides what is on the thumb drive)On the slide we can put slide on welcoming the contractor, current event, etc.Want modern technology because at the end the cost of the blue board will come out the same cost as getting the TV. screenTopic 4Final Presentation in ClassDan will be able to make it to class presentation at 6:00 pm. Topic 5Wrap UpThings that we should address when presenting at the plant, what objective was, how you got to it? Dollar and cents, save this much but will cost however much to do this thing.For next semester, what would you take to the next step to make the project better?Suggestion for gas and electrical project? How we are going to measure it and what are the quick wins? $1,000 per meter without install, and with the install would be $1,500. 7 cents per KWH, which is a little more expensive than water. Something with green plant (solar pay back) Continue working on the final deliverable and dividing tasks to each memberThe meeting has to cut short because Dan has emergency conference, which he doesn’t know how long it will take for him to be don ................

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