How to Plan and Conduct a Youth Workshop

How to Plan and Conduct a Youth Workshop

Step 1:

Get to know youth members 

• Visit the community

• Consult with groups who have worked with them in the past 

• Build on existing relationships with group

Step 2

Set goals for workshop

• What do you want to accomplish? (tangible and intangible: i.e. presentation, empowerment)

• What's possible?

• What does the community need?

• How can you ensure your workshop can be built upon in the future?

This is also a time for your planning group to get on the same page.

Step 3

Plan the workshop

This is the most time consuming aspect of the project.

• Brainstorm activity ideas

• Utilize group members' previous experience in working with youth if applicable

• After brainstorming, match activities to specific goals; discard activities that aren't relevant to workshop goals

• It helps to categorize activities into themes and plan in small groups (but make sure everyone understands the activities when you reconvene!)

• Plan for breaks, fun games, and group check-ins during the workshop

• Be realistic about time in terms of your planning group's stamina and youth's attention span

• Plan activities all the way through- think of all possible youth responses to activities (i.e. too shy, too eager)

• Plan what each group member will do during activities: Who is facilitating? Translating? Taking pictures?

• Set the schedule and review it with community

• Write script

• Evaluate planning session as a group

Step 4

Run through the workshop

• Include all people who will be present in the execution of the workshop (facilitators, translators, etc.)

• Practice all activities completely

• Clarify with translators what each activity entails

• Evaluate run through

Step 5


• Make name tags with all the youth

• Play ice breaker games 

• Be flexible, but stick to the plan as much as possible

• Assign a photographer and/or note-taker for notable activities

• Check-in with other facilitators throughout the workshop

• When finished evaluate with other facilitators and reassess upcoming days and plans- adjust activities if necessary 

Step 6

After Workshop Evaluation

• Review goals and determine workshop's success

• Evaluate with community leaders and older youth if possible and get feedback

• Give individual feedback to facilitators and group members

• Write a pass-on with lessons learned and next steps for the community youth

General Recommendations

• Develop relationships with youth if possible before the workshop

• Find out what the community wants/ needs and design workshop around that

• Alternate the types of activities to maintain engagement and interest of the youth

• Have snack and water breaks

• Communicate with facilitators and translators often and honestly- stay on the same page

• Evaluate and reassess often

• Practice with scripts but try not to use them the day of

• Plan reflection questions for more meaningful activities

• Be encouraging and cheerful


-For greater details on the actual workshop that served as the reference for this How-To see the Na Nong Bong Youth Workshop Pass-on from CIEE Thailand Spring 2010


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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