Water use by the Facts - Natural Resources Canada

Wnaatteurruaslerbeysothureces sectors

F a c t s March 2009

Water use by the natural resources sectors ? Facts


Overview of water use by the natural resources sectors..............................................1 Energy sector.............................................................................................................3 Forest sector...............................................................................................................6 Minerals and metals sector.........................................................................................8 Glossary .....................................................................................................................9 Definitions used by Statistics Canada......................................................................10 Appendix of diagrams..............................................................................................11

Overview of water use by the natural resources sectors


? The natural resources sectors(McoCmMp)rise companOiethserompaenruafatcitnurgingin3 4t6h8.e5 energy, forest, Thermal-electraicnd minerals and metals sectors. Unless otherwAigsreicuinltudreic4a7t8e7.d0 , figures for the energy

power generation 36 344.8

sector include only thermal-electric power geneMruanticioipnal*f5ac65i1l.i0ties (e.g. nuclear and Mineral and metal products 3 087f.7ossil fuel generation). Hydroelectric power generation and oil and gas development

Forest products 3 711a.4re treated separately.

Petroleum and coal products 86?9A.2 lthough the natural resources sectors accounted for nearly 80 percent of Canada's water use in 2005, most of that use is non-consumptive (water is returned to its

Minerals and metals mining 2 516s.6ource after use).

Other 13 906.5 Gross water use by major Canadian water-using sectors, 2005*

Total: 60 436.2 millio*Mnuncicuipbaliicncmludeestrdoemse(sMtic ruCraMl use).

Figure 1a


Thermal-electric power generation 60%

Mineral and metal products 5%

Forest products 6%

Petroleum and coal products 1%

Minerals and metals mining 4%

Other 23%


Agriculture 8% Municipal 9%** Other manufacturing 6%

Note: Most figures and graphics in this report are derived from Industrial Water Use, 2005 produced by Statistics Canada.

Sources: Environment Canada and Statistics Canada water use surveys

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*Numbers may not sum to 100 due to rounding. **Municipal includes rural.

? A s with other large water withdrawals, high-volume water use by natural resources companies can contribute to regional pressures on water availability. Many natural resources companies have taken steps to manage the impact of their operations on regional water supplies.

? I n 2005, the natural resources sectors accounted for approximately 22 percent of water consumption in Canada. By comparison, irrigation activities accounted for almost 60 percent of Canadian consumption.

Water Use by the Natural Resources Sectors ? Facts


Water consumption by major Canadian water-using sectors, 2005*

Figure 1b


Click here to see an alternate representation of this graph

Thermal-electric power generation 15% Minerals and metal products 4%

Sources: Environment Canada and Statistics Canada water use sruveys

Forest products 3%

Petroleum and coal products 0.7%

Sources of NPRI-reported pollutant releases to waterA, g20ri0c3ulture 58%

Water, sewage and other systems 0.75 Forest products 0.12

Municipal 9%

Minerals and metals


Oil and gas


Other manufacturing 10%

Electricity generation 0.01

*Numbers may not sumWatsote1t0re0atdmueenttoanrdoudinspdoisnagl. 0.03



? Most water usedObthyerthe0.n04atural resources sectors is for cooling (e.g. to cool

equipment), which is why consumption rates are so low. (Water is generally not

incorporated into natural resources products, as it is in some other industries. )

The use of water for cooling has a negligible impact on water quality, other than a

slightly heated discharMginee.rals and metals 4%

? Freshwater may also bOeil uansdegdasin ................

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