Painting 101 eBook

Studio: Painting - Tempera & Acrylic

Painting 101 for Art Teachers

Acrylic & Tempera

In this section, you'll find practical resources that will inspire you to take a second look at tempera and acrylic and find fresh ideas for immediate use in your art room.

It's a Piece of Tempera Cake

One art supply I have a love hate relationship with is Tempera Cakes. They are that fine line between tempera and watercolor. I have great success with watercolor paints in lessons like "Kandinsky Lines and Shapes" and like having a enough little palettes that student can each have their own. When it comes to Tempera cakes, however, I have been experimenting with different brands to find my sweet spot and I am still torn! Continue reading...

Paint Dispensing for Dummies

There are so many methods and containers you can use to dispense paint in your art room. I gathered together a wide variety of ideas, including some of my favorite tricks, to share with you in this video today. Some are cheap, and some are not, but chances are you will find some of your favorites listed, and even some that might surprise you! Watch the video...

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Studio: Painting - Tempera & Acrylic

Painting 101 for Art Teachers

Better Paintings Through Digital Sketches

When it comes to painting, students are always ready to get to work. However, art teachers know planning first through sketches will produce better outcomes. It can be quiet challenging, trying to slow the students down as they rush through their sketches just so they can start the painting stage. The answer to how we can have students take their time and produce better sketches, and therefore better traditional paintings, may lie not in the sketchbook but on the iPad. Continue reading...

Abstract Art Introductions

I love abstract art. I hate teaching abstract art. The actual art making, though, is what is difficult?first to get kids to accept the idea of abstract art, then to actually begin the creative process. So what do we do? How do we answer the questions and complaints about abstract art? Then, how do we focus students on the creative process? Art needs to be experienced to be understood. Once you have that experience, you can then critique what has been done. Continue reading...

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Studio: Painting - Tempera & Acrylic

Painting 101 for Art Teachers

8 Classic Painting Techniques from The Masters to Teach Today

When it comes to teaching "The Masters" most of us resort to sharing their most popular work, doing a quick project and calling it a day. Starry Night, anyone? If you've had the chance to browse the popular blog Painted Paper you will notice just the opposite. Creative leader, Laura Lohmann has the ability to teach "The Masters" (techniques, art history, interdisciplinary connections ? she does it all) in the most authentic way I have ever seen. So, of course, I asked to pick her brain on this unique style of teaching to share with all of you. Thankfully, she said yes! Continue reading...

Preparing for Perfect Pointillism Projects

When teaching specific art styles like Pointillism or Impressionism, the focus is often on the `wow factor' of the final product. Instead, let's focus on the preparation of materials and instructional delivery. The three tips I will share today will help set your students up for success with a new art style. Watch the video...

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Studio: Painting - Tempera & Acrylic

Painting 101 for Art Teachers


Understanding color theory is one of the key components to understanding and creating art. This section will dive into various methods to engage your students with this important art element.

Make Simple Painted Canvases to Teach Color Theory!

In this lesson plan selfies take a step back, and become self portraits, providing an easy way for students to see the proportions of their faces and the placement of the features. Follow along with this hands ? on demonstration! Watch the video here...

All Our Favorite Ways to Teach Color Theory in One Place!

Let's face it; drawing is a difficult concept to teach. Drawing takes a lot of practice, patience and students tend to get frustrated easily. How many times have you heard the phrase "I can't draw" in your classroom? Probably too many times to count. I help build students confidence by providing them drawing assignments where they can be successful. A strategy I use in my classroom is drawing with a grid. Using a grid helps break down the drawing into smaller sections. Chuck Close once said, "If you're overwhelmed by the size of a problem, break it down into many bite sized pieces." Breaking the drawing into "bite sized pieces," or small squares, helps students feel less overwhelmed. Continue reading...

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Studio: Painting - Tempera & Acrylic

Painting 101 for Art Teachers

3 Creative Ways to Explore Color Mixing with Students

I'm betting that when it comes to teaching color mixing, 99% of us, myself included, go straight for the tempera paint. We instruct students to mix the secondaries from the primaries, and then we're done. There's nothing wrong with this method, and it certainly is effective, but there are definitely other ways to go about things. Today I have 3 color mixing activities that not only will inspire your students, but will get you thinking outside the box regarding teaching color theory. Continue reading...

A New Way to Introduce the Color Wheel

I recently took a graduate class titled "Supports for English Language Learners." In this class I learned various strategies to use when teaching English Language Leaner's. I was also reminded of the importance of incorporating vocabulary and visual aids in my lesson plans. I found most of the strategies I learned from this class can be incorporated into any classroom to benefit all students, not just my ELL students. I chose to implement sentence starters in a lesson on the color wheel. The vocabulary words I taught were the names of the 12 colors on the color wheel, and the words primary, secondary and tertiary/intermediate. Continue reading...

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