Area: Foreign Languages (English)



1. Learn new vocabulary about clothes and use it to orally express likes and dislikes in a spontaneous and comprehensible way.

2. Understand a written text about teenage models and be able to interpret it with criticism by using the relevant comprehension strategies.

3. Read a text in an autonomous way and enjoy reading as a source of pleasure, information and leisure.

4. Use frequency adverbs to talk about habitual behaviour.

5. Notice the differences of use between ‘used to’ and ‘would’.

6. Understand expressions with ‘Get’. Grasp its different meanings in certain expressions, and think about the way the foreign language works in different contexts.

7. Listen to a text about special occasions and its connexion with clothes and appearance. Match each speaker with the right occasion.

8. Learn the differences between ‘be used to’, ‘get used to’ and ‘used to’ and be able to use these expressions when talking about personal circumstances.

9. Talk about several photographs and the lifestyles they show. Use the language knowledge learnt till the moment in order to talk coherently and with correction.

10. Write informal letters by using appropriate expressions already learnt throughout the unit.

11. Transform sentences by following a given pattern.

12. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



Habitual behaviour in the present:

⇨ Present simple for habitual actions

⇨ Frequency adverbs: always, often, rarely, usually, normally, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever, etc.

⇨ Present continuous + always

⇨ Adjectives alternative to frequency adverbs.

⇨ Tend to + infinitive

⇨ Will + infinitive

⇨ Keep on + gerund

Habitual behaviour in the past:

⇨ Past simple + frequency verbs

⇨ Used to + infinitive

⇨ Would + infinitive

⇨ Be used to / Get used to + noun or gerund


Topic: Clothes and different lifestyles.

• Items of clothing: belt, blazer, blouse, boots, bow tie, (baseball) cap, cardigan, dinner jacket, dress, dressing gown, dungarees, fancy dress, hat, helmet, high-heeled shoes, (sports) jacket, jeans, jumper, pullover, sweater, overcoat, raincoat, scarf, shirt, shoes, shorts, skirt, slippers, socks, suit, sweatshirt, swimming costume, swimming trunks, top, T-shirt, tie, tights, tracksuit, trainers, trousers, waistcoat.

• Jewellery: bracelet, necklace, brooch, pendant, earrings, ring.

• Adjectives-The pattern of clothes: checked, plain, flowery, spotted, patterned, striped,

• Other adjectives for clothes: baggy, casual, colourful, designer, formal, long-sleeved, loose-fitting, pleated, second-hand, shabby, short-sleeved, smart, tasteful, tight-fitting, trendy, (un)fashionable, waterproof, worn out.

• Materials for clothes: cotton, denim, leather, woollen, nylon, silk, suede.

• Verbs for clothing: dress up as sbdy/sthg, fit, get (un)dressed, go with, match, put on, suit, take off, wear.


⇨ Instructions in class: Look at the following extracts…, read the following instructions…, Write six sentences…, Discuss the following questions…, etc.

⇨ Transformations: to get over / recovery, to get rid of / throw away, tend to / usually, without + ing, used to + infinitive / would + infinitive, get used to + ing, looking forward to / can’t wait to, had better + infinitive / ought to + infinitive.


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to five people talking about their appearance in certain occasions.

2. Matching exercise.

3. Answer questions about the text.

4. Talk about personal attitudes related to the situations heard.

5. Listen to the classmates when talking about descriptions and lifestyles.


1. Make a description of the student’s favourite clothes.

2. Talk about the lifestyle of a teenage model.

3. React to the text about teenage models by giving personal opinions.

4. Use frequency adverbs to say whether certain sentences are true or false.

5. Discuss several questions by using ‘Get’ in different contexts.

6. Answer a question about the surprise caused by a certain appearance.

7. Talk about situations using ‘to get used to’.

8. Look at some photographs about lifestyles and compare them.

9. Choose one of the lifestyles shown in the photographs to change places with. Explain the reasons of the choice.


1. Read an article about teenage models quite quickly an answer a question.

2. Read a text and fill in the gaps with the missing sentences.

3. Complete the gaps in a text about a person who moved from Spain to England.

4. Read an informal letter and answer the relevant questions.

5. Read and follow some instructions in order to write an informal letter.


1. Write sentences making comparisons between the student’s present life and his/her life five years ago.

2. Write an informal letter by following some instructions.

3. Rewrite some sentences by using the provided words.

4. Practice the transformations and use the vocabulary about people and clothes in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.


⇨ Transformations of sentences with the same meanings.

⇨ Words that go together

⇨ Expressions for use in informal letters

⇨ Expressions with get

⇨ Related words


• Appearance: the importance of clothes to project a certain image.

• Protection of teenagers who are encouraged to step into adult roles.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship, psychology, IT, etc.


• Read a magazine article and complete the table.

• Read some instructions and fill in the gaps of the text.

• Find words in the text for each of the definitions provided.

• Complete the gaps to form phrases with the same meanings as the words in brackets.

• Complete a crossword with the clues given.

• Use the adjectives learnt to describe several items of clothing.

• Complete the gaps with some words to form a verb with get.

• Complete the gaps with the appropriate word.

• Write the appropriate noun from a box to fill in the gaps.

• Remember word combinations.

• Rewrite some sentences so as the position of the adverb of frequency is correct.

• Distinguish the use of used to and would.

• Do sentences transformations using frequency adverbs.

• Read a text and decide which answer best fits each gap.

• Differentiate between formal and informal English in letters and e-mails.

• Write the equivalent forms of formal and informal words.

• Read some instructions in order to write a reply to a pen friend.

• Read a model and make some indications.

• Write a letter to a British pen friend following the instructions given.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Respect for people’s appearance: clothes, professions, way of living, etc.

⇨ Information Technology: Learn to write e-mails and informal letters.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: informal letters

3. Reading: gapped text

4. Listening: multiple matching

5. Speaking: talking about photos

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 1.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 1

9. Progress test 1: units 1-3.


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of a reading text about teenage models and identify relevant details in oral messages related with it.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about photos.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as informal letters.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand a listening about occasions and appearances.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, such as clothes, likes and dislikes, etc.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 1. (CB Unit 1)

• Progress test 1. (TB Units 1-3)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 1. (TB Unit 1)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference unit 1. (CB Unit 1)

• Wordlist Unit 1. (CB Unit 1)

• Listening scripts Unit 1. (CB Unit 1)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 1)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 1)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Learn new vocabulary about musical instruments and music in general, and use it to orally express the student’s personal preferences about music in a comprehensible way.

2. Listen to a text about discos and disc jockeys (DJs) and try to predict information.

3. Use indirect ways of asking questions in order to make them sound more polite.

4. Write a formal letter in an appropriate style, replying to an advertisement in a magazine to go to a rock music festival.

5. Read a text about extreme sports in an autonomous way and talk about the student’s personal experiences.

6. Learn the differences of use between gerunds and infinitives and use this knowledge to talk about likes and dislikes.

7. Listen to an interview about snowboarding and talk about the dangers involved in certain sports.

8. Notice that certain words can be transformed by adding affixes (both suffixes and prefixes).

9. Learn new vocabulary about sports.

10. Write an article for a magazine

11. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



Indirect ways of asking questions:

⇨ Could you…?

⇨ Would you mind…?

⇨ We’d like to know…

⇨ Could you tell us if /whether…?

Gerunds and infinitives:

⇨ Gerund used as the subject/object/complement of a clause or sentence

⇨ Gerund used after prepositions

⇨ Gerund used after certain verbs

⇨ Infinitives with to

⇨ Gerunds and infinitives after verbs: verb + gerund; verb + infinitive with to; : verb + gerund or infinitive:

Ex: remember/forget + gerund; go on + gerund; mean+ gerund; need + gerund; regret + gerund; stop + gerund; try + gerund;


Topic: Musical instruments and sports.

• Musical instruments: accordion, cello, clarinet, double bass, drum(s), flute, guitar, keyboards, organ, electric/grand piano, saxophone, tambourine, trombone, trumpet, tuba, violin, wind/stringed instrument..

• Music: People: backing vocalist, concert audience, DJ/ disc jockey, lead singer/ guitarist, rock/folk/rap, etc, band/singer/star, session musician.

• Playing and performing: a live album/concert/gig/performance, a music/rock festival, have a record in the charts, be in tune, give a concert, on tour/on stage/on the radio, play a tune/ a record/a track, sing/perform/mime a song.

• Sports: do…, aerobics, athletics, gymnastics, go… cycling, diving, horse-riding, jogging, running, sailing, skiing, snowboarding, (wind)surfing, swimming, play…badminton, baseball, basketball, football, golf, handball, hockey, rugby, tennis, volleyball.

• Sports: People: athlete, baseball/basketball, etc player, cyclist, diver, golfer, gymnast, jogger, runner, skier, snowboarder, swimmer, (wind)surfer, competitor, opponent, participant, referee (basketball/football, rugby), runner-up, spectator, supporter, team, umpire (badminton, tennis, volleyball), winner.

• Sports: Places: athletics/cycling track, athletics/football sports stadium, basketball/tennis/volleyball court, football, hockey, rugby pitch, golf course, gym, ice-skating rink, motor-racing circuit, ski slope, swimming pool.

• Sports: Events: play/take part/compete in…, a football match, a golf /tennis tournament, a sporting event, a surfing/swimming competition, an athletics meeting, the national/world championship.

• Sports: Equipment and special clothes: badminton/tennis racket, baseball/table tennis bat, football/rugby boots, golf clubs, hockey stick, running/tennis shoes, safety helmet, shin/knee pads, shuttlecock, skateboard/ surfboard/ snowboard, skiing/swimming goggles, skis and ski poles, sweatband.

• Sports: Verbs: beat an opponent/opposing team, break/hold a record, do/play a sport, draw a match/game, go in for a sport, lose a game/match, practise a shot, take up a new sport, win a medal/ match /competition/ game.


⇨ Instructions in class: Look at the questions…, read the magazine…, Write a letter…, Discuss the following questions…, etc.

⇨ Word Formation: Affixes: -er, -ist, -eer, -or, -ant, -ee, -ian / dis-, un- in-, ir-, il-, im-.Ex. undercook, overgrown, overeat, misbehave, dislove, manageress, etc.


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to a radio interview and complete the sentences summarizing what the interviewee says.

2. Listen to the recording again and complete several sentences.

3. Listen to an interview about snowboarding and choose the right answers to the questions.

4. Pay attention to a second recording listening so as to change the answers where necessary.


1. Introduce the lesson by looking at the photographs and talking about musicians and concerts.

2. In groups try to agree the title of a CD to raise money for a charity organization.

3. Talk about the personal preferences related to the student’s favourite music, discos and DJs.

4. Speak about the positive and negative aspects of being a DJ.

5. Look at some photographs and compare the different sports, indicating which of them are more enjoyable or more difficult to learn.

6. Give reasons about the extreme sports that the students would most and least like to do.

7. Talk about the personal experiences with unusual sports.

8. Ask questions about each other’s likes and dislikes.

9. Introduce the listening activity by talking about snowboarding.

10. Discuss the qualities and strengths that somebody needs to have in order to practice certain sports.


1. Read some notes related to studying music in the summer.

2. Read some examples about formal and informal letters.

3. Read a magazine about extreme sports and match each paragraph to a picture.

4. Read the article again and choose the right answers to certain statements.

5. Read the instructions to do all the different activities in this lesson.


1. Rewrite some questions to make them indirect.

2. Write a letter in an appropriate style replying to an advertisement in a magazine.

3. Write a letter requesting information about a rock music festival.

4. Complete sentences by using the gerund or the infinitive form of certain verbs.

5. Write eight sentences about the student’s likes and dislikes by using the language learnt.

6. Add suffixes and prefixes to certain words to change their meanings.

7. Write the name of certain sports linked to the verbs they are used with.

8. Write an article for a sports magazine.

9. Practice the word formation of certain nouns, the use of gerunds and infinitives and some vocabulary about music in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.


⇨ Word formation with affixes.

⇨ Indirect ways of asking questions

⇨ Gerunds and infinitives

⇨ Music and sport language


• The importance of music and sport in everybody’s social life.

• Understand the relationship between sport and health.

• Reference to Britney Spears by commenting a photograph.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Music, physical education, etc.


• Read an article about a piano maker and choose the right sentences related to the text.

• Complete some sentences with vocabulary of parts of the body to form expressions.

• Identify some musical instruments.

• Write words for people who do several sports.

• Match certain sports with the places where they are practised.

• Choose the best answers to complete some sentences.

• Complete some sentences by putting the words in the right order so as to practice ways of asking questions.

• Complete the gaps of some sentences with the gerund or the infinitive of certain verbs.

• Complete the gaps of a text with the suitable preposition.

• Transform some sentences with the same meaning following the instructions given.

• Use prefixes to transform certain words.

• Read an advertisement and write a letter requesting more information.

• Distinguish between formal and informal sentences.

• Reconstruct and informal letter.

• Find formal equivalents to informal linking words and expressions.

• Write a letter to a friend asking for more information about sailing.


⇨ Physical education: Understand the relationship between sport and health. Learn vocabulary about sports, etc.

⇨ Music: Learn vocabulary about music, musical instruments, etc.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: letters asking for information and articles.

3. Reading: multiple matching

4. Listening: sentence completion and multiple choice.

5. Speaking: talking about music and sports

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 2.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 2

9. Progress test 1: units 1-3.


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Transform words by using prefixes and suffixes.

• Understand the difference of use between the gerund or the infinitive of certain verbs.

• Ask questions in an indirect way.

• Use vocabulary of music and sport.

• Understand the general message of a reading text about extreme sports.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about sports and music.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as letters requesting information.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand a listening about a DJ and about snowboarding.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, such as the favourite music, likes and dislikes, etc.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 2. (CB Unit 2)

• Progress test 1. (TB Units 1-3)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 2. (TB Unit 2)

• Workbook activities Unit 2.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference unit 2. (CB Unit 2)

• Wordlist Unit 2. (CB Unit 2)

• Listening scripts Unit 2. (CB Unit 2)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 2)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 2)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Learn new vocabulary about machines and devices and understand their difference of use in a spontaneous way.

2. Read a humorous text about absurd and useless gadgets in an autonomous way and enjoy reading as a source of pleasure and fun.

3. Use comparative and superlative adjectives and expressions in order to learn how to make comparisons.

4. Understand the word formation by using certain suffixes such as -ful and –less.

5. Listen to a text about solar-powered gadgets, and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of these systems.

6. Talk about the developments done over the last 100 years in terms of education, communication, transports and free time.

7. Notice the differences of use of the articles in different sentences.

8. Listen to an interview with a robot scientist and be able to predict what may happen regarding robots in the future.

9. Write an essay about the contribution of mobile phones to our lives.

10. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



Comparatives and superlatives:

⇨ Regular one-syllable adjectives

⇨ Regular adjectives with more than one syllable.

⇨ Irregular forms: adjectives, adverbs, determiners.

⇨ Use of comparative forms of adjectives/adverbs + than

⇨ Superlative forms of adjectives/adverbs

⇨ Less than… and the least.

⇨ As … as

⇨ The + comparative, the + comparative.


⇨ Use of the definite article (the)

⇨ Use of the indefinite article (a/an)

⇨ Use of no article


Topic: Appliances, devices, inventions, machines.

• Appliances, devices and gadgets: calculator, coffee maker, cooker, dishwasher, electric carving knife, electric pencil sharpener, electric toothbrush, food mixer, freezer, fridge/refrigerator, hairdryer, juice squeezer, liquidizer, microwave oven, remote control, toaster, vacuum cleaner, washing machine.

• Other inventions and equipment: cable and satellite TV, clothes steamer, compass, computer, discman/walkman, DVD player, headphones, laptop (computer), mobile phone, music centre/system, palm top, radar, space blanket, video recorder, word processor.

• Adjectives for devices: clever, disposable, essential, handy, ingenious, labour-saving, portable, simple, useful/ useless, unusual.

• Equipment and machines: Verbs: click on (an icon), dial a number, log on to the internet, plug in/unplug, print out, save on disc, surf the Net, switch on/off.


⇨ Instructions in class: Discuss the following questions…, Look at the following adjectives…, read the following text…, Write your essay…, etc.

⇨ Word formation: suffixes –ful and –less. Ex.: useful, sleepless, grateful, un successful, etc.


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to five people talking about solar-powered gadgets.

2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of solar-powered gadgets.

3. Suggest alternative words that mean the same as some expressions from the listening.

4. Complete sentences with the vocabulary provided.

5. Listen to an interview with a robot scientist and answer the questions related to the text.

6. Talk about robots becoming as common as computers one day.


1. Talk about some of the changes that have taken place over the last 100 years in several fields.

2. Discuss about the quality of life nowadays compared to that a 100 years ago.

3. Discuss whether computers will ever replace teachers or not.

4. Speak about the amount of cars in the world.

5. Talk about the own personal changes in the last few years.

6. Predict the future changes in the next 100 years.

7. Show agreement or disagreement with a text about useless gadgets.

8. Talk about appliances that should be invented in the future.

9. Discuss about the future of robots.


1. Read a text written by Bill Bryson about useless gadgets and appliances quickly and answer the relevant questions about it.

2. Read the text again more slowly and answer a multiple choice test.

3. Read a cloze test about home computers.

4. Read an essay about mobile phones, and use it as a model to do a written task.

5. Read a text about a technophobe person and correct the missing/ redundant articles.

6. Read a text about the benefits of e-mail

Ready for Reading section

(This section can be done now or at such a time during the course as the teacher feels appropriate, as the “Ready for…” units are intended to be a flexible resource).

7. Read a text about the dangers of sun and answer a related multiple choice test.

8. Work out the meaning of certain words in the text by the context.

9. Read a newspaper article about the use of the Internet to try to find people and complete the missing gaps.

10. Read an article about different study websites and answer the corresponding questions.


1. Write an essay about the positive contribution of mobile phones.

2. Write an essay about how computers have improved our lives.

3. Complete sentences about comparisons.

4. Write down the right word formed with suffixes in gapped sentences.

5. Complete sentences using vocabulary from a listening text.

6. Complete a text about The home computer.

7. Practice the use of comparisons and articles in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.


⇨ Expressions to make comparisons.

⇨ Use of the articles

⇨ Use of vocabulary related to machines

⇨ How to write essays

⇨ Word formation with suffixes: -ful and –less.


• The importance of New technologies in our society.

• Awareness of the benefits and drawbacks of the changes and developments done over the last century.

• Understanding of the advances done regarding robots.

• Conscience of the benefits of e-mails.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Information technology.


• Read a magazine article with an interview about technology.

• Choose the right answers related to the text.

• Match several phrasal verbs with the equivalent word or explanation.

• Complete gapped sentences with the right phrasal verbs.

• Do a crossword with vocabulary about technology terms.

• Complete gapped sentences with the right articles.

• Complete gapped sentences with the right comparative or superlative forms of certain adjectives.

• Match comparative expressions with the appropriate responses.

• Match inventions with the relevant paragraphs.

• Transform comparative sentences so that they have the same meaning as the ones given.

• Complete a cloze text about technology with the right words.

• Use suffixes to transform words and complete a gapped text.

• Write an essay about modern domestic appliances.

• Read a notice in an international magazine about technology at home and write a related article.

• Rearrange paragraphs in answer to the article.

• Analyse the article and indicate which features such as phrasal verbs, formal linkers, etc, appear in it.

• Follow instructions to write an article.


⇨ Information Technology: Learn about the use of computers, e-mails, Internet, mobile phones, etc.

⇨ History: Analyse the changes and developments that have taken place over the last 100 years.

⇨ Knowledge of the physical world: solar energy used in gadgets; the danger of sun to the human health.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: essays

3. Reading: multiple choice

4. Listening: multiple matching/ multiple choice

5. Speaking: collaborative task

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 3.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 3

9. Progress test 1: units 1-3.

10. Ready for Reading exercises.


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about technology and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about the developments done in the last century.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as the convenience society, the home computer and an e-mail fan.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand listenings about solar-powered gadgets and robots.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, such as the use of new technologies, etc.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 3. (CB Unit 3)

• Progress test 1. (TB Units 1-3)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 3. (TB Unit 3)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference unit 3. (CB Unit 3)

• Wordlist Unit 3. (CB Unit 3)

• Listening scripts Unit 3. (CB Unit 3)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 3)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 3)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Learn new vocabulary about films and use it to orally express likes and dislikes in a comprehensible way.

2. Read a text about the film Matrix in an autonomous way and enjoy reading as a source of leisure.

3. Use the intensifiers so and such in order to give emphasis to the sentences.

4. Understand the word formation of adjectives ending in –ing and -ed.

5. Write a review for a magazine giving opinions about a film in a coherent way.

6. Talk about different ways of entertainment based on several photographs.

7. Notice the presence of distractors in the listening activities, and also note the use of contrast linkers.

8. Listen to a text about different situations related to films and performances.

9. Learn expressions and phrasal verbs with take.

10. Read a text about cheating in examinations and express the personal view.

11. Learn how to use the past tenses of the verbs in an appropriate way.

12. Read several short stories, understand the main messages and be able to write one in an autonomous way.

13. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



Past tenses:

⇨ Past simple.

⇨ Past continuous.

⇨ Past perfect

⇨ Time linkers: until, before, when, afterwards, at last, in the end, at the end, as/when/while, during/in, for/during, etc.


⇨ So

⇨ So much

⇨ Such a

⇨ Such

⇨ So/such…that


Topic: Films.

• Types of film: action film, animated film, cartoon, comedy, historical drama, horror film, remake, romance, science fiction film, thriller, western

• People and elements of a film: acting, action scenes, actor/actress, animation, cast, director, film/movie star, main character, make-up artist, photography, plot, producer, screenplay, script, soundtrack, special effects, stuntman/woman, supporting role.

• Films: other vocabulary: a box office hit, a dubbed/subtitled film, a film critic, a good/bad review, give a good/bad performance, go to an audition, have a part in a film.


⇨ Instructions in class: Look at these posters…, Complete the gaps…, Compare your ideas…, Look at the following sentences…, Write a review…, etc.

⇨ Word formation: adjectives ending in –ing and –ed..


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to people talking in eight different situations related to actors, films, performances, etc.

2. Beware of the possible distractors while doing the listening activity.

3. Pay attention and listen when the rest of the students talk about films and about different types of entertainment.


1. Talk about different kind of films: a film they didn’t enjoy, their favourite film, a frightening film, en exciting film.

2. Compare two photographs about types of entertainment and say why people like activities like this.

3. Express the personal preferences regarding entertainment.

4. Observe two photographs and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of different kind of cinemas.

5. Show the students’ point of view about cinemas.

6. Speak about the duties of an invigilator in an examination centre.

7. Talk about the problems of cheating in the exams.


1. Read a magazine article about the film “The Matrix”, and say whether they find this kind of films appealing or not.

2. Read a short story to learn expressions with take.

3. Read an extract about an invigilator in an examination and talk about the kind of exam the text is referring to.

4. Complete the gaps in the text with the relevant sentences.

5. Read two examples of short stories and use them as a model to write their own one.

6. Read a text about special effects and fill in the gaps.


1. Write a review for a magazine talking about a film seen recently and provide a personal opinion about it.

2. Follow a proposed plan to write the review.

3. Follow the criteria proposed in the CB about content, range, style, etc.

4. Complete sentences with expressions with take.

5. Write a short story for a school’s magazine, following some models.

6. Write an essay about films done from a version of a book.

7. Write an essay about watching a film at home or at the cinema.

8. Practice the transformations and vocabulary about cinema in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.


⇨ Use of so and such

⇨ Use of the Past tenses

⇨ Learning vocabulary about films

⇨ Analysing expressions with take

⇨ Learning to write reviews and short stories.

⇨ Word formation with adjectives ending in: -ing and –ed.

⇨ Paying attention to distractors when doing a listening activity


• The importance of cinema as a cultural element in our society.

• Awareness of the problems of cheating in an examination.

• Consciousness of the benefits of the different types of entertainment: cinema, theatre, reading, etc.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship, Literature.


• Read a newspaper article about a writer and choose the right answer related to the text.

• Match some words with their relevant meanings, using the context as a help.

• Do a crossword with vocabulary about cinema and films.

• Complete sentences with the right expressions with take.

• Fill in the gaps of some sentences with the appropriate phrasal verb with take.

• Complete sentences with the appropriate past tense form of a given verb.

• Transform sentences by using so and such, so that they have the same meaning as the model.

• Highlight the most suitable linking words in some sentences.

• Transform some adjectives by adding –ing or -ed .

• Write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of making a film from a version of a book.

• Correct the mistakes from a model essay.

• Write an essay about the differences between watching a film at home or at the cinema, showing the advantages and disadvantages of each.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Learn about the importance of having different ways of entertainment such as cinema, theatre, reading, etc. Read a text about Antonio Banderas.

⇨ Literature: Read a text about the writer G.P. Taylor.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: reviews and short stories

3. Reading: gapped text

4. Listening: Focus on distractors/ multiple choice

5. Speaking: talking about photos

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 4.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 4

9. Progress test 2: units 4-6


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about films and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about the favourite films and ways of entertainment.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as the experience of an exam invigilator or the danger for actors in action films.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand listenings of people talking about films.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about the films and literature produced in those countries, etc.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 4. (CB Unit 4)

• Progress test 2. (TB Units 4-6)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 4. (TB Unit 4)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference unit 4. (CB Unit 4)

• Wordlist Unit 4. (CB Unit 4)

• Listening scripts Unit 4. (CB Unit 4)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 4)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 4)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Talk about learning environments based on several photographs.

2. Read a text about an alternative home schooling in an autonomous way and enjoy reading as a source of information.

3. Notice the use of prepositions in the articles and record them in different categories in order to facilitate their learning.

4. Learn new vocabulary to express obligation, necessity and permission and use it coherently to form sentences.

5. Understand the word formation of nouns and adjectives from verbs by adding different endings.

6. Listen to a text about jobs and duties and use it as a model to talk about the own experience.

7. Speak about the most important qualities for a parent using the vocabulary provided.

8. Learn new vocabulary about work and use it to improve the written and oral skills.

9. Listen carefully to a radio interview and be able to complete the missing information from a text.

10. Complete a text about a musician’s life by using the provided vocabulary.

11. Be able to write a letter of application by following a model, with autonomy and initiative.

12. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



Obligation and necessity:

⇨ Must/mustn’t

⇨ Have to/Don’t have to

⇨ Need to/Don’t need to/Needn’t.

⇨ Should/shouldn’t + infinitive with to

⇨ Be supposed to/Had better


⇨ Can, may, be allowed to.

Let and Make.


Topic: Duties.

• Jobs: accountant, architect, baker, butcher, chef, childminder, civil servant, company director, cook, dustman, electrician, engineer, firefighter, flight attendant, gardener, hairdresser, journalist, judge, lawyer, librarian, nanny, nurse, photographer, plumber, police officer, politician, receptionist, scientist, secretary, shop assistant, surgeon, teacher, vet, waiter/waitress.

• Career: apply for a job, get a job, go for an interview, look for a job, change career, devote yourself to a career, give up your career, be dismissed/sacked, be made redundant, be out o work/a job, resign from a job.

• Earn: earn a good living, earn a high/low salary, earn a lot of money, earn a weekly wage.

• Work: work as a nurse, work flexitime, work or yourself, work hard, work long hours, work one’s way up to the top, work overtime, work part/full time, work shifts.

• Work: skills: artistic skills, computer skills, language skills, organizational skills, telephone skills..

• Adjectives for jobs: badly- paid, challenging, monotonous, responsible, satisfying, stressful, tiring, unpleasant, well-paid.

• Work: Other vocabulary: form a new company, go into business, join a company, run a business, set up a company, a colleague, a new recruit, a temporary job, be on/take sick leave, be one’s own boss, be promoted, be/go on strike, be self-employed, retire, take time off (work).


⇨ Instructions in class: Read through the article…, Complete the second sentence…, Talk to each other…, Complete the sentences…, Write a letter…, etc.

⇨ Recording prepositions.

⇨ Word formation: Form nouns and adjectives from verbs.


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to a text about jobs and duties and talk about the own experience.

2. Decide whether certain sentences related to the listening are true or false.

3. Talk about the worst duties.

4. Listen to a radio interview about a Fire station.

5. Complete the missing information related to the listening.


1. Compare some photographs and talk about learning environments.

2. Express the personal opinion about home schooling.

3. Talk about obligations and duties at home, at the school and during the weekend.

4. Decide and discuss about which are the worst duties mentioned in a text.

5. Speak about the most important qualities for a parent using the vocabulary provided.

6. Discuss which three qualities are the most important for a parent.


1. Read an article about home education and compare it with the student’s own ideas about this kind of education.

2. Link some definitions to the relevant paragraphs from the reading text.

3. Talk about the text expressing the student’s own opinions.

4. Read some advice about recording prepositions.

5. Read the explanation about word formation of nouns and adjectives.

6. Read a text about a musician’s life and complete the gaps with the provided vocabulary.

7. Read a job advertisement in an international newspaper.

8. Read a model letter of application to a job.

9. Read another job advertisement about campsites.

10. Complete a text about children’s intelligence by using the appropriate prepositions.


1. Complete a text about home-schooling by using the appropriate form of the verb.

2. Complete a text about a musician’s life by using the provided vocabulary.

3. Transform some sentences by using the relevant obligation or necessity expression.

4. Transform some verbs into nouns and adjectives.

5. Complete a text with the relevant transformed words.

6. Complete sentences with the appropriate vocabulary about work.

7. Write a letter of application about camp helpers using an example as a model

8. Write another letter of application to a Coastal campsite.

9. Practice the use of prepositions, modal verbs and vocabulary about work in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.


⇨ Expression of obligation, necessity and permission

⇨ Recording of prepositions

⇨ Learning vocabulary about the world of work

⇨ Learning to write letters of application to a job.

⇨ Word formation of nouns and adjectives.

⇨ Sentence completion

⇨ Talking about photos.


• The importance of being responsible to do one’s own duties, being autonomous and self-sufficient.

• Awareness of the importance of education in our society.

• New types of education: home-schooling.

• Consciousness of the qualities to be a good parent.

• The importance of doing holiday jobs during the student life.

• Awareness of the fact that both men and women can do the same kinds of jobs.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship.


• Read a newspaper article about the job of traffic controller.

• Match some expressions with their relevant meanings, using the context as a help.

• Transform words from verbs to nouns by using the appropriate suffixes.

• Do a crossword with vocabulary about jobs.

• Match some questions with the appropriate answers.

• Complete sentences with the right expressions with work.

• Fill in the gaps of some sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs showing obligation, necessity and permission.

• Complete sentences with the appropriate verbs.

• Transform sentences so that they have the same meaning as the model.

• Transform some verbs to form the relevant noun, adjective or adverb and fill in the gaps.

• Complete a cloze text with the appropriate words.

• Write a short story by following a pattern.

• Rewrite the paragraphs of a text by following some instructions.

• Write a story by using all the language elements learnt in this unit.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Learn about the importance of education,

⇨ Social sciences: Learn about professions and about the different types of works.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: application letters.

3. Reading: multiple matching

4. Listening: True/false exercise. Sentence completion

5. Speaking: talking about photos. Collaborative task.

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 5.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 5

9. Progress test 2: units 4-6


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about home schooling and babies’ intelligence and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about school, duties and obligations.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as a letter of application to a job.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand listenings about duties and about a station officer at a Fire Station.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about school education and about works and duties, and comparing the texts in the book with the student’s own experience.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 5. (CB Unit 5)

• Progress test 2. (TB Units 4-6)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 5. (TB Unit 5)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference unit 5. (CB Unit 5)

• Wordlist Unit 5. (CB Unit 5)

• Listening scripts Unit 5. (CB Unit 5)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 5)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 5)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Read an article about family mealtimes in an autonomous way and enjoy reading as a source of information.

2. Understand the use of too and enough, and be able to use them in written expressions .

3. Learn new phrasal verbs and be capable of working out their meaning by the context.

4. Talk about different types of relationships by taking several photographs as a reference.

5. Listen to a text about sisters and talk about the different kinds of relationships with fluency and accuracy.

6. Speak about families making questions and answering according to the student’s own experience.

7. Learn to use defining relative clauses, as a way to provide essential information for the understanding of a sentence.

8. Read a text about a type of club and give personal opinions about the generation gap between parents and children.

9. Learn expressions with have and be able to use them in written sentences in an appropriate and coherent way.

10. Use non-defining relative clauses to complete some sentences.

11. Learn new vocabulary to describe people and use it to improve the written and oral skills.

12. Write a story about meeting someone in unusual circumstances.

13. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



⇨ Too and enough.

⇨ Causative have: “to have something done”.

⇨ Relative clauses: Defining relative clauses, Non defining relative clauses, Relative clauses and prepositions, Relative adverbs.


Topic: Relationships.

• Adjectives for personality: adventurous, affectionate, ambitious, bad-tempered, bossy, brave, caring, cheerful, clever, clumsy, confident, creative, decisive, dull, easy-going, energetic, enthusiastic, fair, fussy, generous, hard-working, honest, intelligent, kind, lazy, lively, loyal, mature, mean, moody, nervous, outgoing, patient, polite, practical, reliable, reserved, responsible, rude, selfish, sensible, sensitive, shy, sincere, sociable, stubborn, sympathetic, tolerant.

• Adjectives for hair: curly/dyed/flowing/shoulder-length /spiky /straight t/thinning/untidy/wavy, be bald/balding, have a beard/moustache.

• Adjectives for eyes: almond-shaped/ hazel/piercing, sparkling.

• Adjectives for faces: expressive, freckled, round, tanned, thin, wrinkled.

• Adjectives for complexion: dark, healthy, pale, smooth, spotty.

• Adjectives for build: fat, overweight, plump, skinny, slim, thin, stocky, well-built.


⇨ Instructions in class: Work out the meaning…, Try to use this language…, Look at these photographs…, Read the following text…, Compare your dialogue…, etc.

⇨ Relative clauses.

⇨ Expressions with have

⇨ Transformations.


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to a text about sisters and talk about relationships.

2. Look at some photographs about sisters and talk about them.

3. Match the speakers on the listening with the relevant photographs.

4. Listen to the classmates when talking about families and relationships.

5. Listen to a discussion between three teenagers.


1. Talk about family meals and the way they help families be together and share moments.

2. Look at some pictures and talk about different types of relationships, showing the positive and negative aspects of each one, and expressing the student’s own opinion.

3. Speak about families making questions and answering according to the student’s own experience.

4. Ask and answer questions with a partner about different subjects.

5. Talk about clubs for all the members of a family and about ways of reducing the gap between parents and children

6. Make descriptions by using the vocabulary learnt throughout the unit.

7. Talk about what a door may indicate about a house and about the people who live behind it.


1. Read an article about family mealtimes and answer the relevant questions about it.

2. Read explanations about new phrasal verbs and the use of too and enough.

3. Read explanations about defining and non-defining relative clauses.

4. Read a text about a type of club and give personal opinions about the generation gap between parents and children.

5. Read a text about meeting someone in unusual circumstances.

6. Read a text about bookcrossing and complete it with the relevant vocabulary.

7. Read a text about famous doors and fill in the gaps.

8. Read a text about the circus, and complete it with the appropriate words.


1. Understand the use of too and enough, and be able to use them in written expressions.

2. Learn expressions with have and be able to use them in written sentences in an appropriate and coherent way.

3. Use non-defining relative clauses to complete some sentences.

4. Learn new vocabulary to describe people and use it to improve the written and oral skills.

5. Write a story about meeting someone in unusual circumstances.

6. Practice the relative clauses, the phrasal verbs and vocabulary to describe people in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.


⇨ Use of too and enough

⇨ Learning the use of defining and non-defining relative clauses

⇨ Working out the meaning of phrasal verbs.

⇨ Use of expressions with have.

⇨ Learning vocabulary to describe people

⇨ Talking about families.


• The importance of the family, and respect for all the different kinds of relationships.

• Respect for everybody’s appearance.

• Reference to a well known film: Notting Hill, and to famous people’s facts: Hugh Grant, Freddy Mercury, John Lennon, etc.

• Text about Bookcrossing as a way of keeping culture in motion.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship, Social sciences.


• Read an article about a family and complete the gaps with the appropriate sentences.

• Find out vocabulary about family members from the text.

• Complete an exercise about homographs.

• Match adjectives with the right descriptions.

• Use compound adjectives to make descriptions.

• Fill in the gaps of several sentences by using expressions with have.

• Write sentences in the right order by using the causative have.

• Learn more about phrasal verbs and use this information to complete sentences.

• Complete sentences with the suitable relative pronouns.

• Do a multiple-choice cloze using the vocabulary provided.

• Transform sentences without changing the meaning.

• Write a letter of application to an advertisement, so as to revise the structures learnt in the previous unit.

• Put sentences in order and arrange them into paragraphs.

• Do a paragraph planning.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Learn about the importance of the family and about the different types of families.

⇨ Social sciences: Learn about the profession of circus performers.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: descriptions.

3. Reading: rock of ages.

4. Listening: Multiple matching.

5. Speaking: Collaborative task. Interview.

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 6.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 6

9. Progress test 2: units 4-6


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about families and relationships and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about the most important aspects of a relationship and about his/her own family.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as meeting someone in unusual circumstances or about family meals.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand listenings about sisters’ relationships.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about the different types of families and about appearance, and comparing the texts in the book with the student’s own experience.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 6. (CB Unit 6)

• Progress test 2. (TB Units 4-6)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 6. (TB Unit 6)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference unit 6. (CB Unit 6)

• Wordlist Unit 6. (CB Unit 6)

• Listening scripts Unit 6. (CB Unit 6)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 6)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 6)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Learn new vocabulary about shopping and be able to use it in written sentences in an appropriate and coherent way.

2. Speak about supermarket psychology according to the student’s own experience.

3. Listen to a radio programme about supermarkets and talk about the supermarkets design with fluency and accuracy.

4. Read a newspaper article about shopaholics in an autonomous way and enjoy reading as a source of information.

5. Understand the use of the present perfect, and be able to practice it in written expressions.

6. Learn new expressions and phrasal verbs with come, and use them to write in a clear and structured way and in the appropriate style.

7. Use expressions to contrast ideas to complete some sentences.

8. Listen to a text about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country and in a city and react to it by taking several photographs as a reference.

9. Use expressions to show preferences, in order to use the foreign language in an autonomous way.

10. Learn new vocabulary about towns and villages and use it to improve the written and oral skills.

11. Talk about places to live by taking some photographs as a reference, and interview a partner about his/her own experience.

12. Read several texts about different kinds of properties.

13. Be able to write an e-mail about trips, by using grammatically correct sentences with accurate spelling and pronunciation and in a style appropriate for the situation.

14. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



⇨ The present perfect: Use and time expressions

⇨ Contrasting ideas: but, although, even though, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, whereas, while.

⇨ Expressing preferences: prefer, would rather.


Topic: Shopping.

• Shops: baker’s, bookshop, butcher’s, chemist’s, clothes shop, department store, florist’s, gift shop, greengrocer’s, grocer’s, hardware shop, jeweller’s, local corner shop, newsagent, super/hypermarket.

• In a supermarket: aisle, cashier, cash register/till, counter, checkout, end of aisle area, receipt, shelf/shelves, shopping basket, shopping trolley.

• Goods on sale: alcoholic drinks, bakery, confectionery, dairy products, foodstuffs, freezer goods, fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, household goods, own-brand products, pre-packed meat, soft drinks, tinned, frozen, convenient food, toiletries, well-known brands.

• Shopping: Other vocabulary: a bargain, a discount, a (money-back) guarantee, a special offer, be on offer, ask for a refund, be faulty, be good value for money, be nearing/past its sell-by date, be on order, buy sthg in the sales, buy sthg on impulse, charge sbdy £10. have sthg in stock, make a purchase, postage and packing, same-day/next-day delivery, splash out on sthg.

• Places: apartment block, building site, housing estate, industrial estate/area/site, in the city centre, office block, on the outskirts, pedestrian area/precinct/mall.

• Adjectives for towns and villages: bustling, depressing, dull, lively, picturesque, pleasant, prosperous, quaint, run-down, shabby.

• Adjectives for buildings: ancient, attractive, beautiful, derelict, deserted, historic, huge, imposing, impressive, magnificent, tall, ugly.


⇨ Instructions in class: Read the text and the paragraphs…, Give some examples…, Discuss with your partner…, Choose the best answer…, Match the words…, etc.

⇨ Cloze text about microflats.

⇨ Transformations: The present perfect. Language of contrast.


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to the classmates when talking about supermarket’s psychology or about places to live.

2. Listen to a radio programme about supermarkets’ planning.

3. Listen to a text about the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country and in a city.

4. Answer the multiple-choice questions related to the listening.


1. Talk about the supermarkets design with fluency and accuracy and compare the student’s ideas with the speaker’s.

2. Speak about supermarket psychology according to the student’s own experience.

3. React to a reading text by talking about shopaholics.

4. Discuss with a partner about different expressions with come.

5. Express the advantages and disadvantages of living in the country and in a city.

6. Talk about places to live by taking some photographs as a reference

7. Interview a partner asking him/her about the place where he/she lives.


1. Read a newspaper article about shopaholics and complete the gaps with the right sentences.

2. Read explanations about the present perfect and about expressions with come.

3. Read explanations about contrasting ideas and expressing preferences.

4. Read several advertisements about different kinds of properties to rent.

5. Read an e-mail about renting a property in York.

6. Read some information about trips.

7. Read a text about microflats.


1. Use new vocabulary about shopping in written sentences.

2. Complete the missing sentences of a listening activity.

3. Fill in the gaps of a text about shopping by using the appropriate sentences.

4. Write expressions with the present perfect.

5. Learn new expressions and phrasal verbs with come, and practice them through written exercises.

6. Use expressions to contrast ideas to complete some sentences.

7. Practice expressions to show preferences in written sentences.

8. Learn new vocabulary about towns and villages and use it to improve the written and oral skills.

9. Write an e-mail about trips, by using grammatically correct sentences.

10. Use vocabulary about shopping, and practice the present perfect and the language of contrast in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.


⇨ Use of the present perfect.

⇨ Learning to contrast ideas.

⇨ Expressing preferences.

⇨ Learning vocabulary about shopping

⇨ Use of expressions and phrasal verbs with come.

⇨ Talking about the differences between towns and villages.

⇨ Learning to write e-mails.


• The importance of controlling the expenses so as not to become a shopaholic.

• Awareness of the differences between living in the country and in a city, and respect for everybody’s preferences.

• Respect about the different places where people live.

• Reference to York when talking about properties.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Social sciences, Education for citizenship.


• Read a magazine article about living above a shop and answer the relevant questions.

• Match certain phrasal verbs with the right meanings.

• Complete sentences with the suitable phrasal verb.

• Find expressions with the same meanings as the ones provided.

• Do a wordsearch exercise with vocabulary related to shops.

• Do a multiple-choice exercise by choosing the appropriate words.

• Complete an exercise about phrasal verbs with come.

• Replace some expressions with the relevant phrasal verb with come.

• Revise the word formation of nouns from verbs by completing some sentences.

• Choose the most appropriate sentence endings to practice contrasting ideas.

• Fill in the gaps of several sentences by using either the present perfect or the past simple.

• Find mistakes in certain sentences and rewrite them so that they are correct.

• Transform sentences without changing the meaning.

• Learn more about word formation by completing the gaps in some sentences.

• Complete the gaps of an open cloze text about online shopping.

• Write a review for a magazine by following the instructions provided.

• Complete the gaps of some sentences.

• Do a planning for the review.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Learn about the importance of shopping with moderation.

⇨ Social sciences: different places to live.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: e-mails.

3. Reading: gapped text.

4. Listening: Sentence completion, Multiple choice.

5. Speaking: Interview. Talking about photos.

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 7.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 7

9. Progress test 3: units 7-9


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about shopping and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about places to live and the differences between living in the country or in a city.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as e-mails and advertisements.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand listenings about supermarkets.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about the different places where people live, and comparing them with the student’s own experience.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 7. (CB Unit 7)

• Progress test 3. (TB Units 7-9)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 7. (TB Unit 7)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference unit 7. (CB Unit 7)

• Wordlist Unit 7. (CB Unit 7)

• Listening scripts Unit 7. (CB Unit 7)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 7)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 7)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Read a text about space hotels in an autonomous way and enjoy reading as a source of enjoyment.

2. Talk about unusual types of holidays according to the student’s own experience with fluency and accuracy.

3. Learn new expressions to talk about the future and make predictions, and use them to write in a clear and structured way and in the appropriate style.

4. Learn new vocabulary about travelling and be able to use it in oral expressions to talk about tourism and sightseeing.

5. Speak about holidays by making and answering questions in a coherent and cohesive way.

6. Talk about people enjoying their holidays by taking some photographs as a reference, and be able to express his/her own opinions.

7. Understand global and specific information by listening to people talking in eight different situations and be able to choose the best answers to some questions.

8. Talk about the positive and negative effects of tourism in a clear and structured way.

9. Read a text about the nonsense of travelling, and be able to interpret it with criticism, identifying the essential elements of the text by answering to several questions.

10. Learn how certain verbs are formed by adding the suffix –en to the adjective, and use this information to improve the written skills.

11. Read a text about how travelling can broaden one’s mind.

12. Write an essay about the best way of travelling in a town or city, in the appropriate style.

13. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



The future

⇨ Predictions and expectations: will + infinitive with to /

⇨ Alternatives to will: may, could, might, well be.

⇨ Other future forms: will, going to + infinitive, present continuous, present simple, future continuous, future perfect simple, future perfect continuous, be about to +infinitive, be on the point of + gerund.


Topic: Travelling.

• Travel: to go on a /an…, cruise, excursion, flight, journey, package holiday, (business) trip, tour, voyage, be good/great fun, enjoy oneself, go camping, go sightseeing, pack one’s suitcase, relax, stay on a campsite, a good view, a holiday/ski resort, brochure, souvenir.


⇨ Instructions in class: Read this text and the paragraphs…, Follow the instructions…, Give reasons for your answer…, Organize your ideas…, Complete the sentence…, etc.

⇨ Word formation: -en suffix.

⇨ Transformations: Future forms.

⇨ Multiple choice cloze


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to the classmates when talking about space hotels, about travelling or about holidays.

2. Understand global and specific information by listening to people talking in eight different situations and be able to choose the best answers to some questions.

3. Beware of the distractors while doing the listening activity.


1. Talk about space hotels and about unusual types of holidays according to the student’s own experience.

2. Discuss questions with a partner about plans or things that may happen in the future.

3. Learn new vocabulary about travelling and be able to use it in oral expressions to talk about tourism and sightseeing.

4. Interview a partner about holidays by making and answering questions in a coherent and cohesive way.

5. Talk about people enjoying their holidays by taking some photographs as a reference.

6. Talk about the positive and negative effects of tourism in a clear and structured way.

7. Speak about the effects of tourism on the student’s own country.


1. Read a text about space hotels in an autonomous way and choose sentences to fill in the relevant gaps.

2. Read explanations about the use of certain phrasal verbs.

3. Read explanations about the use of the future and time linkers.

4. Read a text a bout a disastrous holiday.

5. Read useful language to express opinions about holidays.

6. Read a text about the nonsense of travelling and about how travelling narrows the mind and answer questions about it.

7. Read a text about how travelling can broaden one’s mind.

8. Read an announcement in an international magazine about holiday competition.


1. Learn new expressions to talk about the future and make predictions, and use them to complete some written exercises.

2. Complete some sentences with the right vocabulary about travel.

3. Learn how certain verbs are formed by adding the suffix –en to the adjective, and use this information to improve the written skills.

4. Write an essay about how travelling broadens one’s mind.

5. Notice the presence of linking devices in a text and write them down.

6. Write an essay about the best way of travelling in a town or city, by deciding the best means of transport and organizing ideas into paragraphs.

7. Rewrite some sentences by keeping the same meaning.

8. Complete a cloze text about a disastrous holiday.

9. Complete a multiple choice text about Marrakech.

10. Practice the future forms and transformations in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.

11. Write an article about a holiday destination for a competition.


⇨ Use of the future and of time linkers.

⇨ Learning vocabulary about travelling.

⇨ Learning new phrasal verbs

⇨ Writing essays and articles.

⇨ Talking about holidays.


• The importance of travelling so as to broaden one’s mind and to understand other cultures.

• Awareness of the positive and negative effects of tourism.

• Consciousness about the ecological damages of certain types of tourism.

• References to several places such as Marrakech, Costa del Sol, and Australia, by reading texts with cultural information about these places.

• Reference to Picasso and Vicente Aleixandre.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Geography, Natural Science.


• Read an article about a cruise to Australia and answer the relevant questions.

• Match certain phrasal verbs from the text with the right meanings.

• Complete an exercise about confusing words.

• Rewrite some sentences with a suitable future form.

• Complete some sentences with the appropriate future form of certain verbs.

• Transform sentences without changing the meaning in order to revise phrasal verbs.

• Complete the gaps of an open cloze text about Southern Spain’s Costa del Sol.

• Transform some words by using the suffix -en to complete some sentences.

• Read a text about the town of Rington.

• Write a formal letter to the publishers of a guidebook in an appropriate style.

• Complete a formal letter with the appropriate expressions.

• Analyse the linking words used in a formal letter.

• Write a formal letter to the publishers of a guidebook in an appropriate style.


⇨ Geography: students learn more about certain places such as Marrakech, Costa del Sol, and Australia by reading some texts about tourism.

⇨ Natural Science; students learn the importance of respecting and protecting the environment when practising tourism.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: essays and articles.

3. Reading: gapped text and multiple choice.

4. Listening: Multiple choice.

5. Speaking: Interview. Talking about photos.

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 8.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 8

9. Progress test 3: units 7-9


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about travelling and tourism and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about space hotels or plans for the future.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as newspaper articles or formal letters.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand listenings about different situations related to holidays.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about different places to spend the holidays in, and comparing them with the student’s own experience.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 8. (CB Unit 8)

• Progress test 3. (TB Units 7-9)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 8. (TB Unit 8)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference unit 8. (CB Unit 8)

• Wordlist Unit 8. (CB Unit 8)

• Listening scripts Unit 8. (CB Unit 8)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 8)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 8)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Speak about alien life forms and UFOs in a spontaneous and comprehensible way.

2. Read an article about UFOs in an autonomous way and enjoy reading as a source of fun.

3. Understand the use of modal verbs of speculation, and be able to use them in written expressions.

4. Listen to a text about ghosts and talk about the students’ personal opinions with fluency and accuracy.

5. Learn how to use question tags and be able to recognise them in a listening activity.

6. Learn expressions and phrasal verbs with give, and be able to use them both in written expressions and to provide oral descriptions.

7. Read a text about how to tell a ghost story and complete a cloze text with the appropriate vocabulary, reflecting about how the foreign language works in communicative situations.

8. Talk about the festival of Halloween by taking several photographs as a reference.

9. Read a text about Halloween, complete the gaps with the appropriate vocabulary and discuss about the fact that many people do not like this festival.

10. Learn how certain adjectives are formed from the relevant nouns and use them in written sentences in an appropriate and coherent way.

11. Talk about celebrating festivals or events, and take this opportunity to use adjectives both in oral and written expressions.

12. Discuss further about popular activities and celebrations in the student’s own country.

13. Write informal letters about celebrations by reading and following a model.

14. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



Modal verbs of speculation

⇨ Certainty: must, can’t, couldn’t + infinitive without to.

⇨ Possibility: may (not), might (not), or could.

Question tags

⇨ Form.

⇨ Use and intonation.


Topic: Fiction.

• Ghosts: a haunted house, a spirit, give a piercing scream, haunt a building, moaning sounds, vanish (into thin air), walk through walls.

• Strange phenomena: adjectives: afraid, bizarre, chilling, frightened, frightening, mysterious, peculiar, scared, stiff of sthg, spooky/scary, strange/weird, terrified/terrifying, unnerving.

• Festivals and celebrations: a bonfire, a custom, a fancy dress party, a firework display, a legend, a parade, a tradition, commemorate sthg, dress up as sthg/sbdy, set off fireworks.


⇨ Instructions in class: Read through the text…, Use modal verbs to speculate…, Practise saying the sentences…, Work out the meaning…, Describe situations…, etc.

⇨ Word formations: Adjectives.

⇨ Transformations.


• Students practice the intonation of question tags by listening to some sentences.

• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to a radio interview about ghosts and answer to the related comprehension questions.

2. Learn how to use question tags and be able to recognise them in a listening activity.

3. Listen to the classmates when talking about mysterious things and celebrations.


1. Speak about alien life forms and UFOs and the scientific explanations given for these mysterious phenomena.

2. Talk about other stories of mysteries which have never been solved.

3. Speculate about possible contexts for several sentences by using the modal verbs learnt in this unit.

4. Talk about the existence of ghosts and their characteristics.

5. Talk about different situations by using expressions and phrasal verbs with give.

6. Talk about the festival of Halloween, its meaning and characteristics by taking several photographs as a reference.

7. Discuss about the fact that many people do not like Halloween.

8. Talk about celebrating festivals or events, and choose the most popular ones in the student’s country.

9. Discuss further about popular activities and celebrations in the student’s own country.


1. Read an article about UFOs and answer to comprehension questions about it.

2. Read explanations about the use of modal verbs of speculation.

3. Read explanations about the use of question tags and complete sentences with them.

4. Read explanations about the use of expressions and phrasal verbs with give.

5. Read a text about how to tell a ghost story and complete a cloze text with the appropriate vocabulary.

6. Read a text about Halloween and complete the gaps with the appropriate vocabulary.

7. Read explanations about the word formation of adjectives from the relevant nouns.

8. Read a model letter about a traditional festival, underline the key words and answer the relevant questions.


1. Understand the use of modal verbs of speculation, and be able to use them in written expressions.

2. Complete some written exercises about expressions and phrasal verbs with give.

3. Learn how certain adjectives are formed from the relevant nouns and use them in written sentences in an appropriate and coherent way.

4. Complete sentences with the appropriate adjectives.

5. Add the appropriate question tag to certain phrases.

6. Use a range of adjectives to write positive and negative sentences.

7. Write informal letters about celebrations by following a model.

8. Practice the word formation of certain adjectives and transformations in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.

9. Write a short ghost story for a school’s magazine.


1. Read several explanations about the writing tasks.

2. Distinguish between formal and informal language.

3. Read an advertisement and write an e-mail applying for a job, by using grammatically correct sentences and accurate spelling and punctuation.

4. Read two e-mails and answer the relevant questions.

5. Write an e-mail requesting information about a family activity holiday.

6. Read some questions and write an answer to one of them in an appropriate style.


⇨ Use of modal verbs of speculation

⇨ Learning the use and intonation of question tags

⇨ Use of expressions and phrasal verbs with give.

⇨ Learning to write informal letters and short stories

⇨ Talking about celebrations.


• The importance of celebrations and traditions as a means to express cultural interests, and comparison between Anglo-Saxon celebrations and the own ones.

• Respect for other countries’ traditions.

• Reference to the Yeti and the Chinese equivalent: the “Yereri”.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship, Science, Literature.


• Read an article about a government report on UFOs and complete the gaps with the appropriate sentences.

• Match some verbs with the right descriptions.

• Fill in the gaps of several sentences by using the appropriate forms of the verbs.

• Match some sentences containing phrasal verbs with the right endings.

• Complete an exercise about expressions with give.

• Do an exercise about collocations.

• Revise the use of get by completing some sentences.

• Find out mistakes and rewrite some sentences by using the right form of modal verbs of speculation.

• Complete phrases with the appropriate question tag.

• Do a multiple-choice cloze about a Chinese monster using the vocabulary provided.

• Complete some sentences about the word formation of adjectives and adverbs.

• Complete sentences with the suitable vocabulary.

• Learn how to organise an essay.

• Match some ideas to the appropriate statements.

• Write an essay about traditional celebrations by following a model.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Learn about the importance of showing respect for other countries’ traditions.

⇨ Science: Read a text about a scientific explanation to UFOs.

⇨ Literature: Learn to write ghost stories, and the difference between ghost and horror stories.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: informal letters and short stories.

3. Reading: Multiple choice and gapped text.

4. Listening: Multiple choice.

5. Speaking: Collaborative task. Further discussion.

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 9.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 9

9. Progress test 3: units 7-9


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about UFOs and celebrations and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about mystery stories and festival occasions.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as informal letters and short stories.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand a listening about ghosts.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about the different types of festivals and traditions, and comparing them with the own ones.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 9. (CB Unit 9)

• Progress test 3. (TB Units 7-9)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 9. (TB Unit 9)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference Unit 9. (CB Unit 9)

• Wordlist Unit 9. (CB Unit 9)

• Listening scripts Unit 9. (CB Unit 9)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 9)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 9)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Learn new vocabulary about crime and punishment and be able to use it both in written and oral expressions.

2. Listen to a text about house protection from burglars and talk about the students’ own experience with fluency and accuracy.

3. Speak about the different methods of tackling crime, and about the advantages and disadvantages of each one in a spontaneous and comprehensible way.

4. Discuss further about crime and punishment by expressing the student’s own opinions and work out the meaning of certain phrasal verbs.

5. Write an article about how ordinary people can help in the fight against crime, and reflect about how the foreign language works in communicative situations.

6. Read a newspaper article about private detectives in an autonomous way and be able to give personal opinions about it.

7. Learn how to use the passive form and be able to put it in practice through several written activities.

8. Read a text about dog fines, identifying the essential elements of the text, and complete a cloze text with the appropriate forms of certain verbs.

9. Write an article about dealing with graffiti in the appropriate style, by reading and following a model.

10. Listen to people talking about telling the truth and express the personal opinion with criticism.

11. Understand the use of past necessity, and be able to practice it through written activities.

12. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



The passive

⇨ Form.

⇨ Use

⇨ Passive constructions with the infinitive.

Past necessity.

⇨ Needn’t have + past participle.

⇨ Didn’t need to + infinitive.


Topic: Crimes.

• Crimes and criminals: arson/arsonist, assassination/assassin, blackmail/blackmailer, burglary/burglar, drug trafficking/drug trafficker, espionage, spy, hijack(ing), hijacker, kidnap(ping), kidnapper, mugging/mugger, murder/murderer, pickpocketing /pickpocket, robbery, robber, shoplifting, shoplifter, smuggling, smuggler, theft/ thief, vandalism/vandal.

• Crime: Verbs: accuse sdby of a crime, acquit sdby of a crime, arrest sbdy for a crime, burgle a house/office, deter sbdy from committing a crime, find sbdy (not) guilty of a crime, give sdby a prison sentence, order sbdy to do community service, order sbdy to pay a fine, rob a person, bank (of £2.000), sentence sbdy to two years in prison/life imprisonment/death, steal money/jewellery (from a person/shop).


⇨ Instructions in class: Match the definitions…, Try to predict…, Discuss the questions…, Read through the newspaper article…, Complete each of the spaces…, etc.

⇨ Multiple choice cloze.


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to a text about house protection from burglars and talk about the students’ own experience with fluency and accuracy.

2. Listen to people talking about telling the truth and complete a matching exercise related to the text.

3. Listen to the classmates when talking about fighting against crime and telling the truth.


1. Discuss about different types of punishment to different kinds of crimes.

2. Talk about the best ways to protect a house from burglary.

3. Speak about the different methods of tackling crime, and about the advantages and disadvantages of each one.

4. Discuss further about crime and punishment by expressing the student’s own opinions.

5. Talk about private detectives and the qualities which are required to do this kind of job.

6. Express the student’s personal opinion about parents hiring detectives to follow their children.

7. Talk about telling the truth or not, and its consequences.


1. Work out the meaning of certain phrasal verbs of a reading activity.

2. Read a newspaper article about private detectives and answer comprehension questions about it.

3. Read explanations about the use of the passive form

4. Read a text about dog fines, identifying the essential elements of the text, and complete a cloze text with the appropriate forms of certain

5. Read an announcement and an article about dealing with litter and answer to some questions.

6. Read explanations about the use of the past necessity and complete sentences with it.

7. Read a text about a burgled athlete and complete a cloze text with the suitable vocabulary.


1. Complete some written exercises with vocabulary to express crime and punishment.

2. Write an article about how ordinary people can help in the fight against crime.

3. Write a story about a burglar.

4. Complete a cloze text about spying on children.

5. Learn how to use the passive form and be able to put it in practice through several written activities.

6. Complete a cloze text with the appropriate forms of certain verbs.

7. Use the suitable adverbs when learning to write articles.

8. Write an article about dealing with graffiti.

9. Understand the use of past necessity, and be able to practice it through written activities.

10. Practice the passive and the phrasal verbs in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.

11. Write a short story for a magazine about lying.


⇨ Use of the passive and the past necessity forms

⇨ Learning vocabulary about punishment and crime

⇨ Use of phrasal verbs

⇨ Learning to write articles and short stories.

⇨ Talking about crime.


• The importance of telling the truth, especially regarding parents and sons relationships.

• The importance of fighting against crime.

• Respect for the others by clearing the dog’s mess, not dropping litter on the street and stop covering walls with graffiti.

• Reference to the life of private investigators.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship, Social science.


• Read a newspaper article about techniques used by thieves and answer to comprehension questions.

• Match some words with the relevant meanings.

• Fill in the gaps of several sentences by using the appropriate vocabulary.

• Find expressions, collocations and phrasal verbs for certain verbs.

• Complete sentences with vocabulary from the text.

• Complete sentences with vocabulary about crime.

• Do several exercises about phrasal verbs.

• Complete phrases with the appropriate active or passive form.

• Revise the use of the modal verbs by completing some sentences.

• Rewrite some sentences by keeping the same meaning as the model.

• Read a text about close circuit television cameras linked to security, and fill in the gapes with the appropriate vocabulary.

• Do a cloze text about house-sitters.

• Read some models of informal letters in order to learn how to write the own one and analyse them by answering to several questions.

• Correct mistakes related to verbs and prepositions in a text.

• Write an informal letter about a stolen item during a holiday abroad.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Learn about the importance of telling the truth and fighting against crime.

⇨ Social science: Read a text about the life of private detectives. Learn more about close circuit television cameras.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: Articles /A story.

3. Reading: Multiple choice.

4. Listening: Sentence completion / Multiple matching.

5. Speaking: Collaborative task. Further discussion.

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 10.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 10

9. Progress test 4: units 10-12


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about crime and punishment and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about telling the truth or tackling crime.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as newspaper articles or short stories.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand a listening about house protection and telling the truth.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about the fines for not clearing dog’s mess, and comparing them with the own reality.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 10. (CB Unit 10)

• Progress test 4. (TB Units 10-12)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 10. (TB Unit 10)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference Unit 10. (CB Unit 10)

• Wordlist Unit 10. (CB Unit 10)

• Listening scripts Unit 10. (CB Unit 10)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 10)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 10)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Learn new vocabulary about the weather and be able to use it both in written and oral expressions.

2. Read a magazine article about natural disasters in an autonomous way and be able to give personal opinions about it.

3. Learn how to use the conditionals and be able to put it in practice through several written activities.

4. Listen to a text about a member of a rescue team and talk about the students’ own experience with fluency and accuracy.

5. Speak about the qualities needed to become a member of a rescue team in a spontaneous and comprehensible way.

6. Learn expressions and phrasal verbs with put, and be able to practice them through written activities.

7. Predict what may have happened in a photograph by using modal verbs of speculation.

8. Read a text about a pacifist protest against building luxury houses in an area of woodland, identifying the essential elements of the text, and reacting to the text by answering to the relevant questions.

9. Understand the use of so, neither and nor, and be able to use them both in written and oral expressions.

10. Read a text about World Carfree Day and answer the relevant questions in the appropriate style.

11. Talk about environmental problems by using specific vocabulary learnt throughout the unit.

12. Write an essay about what can be done to save the environment, and reflect about how the foreign language works in communicative situations.

13. Listen to people talking about different environmental situations and express the personal opinion with criticism.

14. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.




⇨ Zero conditional.

⇨ First conditional.

⇨ Second conditional.

⇨ Third conditional.

⇨ Mixed conditional.

⇨ Alternative words for if.

So, neither and nor.

⇨ Use.

⇨ Form.


Topic: Weather and environment.

• Weather: fine/heavy/torrential rain, light/scattered snow showers, overcast/clear/stormy sky, rough/calm/choppy sea, strong/gale-force/light wind, thick/storm/angry-looking clouds, violent/severe/electric storm, warm/glorious/brilliant sunshine.

• Weather: Other vocabulary: be struck by lightning, flash of lightning, gentle breeze, gust of wind, hailstones/raindrops/snowflakes, it’s pouring with rain, weather forecast.

• Natural disasters: avalanche, drought, earthquake, earth tremor, flood, hurricane, tidal wave, tornado.

• The environment: air/river/sea pollution, bottle bank, carbon monoxide, cigarette butts, conservation area, dog mess, drop litter, dump waste, endangered species, exhaust fumes, face extinction, global warming, greenhouse effect, natural habitat, nature reserve, nuclear power station, oil slick, ozone layer, preserve wildlife, raise awareness, recycled paper, rising sea levels, toxic effluent, unleaded petrol.


⇨ Instructions in class: Underline key words…, Identify the verb forms…, Write a third conditional sentence…, Complete the spaces…, Read the instructions…, etc.

⇨ Open cloze.

⇨ Transformations


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to a radio interview with a member of a rescue team and complete the sentences.

2. Listen to people talking about different environmental situations and answer the relevant questions.

3. Listen to the classmates when talking about natural disasters or about protecting the environment.


1. Describe some photos about the weather expressing personal preferences.

2. Talk about natural disasters and the student’s own experience on this matter.

3. Speak about the parts of the word that suffer hurricanes and earthquakes and about the qualities needed to become a member of a rescue team.

4. Complete a text about a radio interview with the appropriate vocabulary.

5. Predict what may have happened in a photograph by using modal verbs of speculation.

6. Talk about a pacifist protest against building luxury houses in an area of woodland.

7. Discuss about the World Carfree Day and about how successful it is in the student’s own country.

8. Talk about environmental problems by using specific vocabulary learnt throughout the unit.


1. Read a magazine article about natural disasters and answer to the relevant questions about it.

2. Read explanations about the use of the conditionals.

3. Read instructions about the use of expressions and phrasal verbs with put.

4. Read a text about Christiana Tugwell and react to the text by answering to the relevant questions.

5. Read explanations about the use of so, neither and nor

6. Read a text about World Carfree Day and answer fill in the gaps with the appropriate vocabulary.

7. Read a newspaper report against a by-pass for the town of Oldbury and correct the mistakes.


1. Use new vocabulary about the weather to complete some written exercises.

2. Learn how to use the conditionals and be able to put it in practice through several written activities.

3. Learn expressions and phrasal verbs with put, and be able to practice them through written activities

4. Understand the use of so, neither and nor, and be able to use them both in written and oral expressions.

5. Write an essay about what can be done to save the environment.

6. Practice the conditional sentences and expressions with put in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.

7. Write a formal letter about environmental issues.


⇨ Use of the conditionals

⇨ Use of so, neither and nor

⇨ Learning expressions and phrasal verbs with put

⇨ Learning to write essays and formal letters.

⇨ Talking about the environment.


• The importance of respecting the environment, and being aware of the damages our society is causing on it.

• Awareness of the possibility of natural disasters.

• Reference to global warming.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship, Natural science, Geography


• Read a newspaper article about a man who teaches survival techniques and answer to comprehension questions.

• Complete sentences with vocabulary about the weather.

• Revise the transformations of verbs into nouns by adding suffixes.

• Do a crossword with vocabulary about the weather.

• Match some sentences about the environment with the appropriate endings.

• Match two columns of words to form compound nouns.

• Fill in the gaps of several sentences by using the appropriate compound nouns.

• Complete sentences with so, neither and nor.

• Do several exercises about conditionals.

• Complete a cloze text about global warming.

• Rewrite some sentences by keeping the same meaning as the model.

• Read several announcements in international magazines and write some articles about them.

• Match some reading extracts to the appropriate questions.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Learn to protect the environment.

⇨ Natural science: Read a text about global warming.

⇨ Geography: Read a text about natural disasters in different parts of the world.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: Essays /Formal letters.

3. Reading: Multiple matching /Text about Christina Tugwell.

4. Listening: Sentence completion / Multiple choice.

5. Speaking: Collaborative task.

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 11.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 11

9. Progress test 4: units 10-12


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about environmental situations and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about natural disasters or defending woodland.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as magazine articles or formal letters.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand listenings about natural disasters.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about the environmental effects in different parts of the world, and comparing them with the own experience.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 11. (CB Unit 11)

• Progress test 4. (TB Units 10-12)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 11. (TB Unit 11)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference Unit 11. (CB Unit 11)

• Wordlist Unit 11. (CB Unit 11)

• Listening scripts Unit 11. (CB Unit 11)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 11)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 11)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Speak about eating healthily by comparing two photographs showing different diets in a spontaneous and comprehensible way.

2. Learn how to use countable and uncountable nouns and be able to put it in practice through several written activities.

3. Listen to a text about food and dieting and talk about the students’ own experience with fluency and accuracy.

4. Talk about the influence of the media and about the dangers of dieting showing initiative, self-confidence.

5. Practice the use of countable and uncountable nouns by using some pictures as a reference.

6. Read a newspaper article about the importance of drinking water in an autonomous way and be able to give personal opinions about it.

7. Learn the use of the reported speech, and be able to practice it through written activities.

8. Talk about different ways of eating by using some photographs as a reference and express the personal opinion with criticism.

9. Be able to use reporting verbs accurately in both written and oral exercises.

10. Read a text about an alternative diet, identifying the essential elements of the text, and completing a cloze text.

11. Write a report summarising the findings of a survey about a restaurant, and reflect about how the foreign language works in communicative situations through different activities.

12. Understand the use of reported questions, and be able to use them in written expressions.

13. Learn new vocabulary about health matters and complete the relevant exercises in the appropriate style.

14. Revise the formation of nouns with certain suffixes.

15. Learn to write a letter providing information about a health spa in an appropriate style.

16. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



Direct and reported speech

⇨ Reporting statements.

⇨ Reporting verbs for statements.

⇨ Reporting questions.

Countable and uncountable nouns.


Topic: Food, health and illnesses.

• Ways of cooking food: bake, boil, fry, grill, heat, poach, roast, sauté, stew, toast.

• Adjectives for food: bitter, bland, creamy, crunchy, greasy, heavy, hot, rich, salty, savoury, sickly, sour, spicy, stodgy, sweet, tasteless, tasty.

• Illnesses and injuries: black eye, bruise, chest pain, cold, cough, earache, ear infection, flu, headache, heart attack, high/low blood pressure, nose bleed, runny nose, sore throat, sprained ankle/wrist, stomach ache, toothache.

• Treatment: cure sbdy of an illness, give sbdy a prescription, give sbdy an injection, have one’s arm/leg in plaster, have an operation on part of body, put a plaster on sthg, put sbdy on antibiotics, take some medicine/a pill7 painkillers, take sbdy’s temperature, treat sbdy for an illness/injury, wrap a bandage round part of body.

• Heath: Other vocabulary: (un)fit, (un)healthy, (un)well, to bleed, to catch a cold, to feel sick, to heal, to hurt, to injure, to wound.


⇨ Instructions in class: Write the following uncountable nouns…, Complete the columns below…, Change roles…, Work with a partner…, Read the model answer…, etc.

⇨ Multiple choice cloze.

⇨ Word formation


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to a text about food and dieting and talk about the students’ own experience.

2. Match each speaker with the relevant sentence.

3. Listen to the classmates when talking about healthy eating or about illnesses.


1. Learn how to use predictions and to pay attention to distractors when doing the listening activities.

2. Listen to people talking in seven situations and choose the best answers.

3. decide whether certain statements are true or false according to the listening.

4. Predict the type of information of a text about Welsh speakers in Patagonia and then complete a cloze text.

5. Listen to five monologues and do a matching exercise.

6. Listen to an interview with an organizer of a conference and answer the relevant questions.

7. Speak with a partner about the listening.


1. Speak about eating healthily by comparing two photographs showing different diets and also talk about the advantages and disadvantages of fast food.

2. Talk about being on a diet, and about diets effectiveness.

3. Discuss about the influence of the media and about the dangers of dieting showing initiative, self-confidence

4. Talk about the benefits of water and the effects of not drinking enough.

5. Describe the importance attached to drinking water in the student’s own country.

6. Talk about different ways of eating by using some photographs as a reference.

7. Ask advice to a partner about different health problems.

8. Speak about other ways of controlling weight apart from dieting.


1. Read explanations about the use of countable and uncountable nouns.

2. Read a newspaper article about the importance of drinking water and answer the relevant comprehension questions.

3. Read explanations about the reported speech, reporting verbs and reported questions.

4. Read a text about an alternative diet, and complete a cloze text.

5. Read a report about a restaurant consumption habits.

6. Read a letter and an advertisement for a health spa.

7. Read a text about a roast ghost.


1. Learn how to use countable and uncountable nouns and be able to put it in practice through several written activities.

2. Practice the use of countable and uncountable nouns by using some pictures as a reference.

3. Learn the use of the reported speech, and be able to practice it through written activities

4. Use reporting verbs accurately in several written exercises.

5. Write a report summarising the findings of a survey about a restaurant habits by following the instructions and the model answer.

6. Use reported questions in written exercises.

7. Complete exercises with new vocabulary about health matters.

8. Revise the formation of nouns with certain suffixes through some exercises.

9. Fill in the gaps of a text about a knee injury.

10. Learn to write a letter providing information about a health spa in an appropriate style.

11. Practice the transformations and the vocabulary about health matters in several written exercises as a way to revise the contents learnt throughout the unit.

12. Revise the collocations of several words by completing a written exercise.


⇨ Use of countable and uncountable nouns

⇨ Use of the reported speech, reported verbs, reported questions.

⇨ Learning vocabulary about health matters.

⇨ Learning to write reports and letters giving information.

⇨ Talking about food.


• The importance of having a balanced diet and drinking a lot of water in order to be healthy.

• Awareness of the dangers of dieting and of the attack from advertising and the media.

• Respect for other culture’s food traditions.

• Reference to the Patagonia through a listening activity..

• References to Graham Bell, Russell Crowe and Michael Schumacher.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship, Natural science, Mathematics.


• Read a magazine article about a chef and answer to comprehension questions.

• Fill in the gaps of some sentences with the appropriate words from the reading text.

• Complete sentences with vocabulary about food.

• Use vocabulary about health to complete some exercises.

• Match some sentences with put, give and take with the appropriate endings.

• Word formation: find the wrong words formed with suffixes.

• Complete an exercise about countable and uncountable nouns.

• Read an extract from a letter about an interview for a job, and complete the relevant dialogue.

• Match some questions with the relevant paragraphs.

• Match a list of writing types with the suitable list of “ingredients”.

• Do an exercise about writing types including an essay, a short story and an informal letter making a plan before starting writing..

• Write an answer about one out of three questions by following some guidelines about timing.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Importance of eating healthily.

⇨ Natural science: several texts about healthy food and learning parts of the body.

⇨ Mathematics: Read a report about consumption habits in a restaurant and analyse several figures and percentages provided


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: Reports/ Letters giving information.

3. Reading: Multiple matching .

4. Listening: Multiple matching.

5. Speaking: Talking about photos.

6. Workbook exercises

7. Photocopiable exercises Unit 12.

Accumulative evaluation

8. Review 12

9. Progress test 4: units 10-12


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about healthy eating and drinking water, and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about dieting and eating in different places.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as reports or letters giving information.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand listenings about dieting.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about the eating habits in different countries, and comparing them with the own experience.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 12. (CB Unit 12)

• Progress test 4. (TB Units 10-12)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 12. (TB Unit 12)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference Unit 12. (CB Unit 12)

• Wordlist Unit 12. (CB Unit 12)

• Listening scripts Unit 12. (CB Unit 12)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 12)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 12)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Learn new vocabulary about money and be able to use it to talk about some photographs and to put it in practice through several written activities.

2. Read an article about a 14-year-old business boy and be able to give personal opinions about it, appreciating the value of reading as a source of leisure.

3. Learn vocabulary to express ability, and be able to practice it through written activities and by talking with a partner.

4. Understand the differences of use between make and do, and complete some exercises in an autonomous way .

5. Write formal letters of application, and reflect about how the foreign language works in communicative situations through different activities.

6. Listen to a radio interview with a singer who suffers from an eye disease and answer the relevant questions with fluency and accuracy.

7. Transform several verbs into nouns and practice them by completing some written activities.

8. Read a magazine article about a hero, and react to the text in a spontaneous and comprehensible way.

9. Learn the use of verbs followed by prepositions and complete the relevant exercises in the appropriate style.

10. Be able to use vocabulary about ways of looking accurately in written exercises.

11. Listen to a text about people talking in eight different situations and answer the relevant questions to keep progressing in their learning process.

12. Revise the formation of nouns and transformations by completing some sentences.

13. Review the use of make and do and the vocabulary about ways of looking through some written exercises.

14. Learn to write e-mails providing information about banks in an appropriate style.

15. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



Expressing ability

⇨ Can and be able to.

⇨ Present ability.

⇨ Past ability

Verbs followed by preposition + gerund.

⇨ Apologize, arrest, blame, forgive, praise, punish, tell off, thank.

⇨ Discourage, prevent, stop.

⇨ Congratulate, insist.

⇨ Warn.


Topic: Money.

• Money: bank/current/savings account, cashpoint machine, cheque book, coins, credit card, currency, mortgage, overdraft, personal loan, pocket money, rate of exchange, rate of inflation, rate of interest, stock market,

• Money: Verbs: apply for/ take out/ repay a loan, be (seriously) in debt, be overdrawn, borrow sthg from sbdy, buy sthg on credit, cash in an investment, have change for £10, inherit money, invest (money) in sthg, lend sthg to sbdy, open/close a bank account, owe money to sbdy, pay a bill/ a fine/ a tax/the rent, pay by credit card/by cheque/by direct debit/ in cash, pay (sbdy) for sthg, put money into an account/deposit money, save up for stgh, sell sthg for £100, spend money on sthg, take money out of an account/ withdraw money.


⇨ Instructions in class: Name the items…, Read the article…, Check your ideas…, Use the context…, Choose from the sentences…, etc.

⇨ Word formation

⇨ Transformations


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to a radio interview with a singer who suffers from an eye disease and answer the relevant questions.

2. Listen to a text about people talking in eight different situations.

3. Answer the relevant questions to a listening activity.

4. Listen to the classmates when talking about business or about life-threatening situations.


1. Talk about some photographs in order to use vocabulary about money.

2. Discuss about saving or spending money with a partner.

3. Speak about business success even for a teenage boy.

4. Talk about successful business and about the advantages and disadvantages of being your own boss.

5. Tell a partner about several things expressing ability.

6. Talk about different jobs that can’t be done by a blind person.

7. Speak about people who have managed to overcome their disability and achieve success.

8. Discuss about reacting to extreme situations.

9. React to a text by talking about life-life-threatening situations and rescues.


1. Read an article about a 14-year-old business boy and answer the relevant comprehension questions.

2. Read explanations about the expressions to show ability.

3. Read an advert and a letter of application to a study grant in the UK.

4. Read a magazine article about a hero, and answer the relevant comprehension questions.


1. Learn new vocabulary about money and complete some sentences.

2. Learn vocabulary to express ability, and complete the relevant sentences accordingly.

3. Complete some exercises so as to understand the differences of use between make and do and also the use of phrasal verbs with these two verbs.

4. Write a formal letter of application to an advertised grant, by following the proposed paragraph plan and providing reasons to support this application.

5. Complete some transformations exercises of verbs into nouns.

6. Use some verbs followed by prepositions to complete the relevant exercises.

7. Complete some exercises with vocabulary about ways of looking.

8. Revise the formation of nouns and transformations by completing some sentences.

9. Complete some exercises to review the use of make and do and the vocabulary about ways of looking.

10. Write e-mails in a style appropriate for the situation.


⇨ Learning vocabulary to express ability.

⇨ Use of verbs followed by prepositions

⇨ Learning vocabulary about money and ways of looking.

⇨ Use of make and do.

⇨ Revising to write formal letters of application.

⇨ Talking about business.


• The importance of working hard to be successful in life.

• Being aware of the fact that money doesn’t bring happiness.

• Awareness of the importance of studying English.

• Respect for people who suffer from disabilities and acknowledgement of the great effort they do achieve success.

• Appreciation of people who rescue others from life-threatening situations.

• Reference to a touristic visit to Roxburgh.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship, Mathematics.


• Read an article about the importance of money for several people and answer to comprehension questions.

• Match some expressions in the text with the appropriate meanings.

• Complete sentences with vocabulary about money.

• Complete the gaps in some sentences with the right lexical phrases.

• Find mistakes in several sentences with expressions about ability.

• Fill in the gaps of a text with the relevant phrasal verbs with prepositions.

• Complete a cloze text about a success story with the suitable vocabulary.

• Complete a text with the relevant nouns formed from verbs.

• Transform some sentences by keeping the same meaning as the model.

• Read a report about a visit to Roxburgh and use it as a model to write the own one.

• Read a text about foreign students on an exchange programme.

• Write a report providing touristic advice.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Importance of helping people and showing respect for people with disabilities.

⇨ Mathematics: Writing an e-mail providing information about two banks, and being able to analyse some information about rates of interest.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: Formal letters: An application.

3. Reading: Multiple choice/Gapped text.

4. Listening: Sentence completion/ Multiple choice.

5. Workbook exercises

6. Photocopiable exercises Unit 13.

Accumulative evaluation

7. Review 13

8. Progress test 5: units 13-15


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about business success and a river hero, and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about methods of payment and overcoming disabilities.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as formal letters and e-mails.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand listenings about a person with an eye disease.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about the importance of money in the Anglo-Saxon countries, and comparing it with the own experience.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 13. (CB Unit 13)

• Progress test 5. (TB Units 13-15)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 13. (TB Unit 13)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference Unit 13. (CB Unit 13)

• Wordlist Unit 13. (CB Unit 13)

• Listening scripts Unit 13. (CB Unit 13)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 13)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 13)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Learn new vocabulary about the arts and be able to use accurately it in several written activities.

2. Read an article about Damien Hirst, as the most successful living artist, and be able to give personal opinions about it, appreciating the value of reading as a source of information.

3. Learn expressions to talk about hypothetical situations, and be able to practice them through written activities in the appropriate style.

4. Understand the word formation of adjectives by adding the suffixes –ible and -able, and complete some exercises in an autonomous way.

5. Talk about suitable places to take some visitors to, by expressing the advantages and disadvantages of each one showing initiative and self-confidence.

6. Learn new vocabulary about animals, complete the relevant written exercises and discuss about the different characteristics of each animal with fluency and accuracy.

7. Listen to an interview with a pet shop owner, identifying the main ideas and answering the relevant comprehension questions.

8. Read a text about an animal farm, find out what type of writing exercise it is, and react to the text in a spontaneous and comprehensible way.

9. Do a writing activity about a book, by choosing the type of text between a review, an essay, an article, a letter, etc.

10. Be able to use new vocabulary about television to talk about different types of programmes.

11. Read several e-mails sent to the website of a TV programme, and reflect about how the foreign language works in communicative situations by answering to several questions.

12. Use phrasal verbs in a comprehensible way to complete some written exercises.

13. Write an essay about television and about the fact that most of the programmes are not worth watching.

14. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



Hypothetical situations

⇨ Wish and if only: present states, present actions, present ability, wishes for the future.

⇨ Would rather

⇨ It’s time


Topic: Art and animals.

• Art: abstract painting, art collector, art/portrait gallery, artist, exhibition, landscape, painter, portrait, portrait gallery, priceless painting.

• Ballet: ballerina, ballet dancer, choreographer, classical/modern ballet.

• Literature: author, (auto) biography, detective/historical/romantic novel, novelist, publisher, short story, writer.

• Music: cellist/pianist/violinist, classical music, composer, conductor, concert hall, musician, open-air concert, orchestra.

• Opera: opera house, opera singer, soprano, tenor.

• Sculpture: sculptor, stone/bronze/sculpture/statue.

• Theatre: Act I Scene II, actor/actress, audience, cast, director, performance, play, playwright, rehearsal, stage.

• Television: cartoons, cat show, comedy/current affairs/music, sports programme, detective series, documentary, game show, news broadcast, quiz show, sitcom, soap opera.

• Animals: Birds: owl, peacock, pigeon, sparrow. Farm animals: cow/goat/pig/sheep. Fish: cod/shark/trout, Pets: budgerigar, cat, dog, goldfish, hamster, parrot. Insects: ant, bee, beetle, fly, wasp. Other animals: bat, bear, fox, frog, mouse, rat, snake.

• Parts of animals: Fish: fin, gills, scales, tail. Bird: beak, feathers, tail, wings. Cat: claws, fur, paws, tail, whiskers. Horse: hooves, mane, tail.


⇨ Instructions in class: Look at the work of art…, Underline the correct alternative…, Discuss with your partner…, Match each of these groups…, Give examples…, etc.

⇨ Word formation: adjective suffixes: -ible and -able

⇨ Transformations: Hypothetical situations


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to an interview with a pet shop owner, identifying the main ideas.

2. Answer the relevant questions to a listening activity.

3. Listen to the classmates when talking about animals or television.


1. Talk about a photograph in order to use vocabulary about art.

2. Speak about people who pay vast sums of money for artworks.

3. Discuss about the most enjoyable ways to spend the weekend.

4. Talk about suitable places to take some visitors to and about the good and bad points about each option.

5. Talk about the different characteristics of certain animals, giving reasons for each answer.

6. Speak about which animals can be kept as pets, and express whether it’s right to do so with certain kinds of animals.

7. Be able to use new vocabulary about television to talk about different types of programmes.

8. Express the student’s personal opinions by talking about his/her favourite programme.

9. Discuss whether television can be considered as entertaining and educational as reading.


1. Read an article about the most successful living artist, and answer to comprehension questions.

2. Read explanations about the expressions to show hypothetical situations.

3. Read explanations about the use of adjectives with suffixes.

4. Read a text about an animal farm and find out what type of writing exercise it is.

5. Read several e-mails sent to the website of a TV programme, and answer to several questions.

6. Read a text about a record-breaking fish, a complete the gaps with the appropriate vocabulary.


1. Use vocabulary about the arts and practice it in several written activities.

2. Do some activities with expressions to talk about hypothetical situations.

3. Complete some exercises with adjectives by adding the suffixes –ible and -able.

4. Use new vocabulary about animals to complete the relevant exercises.

5. Do a writing activity about a book, by choosing the type of text between a review, an essay, an article, a letter, etc.

6. Complete some exercises with the relevant phrasal verbs.

7. Write an essay about television and about the fact that most of the programmes are not worth watching.

8. Write an essay about zoos no longer serving a useful purpose.

9. Revise the contents learn in this unit, such as word formation or vocabulary about arts and animals through some written exercises.


⇨ Learning expressions to talk about hypothetical situations.

⇨ Learning vocabulary about the Arts, animal and television.

⇨ Use of phrasal verbs

⇨ Use of adjective suffixes.

⇨ Learn to write essays.

⇨ Talking about animals and television.


• The importance of taking care of animals and protecting them from dangerous behaviours from certain people.

• Awareness of the benefits and drawbacks of television and of controlling the time we are exposed to it.

• Reference to the Egyptians and the mummies.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship, Natural Science, History, Art.


• Read an article about a farm animal sanctuary and answer to comprehension questions.

• Match some phrasal verbs in the text with the appropriate meanings.

• Form some nouns by taking some adjectives as a model.

• Complete a crossword with vocabulary about the Arts.

• Revise phrasal verbs with more than one meaning.

• Complete the gaps in some sentences with the appropriate phrasal verbs.

• Fill in the gaps of several phrases with the relevant form of the verbs.

• Complete sentences with the suitable expression about hypothetical situations.

• Complete a cloze text about modern art with the suitable vocabulary.

• Complete a cloze text about animal mummies with the appropriate words.

• Transform some sentences by keeping the same meaning as the model.

• Read an e-mail from a pen friend about a visit and use it as a model to answer to it.

• Read an advertisement in a magazine for pet lovers and write an article for a writing competition.

• Do a writing activity by following some information about the different writing types.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Importance of protecting animals and having a moderate consume of television.

⇨ Natural Science: Students talk and read texts about animals and pets.

⇨ History: Students read a text about the Egyptians.

⇨ Art: Students read several texts about artists and talk about modern art.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: Set books / Essays.

3. Reading: Gapped text/ Multiple matching.

4. Listening: Multiple choice.

5. Workbook exercises

6. Photocopiable exercises Unit 14.

Accumulative evaluation

7. Review 14

8. Progress test 5: units 13-15


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about artists and animals, and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about pets and television.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as essays and e-mails.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand a listening about pets.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about the favourite TV programmes, and comparing them with the own preferences.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 14. (CB Unit 14)

• Progress test 5. (TB Units 13-15)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 14. (TB Unit 14)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference Unit 14. (CB Unit 14)

• Wordlist Unit 14. (CB Unit 14)

• Listening scripts Unit 14. (CB Unit 14)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 14)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 14)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)



1. Listen to five different people talking about how learning another language was useful for them, identifying the main ideas and answering the relevant comprehension questions.

2. Understand the use of phrasal verbs with turn and of compound adjectives, and be able to practice them through written activities in the appropriate style.

3. Read an article on multilingualism, and be able to give personal opinions about it, appreciating the value of reading as a source of information.

4. Learn new vocabulary about abbreviations and be able to use accurately it in several written activities.

5. Learn new language to express purpose and be able to do a role play with these expressions with fluency and accuracy.

6. Write an article for a college magazine giving advice to next year’s students.

7. Read an article about an American high school and react to the text in a spontaneous and comprehensible way.

8. Learn new vocabulary about American English and complete some exercises in an autonomous way.

9. Evaluate the progress done till this point so as to participate in the learning process.



Expressing purpose:

⇨ Infinitive with to

⇨ In order (not) to + infinitive.

⇨ So as (not) to + infinitive

⇨ So that + clause.

⇨ In case + clause

⇨ In case and if.


Topic: Education.

• Education: Schools: boarding school, comprehensive school, grammar school, nursery school, primary school, public school, secondary school, state school, headteacher, pupil, teacher.

• Further education: agricultural/ teacher, training college, college of further education, (open) university, graduate, lecturer, postgraduate, professor, student, undergraduate.

• Education: Subjects: art, biology, business studies, chemistry, design technology, drama, economics, games, geography, geology, history, home economics, humanities, information technology, law, literature, maths, modern languages, music, philosophy, physical education, physics, religious education, science, sociology.

• Qualifications: GCSEs, “A” levels, degree, BA/MA/BSc/MSc/PhD.

• Education: Verbs: revise for an exam, do/sit/resit/take an exam, pass/fail an exam.


⇨ Instructions in class: Match each sentence…, Use compound adjectives…, Think of three reasons…, Write your article…, Explain the difference…, etc.

⇨ Multiple choice cloze

⇨ Transformations


• Students learn the right pronunciation in English through the Listening activities, and the use of the Class CDs.

• Students practice their pronunciation in English through the Speaking activities.



1. Listen to five different people talking about how learning another language was useful for them and answer the relevant comprehension questions.

2. Listen to the classmates when talking about high schools or about learning languages.


1. Talk about learning foreign languages and about the problems that can occur if you don’t know the language of the country you are visiting.

2. Learn new language to express purpose and be able to do a role play with these expressions with fluency and accuracy.

3. Speak with a partner about several subjects by using compound adjectives.

4. Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of growing up bilingual.

5. Be able to do a role play with expressions of purpose.

6. Talk about the impression that the students have of American high schools.

7. Compare the high school mentioned in the reading activity with the students’ own one.


1. Understand the descriptions and instructions about how to deal with the different parts of the speaking activities.

2. Choose some categories and ask questions about it to another student.

3. Listen to two students and answer the relevant questions.

4. Learn to use “fillers” in order to enable the student to think while he/she is speaking.

5. Talk about the importance of grandparents with their grandchildren.

6. Speak about successful proposals to attract people to a History museum.

7. Discuss several questions about History museums with a partner.


1. Read an article on multilingualism, and answer to comprehension questions.

2. Read explanations about language to express purpose.

3. Read an article about an American high school and answer the relevant comprehension questions.

4. Read explanations about the use of American English.

5. Read a text about “homestay” accommodation for students and fill in the relevant gaps in the text.


1. Use phrasal verbs with turn to complete some exercises.

2. Use phrasal verbs with turn to complete some exercises.

3. Complete some exercises by using compound adjectives.

4. Learn new vocabulary about abbreviations and be able to use accurately it in several written activities.

5. Write an article for a college magazine giving advice to next year’s students.

6. Learn new vocabulary about American English and complete some related exercises.

7. Complete some exercises to practice the use of vocabulary of abbreviations, compound adjectives and American English.

8. Transform several sentences so that they have the same meaning as the model one.


⇨ Learning expressions of purpose.

⇨ Learning abbreviations.

⇨ Use of phrasal verbs with turn

⇨ Use of American English and vocabulary about Education.

⇨ Learning to write articles.

⇨ Talking about Education.


• The importance of Education and of learning languages in order to be able to communicate in other countries.

• Respect for the differences from other cultures, such as the differences between American and British English.

• Awareness of the importance of grandparents who take care of their grandchildren.

• The importance of understanding the body language to catch subtle non-verbal messages.

• Reference to Greek societies at American universities, and to endangered languages.

• Cultural reference to History Museums through a collaborative task.

• LINKS TO OTHER SUBJECTS: Education for citizenship, Language.


• Read a newspaper article about body language and answer to comprehension questions.

• Form some nouns by taking some adjectives as a model and using suffixes.

• Do a crossword with vocabulary about Education.

• Fill in the gaps of several phrases with the relevant phrasal verbs with turn.

• Match some sentences with expressions with turn.

• Find compound adjectives to match with certain descriptions.

• Match some sentences expressing purpose.

• Revise grammar by transforming some sentences and keeping the same meaning as the model.

• Complete a cloze text about Greek societies.

• Complete a cloze text about saving languages with the suitable vocabulary.

• Write a letter asking for information about a Language school in an appropriate style.


⇨ Education for citizenship: Importance of Education.

⇨ Language: Students learn the importance of learning languages and protecting the endangered ones through several texts.


⇨ Politeness in the other language.

⇨ Effort with new vocabulary and structures.

⇨ Interest and respect in the classmates’ opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin, etc. Good companionship in class

⇨ Overcome mental blocking when meeting new people in the target language

⇨ Attentive-assertive listening

⇨ Use of target language in class


Formative evaluation

1. Classroom observation to check both individual and global progress

2. Writing: Articles.

3. Reading: Multiple matching/ Gapped text.

4. Listening: Multiple choice cloze /Transformation.

5. Workbook exercises

6. Photocopiable exercises Unit 15.

Accumulative evaluation

7. Review 15

8. Progress test 5: units 13-15

9. Final test.


At the end of this unit, students are able to:

• Understand the general message of several texts about learning languages and high schools, and identify relevant details in oral messages related with them.

• Express himself/herself with fluency and using the write pronunciation - intonation in conversations about bilingual people and American high schools.

• Understand in an autonomous way the information of written texts coming from different sources such as articles.

• Use consciously his/her linguistic knowledge in order to understand a listening about learning languages.

• Analyze social aspects of the Anglo-Saxon countries, by talking about the differences between British and American English.

• Self-study to work on complementary resources and activities offered by Ready for FCE: CB, WK, Class CD, in order to consolidate the acquired items.


Consolidation activities

• Review Unit 15. (CB Unit 15)

• Progress test 5. (TB Units 13-15)

• Photocopiable exercises Unit 15. (TB Unit 15)

• Workbook activities.

Extension activities

• Grammar reference Unit 15. (CB Unit 15)

• Wordlist Unit 15. (CB Unit 15)

• Listening scripts Unit 15. (CB Unit 15)

• Phrasal verb list. (WB Unit 15)

• Lexical phrase list (WB Unit 15)

• Irregular verb list (WB)

• Ready for Reading. (CB Units 1-3)

• Ready for Use of English. (CB Units 1-6)

• Ready for Writing. (CB Units 1-9)

• Ready for Listening. (CB Units 1-12)

• Ready for Speaking. (CB Units 1-15)


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