
lllllqqq lessons 1 &2


|Do a quiz |يخضع لامتحان |The past |الماضي |

|Talk about |يتحدث عن |The pharaoh |الفراعنه |

|Famous |مشهور |Study |يدرس |

|High school |مدرسه ثانويه |The pyramids |الاهرامات |

|On television |في التلفزيون |Forget |ينسي |

|Education |التعليم |Guess |يخمن |

|Egypt today |مصر اليوم |Remember |يتذكر |

|Write in |يكتب في |People’s names |اسماء الناس |

|Interested in |مهتم بـ |Grow up |يكبر |

|At the moment |في الوقت الحالي |University |الجامعه |

|Head mistress |ناظره مدرسه |Studies |دراسه |

|Really |حقا |Medal |معدن |

|Important |مهم |Discover |يكتشف |

|Archeologist |عالم اثار |The femto-second |الفيمتو ثانيه |

|At the moment |في الوقت الحالي |One millionth |واحد علي مليون |

|Ancient |قديم |One billionth |واحد علي بليون |

|Bring back |يعيد |Second |ثانيه |

|Museum |متحف |Professor |استاذ جامعه |

|Nuclear |نووي |Institute |معهد |

|Scientist |عالم |Technology |تكنولوجيا |

|Nobel laureate |حاصل علي جائزه نوبل |Ceremony |احتفال |

|20th century |القرن العشرين |Later |فيما بعد |

|Jewellery |مجوهرات |Leader |قائد |

|The Rosetta stone |حجر رشيد |Wear |يلبس |

|Feminist |نسائي |Neck |رقبه |

|Metal |معدن |Metal |معدن |

|Historical |تاريخي |Building |مبني |

|The Nobel prize |جائزه نوبل |Tools |ادوات |


وظيفة ( اسم يعد) وتاخذ the وتجمع علي jobs Job

( He got a job in a bank. ( I have got a lot of jobs to do.

عمل، مكان العمل ( اسم لا يعد ) ولا تأخذ a ولا تجمع

( He hasn't got much work to do. ( When did you leave your work?

المناخ ( حالة الجو في منطقه معينه) لفتره طويله

( I like the climate of Egypt.

الطقس ( حالة الجو لفتره معينه )

( The weather will be fine tomorrow.

يفوز – يكسب ( جائزه- مباراه – كاس – انتخابات -------)

( Our team won the match.

يكسب ( مال – قوته ) مقابل عمل

( He works hard to earn his living.

يحصل علي شيء مفيد ( معنوي ) مثل خيره – معلومات – شهره – معرفه--

أسماء بعد أفعال معينة 6Nouns after verbs

|Give |Advice- lecture -present -medicine -lesson -speech |

|Take |notes -part – place- medicine – test- exam- exercises |

|Play |Game- the piano –part- role –computer- games- football |

|win |Prize- race- cup –medal- championship- points |

|Score |goal points record |

|Do |work quiz exercise shopping |

|Make |mistake discovery journey trip bed |

Questions & Answers

1- Why is Nabawiya Musa famous ?

----» Because was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school.

2- What did Nabawiya Musa do when she became older ?

----» She helped other women to succeed in education and work.

3- What did Nabawiya Musa do in 1908 ?

----» She wrote a book about girls’ education.

4- What did Nabawiya Musa work after writing a book ?

----» She became the headmistress of Al-Mohammadia school for girls’.

5- What is the job of Dr Zahi Hawass ?

----» He is one of the most famous archaeologists in the world.

6- Where does he speak and write ?

----» He often speaks on radio and TV. He sometimes writes in a magazine called

“ Egypt Today”.

7- What does he want? Why?

----» He wants to bring ancient things back to Egypt from museums outside Egypt.

Because Egyptian people don’t see these things if they are in other countries.

8- What would Dr Hawass like to be in Egypt?

----» The Rosetta Stone.

9- What is the difference between the rain now and two million years ago ?

----» Now it only rains every 20 – 50 years in the Western Desert. Two million years

ago very heavy rain fell and a huge quantity of water collected under the desert


10- Why should we thank Dr Farouk El-Baz ?

----» Because he found the underground water.

11- What does Dr El-Baz do ?

----» He is a space scientist and a geologist.

12- Where and when was Dr El-Baz born and educated ?

----» He was born in Zagazig, in Egypt in 1938. He was educated at Ain Shams


13-What is the job of Dr El-Baz ?

----» He is the director of Remote Sensing at Boston University in the USA.

14- What is he expert in ?

----» He is the world’s greatest expert in remote sensing.

15- What is remote sensing ?

----» It is the use of Satellites find water under the desert.

16 - How was the underground water found in Sinai ?

----» By photographs which Dr El-Baz took from satellites.

17 - How long did Dr El-Baz work on the American Apollo Space Project ?

----» From 1967 to 1973.

18 - How did Dr El-Baz advise astronauts who landed on the moon ?

----» He gave them advice on where to land and how to collect rocks and soil on the


19 - What do you think of Dr El-Baz ?

----» He is loyal to his homeland, Egypt. Although he works in America, he never

forgets Egypt.

20 - How did Dr El-Baz help Egypt ?

----» His photographs which he tool from satellites helped us to find a huge quantity of underground in the Western Desert.

زمن المضارع البسيط

يتكون من مصدر الفعل بإضافةs مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب أو الضمائر (he, she, it )

( He works in a big firm.

مـلا حـظات:

(يضاف للفعل es إذا كان الفعل ينتهي بالحروف ( ss – sh – ch – x – o )

( He watches TV. She crosses the road.

( يضاف للفعل ies إذا كان ينتهي بحرف y يسبقه حرف ساكن .

( She studies medicine ( he carries his bag.

( يضاف s فقط للأفعال التي تنتهي بحرف y يسبقه حرف متحرك.

( He plays the piano. ( She obeys her mother.


1- يعبر عن عاده متكررة ويستخدم مع الكلمات

(Always – usually – some times – often – ever – never – hardly – seldom- rarely-


وتوضع كالتالي

1- بين الفاعل والفعل الاصلي

He usually helps his neighbours.

2 -بعد am , is , are.

He is always late.

(الظروف الدالة علي الزمن adverbs of time تأتي إما في بداية الجملة أو نهايتها مثل

every day /week/year - / at night / in the afternoon

(We watch TV every night. (Every night we watch TV.

2- يعبر عن حقيقة ثابتة أو شبه ثابتة.

( The moon moves around the earth.

( I prefer reading to watching TV.

3- لا حظ استخدام المضارع البسيط مع المستقبل البسيط او الجمله الامريه عند استخدام الروابط الزمنية

When /after/before/as soon as /till/until/the moment

1-When he comes, I will tell him the truth.

2-We will have a meal after the plane takes off.

3- phone me when he arrives.

4- لا حظ استخدام المضارع البسيط مع المستقبل البسيط عند استخدام if /unless :

1-He will give us a ride if we meet him at the party.

2-If she arrives early ,she will attend the lecture.

5- يستخدم للتعبير عن جدول مواعيد القطارات والطائرات ومواعيد الامتحانات .

Our plane arrives to London tomorrow.


(نستخدم don't أمام الفعل إذا لم ينتهي ب ies, es, s.

( I don't work in a hospital.

( نستخدم doesn't إذا كان الفعل ينتهي ب ies, es, s

( He doesn't eat meat.

من الممكن ان نستخدم never او hardly في النفي كالتالي : -

فاعل مفرد + never \ hardly + s , es , ies مصدر به

He never comes late = he doesn't come late.

فاعل جمع + never \ hardly + s , es , ies مصدر بدون

They don't go to school on Friday = they never go to school on Friday.


يتكون المضارع البسيط في الاستفهام من:

أداة الاستفـهام + do \ does + الفاعـل + الفعل( المصـدر) ?

( Where do you work?

( When does he come?

( تستخدم does مع الفاعل المفرد.

( تستخدم do مع الفاعل الجمع.

المبني للمجهول :-

المفعول + Am / is / are + PP.

(Somebody cleans this room every day.

This room is cleaned every day.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Naguib Mahfouz is one of the most.......... Arab writers.

a) young b) famous c) junior d) remote

2- The government gives great care to girls' .................

a) education b) songs c) fashion d) jewellery

3- What are you going to ........... a quiz on?

a) make b)take c)do d)play

4- A person who studies buildings and tools from the past is a/an

a) engineer b) mechanic c) professor d) archaeologist

5- The police managed to bring all the stolen things .............. .

a) front b)back c)side d)over

6-............. is made of gold, diamonds and other expensive metals.

a) Furniture b) Jewellery c) Machinery d) Clothing

7- Archaeologists from all over the world visit Egypt to study the Pyramids and other ......... buildings.

a) new b) modern c) ancient d)low

8- The ......... of my daughter's school is a very clever woman.

a) singer b) actress c) headmistress d) professor

9- There are wonderful............ at the Temple of Karnak.

a) statues b) houses c) schools d) classes

10-He ............. about his father with great respect and pride.

a) listens b) talks c) knows d)says

11-Dr Zewail.......... the femtosecond.

a) invented b) invited c) discovered d)made


-Rice (don't grow - hadn't grown - shouldn't grow - doesn't grow) in Britain.

-The River Nile ( flows - will flow - has flown - may flow) into the Mediterranean.

-An interpreter (has translated - will be translating - translates - might have translated) from one language into another.

Climbers often (to carry - carries - carry - will carry) ropes.

Thieves (usually work - work usually - working usually - usually working) at night.

-She always (borrowing - borrow - borrowed - borrows) from me and never remembers to pay me back.

My plane (arrives - arrived-has arrived-was arriving) at ten tomorrow morning.

A lot of glass bottles (are taken - have taken - take - will have been taken) to the recycling plant every week.

Methane gas (produces - will produce - had produced - is produced) by decaying rubbish.

I ( eat - ate- eating – am eating) my dinner at eight o' clock everyday.

2- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

- Nabawiya Musa was the first famous Egyptian woman to go to high school. She helped other women to succeed in ....(1)... and work. She became the ...(2)... of a girls' school.

- Dr. Zahi Hawass is also famous as an ....(3).... He talks about the ....(4)..... on television. He is interested in bringing ...(5)... things back to Egypt. He wants to bring kinds of things like statues, ....(6).... and the Rosetta Stone.

3- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

- Dr El-Baz is the world's greatest expert in remote sensing. He used remote ....(1)..... to find water under deserts. .....(2)..... water was found under the Western Desert and Sinai, thanks to the .......(3)...... which he took from satellites. From 1967 to 1973, he worked on the American Apollo Space ....(4).... He gave ...(5)...on where the astronauts should land and told them how to collect ...(6).... and soil on the moon.

lessons 3,4 &5

|rain |مطر |how often |كم مره |

|business |اعمال |railways |سكه حديد |

|photography |التصوير |international |دولي |

|space project |مشروه فضائي |squash player |لاعب اسكواش |

|land |يهبط |champion |بطل |

|astronaut |رائد فضاء |lose to |يخسر امام |

|geologist |عالم جيولوجيا |include |يشمل |

|heavy rain |مطر غزير |surprised |مندهش |

|remote sensing |الاستشعار عن بعد |give back |يرد – يعيد |

|huge quantity |كميه كبيره |pan-Arab games |دوره العاب العربيه |

|director |مدير |professional |محترف |

|collect |يجمع |footballer |لاعب كره قدم |

|rocks |صخور |beautiful |جميل |

|sail |يبحر |activity |نشاط |

|educate |يعلم |pro-democracy |مؤيد للديمقراطيه |

|go into |يسافر الي |civil rights |حقوق مدنيه |

|space |الفضاء |clever |ماهر |

|use |يستخدم |calm |هاديء |

|satellite |قمر صناعي |enjoyable |ممتع |

|find water |يجد الماء |friendly |ودود |

|walk on |يمشي علي |funny |مضحك |

|the moon |القمر |great |عظيم |

|first aid |الاسعافات الاوليه |helpful |متعاون |

|winner |فائز |kind |عطوف |

|legendary |اسطوري |former |السابق |

|Indian |هندي |president |رئيس |

|independence |الاستقلال |singer |مغني |

|movement |حركه |ordinary |عادي |

Questions & Answers

1- Where and when was Ramy Ashour?

----» In Cairo, in September 1987.

2- What did Ramy win at the age of sixteen?

----» He became the youngest player to win the Men’s World Junior Squash


3- How many times did he win the Men’s World Junior Squash Championship?

----» Two times. The first one was in 2003 and 2006.

4 - When and Where was Ahmed Zewail born ?

----» In 1946, in Egypt.

5- Where did he study ? Where did he finish his studies ?

----» He studied in Alexandria University. He finished his studies in the United States.

6 - When and where did he became a professor ?

----» In 1976 at the California Institute of Technology.

7 - When and why did he win the Benjamin Franklin Prize ?

----» In 1997, at the age of 52. Because he discovered the femto second.

8 - What is the femto second ?

----» It is one millionth of one billionth of a second.

9 - What did Dr Zewail get the Nobel Prize for ?

----» He got the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

10 - Where does Dr Zewail live now ?

----» He now lives in California.

11 - How many children does he have ?

----» He has four children.

12 - What is the job of his wife ?

----» His wife Dema Zewail is a doctor.

13 - What does he do now ?

----» He now helps scientists to make new medicines.

14 - What was Neil Armstrong famous for ?

----» He was the first man to walk on the moon.

15 - When did Neil Armstrong land on the moon ?

----» In 1969.

16 - With whom did Neil Armstrong go to the moon ?

----» With Buzz Aldrin.

17 - How long did they stay on the moon ?

----» For nearly 90 minutes in the first day. In the next day, they collected rocks and soils, took a lot of photographs and sent back more TV pictures to the earth.


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1-The femtosecond is .......... of one billionth of a second.

a) a million b) one million c) one millionth d) millions

2- I enjoy watching European football matches ......... TV.

a) in b)on c)at d)by

3 -Adel Imam is famous .......... his great comedies.

a) for b)by c)to d)on

4 -Dr Zahi Hawass writes ............ a magazine called "Egypt Today".

a) in b)at c)on d)by

5- -Have you ............ about the new invention?

a)smelled b)seen c) heard d)felt

6 -He is an expert in ............ photographs.

a) doing b) taking c) making d) drawing

7- A major job is a very ------------- job

a) Short b) small c) important d) bad

8-Dr El-Baz ................. astronauts advice on where they should land on the moon.

a) took b)gave c)did d)had

9- ........... his help, I got high marks.

a) Because b)As c) Thanks to d) Although

10-He travelled abroad for the first time at the ....... of 20.

a) height b) weight c)age d) length

11- Dr Zewail became a/an ........ at the University of California.

a) stronaut b) professor c) student d) archaeologist

12- I was …………... at Ain Shams University.

a) born b) educated c) studied d) called

13- My father has…………….me a lot. I do just like him.

a) talked b) spoken c) influenced d) completed

14- When the spaceship on the moon, the .......... came out to collect rocks and soil.

a) travelers p) passengers c) astronauts d) geologists

15-Huge ........ of water are found under the sand of the Western Desert.

a) numbers b) litres c) quantities d) bottles

16-A great............ was held to celebrate his success.

a) quiz b) project c) museum d) ceremony

17-Remote sensing is the use of.......... to take pictures of the earth.

a) magazines b) satellites c) stones d) televisions

18-Dr El-Baz worked on many ........... projects.

a) air b) atmosphere c) space d) soil

19-Ramy Ashour is a famous ......... player.

a) tennis b) football c) squash d) volleyball

20-Children take part in ............... championships.

a) major b) junior c) senior d) Olympic

21- ............ my advice and you'll get a high score.

a) Do b) Take d) Make d) Listen

22-The Nile plays a .......... part in the lives of the Egyptians.

a) small b) minor c). major d) tiny

23-Countries that have no rivers depend on .......... water for farming.

a) underneath b) underground c) low d) hidden

24-Can you ......... photographs with this modern camera?

a) give b) take c) make d) paint

25-Mido ........... a decisive goal in the last minute of the game.

a) kicked b) scored c) won d) got

26-Egypt............... the Cup of African Nations in 2008.

a) scored b) won c) gave d) bought

27-Dr El-Baz is an expert in ........... sensing.

a) far b) distant c) long d) remote

28-Footballers are now ............ not amateurs. Football is their job.

a) professionals b) craftsmen c) artists d) actors

زمــــن المضارع المستمر


يتكون من + am , is , are + v + ing الفاعل

استعمالات زمن المضارع المستمر :

1- حدث يحدث الان – مستمر اثناء الكلام .

Now, he is writing a report.

At the moment she is ironing the shirts.

2- حدث في المستقبل تم التخطيط لة من قبل .

We are traveling tomorrow.

Every thing is arranged. Tim marrying next Thursday.

3- ( أحيانا يدل الموقف في الجملة علي الاستمرار

(Where's Frank? He's having a bath. (Take care! A bus is coming.

4- \( في حالة وجود زمنين في المضارع المستمر لهما نفس الفاعل و يربط بينهما and فانه يمكن حذف am/is /are

He is teaching English and learning French.

علاماته :

Now, look, listen, at present, at the moment, be careful, and look out.


He is repairing the car. "Negative"

He isn't repairing the car.

الفاعل + am,is,are + not +v+ing.

الاستفهام :

Is , Are + الفاعل + v + ing --------------?

Are you buying a new shirt ?

Yes , I'm buying a new shirt

5- لا تستعمل ازمنه المستمر مع الأفعال الآتية :

|See – hear – smell – notice أفعال الشعور – الحواس |

|Realize- know – understand – suppose – mean – forget – remember – trust | |

| |أفعال التفكير |

|Want – desire – wish – hate – like – love – dislike – care |أفعال العاطفة |

|Own – possess – belong – have |أفعال الملكية |

المبني للمجهول :

يتكون المضارع المستمر في المبني للمجهول من :

المفعول + am , is , are + being + p.p .

Many cities are being built in the desert .

زمــــن الماضي البسيط

تكـوينه :

يتكون من التصريف الثاني للفعل وعاده باضا فه ed لمصدر الفعل ماعدا الأفعال الشاذة

( Dr Zewail discovered the femto second in 1997.

استعمالات زمن الماضي البسيط :

1- حدث تم وانتهي في الماضي

( I met Ahmed yesterday.

2- عاده في الماضي وانتهت ( لم تعد تحدث )

( When I was young, we lived in Cairo.

( When I was in Paris, I used to play tennis.

3- يستخدم في الحالة الثانية من قاعدة if

( If he studied hard, he would succeed.

4- يستخدم مع الكلمات التالية:

|Yesterday – ago –– in the past – in the ancient times – in + تاريخ - last (week – month -) |

5- يأتي بعد if only – I wish للتعبير عن أمنيه في الوقت الحاضر مطلوبة لكن غير محققة.

( I wish I saw Ahmed now. ( I wish I were a millionaire.

6- يأتي قبل أدوات الربط التالية

After , when , as soon as , until

7- غالبا ما تستخدم used toللتعبير عن عاده كانت في الماضي.

( When I was a child, I used to play in the street.

النفي :

نستخدم didn't ونحول الفعل الي المصدر .

( He didn't succeed in the exam.

الاستفهام :

يتكون الماضي البسيط في الاستفهام من :

اداه الاستفهام + did + الفاعل + المصدر ?

( How did you come to the club?

المبني للمجهول :

يتكون الماضي البسيط في المبني للمجهول من :

المفعول + was \ were + p . p.+ by + الفاعل

( The car was repaired by the mechanic.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- I -------------------my dinner at eight o' clock everyday.

|a- eats |b- ate |c - eat |d- eaten |

2- My brother------------------the newspaper every morning.

|a- reads |b- read |c – has read |d-is reading |

3- The camera -------------------to take photographs.

|a- is using |b- is used |c - uses |d-used |

4- The earth --------------------round the sun.

|a- moved |b- is moving |c – is moved |d- moves |

5- Mr. Salim -------------------comes late.

|a- don't |b- doesn't |c - never |d- didn't |

6- What time -------------------you usually go to work?

|a- do |b- does |c - will |d- are |

7- I'll phone you as soon as I -------------------------my work.

|a- will finish |b- has finished |c - finished |d- finish |

8- English ----------------------all over the world.

|a- speaks |b- spoken |c – is spoken |d- will speak |

9- I --------------------------my aunt a week ago.

|a- visited |b- visit |c - visiting |d- would visit |

10- We -----------------an interesting film last night.

|a- watch |b-watched |c – have watched |d- would watch |

11- When I was on holiday, I --------------------tennis everyday.

|a- play |b- would play |c - played |d- have played |

12- They -----------attend the conference last month.

|a- won't |b- didn't |c – wasn't |d- don't |

13- They came to my birthday party and ---------------nice presents.

|a- gives |b- were giving |c – have given |d- gave |

14- He ---------------------very quickly so we didn't understand.

|a- has spoken |b- speaks |c – spoke |d- would speak |

15- When ---------------you go to bed last night?

|a- did |b-will |c – do |d- was |

16- He came to my house and ------------------some tea with me.

|a- have |b- has |c - had |d- had had |

17- During the holiday, tamer ----------------football every day.

|a- played |b- plays |c – were playing |d- has played |

18- This house -------------------- two years ago.

|a-built |b- builds |c – has built |d- was built |

19- When I was young, I ---------- eat a lot of chocolates.

|a- use to |b- used to |c- am used to |d- using to |

20- A criminal ------- the guard of the bank last night.

|a- killed |b- has killed |c- is killing |d-kills |

21- If only I ---------------------------in china today.

|a- am |b- was |c- were |d- be |

22- It is time we ------------------- home.

|a- go |b- have gone |c- went |d- going |

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) :-

21. 1-He always comes late. (is)

22. 2- He never conies early. ( doesn't)

23. 3- He is used to taking exercise in the morning. (usually)

24. 4- When did you finish your homework? (How long)

25. 5- He started playing football at 4 o'clock. Now it is 6. (ago)

26. 6- When I was young, I swam in the sea. (used)

27. 7- I always go to bed late. (never)

28. 8- It is my habit to get up early . (usually)

29. 9- I have a friend who was in the habit of smoking but he doesn't smoke now. (used)

30. 10-How long ago did you start playing squash? (When)

31. 11-Taking exercise is part of my daily routine. (take)

32. 12-My mother cleaned all the rooms. (were)

33. 13-Do you like watching football? (interested in)

Test 1

34. A- Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue:

35. Salma and Fatma are talking about Naguib Mahfouz.

36. Salma : What are you reading?

37. Fatma : It's a very nice novel.

38. Salma : Really? ..........(1)...........?

39. Fatma : Naguib Mahfouz.

40. Salma : ..............(2)............?

41. Fatma : Yes, he wrote many other novels.

42. Salma : It sounds he's a great writer.

43. Fatma : Of course. ..............(3)............... .

44. Salma : Nobel Prize! ..............(4).....................?

45. Fatma : OK. When I have finished it, I'll lend it to you.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

46. 1- You express your admiration of your favourite singer.

47. 2- You describe a famous scientist to your friend.

48. 3- You tell a friend your opinion of Nelson Mandella.

49. 4- You express how you were influenced by the writer of a book you've read.


51. B- Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

52. 1-Shall we ............ the problem to solve it?

53. a) complete b) discuss c) talk d) speak

54. 2-After a long flight, the plane ............. safely.

55. a)fell b ) landed c) crashed d)sank

56. 3-Dr Zewail.............. scientists find new medicines.

57. a) helps b) likes c) works d) calls

58. 4-Rain rarely .............. in the Western Desert.

59. a)fills b)feels Of alls d)flies

60. 5-With the help of remote sensing, a lot of water was .... under the Western Desert.

61. a) completed b) found c) brought d) given

62. 6-Her voice is too weak to ................. .

63. a) listen b)feel c)hear d)see

64. 7-The ............. of our flight to London was so clever.

65. a)astronaut b) pilot c) archaeologist d) expert

66. 8-More than one Egyptian won the Nobel.......... .

67. a) re ward b)quiz c)Prize d)game

68. 9-The Suez Canal is ........... important.

69. a) hardly b) slightly c) correctly d) internationally

70. 10-Education is the only way to help the Egyptian ........... develop

71. a)world b)society c) quantity d)photography

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s)

72. 1- He never speaks on the radio and television. ( doesn't)

73. 2- She helped other women to succeed in education. (used to)

74. 3- I always go to bed late. (never)

75. 4- When did you start learning English? (How long)

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

76. It only rains every 20 - 50 years in the Western Desert. However, two million .......(1)...... ago, very heavy ...(2).... fell there and a huge quantity of ....... (3) ...... collected under the desert sand. Today, we need this water. We have to thank Dr Farouk El-Baz, one of Egypt's most ........(4) ........ men, for fining it. He is a space scientist and a .......(5)....... and the world's greatest expert in ......(6)...... sensing.

77. (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

78. Dr. Aisha Abd El Rahman is one of the most famous writers in Egyptian and Arab culture, She wrote many books and articles on cultural and religious matters. She also wrote poetry and for 50 years, she wrote regularly in the newspaper, Al Ahram. People admired Dr Aisha for her courage in promoting women's rights.

79. Dr Aisha was born in 1913. Her father was a well - known sheikh. Aisha used to go with him to religious meetings, where she learned to read and write. Her father was against the education of women and her mother couldn't read or write. Her mother and grandfather persuaded Dr Aisha's father to let her go to school.

80. Later she wrote under the pen-name of Bint El Shatei. People considered it wrong for women to write in the press or take part in public life. The pen-name Bint El- Shatei was taken by Dr Aisha as a sign of respect to her father.

81. Dr Aisha worked at Cairo University as a research assistant in the faculty of Arts. People today still read Dr. Aisha's books.

A-Answer the following questions:

82. 1- What was Dr-Aisha famous for?

83. 2- Who was responsible for her being educated?

84. 3- Why did she write under the pen-name Bint El -Shatei?

85. 4- Do you think that men and women should be treated equally in education? Why/ Why not?

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

86. 5- People adimred Dr. Aisha for ................ .

87. a) attacking men b) promoting women's rights

88. c) writing in the newspapers d) considering it unnecessary to educate women

89. 6- Dr. Aisha wrote books on .............. .

90. a) science and technology b) information technology

91. c) cultural and religious matters d) newspapers and magazines

92. 7- Dr. Aisha was ................ .

93. a) a famous writer worldwide. b) well known in Europe and the Arab world

94. c) a leading Egyptian diplomat d) known only in Egypt

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions :

95. 1- When did heavy rain fall in the Western Desert?

96. 2- Why did people use to find water under the desert?

97. 3- Where does Dr El-Baz work now?

98. 4- Do you think remote sensing so important in Egypt and other countries nowadays? Why / Why not?

99. 5- Scientists like Dr El-Baz can change our lives now and in the future. Do you agree or not? Give a reason.

100. 6- What do you think of Ramy Ashour?

101. D- The Novel (An Artist's Story)

102. 8- (A) Answer the following questions :

A) Answer the following questions:

1- Why did Augustus decide to take to his bed?

2- What did Augustus paint when he started his work?

3- Why was the immense man sure that Augustus would rise from his bed?

B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:

“So I gave up the struggle, my heart was broken “

1- Who said these words to whom?

2- What was the speaker’s last decision?

3- What made him take this decision?

103. E- Writing

9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:

104. A person you like who is famous or who you know well. He/ She

105. can be alive or from history.

106. F- Translation

10- A- Translate into Arabic:

107. 1- Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon and collect rocks and soil.

108. 2- Thanks to the photographs which Dr El Baz took from satellites, we found underground water in the Western Desert and Sinai.


B- Translate into Arabic:

110. تفخر مصر بأبنائها العظماء مثل دكتور أحمد زويل والكاتب العالمى نجيب محفوظ اللذين حصلا على جائزة نوبل


lessons 1 &2

|nationality |جنسيه |hear of |يسمع عن |

|British |بريطاني |known for |معروف ب |

|short story |قصه قصيره |bring into |يولد في |

|events |احداث |be in debt |مديون |

|reports |تقارير |at the age of |في عمر |

|probably |من المحتمل |earn |يكسب |

|hard life |حياه صعبه |work for |يعمل لدي |

|ideas |افكار |work as |يعمل كــــ |

|detective fiction |قصه بوليسيه |poor people |الفقراء |

|science fiction |خيال علمي |grow |يكبر |

|thriller |روايه مثيره |quickly |بسرعه |

|criminal |مجرم |numbers |اعداد |

|instead of |بدلا من |share |يشارك |

|real names |اسماءحقيقيه |at the same time |في نفس الوقت |

|call |يدعي يسمي |take place |يحدث |

|office clerk |موظف |describe |يصف |

|journalist |صحفي |past action |حدث في الماضي |

|dark side |جانب مظلم |crowded |مزدحم |

|describe |يصف |get on board |يصعد علي ظهر |

|child worker |طفل عامل |felucca |مركب شراعي |

|borrow |يستعير |boat |قارب |

|work house |اصلاحيه |nearly |تقريبا |

|interview |مقابله |captain |قبطان |

|main |اساسي |crew |طاقم سفينه – طائره |

|sail |يبحر |part |جزء |

|fisherman |صياد |journey |رحله |

|introduce |يقدم شخص |passengers |ركاب |

|catch fish |يصطاد سمك |clothes |ملابس |

Words with prepositions .

|* Reflect on |يفكر ويتأمل فى |Look for |يبحث عن |

|* in debt |مديون |Look at |ينظر إلى |

|* listen to |يستمع إلى |Look after |يعتنى بـ |

|* find out |يكتشف |Look up |يبحث عن كلمة |

|* pay for |يدفع لـ |Look out |يحترس |

|* owe to |يدين بـ |Look forward to |يتطلع إلى |

|* belong to |ينتمى إلى – يخص |Look ahead |ينظر للمستقبل |

|* break into |يقتحم بغرض السرقة |Run away |يهرب |

|* break down |يتعطل – ينهار |Run after |يطارد |

|* break out |تنشب – تندلع |Ask for |يطلب |

(Country دولة * The Countryالريف * Village قرية

Egypt is my country. I live in the country.

Life in the village is quieter than life in the city.

(On Board على متن ( سفينة)

I climbed on board of the ship.

(Broad عريض

Ali has broad shoulders.

(Abroad الخارج

My uncle traveled abroad.

(Borrow يستعير – يقترض – يستلف

Borrow + الشيء

Borrow + الشيء + from + الشخص

I borrowed his book I borrowed a book from him.

(Lend - lent يقرض - يسلف

Lend + الشخص + الشيء

Lend + الشيء to الشخص

He lent me his book . he lent his book to me.

( Let + المفعول + TO مصدر بدون يسمح

( He let me use his computer.

( Allow + المفعول + TO + المصدر يسمح

( He allowed me to use his computer.

(Made of مصنوع من (المادة المصنوع منها الشيء لم تتغير

( Our house is made of wood.

(Made from تغيرت مصنوع من (المادة المصنوع منها الشيء

( Bread is made from wheat.

زوج من ( اثنان من نوع واحد)(A couple of

( I waited a couple of hours.

(They are a happy couple. (Husband and wife)

زوج من ( شيء يتكون من جزأين لا ينفصلان عند الاستخدام )(A pair of

( A pair of (shoes – glasses – scissors – trousers – shorts – scales-----)

Questions & Answers

1. What nationality was Dickens?

He was British.

2. What is Dickens most famous for?

He is most famous for novels.

3. In which century did he live?

He lived in the 19th century.

4. Why did Dickens’s father go to prison?

Because he had got into debt.

5. Why did Dickens go to London?

To earn money for the family.

6. How many hours was Dickens working in a London factory daily?

He was working for ten hours a day.

7. What did Dickens do after leaving the London factory?

He worked as an office clerk.

8. Mention some of Dickens’s novels.

Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby. David Copperfield and A Tale of

Two Cities.

9. Who did Dickens marry & when?

He married Catherine Hogarth in 1836.

10. Why did Dickens go to America?

He went to America to read his novels to people.

11 - Where did Oliver Twist grow up ? Why ?

He grew up in a workhouse because his mother died when he was born .

12 - How was life for the young boy ?

It was a hard life .

11 - With whom did Oliver live in London ?

He lived with a gang of thieves .

14 - What happened when the boy asked for more food ?

He was punished .

15 - What did Oliver do when he was punished ?

He ran away to London .

16 - Who did Oliver meet in London ?

He met a boy called Jack Dawkins who was in a gang of thieves .


1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Charles Dickens wrote great..... like, "Oliver Twist" and "A Tale of Two Cities".

a) plays b) novles c) reports d) poems

2- Thieves must go to ............. .

a) the cinema b) prison c) the restaurant d) school

3- People who borrow a lot of money get into ........... .

a) pain b)mess c)debt d) space

4- A ............... writes for a newspaper.

a) scientist b) journalist c) teacher d) doctor

5- Naguib Mahfouz wrote novels to describe life in 20th ....... Egypt.

a) decade b)time c) century d)age

6- TV presenters ............ sports stars on most favourite TV programmes.

a) test b) interview c) examine d) check

7- If you spend too much money, you will be ........... debt.

a) on b)at c)over d)in

8- Oliver Twist grew up in a ................ .

a) workshop b) garage c) factory d) workhouse

9-My two sisters ............ one bed.

a) divide b) share c) take part d) collect

10-You must do it. You have no ............... .

a) appetite b) choice c) desire d)need

11-He ................. me to his wedding party and I accepted his invitation.

a) invented b) invited c) introduced d) intended

12-A father should ........... enough money for his family.

a) win b)earn c) reward d)rob

13-My uncle works ............ a professor at Ain Shams University.

a) like b) such as c)as d) the same

14-Charles Dickens had a very ............. childhood.

a) easy b) happy c) pleasant d)hard

150-He is best......... for his funny jokes.

a) know b)knew c) known d) Knowing

16 -Dickens wrote magazine .............. .

a) plays b) stories c)novles d) poems

2- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

Oliver Twist left the workhouse and went to London. Oliver went to live in Fagin's .....(1)...... Fagin's .....(2)..... tried to rob Mr Brownlow. Mr Brownlow caught them but was ....(3)..... and stopped the .....(4)...... from arresting Oliver. Instead, he took him back to his house and looked after him. Mr Brownlow made Oliver part of his .....(5)..... . Oliver lived happily with Mr Brownlow until one of the .....(6)...... kidnapped him.



|Request |الـــرد بالـمــوافـقـــه |الــــرد بالــــرفض |

|Could you tell me -------------? |Yes , of course | |

|I'd like ------------------,please. |Certainly |I'm sorry I can't |

|Could you --------------,please? |With pleasure |Sorry , I'm busy |

|Can ( May )I ------------------? |Here you are | |

|Would you mind ( v + ing |No,not at all |Yes , I need it |

|)-----------------------------,please ? |No ofcourse not | |

زمـــــن الــمــــاضــــي الـتــــام

تكوينه :


إذا وقع حدثان في الماضي فان الحدث الذي تم أولا يكون زمنه ماضي تام والحدث الذي تم ثانيا يكون زمنه ماضي بسيط .

| After |

| As soon as + فاعل + ماضي تام , فاعل + ماضي بسيط |

| When |

( First, he watched the film, and then he went to bed. (After)

( After he had watched the film, he went to bed.

| Till |

|مــاضـي بسيــط مـنفـي + فــاعـــل + فــاعــل مـاضـي تــام |

|) didn’t + المصدر (Until (had + P.P) |

( He didn’t go home until he had watched TV.

| no sooner + p.p -- ---than |

|فاعل + had hardly + p.p ---when فاعل + ماضي بسيط |

|Scarcely + p.p ----when |

( He had no sooner watched TV than he went to bed.

ملحوظة :

إذا بدأت الجملة بإحدى هذه الكلمات , تأتى الجملة بعدها علي هيئه استفهام :-

No sooner than

Hardly + had فاعل + + p.p when فاعل + ماضي بسيط

Scarcely when

( Hardly had he watched TV when he went to bed.

فــاعــل + ماضي تــام before فــاعــل + مــاضــي بسيـــط

فــاعــل + ماضي تــام by the time فــاعــل + مــاضــي بسيـــط

( First, he made a plan. Then he robbed the bank.

( He had made a plan before he robbed the bank.

ملاحظات :

1- إذا حذفنا الفاعل بعد after , before نستخدم ( v + ing ) أو ( noun ) بعد الرابط

( After making a plan, he robbed the bank.

( Before lunch, we had watched TV.

2- يمكن حذف after ونستخدم

Having + p.p , فــاعــل + مـــاضــي بـسيــطـ

( Having watched TV, I went to bed .

3- جميع الروابط الزمنية إذا آتي قبلها مستقبل بسيط يأتي بعدها مضارع بسيط آو مضارع تام

( I will make a plan before I begin the project.

ملحوظــــــــــة هامــــــــة:

* خللي بالك التركيبان الآتيين يساويان في المعني ( After ) :

It wasn’t until [pic] ماضي تام [pic] that [pic]ماضي بسيط

* It was only when [pic] ماضي تام [pic] that ماضي بسيط

Examples :

* It wasn’t until my father had come that we began to eat .

* It was only when they had phoned us that we began to get our skates on

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d : -

1-..................had he left home than he heard an explosion.

a- Hardly b- No sooner c- Before d- After

2-.....................she was a little girl, she wanted to be an actress.

a- Till b- After c- Until d- When

3-1 found your coat had left the house.

a- after b- till c- no sooner d- hardly

4- We won't start................Ali comes.

a- after b- until c- when d- hardly

5-I decided to water the tree after

a- had planted b- planted c- planting d- plant

6. I didn't answer the question............ I had read it carefully.

a- after b- until c- as soon as d- before

7. Hardly ............ started our journey when the car got a flat tyre.

a- had we b- have we c- do we d- we had

8- He had no sooner bought a car .................he sold it again.

a- when b- that c- than d- then

9- After he .................his homework, he will watch the match.

a- had done b- did c- will do d- does

10- We went to the museum ...............we h;ad had lunch .

a- till b- after c- no sooner d- hardly

11- He missed the bus because he ------------ late.

|a- had got up |b- gets |c- has got up |d- got up |

12-he didn’t remember the promise he -----------

|a- took |b- has taken |c- takes |d- had taken |

13- As soon as I ---------- the ticket, I ran to catch the bus.

|a- bough |b- had bought |c- have bought |d- was buying |

14-He ------------me his book yesterday.

|a- gave |b- gives |c- had given |d- will give |

15- The patient ---------------before the doctor came.

|a- died |b- dies |c- had died |d- has died |

16- As soon as he had arrived in London he -----------------me.

|a- has phoned |b- phones |c- had phoned |d- phoned |

17- She --------------------a teacher before she became a guide.

|a- has been |b- had been |c- was being |d- is |

18- By the time he was five, he ---------------------to write.

|a- learnt |b- learns |c- had learnt |d- would learn |

19- My father didn't remember the promise ----------------------------.

|a- had made |b- made |c- makes |d- has made |

20- She --------------her lunch until her husband had come.

|a- had had |b- won't have |c- wasn't have |d-didn't have |

21- after the report ----------------, I handed it to the manager.

|a-had finished |b- had been finished |c- has been finished |d-finished |

22- Having graduated, he ------------------abroad.

|a- traveled |b- had traveled |c- has traveled |d- travels |

23- After --------------my work, I went home.

|a-had finished |b- finished |c- finishing |d- being finished |

24- They said that the driver ----------------------the accident.

|a-had cause |b-was caused |c- had caused |d-has caused |

25- I took the medicine when I --------------------- a meal.

|a- has had |b- have had |c- had |d- had had |

Rewrite the following sentences:

1- He left the place when his friend came. (Until)

2- We went for a walk but first we finished our work. (Having)

3- Having visited his uncle, he went shopping. (After)

4- I didn’t know about her success until I had met her (after)

5-She didn’t marry till she had graduated. (When)

6- After I had studied, I went to bed. (Till)

7- He felt ill from eating too much caned food, (By the time)

8- She wrote a postcard then she went to the post office. (Before)

9-I had my breakfast, but before that, I took some exercise (I didn’t)

10 - Why don’t you phone Dalia? (How)

11 - Akram borrowed a tennis racket from Fawzi. (Lent)

12 - He didn’t leave without talking the money. (Until)

13- They weren't eager to work until they had had a holiday. (After)

14- He left the room after taking permission. (before)

15-I gave the book to a friend .1 read it. (when)

16- After he had taken the photos, he developed them. (It was not)

17- I didn't park my car until I had found a place. (As soon as)

18- We completed the forms . we handed them in. (until)

19 -The students did the experiment. They wrote a report on it.

( By the time)

20 -The patient had died before the doctor arrived. (When)

21 - First, she finished the housework, and then she went shopping.

(She didn't)

22- She didn't watch TV until she had put the children to bed. (It was only--)

lessons 3,4 &5

|grow up |يكبر |finally |في النهايه |

|hard |صعب |arrest |يقبض علي |

|ask for more |يطلب المزيد |adopt |يتبني |

|hungry |جوعان |find out |يكتشف |

|punish |يعاقب |parents |الوالدين |

|run a way |يهرب |work out |يبحث عن كلمه |

|gang |عصابه |the rest of |باقي |

|thieves |لصوص |look like |يشبه |

|try |يحاول |pocket |جيب |

|packet |علبه |relation |علاقه |

|kidnap |يخطف |list |قائمه (اسماء.....) |

|break into |يقتحم |pay |يدفع |

|niece |بنت الاخ – الاخت |another way |طريقه اخري |

|belong to |يخص – ينتمي الي |reward |يكافيء |

|shoot |يطلق النار |guess |يخمن |

|invite |يدعو |bad people |اشرار |

|window |شباك |good people |صالحون |

|take back |يعيد |adults |البالغون |

|look after |يعتني بـ |sample |عينه |

|wrong |خطأ |moral |اخلاقي |

|the west |الغرب |main |اساسي |

|the country |الريف |character |شخصيه |

|through |خلال |happen |يحدث |

|there |هناك |notes |ملاحظات |

|teenager |مراهق |understand |يفهم |

|repeat |يكرر |birth |ميلاد |

|reason |سبب |death |وفاه |

Questions & Answers

1 - Who taught the gang how to be thieves ?

Fagin, an old man .

2 - Who was the man that Oliver and the gang tried to take something from his pocket ?

The man was Mr. Brownlow .

3- How was Mr. Brownlow kind to Oliver ?

He stopped the police from arresting him and he took him

back to his house and looked after him .

4- In your opinion, why did Mr. Brownlow stop the police from arresting Oliver ?

He felt sorry for Oliver. He wanted to give him a chance in life .

5- What's your opinion of Mr. Brownlow character ?

He was kind, generous and thoughtful .

6- Who kidnapped Oliver and took him back to Fagin ?

Bill Sikes .

7- Whose country house did the gang break into ?

It was Mrs. Maylie and her niece Rose's house .

8- What did Mrs. Maylie and her niece, Rose do when Oliver

told them that he didn't want to be a thief ?

They believed him and invited him to live with them .

9- What happened to the gang at the end of the story ?

The police arrested all the gang .

10- What did Oliver discover ?

He discovered that Monks was his half brother .

11- Why did Monks want Oliver to be in trouble ?

So that he would get all their father's money .

12- Who adopted Oliver ? Where did they go ?

Mr. Brownlow adopted Oliver and they went to live with Mrs. Maylie

and Rose .

13- What did Oliver find out about Rose ?

He found out that Rose was his mother's sister .

14- Did Oliver do the right thing when he became a thief ?

Did he have a choice ?

He probably did not have a choice. But it was not the right thing to do .

15- In what way do you think Mr. Brownlow was rewarded

for helping Oliver ?

They could live together as a family and he could watch Oliver

growing up happily and honestly .

16- what is the moral of oliver twist?

Bad people will be punished and good people will be rewarded

The past continuous tense زمن الماضي المستمر

يتكون من : was , were + v + ing

استخدامه :

1- للتعبير عن حدث استمر لفترة في الماضي .

( At 10 o, clock yesterday, I was sleeping.

2- للتعبير عن حدث استمر في الماضي عندما قطعه حدث آخر ويستخدم مع :

While - as - just as

3- يأتي بعدها ماضي مستمر والحدث الآخر يكون ماضي بسيط.

( While I was studying, the light went out.


4- يأتي بعدها ماضي بسيط والحدث الآخر يكون ماضي مستمر

( When the light went out, I was studying.


5- During حرف جر يمكن أن يعطى نفس معنى (while) و لأنه حرف جر فيأتي بعده (Noun )

(- During lunch , a plate slipped .

OR : While I was having lunch , a plate slipped .

(- During my summer holiday , I visited many places of interest .

OR : While I was spending my summer holiday , I visited many places of interest .

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

1- -Amir's father has married two women, so Amir has some ........brothers and sisters.

a) quarter b)half c) third d) unreal

2 -We live in a nice house ........ the edge of the forest.

a) in b)at c)on d)by

3-Wise people should learn the ........... of the stories they read.

a) morals b) minerals c) mirrors d) mayors

4 -Who ............. your money? -1 don't know.

a) robbed b) stole c) borrowed d)lent

3-If you are .............. trouble, call the police at once.

a) on b)in c)at d)with

6-The ............... can get married .

a) babies b) children c) adults d)dead .

7-We saw an exciting .......... in the theatre.

a) play b)film c) movie d) novel

8-The police found the lost child and ............ him back to his family.

a) took b) introduced c) described d) invited

9- I must be................. for my work so that I can support my family.

a) earned b)paid c) believed d)won

10-Because the man and his wife didn't have children, they ........... a child from an orphanage.

a) adopted b) adapted c) admired d) adored

11-A .............. of thieves broke into the the bank and stole a lot of money.

a) company b) crowd c)gang d)team

12-The gang ............. the child and kept him as a hostage.

a) found b) held c) helped d) kidnapped

13-Maha is my .......... She is my brother's daughter.

a) nephew b) niece c) aunt d) mum

14- I usually keep my money in the ........... of my jacket.

a) box b) boot c) pocket d) packet

15-Those who break the law must be .............. .

a) rewarded b) punished c) pumped d) promised

16-The police ........... the thief and killed him.

a) shouted b) shut c) shot d) shared

17-Finally, the police were able to ................ a dangerous killer.

a) arrest b) invite c) receive d) introduce

18-The writer wrote a/an ................ of his own life.

a) biography b) autobiography c) paragraph d) e-mail

19-The film was ............ on a real story.

a) set b) based c) built d) set up

20- ........... are children who work for hours in dangerous jobs which are badly paid.

a) Child workers b) Childhood c) Childbirth d) Childcare

21-As life was hard for Oliver in the workhouse, he ran .......... to London.

a) down b) into c) out d) away

22- I was happy to ............. my friend to my family.

a) present b) introduce c) invite d) give

23-My family lives .............. in the country.

a) happy b) happiness c) happily d) unhappy

24- Oliver is the main ............ in Dickens' story "Oliver Twist".

a) actor b) actress c) character d) student


1- I didn’t hear the telephone because I …………. a shower .

a) had b) was having c) had had d) having

2- While we were sitting in the garden , a storm ………… out .

a) broke b) was breaking c) had broken d) breaking

3- What ………… when you visited him ?

a) did he do b) has he done c) was he doing d) will you do

4- While I was doing my homework , my brother ………..the guitar

a) playing b) was playing c) played d) were playing

5- He saw an old friend while ………… down the street .

a) walk b) walked c) was walking d) walking

6- When I …………… Samia , she was playing tennis .

a ) see b) saw c) had seen d) was seeing

7- I --------------- TV when my uncle visited us.

a) watching b) was watched C) was watching d) watch

8- My cousin felt and broke his Leg while he--------------- his bike.

a) rides b) rode C) is riding d) was riding

9- . I was watching the match when the Light -------------out.

a) was going b) went C) is going d) go

10- . My grandfather------------- on the farm when it rained.

a) was working b) worked C) working d) works

11- . While my sister---------------- to school, she met her grandfather.

a) went b) was going C) was gone d) goes

2-Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets:-

1. He was walking home when he had the accident. (While)

2- As I was watering the garden, ft rained. (When)

3- I started reading this book at 9 o’clock and finished at 11 (At ten o’clock)

4- Can I go for a walk? (mind)

5- She came to the party wearing expensive clothes. ( in)

6- The girls are all eighteen years old. (year)

7- We saw a terrible fire on the way to the shops. (while)

Test 2

21. A- Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue:

Ramy and Samir are asked to prepare a project on Charles Dickens:

Ramy : You know we've got to prepare a project on Charles Dickens.

Samir : ......................... (1)......................................................... ?

Ramy : We can go to the school library. The librarian ... (2)…………..

Samir : My father has bought a CD- Rom which has so much information about Dickens.

Ramy : ........................ (3)......................................................... ?

Samir : He is best-known for his novels about life in 19thcentury Britain.

Ramy : .....................(4).............................................................?

Samir : He wrote "Oliver Twist" in 1838.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- Your friend asks you about the story you've read and why you have chosen it.


2- You tell your father about the main character in "Oliver Twist."


3- Your teacher asks you what Oliver's life was like.


4- You tell your father about the moral of "Oliver Twist."


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

1- People who do not have children sometimes ................ a child who has no parents.

a) adapt b) adopt c) address d) advertise

2- A ............... of five men broke into the bank and stole millions of dollars.

a) garment b)game c)gang d) gaggle

3- I want to be a journalist when I grow .........

a) up b) on c) out d) into

4- The criminals ......... the child until his parents gave them a ransom.

a) hijacked b) hunted c) caught d) kidnapped

5- If he has broken the law, he deserves to be ......... .

a) paid b) rewarded c) punished d) funded

6- After he .............. secondary school, he went to university.

a) has finished b) had finished c) was finished d) finishes

7- I............. my homework when my uncle came.

a) did b) have done c) doing d) was doing

8- Before ......... for London, he sold his furniture.

a) leave b) leaving c) left d) leaves

9- He didn't buy the computer until he .......... enough money.

a) has saved b) had saved c) was saving d) was saved

10- No sooner .......... than it started to rain.

a) he arrived b) he had arrived c) had he arrived d) he arrives

5- Read the text below, then correct the underlines word:-

Last week we went on a Nile cruise. As soon as we were …………….on board our felucca, the captain and crew of our board introduces themselves to us. While some passengers is ………..reading, others watch ………………the everyday lives of people who lived by the river. We didn't return home until we see …………….fishermen catching fish.

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

Dickens is the' most famous writer in the English language; He is known for his novels about life in the 19th......(l)....... Britain. His father went to prison because he had got into ......(2)..... Charles went to London to earn his ......(3)....... He saw how hard ......(4)... was forpoor people. In "Oliver Twist," he describes the lives of child.(5).... and life in the .......(6)....where he grew up.

111. (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

William Shakespeare was an English playwright and poet who was born in 1564. He spent his childhood in Stratford Upon Avon. He went to the local grammar school where he was taught Latin and Greek.

At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway. They had three children. He became an actor and playwright and performed for king James I at the Globe Theatre.

The original theatre was burnt down in the 17th century but recently another Globe theatre has been built on the same spot. The architects used pictures of the old theatre to make the new one almost identical.

Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and a lot of poetry. His most famous plays are probably Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth and Othello. He also wrote historical plays such as Antony and Cleopatra, mostly written in verse.

Shakespeare died rich in Stratford Upon Avon, on the 23rd April, 1616. His plays have become famous around the world, and every year thousands of tourists come to visit the place where he lived and died.

A-Answer the following questions:

1- Who was Williams Shakespeare?

2- What plays did he write?

3- Where did he perform his plays and for whom?

4- What does the underlined word he refer to?


B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

5- William Shakespeare learnt............. in the local grammar school.

a) English and German b) French c) Latin and Greek d) Italian

6- The Globe Theatre was burnt down but another ............ has been built on the same spot.

a) cinema b)museum c)garage d) theatre

7- Shakespeare's plays became famous ................

a) in England b) around the world c) in France d)in Europe

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions :

1- Where did Oliver grow up and why?

2- Why did Oliver leave the workhouse and go to London?

3- Who adopted Oliver and where did they live?

4- What do you think of Mr. Brownlow?

5- In your opinion, how should our society look after children like "Oliver" today

6- Do you think life is better for children now than it was in the 19th century? Give a reason.

112. E- Writing

9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:

How we can provide a healthy, comfortable and happy life for our children


113. F- Translation

10- A- Translate into Arabic:

1- Oliver is the main character in Dickens' story "Oliver Twist".


2- Journalists often interview people before they write their reports.


B- Translate into Arabic:

لقد كتب نجيب محفوظ قصصاً عن الحياة فى مصر فى القرن العشرين



lessons 1 &2

|power |قوه |quite easy |سهل الي حد ما |

|mind |عقل |say their names |يردد اسمائهم |

|telephone number |رقم تليفون |look at |ينظر الي |

|password |كلمه سر |repeat |يكرر |

|learn |يتعلم |go round |يدور حول |

|make sure |يتاكد |a loud |بصوت عالي |

|human |بشري |surprised |مندهش |

|brain |مخ |show |يبين |

|photographic |تصويري |hide |يخفي |

|memory |ذاكره |read out |يقرا بصوت مسموع |

|date |تاريخ |beautiful |جميل |

|hear |يسمع |ability |القدره |

|conversation |محادثه |class |فصل |

|face |وجه – يواجه |group |مجموعه |

|remember |يتذكر |difficult |صعب |

|terrible |فظيع |planting |الزراعه |

|bad |سيء |cooking |الطبخ |

|finally |في النهايه |impossible |مستحيل |

|good memory for |ذاكره جيده لـ |believe |يؤمن |

|useful for |مفيد ل |special |خاص |

|need |يحتاج |long distances |مسافات طويله |

|by the end of |بنهايه |useless at |سيء جدا في |

|eyesight |النظر |incredible |هائل جدا |

|add |يضيف |powerful |قوي |

|head |راس |once |مره |

|take |ياخذ |possible |ممكن |

|lose |يخسر |immediately |في الحال |

|chain |سلسله |warm |دافيء |

|tired |متعب |feel |يشعر |

|keep |يحافظ علي |maths |رياضيات |

|concentrate on |يركز علي |gym |صاله العاب |

|calculator |اله حاسبه |homework |واجب منزلي |

|keep fit |يحافظ علي لياقته |free time |وقت فراغ |

|weather |الطقس |help with |يساعد في |

Questions & Answers

1-What is the thing that you have in your head that is more powerful than the most powerful computer?

It is my brain that is more powerful than the most powerful computer.

2- What can you do with your brain?

You can see, smell flowers, remember holidays, feel pain, hear your favourite singer's voice and think.

3- How much does the brain weigh?

It weighs a kilo.

4- How many cells does your brain have? It has about a hundred billion cells.

5- What does your brain control?

It controls everything you do. It receives information from your senses, analyses it, then sends messages back.

6- What happens when you put your hand in hot water?

My brain receives the message "very hot" from my hand, then immediately sends a message back to my hand ' Take your hand out of the water".

7- Why is it difficult to taste different fruits if you hold your nose and close your eyes? Because our senses often work together.


مضارع بسيط , will + المصدر

If ماضي بسيط , would + المصدر

If + مضارع بسيط , مضارع بسيط

تستـخـدم للتعبير عن مــواقــف حــقـيقــية (

( If you heat water, it turns into steam. ( If you don't water plants, they die.

مضــــارع بسيـــــــط , will + الــمـــــصدر


مضــــارع بسيــــــــط , أمـــر – نـــهي – رجـــــاء

( If you meet Osama, give him this letter please.

1- امكانيه ( احتمال حدوث شيء في المستقبل.

( If the sun shines, we will go out.

2- توقعات ( تنبؤات) أو وعود في المستقبل.

( If you will play will, you will win.

( مــلاحــظــات:

1- يمكن استخدام can, may بدلا من will

2- يمكن تكوين سؤال علي الحالة الأولي بـ what

( What + will + فاعل + do + if + فعل الشرط (مضارع بسيط)?

( What will you do if you get a job?

3- يمكن استخدام should بدلا من if في الحالة الأولي .

( If he studies hard, he will succeed.

( Should he study hard, he would succeed.

Choose the correct answer:

1- Those who have a........ memory can remember things by looking at them

a) weak b) photographic c) hard d) long

2- He can look at a list of names and .......... them in a minute later.

a) revise b) receive c) repeat d) retire

3- My little daughter is good ........... doing sums.

a) in b) at c) on b) with

4- I have a good memory ............ names.

a) of b) for c) with d) by

5- The human brain is ......... .

a) uncomfortable b) incredible c) probable c) possible

6- When you operate your computer, enter the ......... .

a) passport b) password c) crossword d) vocabulary

7- The weather is .......... good today.

a) quit b) quiet c) quite d) quietly

8-As it was so cold, my dad asked me to ......... the window.

a) open b) close c) guess d) break

9- I don't know who is phoning. Can you ...............?

a) find b) guess c) reach d) remember

10 -Taha Hussein lost his ............. when he was young.

a) touch b) eyesight c) hearing d) smell

11- Pictures can help children learn new .................. .

a) friends b) bikes c) words d) days

12 -You have to concentrate .......... your studies.

a) with b) on c) at d) by

13 -Can I.......... a suggestion?

a) do b) make c) say d) receive

14- If you ……….. the time of his arrival , please tell me .

a) knew b) know c) had known d) will know

15- If you stand on the table , it …………. .

a) will collapse b) would collapse

c) would have collapsed d) has collapsed

16- He can borrow the money ………….. he pays it back tomorrow .

a) provided b) unless c) in case of d) without

17- He will join the university ………… he passes the exam .

a) unless b) but for c) in case of d) provided that

18- If you go out , please ………… me some cookies .

a) get b) will get c) would get d) would have got

19- ..................he study hard, he will get high marks .

a- If b-Were c- Should d- Had

20- Don't bother to ring me's important.

a- if b- in case c- but for d- unless

21- Take this medicine with you...................... you feel tired .

a- if it b- unless c- in case d- without

22-You......................get there in time unless you hurry .

a- won't b- couldn't c- wouldn't have d- can

23-If you hear any news................... you let me know immediately ?

a- would b- could c- can d- might

24. If he ............. late, we will go without him.

a) was b) were c) is d) can be

25. He won't catch the train if he ............. soon.

a) didn't pack b) will not pack

c) doesn't pack d) hadn't packed

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1. Listen carefully to the teacher or you won't understand the lesson. ( If )

2. Read the instructions thoroughly or else you won't be able to operate the machine. ( If )

3. He may come early. In that case, he will contact you. ( If )

4. He will play well if he practises well. (provided that)

5. Pay the rent regularly or I won't renew the contract. (as long as)

lessons 3,4 &5

|analyse |يحلل |receive |يستقبل |

|breath |يتنفس |store memories |يخزن ذكريات |

|cells |خلايا |singer |مغني |

|pain |الم |taste |يتذوق |

|powerful |قوي |message |رساله |

|temperature |درجه الحراره |weigh |يزن |

|parts |اجزاء |take out |يخرج |

|animal |حيوان |mouth |فم |

|plants |نباتات |nose |انف |

|senses |حواس |control |يتحكم |

|problem |مشكله |breathing |التنفس |

|control |يتحكم |heart |القلب |

|favourite |مفضل |body |جسم |

|voice |صوت انسان |digestion |الهضم |

|hurt |يؤذي – يؤلم |heat |حراره |

|piece |قطعه |insect |حشره |

|results |نتائج |bright |لامع |

|patients |مرضي |present |حالي – هديه |

|normal |عادي |temperature |درجه الحراره |

|relax |يسترخي |article |مقاله |

|slowly |ببطء |touch |يلمس |

|comare with |يقارن بـ |hold nose |يمسك الانف |

|brain damage |تلف المخ |predict |يتنبأ |

|guess |يخمن |downwards |لاسفل |

|painful |مؤلم |pick up |يلتقط |

|ambulance |سياره اسعاف |sound |صوت شيء |

|gas |غاز |holes |فتحات |

|send |يرسل |sunlight |ضوء الشمس |

|the lightest |الاكثر اضاءه |furniture |اثاث |

|reply |يرد |draw |يرسم |

|suggestions |اقتراح |meaning |معني |

|phrases |عبارات |method |طريقه |

|disappointed |محبط |pronounce |ينطق |

|vocabulary |كلمات |agree about |يتفق علي |

|enough |كاف |recent |حديث |

|successful |ناجح |recently |حديثا |

|separate |يفصل |promise |يعد - يوعد |

Questions & Answers

1- What happens when you eat something?

When I eat something, my brain receives messages from my mouth, eyes and nose.

2- How does your brain help you learn and remember?

My brain stores past memories and this makes learning and remembering possible.

3- What does the brain control?

It controls one's breathing, heart, body temperature and digestion.

4- What five senses does the brain receive information from?

The ears, the eyes, the skin, the mouth and the nose.

5- Do we all like the same things that we see, hear and taste? Why?

No, we don't like the same things that we see, hear and taste because of individual differences.

6- Which of the five senses, do you think, is the most important?

I think "sight", is the most important of the five senses.

7- How would life be different without the sense of sight?

Life would be very difficult. We wouldn't be able to read books, watch TV, enjoy nature or cross the street.

8- How can we help people who have lost one of their senses?

By having specially trained teachers who are able to deal with them and develop their knowledge and skills.


If + مــاضـــي بسيــط , would + الــمـــــــصدر

( If she studied, she would succeed.

( تستخدم الحالة الثانية في الحالات الاتيه:

1- للتعبير عن حدث غير محتمل أو مستحيل وقوعه في الوقت الحاضر

( If I didn't feel so tired, I'd go out with you

( If I were rich, I would buy a car.

2- إعطاء النصيحة

( If I were you, I'd see a doctor.

( مــلاحــظــات:

1- يمكن استخدام could, might بدلا من would

( If he were strong enough, he could carry the heavy bag.

2- تحول الجملة المثيته إلي منفية والعكس عند استخدام الحالة الثانية.

3- يأتي بعد if ألجمله بعد as, because والجملة قبل therefore , so , that's why .

( He can go for a swim because it's fine. (If)

( He wouldn't go for a swim if it weren't fine.

( I'm too busy therefore I can't visit him today. (If)

( If I weren't too busy, I'd visit him today.

4- يمكن استخدام should بدلا من if في الحالة الثانية .

( If he studied, he'd succeed.

( Should he study, he would succeed.

5- يمكن استخدام Had بدلا من if في الحالة الثانية .

( If I had enough money, I'd buy a new house.

( Had I enough money, I'd buy a new house.

وفي حـالـة السـؤال

What + would فاعل + + do + if +فعل الشرط (ماضي بسيط) ?

( What you would do if your car was stolen?

( I'd tell the police.

Unless = if not

( تستخدم unless بدلا من if في النفي ولها نفس القواعد .

( If he had worked hard, he would have passed the exam. (Unless)

( Unless he had worked hard, he wouldn't have passed the exam.

( Unless he had worked hard, he would have failed the exam.

( يمكن استخدام incase of بدلا من if في الإثبات ويأتي بعدها اسم أو فعل + ing .

( If you are strong, you will defeat your enemy.

( Incase of being strong, you will defeat your enemy.

( Incase of your strength, you will defeat your enemy.

( يمكن استخدام without, but for بدلا من if في النفي.

( If I don't finish early, I won't go home early. (Without)

( Unless I finish early, I won't go home early. (Without)

( Without finishing early, I won't go home early.

( لاحظ انه يمكن استخدام without, but for بدلا من if والفعل بعدها منفي أو بدلا من unless والفعل بعدها مثبت .

يمكن استخدام if it weren't for بدلا من without في الحالة الثانية.

Without + اسم would + المـصــد ر

If it weren't for + اسم would + المـصــد ر

( Without hard work, he wouldn't pass the exam.

( If it weren't for hard work, he wouldn't pass the exam.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

1-You feel pain if your leg ............... .

a) kicks b) hurts c) annoys d) shoots

2-In winter, it............. very cold at night.

a) comes b) goes c) gets d) arrives

3- I can't sleep. The children are making a lot of ..............

a) sound b) voice c) noise d) talk

4- Plants can't grow without......... .

a) oil b) sunlight c) fire c) the moon

5-He was really .............. when his son failed the test.

a) happy b ) cheerful c) disappointed d) powerful

6-If you do things ............ no one will ever like you.

a) well b) properly c) correctly d) badly

7- .............. the helps change the food we eat into very simple substances useful to our bodies.

a) Digestion b) Indigestion c) Suggestion d) Education

8 -The .......... pumps blood around the body.

a) brain b) mind c) heart d) head

9- I have very nice ............... of my stay in Japan last year.

a) passwords b) voices c) memories d) senses

10-What's your memory .........? - Quite powerful.

a) as b) like c) such d) same

11-When you ......... 5 and 5, you get 10.

a) put b) add c) store d) control

12-How can we ..............? - With our noses.

a) see b) taste c) smell d) eat

13- I have to tidy the room. The children turned everything the other

a) road b) street c) way d) square

14- Our school is big and includes 60 ............. .

a) bedrooms b)labs c) classrooms d) flats

15-A ........... is the smallest part of animals or plants.

a) bone b)head c) leave d)cell

16-My computer is quite ......... . It has 160 GB.

a) weak b) small c) powerful d) young

17-A clever doctor should ............. the results of tests on his patients.

a) answer b) annoy c) analyse d) anger

18The boy felt some ........... in his leg when he fell off his bike.

a)hunger b)noise c)pain d) health

19-If anyone stops ....... for long, he'll die.

a) swimming b) walking c) breathing d) talking

20-The normal human body ................ is 37°C.

a) heat b) temper c) temperature d) heating

21-The human brain ............ all senses.

a) plays b) controls c) examines d) checks

22-The human brain ................ about 1 kg.

a) weighs b) costs c)buys d) sells

23-Our senses receive .................. from the brain.

a) letters b) e-mails c)messages d) calls

24-It is easy to taste the ......... between bananas and oranges.

a) differentiate b) different c) differ d) difference

25-Brains store past ................... and this makes learning and remembering possible.

a) memories b) souvenirs c) museums d) merchants

26 -Have you ......... any calls today?

a) taken b) received c) guessed d) closed


Choose the correct answer:

1- Had I had a good memory? I ------------remembered his name.

|a - would have |b- will have |c- shall have |d- may have |

2- ---------------------I phoned him, he wouldn't have come in time.

|a- Unless |b- Hadn't |c- If |d- Provided |

3- -----------------------he hurries up, he will miss the train.

|a- If |b- Without |c Unless - |d- But for |

4- -----------------he enough money, he would buy a car.

|a- Were |b- Unless |c Without - |d- Had |

5- I would have bought this car unless I -------------------in trouble.

|a- had been |b- have been |c- were |d- am |

6- ----------------in your position, I'd accept his offer.

|a- Had |b- Were |c Unless - |d- Without |

7- If a volcano erupts, it -----------------dust into the atmosphere.

|a- will send |b- sent |c- send |d- would send |

8- If the ice caps melt, the sea level -----------------------.

|a- rises |b- would rise |c rose - |d- have risen |

9- If he hadn't bought a car, he -------------------that accident.

|a- wouldn't have |b- hadn't had |c didn't have |d- wouldn't have had |

10- If he had been more careful, he------------------all these mistakes.

|a- would make |b- - wouldn't make |c-Would have made |d- wouldn't have made |

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1- If he behaved badly, he would be punished. (In case of)

2- Hurry up or you won't catch the bus (if)

3- He can't get married now because he doesn't have a flat. (Had)

4- He won't join the army since he is short (if)

5- The shirt is too tight so I can't wear it (provided)

6 - You should study hard. (Were)

7 - I'm not going to visit him as I'm too busy (if)

8 - I wouldn't eat too much if I weren't hungry. (Unless)

Test 3

114. A- Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue:

A teacher and a student who has a problem with studying new words:

Student : Can you give me some advice about studying the new words?

Teacher : …………………(1)……………….…………………..

Student : ..................... (2)......................................................................... ?

Teacher :You shouldn't learn more than 10 words or phrases at the same time.

Student : Does it help to learn words in phrases or sentences?

Teacher : ......................... (3) .................................................................................. .

Student : ......................... (4) ................................................................ ?

Teacher : A dictionary gives the meaning of a word, its part of speech and how to use it in a sentence.

Student : Thank you for your good advice.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:

1- Your sister is asking your advice about using a vocabulary book.


2- Your friend did badly in the last English test. What do you advise him to do?


3- You accept your teacher's advice about using a dictionary.


4- You politely refuse your brother's advice about learning words in phrases or sentences.


115. B- Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1-People who have ......... memory can repeat a list of telephone numbers a few minutes later.

a) emotional b) photograph c) mental d) touch

2- The human brain can remember past memories. It is really .........

a) credible b) incredible c) remembering d) forgetting

3- Doctors need to ....... the results of tests on their patients.

a) realize b) achieve c) analyse d) recognize

4- If you relax , it helps you to ............. slowly.

a) move b) speak c) write d) breathe

5- Your brain receives ......... from your senses, then analyses it.

a) letters b) e-mails c) information d) faxes

6- I'll help you with your maths homework if you ....... it difficult.

a) found b)find c) will find d) would find

7-I wouldn't be able to read if I........... my glasses.

a) lose b) will lost c)lost d) had lost

8- If I had to add two long numbers together in my head, it........ me two or three minutes.

a) takes b) will take c) would take d) took

9- Unless I had enough money, I.......... buy a new computer.

a) will b) won't c) would d) wouldn't

10-What......... if you lost the key to your flat?

a) you would do b) do you do c) would you do d) have you done]

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s)

1- Tell him a story and your son will sleep well. (If)


2-1 won't go to the cinema if I don't have some free time this evening. (unless)


3-1 won't be able to buy a new car because I am not rich. (If)


4-1 can't remember Ali's address, so I can't phone him. (If)


5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

The human brain is more complex than the most powerful computer. With it you can see and smell flowers, remember holidays, feel ......(1)..... and hear your favourite ......(2)...... Your brain receives .....(3)..... from your .....(4)...., analyses it, then sends messages. Your brain also stores past memories and this makes .....(5)..... and remembering possible. At the same time your brain controls your breathing, your heart, your body ....(6).... and your digestion.

116. (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Some people say they have no memory at all. But of course we all have a memory. Our memory tells us who we are and helps to make use in the present of what we have learnt in the past.

In fact we have different types of memory. For example, our visual memory helps us recall faces and places. Some people have such a strong visual memory. They can for example, remember exactly pages of a book as a complete picture.

Our verbal memory helps us remember words and figures we may have heard but not seen or written items of a shopping list or dates.

With our emotional memory, we recall situations or places where we had strong feelings, perhaps happiness or unhappiness. We also have special memories for smell, taste, touch and sound and for performing physical movements.

We have two ways of storing any of these memories. Our short -term memory stores items for up to thirty, seconds, enough to remember a telephone number while we dial, Our long - term memory may store items for a life time.

A-Answer the following questions:

1- How is our memory useful?

2- What are the different types of memory we have?

3- What two ways of storing memory do we have?

4- Suggest a suitable title for this passage.

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

5- Our verbal memory helps us to remember .........

a) faces and places b) situations and places c) memories of taste and touch d) words and figures

6- When we recall situations or places where we had strong feeling, This is...…...... memory.

a) verbal b) emotional c) visual d) hearing

7- Our long-term memory stores items for ......... .

a) up to thirty seconds b) a life time c) every two hours d) two years

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions :

1- What does your brain control?

2- Why is it difficult to taste different fruits if you hold your nose and close your eyes?

3- What five senses does the brain receive information from?

4- Do you think we all like the same things that we see, hear and taste? Why / Why not?

5- What do you think of the human brain?

6- Doctors can help people with weak memories. Do you agree or not? Give a reason.

D- The Novel

A) Answer the following questions:

1-What happened when the writer slow down?


2-What surprise did the writer find when he went to the police station?


3-How does the writer push any fellow to talk?


4-What does the writer's strange memory cause him?


B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:

"Whait, here!"

1-Who said that and to whom?


2-Why does the speaker very astonished?


3-What happened after that?

117. F- Translation

10- A- Translate into Arabic:

1- Your brain controls your breathing, your heart, your body temperature and your digestion.


2- The brain which you have in your head is more powerful than the most powerful computer.


B- Translate into Arabic:

1. لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية عليك أن تستخدم القاموس للبحث عن معاني ونطق الكلمات.


lessons 1 &2

|daughter |ابنه |finish |ينهي |

|at university |في الجامعه |win |يفوز |

|medicine |طب – دواء |crocodile |تمساح |

|sporty family |عائله رياضيه |recently |حديثا |

|sailing |الابحار |restaurant |مطعم |

|interpreter |مترجم شفوي |plane |طائره |

|translator |مترجم تحريري |ride |يركب |

|with disability |معاق |marry |يتزوج |

|at the weekend |في نهايه الاسبوع |capital |راس مال |

|manager |مدير |work as |يعمل كـــ |

|grandparent |جد |travel |يسافر |

|apartment |شقه |secondary |ثانوي |

|giant |عملاق – ضخم |mountain |جبل |

|types |انواع |in the third year |في الصف الثالث |

|architecture |العماره |graduate |يتخرج |

|design |يصمم |town |مدينه |

|building |مبني |Swedish |سويدي |

|historical places |اماكن تاريخيه |first language |اللغه الاولي |

Questions & Answers

1- Who was Abu-Heif?

He was one of the best Egyptian athletes ever .

2- When and where was Abu Heif born ?

He was born in 1929 in the Anfoushi area of Alexandria.

3- Was Abu-Heif's family a small one? How do you know ?

It wasn't a small one as he was the tenth of twelve sons in the family .

4- What did he win at the age of ten ?

He won the Egyptian primary school swimming championship.

5- When did he become internationally famous ?

when he swam across the English Channel.

6- Who did Abu-Heif give his prize money to?

To the family of a British swimmer who had drowned.

7- Where did Abu-Heif train?

He trained at al Ahly Club.

8- How did Abu-Heif break the record?

He broke the record by crossing the Channel in 13 hours and 45 minutes.

9- What did he do in 1963 ?

In 1963, in Toronto, Abu Heif beat Harry William, one of the best

swimmer in the world .

10- Why did other swimmers give up the Montreal swimming race ?

Because they were exhausted .

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1) Abu Heif was one of the best Egyptian athletes …...…. .

a) even b) ever c) yet d) lately

2) In 2001, he won a prize .......... the best swimmer of the 20th century.

a) because b) like c) as d) for

3) His father was a .......... school teacher

a) prime b) first c) primary d) superior

4) Abu-Heif was the tenth ......... twelve sons in the family

a) of b) about c) for d) as

5) He spent a lot of his time ............ in the sea

a) swum b) swam c) swim d) swimming

6) As a world-famous swimmer and Egypt's greatest ............... of all time .

a) minister b) athlete c) boss d) manager

7) His ............... as a swimmer was so incredible .

a) capable b) enable c) ability d) disability

8. Thank you for your------------ as you gave me money when I was in need.

a) honesty b) generous c) generosity d) pride

9. He became a---------as he had saved a boy’s life.

a) champion b) hero c) character d) prisoner

10). Our family play games; they are a very -----------family.

a) sporty b) lazy c) careless d) idle

11) Children with disabilities need---------- help!

a) industry b) charity c) army d) commentary

12) An architect---------------- new buildings.

a) paints b) points c) writes d) designs

13) . She has just--------------- from university.

a) succeeded b) graduated c ) honoured d) graded

14) --------- is Someone who changes the spoken words of one language to another

a) a transmitter b) an interpreter c) a translator d) an author

15_ . Someone whose job is to change writing into a different language is---------

a) an author b) a novelist c) a translator d) an interpreter

2- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

I am married with three children. We are a ....(1).... family. My

wife and I play squash. My ....(2)..... are very good swimmers. They

always take part in long- distance ....(3)...... They sometimes ....(4).....

medals. My wife plays squash ...(5)..... than I do. She always

....(6)..... me when we play together.

A- Translate into Arabic:

1- Abu Heif won a prize as the best swimmer in the 20th century in 2001.

2- The Egyptians welcomed Abu Heif as a national hero when he broke the record for crossing the English Channel.

3- As a generous man, Abu Heif gave his prize money for swimming across the English Channel to the family of a British swimmer who drowned while crossing it.

B- Translate into English:

1. كان أبو هيف يقضى وقتاً طويلا فى السباحة فى صباه

2. فى سن العاشرة فاز أبو هيف بالبطولة المصرية للمدارس الابتدائية فى السباحة

3. لقد طلب الرئيس الراحل عبد الناصر من أبو هيف أن يعيد التفكير فى قرار اعتزال السباحة

4. اعتزل أبو هيف السباحة فى سن السادسة والأربعين

5. كثير من الشباب لا يعرفون من هو أبو هيف

lessons 3,4 &5

|beat |يهزم |break a record |يحطم الرقم القياسي |

|exhausted |متعب |resign |يستقيل |

|proud |فخور |qualities |خصائص |

|swimming pool |حمام سباحه |proud of |فخور بـ |

|championship |بطوله |prize |جائزه |

|exhaustion |تعب - ارهاق |drown |يغرق |

|break a record |يحطم الرقم القياسي |ability |قدره |

|area |منطقه |incredible |لا يصدق |

|primary |ابتدائي |make sure |يتاكد |

|move |ينتقل الي |powerful |قوي |

|professional |محترف |determination |اصرار |

|relaxation |الاسترخاء |loyalty |الاخلاص |

|generousity |الكرم |achievements |انجازات |

|hero |بطل |break a promise |يخلف وعده |

|stop |يتوقف |sporting hero |بطل رياضي |

|retired |متعب |even |حتي |

|train |يدرب |get into |يدخل |

|channel |قناه |sympathize |يتعاطف |

|national |قومي |characteristic |ميزه – صفه |

|welcome |يرحب |report |تقرير |

|return |يعود |headlines |عناوين الاخبار |

|enjoyment |متعه |against |ضد |

|trainer |مدرب |nickname |لقب – كنيه |

|athletes |رياضيون |sportsmen |رياضيون |

|agree |يوافق |narrow |ضيق |

|score a goal |يحرز هدف |match |مباراه |

|the youngest |الاصغر سنا |world cup final |نهائي كاس العالم |

|omit |يحذف |repeat |يكرر |

Questions & Answers

1- How did Egypt show its pride in Abu Heif?

Egypt was so proud of Abu Heif that it gave his name to a beach

at al-Anfoushi .

2- Why didn't Abu Heif retire in 1966 as he decided ?

Because president Nasser asked him to think again so he continued to

swim and win prizes until 1975 .

3- When did Abu Heif finally retire ?

At the age of 46 .

4- What was Abu Heif famous for ?

He was famous for his generosity .

5- How did Abu Heif show ( prove ) his generosity ?

He gave his prize money for swimming the English Channel to the family

of a British swimmer who had drowned while he was crossing the Channel

6- How did the Egyptian meet Abu Heif when he broke the record ?

The Egyptians welcomed him as a national hero .

7- Why did Abu Heif win a prize in 2001 ?

As he was the best swimmer in the 20th century .

8- When did Abu Heif die ?

He died in April 2008 .

9- What do you think the qualities Abu Heif had that made him

such a great man were ?

He was a very generous, sympathetic person. Also determination ,

national pride and loyalty to his country. He postponed retirement at

the request of president Nasser. All these qualities made him great .

10- What makes someone a national hero like Abu Heif ?

Their great achievements make them a national hero .

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

1) To ......... means to be more successful than other people in a game

or a competition, etc .

a) win b) earn c) gain d) beat

2) To ......... a record means to do something better or faster than it has

ever been done before .

a) break b) track c) beak d) take

3) The word " ............ " means " extremely tired " .

a) fascinated b) surprised c) bored d) exhausted

4) When you are happy to give money or time to help someone , this shows

your .............. .

a) generosity b) generous c) cruelty d) cruel

5) ........... is someone admired for doing something very brave or good .

a) A hero b) An archaeologist c) An athlete d) A character

6) He moved ......... Cairo and trained at Al-Ahli Club.

a) of b) to c) for d) as

7) In 1951, Abu-Heif became ............... famous

a) universal b) international c) internationally d) national

8) He swam ............... the English Channel.

a) of b) across c) for d) as

9) This time he ............... the record by crossing in 13 hours and 45 minutes .

a) took b) caught c) broke d) brought

10) When he returned to Egypt, people welcomed him as a national .......... .

a) champion b) hero c) heroine d) giant

11) Abu-Heif continued ............ for seven hours a day .

a) to training b) trained c) to train d) of training

12) He used to swim in long-distance ......... all over the world .

a) prices b) rice c) races d) phrases

13) He ........ Harry William, one of the greatest swimmers in the world.

a) won b) earned c) gained d) beat

14) ........... the same year, he won the Montreal swimming race .

a) In b) Across c) For d) As

15) He swam for 30 hours without a ........... .

a) break b) track c) beak d) take

16) All the other swimmers had given .......... .

a) of b) across c) for d) up

17) Egypt was so .......... of its world famous swimmer .

a) pride b) beard c) browse d) proud

18) They ........... his name to a beach at al- Anfoushi .

a) took b) gave c) cut d) stuck

19) In 1966, Abu-Heif decided ............ from swimming .

a) to retire b) retiring c) of retiring d) for retiring

20) Abu-Heif was also famous for ............. .

a) generosity b) generous c) cruelty d) cruel

21) He gave his prize money ........ swimming the English Channel

to the family .

a) of b) across c) for d) as

22) A British swimmer had ............... while he was crossing the Channel.

a) downed b) hurt c) injured d) drowned

23) A French swimmer ............... his back during a race in France .

a) downed b) hurt c) injured d) drowned

24) ........... someone who is good at sports

a) A hero b) An archaeologist c) An athlete d) A character

25) People like those who are .............. .

a) miserly b) generous c) stupid d) thoughtless

26) They wanted to know what made him such a ............... swimmer .

a) weak b) energy c) powerful d) stupid

27) For many year, Abu-Heif was not seen on television

or read .......... in papers.

a) of b) across c) for d) about

28) In 2006, at the age of 79, he went into hospital because

he had a ......... heart.

a) weak b) energy c) powerful d) stupid

29) Abu-Heif was Egypt's greatest ............... hero .

a) local b) sported c) locally d) sporting

30) Some younger people do not ............... know his name .

a) even b) ever c) yet d) lately

31) Abu-Heif was Egypt's greatest sporting .......... .

a) heroically b) heroic c) heroine d) hero

32) The way Abu-Heif swam the race was ........... .

a) heroically b) heroic c) heroine d) hero

33) A ............ is an organization for helping people in need .

a) charity b) share c) bank d) market

34) The October War has been the greatest ............. in our modern history .

a) accident b) crash c) event d) occasion

35) Children with .......... are given great care by the government in Egypt .

a) abilities b) disabilities c) capabilities d)incapable

36) Abu Heif was called ........... of the Nile .

a) giraffe b) hippo c) crocodile d) snake

37) "Mandarin" is one of the common ............. in the world .

a) animals b) sports c) languages d) foods

38) The English ............ lies between France and Britain .

a) Canal b) Channel c) River d) Stream

زمــــن المضــــــــــارع الـتــام

يتــكـــون مــــن: Have, has + p.p

( I have just written the report. ( She has already cleaned the house.

( استخدامه:

1- يعبر عن حدث بدا وانتهي في الماضي لكن أثره في الحاضر:

( I have lost my key. (I can't open the door)

( He has just arrived حدث انتهي منذ فتره قصيرة

2- يعبر عن حدث بدا في الماضي وما زال مستمر حتى ألان.

( I have lived in Tanta for 20 years = I still live in Tanta

لكن لاحظ ( I lived in Tanta for 20 years = I live somewhere else now.

3- نستخدم lately – recently لنقصد أن شيئا ما قد حدث منذ وقت قريب لكن لم يحدد الزمن.

( I haven't seen her lately.

4- تستخدم just – already في الإثبات وتستخدم yet في النفي والاستفهام.

( I have already phoned the doctor.

( I haven't phoned the doctor yet.

( Have you yet finished your homework?

5--تستخدم (ever ) في السؤال عن خبره الشخص و (never) في النفي.

( Have you ever been to Paris?

( No, I have never been to Paris

6- علاماته

|Since |منذ |Already |بالفعل |Up till now |حتى الآن |

|For |منذ |Just |حالا |Ever |سبق أبدا |

|Lately |حديثا |Yet |ليس بعد |Never |أبدا (لا) |

|recently |مؤخرا |So far |حتى ألان | | |

( Has, have been to + مكان ذهب إلي مكان وعاد منه

( He has been to London (now he is in Egypt)

( Has, have gone to + مكان ذهب إلي مكان وما زال هناك

(He has gone to Italy (he is still there)

الفــــرق بــــين

( Since نقطه بداية الحدث ( for مده الحدث - الفترة

( إذا جاء مع since فعل واحد نضعه في زمن المضارع التام.

( She has learned English since 1995.

(إذا جاء مع since فعلان نضع قبلها زمن المضارع التام وبعدها زمن الماضي البسيط.

+ مضارع تام since + ماضي بسيط

( She has been in bed since she arrived home.

( He has been studying since he returned from school.

( لاحظ الجدول الأتي:

|Since |For |

|Since 7 o'clock |For 2 hours |

|Since 2000 |For 5 years |

|Since yesterday |For a day - one day |

|Since last night |For a night - the last night |

|Since April |For 2 months |

|Since Friday |For five days |

|Since then |For ages , along time |

|Since spring |For a season |

|Since his arrival |For years – a while |

( ملاحظات :

1- إذا طلب استخدام since بدلا من when نستخدم زمن المضارع التام منفي :

( I last saw her when she was a child. (Since)

( I haven't seen her since she was a child.

نستخدم since & for بدلا من (ago) 2) عند استخدام)

|فاعل + ( began to) +المصدر…………….المدة+ + ago |

He has worked in Italy since 2000 . ( ago )

( He began to work in Italy eight years ago .

3- إذا طلب استخدام just بدلا من a moment ago نستخدم المضارع التام :

( She left home a moment ago.

( She has just left home.

( Its 5 years since he worked as a teacher.

|It's + period of time + since + subject + past simple. |

4- استخدام for بدلا من ago

( The last time I met her was 2 months ago

( I haven't seen her for 2 months.

) 5) اذا كانت الجملة فى المضارع التام المنفى بـ not / never وتنتهى بـ before نستخدم:

|It’s the first time +الفاعل ( have /has) +ever +p.p |

( I have not eaten shrimps before .

( It’s the first time I have ever eaten shrimps .

) 6) اذا جالك ago و طلب وضع just حول الجملة الى المضارع التام واحذف المدة التى تسبقago

( He came a moment ago . ( just )

( He has just come .

) 7) اذا جالك just و طلب وضع ago حول الجملة الى ماضى بسيط و استخدم short time a go / a moment ago

He has just finished his work . ( ago )

He finished his work a moment ago .

) 8) اذا كانت الجملة فى المضارع التام المنفى بـnever / not وتنتهى بصفة(عادية / مقارنة) نستخدم

|الفاعل + صفة التفضيل ( have /has) +ever +p.p |

I have never seen a man better than Ramy.

Ramy is the best man I have ever seen.

No man of those I have seen is better than Ramy.

زمــــن المضـــــارع التام المســـــتمر

يتكون من

( Have been + v. ing ( Has been + v. ing

( He has been sleeping since he arrived.

( It has been raining for 2 hours.

- يؤكد هذا الزمن استمرار الحدث حتى الآن وقد يستمر في المستقبل


|For----------now |Since --------------still |

|For ---------still |All + فتره زمنيه |

|So far ------now |فاعل hasn't stopped – finished yet |

( She has been doing the housework since 7.30 and she hasn't finished yet.

( He (study – studied – has been studying – has studied) English for 2 years now.

- لو حدد عدد المرات نستخدم المضارع التام البسيط وليس المستمر

( He has (written – been writing) 6 reports since last night.

- يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر مع الأفعال التي تستغرق وقت طويلا.

Travel – work – wait – live – stay – sleep – learn - ---------------

- لا يستخدم مع أفعال الحواس والإدراك والشعور والعاطفة.

Believe – forget – hate – know – like – mean – understand – seem – prefer – own---


1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Have you met the manager ..................?

a) just b) yet c) never d) since

2- Dalia has practised her hobby ........ a long time.

a) since b)for c) recently d)ago

3- Reham .......... London recently.

a) visits b) has visited c) is visiting d) visit

4- They ........... to the USA. They are in Cairo now.

a) has been b) have gone c) have been d) going

5- She ............ for work an hour ago.

a) has left b)left c) is leaving d) will leave

6- The writer ......... his book yet.

a) has finished b) didn't finish c) isn't finished d) hasn't finished

7- Samir and Nagy ............... friends all their lives.

a) were b) have been c) has been d) will be

8-1 have known him ........ we joined the university.

a) for b) since c) already d)just

9- Noha has ............. cleaned her room. It looks nice now.

a) already b)yet c) never d)ever

10-Adel............. from university in 2003.

a) has graduated b) graduated c) will graduate d) graduates

11-We .......... in Cairo since 1970.

a) living b) lived c) have lived d) are living

12-The manager has met many people since he ............. at his office.

a) has arrived b) arrived c) is arriving d) will arrive

13-He ........... come back home.

a) just has b) already has c) has just d) never

14-When ........... you last see him?

a) did b)have c)are d)were

15-I've ......... been to Europe. I wish I could.

a) just b) never c) already d)yet

2- Rewrite the following sentences :-

1- I've written to my pen friend for 3 years. (since)

2- She went shopping a moment ago. (has)

3- How long ago did you start playing football? (How long have)

4-1 have studied English since 2000. (for)

5-1 really did all my jobs. (already)

6- They moved to Cairo in I9SU and still live mere. (since)

7- Nabil started playing computer games at 2 pm. It's 5 pm now.


Test 4

Samir and Ramy are talking about Mohamed Zidan.

Samir : Have you seen Zidan's goals in Ghana?

Ramy : Yes, of course. ........(1)................................................................................?

Samir : He plays for Hamburg in Germany.

Ramy : ...........(2)..................................................................................... in. Ghana?

Samir : He scored 4 goals.

Ramy :................(3)..................................................................................................?

Samir : The best was the goal he scored in Cameroon team.

Ramy : How can Zidan be useful to Egypt?

Samir : …………..(4)……...........................................................................…….

1- You ask your friend about what Abu-Heif had done.


2- You ask your teacher about what people should do in order not to forget heroes from the past.


3- You ask your teacher where Abu- Heif was born.


4- You want to know where Dr El-Baz works.


1-An/A .............. is a person who changes spoken words of a language into another.

a) archaeologist b) geologist c) interpreter d) receptionist

2- My father did something very ............ last year. He saved one of my friends from drowning.

a) historic b) heroic c) energetic d) scientific

3- The swimmer was famous for his ........... He gave his prize money to the family of the English swimmer who had drowned.

a) ability b) cleverness c) efficiency d) generosity

4- Abu- Heif was welcomed as a national hero when he ......... the record for swimming across the English Channel.

a) beat b) won c) broke d) gained

5- She ............. tidied her bedroom yet.

a) has b) hadn't c) hasn't d) haven't

6-1............ seen him since he worked in Australia.

a) hadn't b) had c) haven't d) hasn't

7- Have you .............. been to Turkey?

a) ever b) never c) since d) ago

8-1.......... my friend to say that I'll be late.

a) just have phoned b) had just phoned c) has just phoned d) have just phoned

9- He ................ in a plane.

a) never have flown b) has yet flown c) has never flown d) ever had flown

10-All the other swimmers gave up the race because they were

a) generous b) heroic c) proud d) exhausted

1-1 last saw my uncle a month ago. (I haven't)


2- My brother went to Italy two years ago. He will come back next week. (gone)


3-1 did my homework earlier. (already)


4- She has done this hobby for 3 years. (since)


Abu- Heif, Crocodile of the Nile, broke the record for crossing the English Channel by crossing it in 13 hours and 45 minutes. In 2006, he went into .....(1)........... because he had a weak heart. In the past,....(2).............. and other important .....(3)................. wanted to meet him. Many people do not even know his ......(4)................ We should make sure that people do not forget .....(5)............... from the past. Abu-Heif ....(6)................ in April 2008.

Edison Arantes Nasiemento was born in Brazil in 1940. At school, he was given the nickname Pele. Many people believe that Pele was the greatest footballer of all time.

His father was also a footballer, but not a very successful one. He was always poor and often injured. For this reason, Pele's mother did not want her son to follow his father's footsteps. However, he started playing for the local club when he was only 10 years old. Aged 15, he transferred to Santos, a big city club. At the age of 16, he was playing for his country. In 1958, still only 17, he was in the Winning World Cup Team (the youngest World Cup player). In 1970, he was in the brilliant team that won the World Cup for Brazil again. He went to the United States to help develop soccer there.

He finally retired in 1977. However, he continued to work hard to develop the game worldwide. In 1994, he was made Brazilian Minister for sport. He always behaved well on the pitch and was admired and respected by both team mates and opponents.

1- Why do many people believe that Pele was the greatest footballer of all time?


2- Why didn't Pele's mother want him to be a footballer?


3- What do you know about Pele's character as a footballer?


4- Find words in the passage that have the same meaning:

a) a name given to someone instead of his or her real name.....................................

b) the ground where football is played.......................................................................

5- Pele was in the brilliant team that won the World Cup for Brazil in ............

a)1940 b) 1970 c) 1994 d) 1977

6- As a footballer Pele always behaved well on the pitch and was admired and respected by both a)injured and poor boys b)stupid and lazy people

c)scientists and researchers d) team mates and opponents

7- After retiring, Pele continued to……………

a) play for other teams b) develop the game world wide

c) win in other matches d) play in the United States

1- Why do we consider Abu- Heif the world's best swimmer?

2- Give an example to prove that Abu- Heif was generous.


3- Who won the Montreal swimming race? Why?


4- What do you think of Abu-Heif?


5- Would you like to be a famous swimmer? Give a reason for your answer?


6- In your opinion, what makes someone a national hero like Abu-Heif?


How does the writer start a speech with any stranger?


What was the weather like when they arrived at Bardfield ?


Why was the wanted?


How would you describe the writer's character?


"Oh, so we are"

Who said that and to whom?

Where were they?

3- What happened after that?

"A great hero from the past or today"


1- Abu- Heif gave his prize money for swimming the English Channel to the family of a British swimmer who had drowned while crossing the English Channel.

2- Egypt was so proud of its world famous swimmer that they gave his name to the beach at Al Anfoushi.

يجب علينا أن نتأكد ألا ينسى الناس أبطال الماضي.


lessons 1 &2

|Presenter |مقدم برامج |Wartime |وقت الحرب |

|Journalist |صحفي |Novel |روايه |

|Talented |موهوب |Successful |ناجح |

|Life |حياه |Literature |ادب |

|Guest |ضيف |Ill ness |مرض |

|Knowledgeable |واسع المعرفه |Tent |خيمه |

|Outdoor |خارجي |Fight |يحارب |

|Subject |موضوع |Inside |داخل |

|Poem |قصيده |Outside |خارج |

|The Red Cross |الصليب الاحمر |Outdoor life |حياه خارجيه |

|Camping |شركه |Extremely |جدا – للغايه |

|Wound |جرح |Grandfather |جد |

|Wife |زوجه |Nearly |تقريبا |

|Give up |يقلع عن |The first world war |الحرب العالميه الاولي |

|Afterwards |بعد ذلك |Runner |عداء |

|Ambulance |سياره اسعاف |Slow |بطيء |

|Sort |نوع |Fast |سريع |

|Ordinary |عادي |fiction |خيال |

|Extraordinary |غير عادي |True |حقيقي |

|Childhood |الطفوله |Suffer from |يعاني من |

|Short stories |قصص قصيره |Full |مملوء |

|Join |يربط |Cheap |رخيص |

|Popular |شعبي – محبوب |accident |حادثه |

Questions and answers

1. What kind of childhood did Ernest Hemingway have?

He had a happy childhood. He loved the outdoor life and spent a lot

of time walking, camping, and fishing.

2. What sort of family did Ernest Hemingway come from?

He had quite an ordinary childhood. He was the second of six children. His father was a doctor and his mother was a music teacher.

3. Why did Ernest Hemingway go to Italy?

To join the Red Cross during the First World War.

4.What did he do in Italy?

He drove an ambulance.

5. What did he do In Paris?

He worked as a journalist, reporting news stories of all kinds.

6. What was A Farewell to Arms about?

It was about love in wartime Italy.

7. What was For Whom the Bell Tolls about?

It was about the war in Spain.

8- What did Santiago do ?

He was a fisherman .

9- Who was his apprentice ?

Manolin .

10- How long had they not caught a fish ?

For nearly three months .

11- What did Manolin's parents tell him ?

They told him to work with a more successful fisherman .

12- Why didn't Manolin do as his parents told him ?

Because he liked the old fisherman , Santiago .

13- What did Manolin do instead of leaving the old man ?

He visited the old man every evening to talk to him .

14- What did Santiago think he would do after 84 days with no fish ?

He thought he would catch something if he sailed a long way out to sea .


1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. Ernest Hemingway was a (talented- careless- Useless-worthless) American writer.

2. Mary is the (visitor -mind’- guest - eyes) speaker at this year’s conference.

3. She knows a lot about Ernest Hemingway. She is (photographic- knowledgeable!- negligent - ignorant) on this subject.

4. Hemingway loved the (outdoor – indoor – interior - noisy) life, so he spent a lot of time walking, camping and fishing.

5. A special vehicle for taking ill or injured people to hospital is (a bus- a train - an ambulance - a cart).

6. During the Second World War, Hemingway worked as a (mechanic – driver – journalist -bookseller), so he sent many reports to the newspapers.

7. Many people think The Old Man and the Sea is his most successful (poem – novel - painting - lecture).

8. Hemingway (won – lost -passed’ - succeeded) the Nobel Prize for Literature.

9. Books and stories about imaginary people and events are (fiction - science – history - maths).

10. When two countries fight each other, this means they are at (peace - business - friendship - war).

2- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

Ernest Hemingway was a famous writer. He was ......(1)...... in Chicago. He ...(2).... many stories. "The Old Man and the Sea" is....(3)..... than any of his stories. People see it his most ...(4)..... book. He ...(5).... the Nobel Prize for ....(6).... in 1953.


Adverbs of manner

تكوينه :

يتكون الحال خاصه الذي يدل علي الطريقه باضافه ly الي نهايه الصفه .

( Slow ( slowly ( nice (nicely ( usual ( usually

ملاحظات :

1- الصفات التي تنتهي ب (le) نحذف الــ (e) ونضيف (y) .

( Horrible ( horribly ( terrible ( terribly

2- الصفات التي تنتهي بــ (y) نحذفها ونضيف (ily)

( Happy ( happily ( funny ( funnily

3- هناك بعض الكلمات تشتخدم كصفات واحوال دون اي اضافات .

Fast – hard – early – late.

( I took the fast train. ( He runs fast

( This is a hard test. ( He works hard.

4- اذا كانت الصفه تنتهي بــ ( ly ) تتكون شبه جمله ظرفيه :

In + a \ an + صفه تنتهي بــ ly + way

( Friendly ( in a friendly way ( Ugly ( in an ugly way

( They treated us in a brotherly way.

Adverbs of degree.

( extremely – very – fairly – rather – quite )

تستخدم ظروف الدرجه لوصف الصفه – الفعل – الظرف .

The Nile is extremely long.

I completely agree with you.

He is very friendly.

Choose the correct answer:

1- He has no money he is ---------------------------poor.

|a- very |b-fairly |c- quite |d-extremely |

1- You should climb the stairs ---------------------------------.

|a- careful |b- care |c- carefully |d-carelessly |

3- My sister is a good student, her studies------------------------------------------.

|a- well |b- good |c- goodly |d- willingly |

4- Rasha is -------------------. She thinks that she is the most beautiful girl.

|a- conceit |b-conceited |c-unconnected |d-pleasant |

5- He thinks of himself only. He is ---------------------------------.

|a- conceited |b- tolerant |c- married |d- selfish |

6- My father ran very -------------------------and caught a thief.

|a- fatly |b- fast |c- fastness |d-fasten |

7- I sometimes get up ---------------------and miss the bus.

|a- late |b- lately |c- later |d- lateness |

8- He played the match very ------------, so he lost it.

|a-bad |b-badly |c- badness |d- good |

9- This girl behaves in a --------------------------way.

|a-friend |b-friendship |c-friendly |d- pen friend |

10- He couldn't buy the suit because it was ------------------------expensive.

|a- rather |b- quite |c-never |d- hardly |

11- Basma is very beautiful and quite well-build ------------------------long black hair.

|a - in |b- with |c- by |d- of |

12- We like our English teacher. He is --------------------a good person.

|a-quite |b- rather |c- never |d- hardly |

13- She is very ----------------------. She is never angry or sad.

|a- cheer |b- silly |c- efficient |d- cheerful |

14- It is raining ----------------------------.

|a- heavy |b- heavily |c-heaviness |d-heavenly |

15- Shimaa does her work ----------------------------. She is efficient.

|a-good |b- well |c- proper |d- prepare |

Rewrite the following sentences:

1 - He is a good speaker of English. (speaks)

2- She is a nice singer. (nicely)

3- He left home a few minutes ago. (just)

4- I had a meal. Then I took the medicine. (After)

5- I believe he is unhappy. (seems)

6- The pupil was bad when he answered the question. (badly)

7- The boy is dishonest. (honest)

8- He is tall and has hot blue eyes. (with)

9- Ali is setting behind Amer. (front)

10- The shop is on the right of the bus stop. (left)

11- He is fluent in English. (fluently)

12- Pressure affects everyone in the society. (effect)

13- He was an efficient worker. (efficiently)

lesson 3,4 &5

|Apprentice |صبي – متعلم حرفه |Enormous |ضخم |

|Bait |طعم |Exhausted |متعب |

|Continue to |يستمر في |Freezing |متجمد |

|Fishing line |خيط الصيد |Furious |غاضب |

|Skeleton |هيكل عظمي |Terrible |فظيع |

|Remain |يبقي - |Escape |يهرب |

|Coffe |قهوه |Talk to |يتحدث مع |

|Set off |يبدا رحله |Worry about |يقلق بشان |

|Pain |الم |Take bait |يلتقط الطعم |

|Enough |كاف |Set off |يبدا رحله |

|Glad |سعيد |Manage to |يستطيع ان |

|Promise |يعد |In great pain |في الم شديد |

|Marline |سمك المارلين |Quotation |اقتباس |

|Pull |يجذب |Character |شخصيه |

|Boat |قارب |Show |يبين |

|Sharks |سمك القرش |Fight against |يحارب ضد |

|Catch fish |يصطاد سمك |Dangerous |خطير |

|Parents |والدين |Stamina |قوه التحمل |

|Sail |يبحر |Surviving |البقاء حيا |

|Alone |بمفرده |Nature |الطبيعه |

|Kill |يقتل |Will-power |قوه الاراده |

|Tired |متعب |Endanger |يعرض للخطر |

|Pay |يدفع |Summary |ملخص |

|Brought |احضر |Elements |عناصر |

|Terrifying |مرعب |Headlines |عناوين الاخبار |

|Bones |عظام |Main points |نقاط رئيسيه |

|Human |بشري |Lose |يفقد |

|Feelings |مشاعر |Desert |صحراء |

|The highest |الاعلي |desire |رغبه |

|Storm |عاصفه |Attack |يهاجم |

|Lifeboat |قارب نجاه |Burn |يحرق |

|Sank |غرق |Hunger |الجوع |

|Food |طعام |lost weight |يفقد وزن |

|Pride |فخر – كبرياء |Rise raise risen |يرتفع |

|Points |نقاط |Raise |يرفع |

|Arise- arose - arisen |ينشأ |arouse |يثير |

Questions & Answers

1- When did the old man set off ? Who was with him ?

The old man set off on the 84th day . He was alone .

2- What kind of fish took Santiago's bait ?

A big fish, a marlin .

3- Why couldn't Santiago pull the fish to the boat ?

Because the fish was big and he wasn't strong enough to pull

it to the boat .

4- What did the marlin do ?

It pulled the boat along .

5- Why was the old man in great pain ?

Because he had the fishing line around his body .

6- What did Santiago do after he killed the fish ?

He started to sail back home pulling the fish in the water behind him

7- What attacked the boat ? Why ?

Sharks attacked the boat to eat the marlin .

8- How many sharks did Santiago kill ?

He killed 7 sharks .

9- Why didn't Santiago cut the fishing line ?

He didn't want the marlin to escape .

10- What does the story tell us ?

We must have great stamina. We must resist to the last breath .

11- Why do you think the old Santiago went fishing alone ?

To prove that he was still capable , despite his age, of surviving .

12- What does this story tell us about people like Santiago ?

It tells us that those people have stamina and refuse to beaten .

13- How do you feel about the old man at the end of the story ?

I respect his strong will and determination .

14- Why do you think the young apprentice Manolin liked the

old man so much ? What did he learn from him ?

Manolin saw him as a great model. He learned never to give up .


1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- If a person is .......... about something, he knows a lot about it.

a) unknown b) knowledgeable c)famous d)well known

2- They are neither rich nor poor. They lead a/an ....... life.

a)fantastic b)rich c) miserable d) ordinary

3- Fishing and cycling are ........ activities.

a)indoor b) indoors c) outdoor d) outdoors

4- In the USA, most young people like ........ in the forests during weekends.

a) camping b) swimming c) sailing d) chatting

5- Amr Daib is a/an ........... singer in the Arab area.

a) boring b) popular c) unknown d) heavy

6- The lion and the tiger were ........... during their fight.

a) pleased b) disappointed c) wounded d) rewarded

7- Ernest Hemingway is quite a/an .......... writer.

a) unknown b) famous c) silly d)poor

8-......... is novels and stories describing imaginary things and events.

a) Friction b) Fiction c)Fire d)Fear

9- The First World War is one of the historic ........... .

a) occasions b) events c) accidents d) incidents

10-Fishermen use ....... to attract fish to their nets or fishing lines.

a) base b) biscuits c)bait d) basis

11-Everyone left but Ali........ for some time to have a word with me.

a) slept b) remained c)held d)ran

12-Rain hasn't stopped even for a moment. It has ....... to rain all day.

a) contained b) consisted c) continued d) canned

13-Now, people use modern fishing ........... to practise their hobby of catching fish.

a) rows b) lines c) links d)lies

14-Bones that form a human or animal's body are called the .........

a) skin b) skeleton c) skill d) skull

15-An .......... is someone who works for an employer to learn a skill or craft.

a) apostrophe b) apparatus c) appearance d) apprentice

16-One feels .......... when one's leg or arm hurts.

a) panic b)pain c)pure d) paint

17-My family enjoy ......... outdoor games.

a) practise b) practising c) practised d) practises

18-They were absolutely ........... . They had worked hard continuously.

a) frightened b) terrified c) exhausted d) angry

19-The rich man was so ......... when the gang tricked his security, broke his safe and stole a lot of jewellery.

a) tired b) exhausted c) furious d) popular

20-He often ........ back home late at night alter work.

a) makes b) gets c) moves d) remains

21-Although it was a serious problem, he ............ to solve it.

a) able b) managed c) succeeded d) passed

22-The marlin pulled the boat.......... .

a) long b) length c) along d) longer

23- .............. your hand when you want to ask something.

a) Rise b) Raise c) Arise d) Arouse

24-Prices have ......... a lot recently.

a) raise b) arisen c) risen d) aroused

25- "The Old Man and the Sea" is a fight between one man and ..........

a) nation b) nature c) scenery d) landscape

26-When two countries fight each other, they are at........... .

a) peace b) war c) love d) silence

27-The crew couldn't control the ship during the ........... .

a) holiday b) vacation c) storm d) ball

28-The thief told the police......... detail how he broke into the house.

a) on b) at c) in d) with

29-What do you .......... tea or juice?

a) refer b) prefer c) interfere d) compare

30-My father was ........ great pain after the operation.

a) on b) at c) with d) in

31-According ......... the Press, our national team will be qualified to World Cup Finals.

a) for b) to c) by d) with

32-The old man ......... off in the early morning.

a) sat b)sit c) set d) seat

33-The clown came ........... from a small box.

a) over b) out c) into d) under

34-Smoke was rising from the ............. house.

a) crashing b) fighting c) burning d) sinking

35-President Mubarak raised the Egyptian ......... in Taba.

a) plane b) flag c) kite d) museum

36-Ahmed Zaki was a ........... actor.

a) talented b) terrified c) frightened d) furious

37-A/An ......... number of heavenly bodies are found in the universe.

a) small b) big c) enormous d) believable

38-He got his .............. at Ain Shams University.

a) stair b) grade c) degree c) temperature

39-Novels, poetry and drama form the ......... of a language.

a) learning b) literature c) nature c) headline

40-1 read the .......... of the newspaper before moving to the details.

a) heads b) titles c) headlines d) pictures

* هناك ثلاث أنواع من المقارنة كالآتي :

1- Positive degree مقارنة إيجابية

2- Comparative degree مقارنة بين 2

3- Superlative degree مقارنة بين شخص في مجموعة

* و هناك نوعان من الصفات كالآتي :

1- Short adjectives : صفات ذات مقطع واحد

[ short , long , big , tall , cheap , near , old , young ]

2- Long adjectives : صفات ذات أكثر من مقطع

[ expensive , generous , interesting , beautiful , wonderful ]

1 - Positive Degree

1- Ali is as tall as Hani .

2- The watch is as expensive as the book .

* من الواضح في الأمثلة السابقة أنه عندما تقارن بين شخصين أو شيئين لهما نفس

مقدار الصفة تضع الصفة بين ( as ……… as ) و التي تعنى ( مثل ) و بين

( as ………. as ) تأتى الصفة سواء كانت ذات مقطع واحد أو أكثر .

* لاحظ أيضاً أن فعل الجملة هو ( Be ) ما دامت الصفة في المقارنة

* يجب مراعاة أن بعد ( as ) يأتي ( مفعول ) عبارة عن ( Noun ) أو ضمير مفعول :

( me , him , her , it , you , us , them )

أو ضمير فاعل :( I , he , she , it , you , we , they ) بشرط أن يكون بعده ( فعل ) كالآتي :

She is as young as him .

She is as young as he is .

* عند نفى ( as……….as ) يتم نفى الجملة بوضع ( not ) بعد ( Be ) و تحويل

( as……….as ) إلى ( so……….as) أو يمكن أن تبقى كما هي كالآتي :

* Rami is as tall as Ahmed .

- Rami isn’t as tall as Ahmed .

- Rami isn’t so tall as Ahmed .

2 - Comparative Degree

1- Hala is older than Reda .

2- France is colder than Egypt .

3- The plane is more comfortable than the train .

4- The play is more interesting than the film .

* من الواضح في الأمثلة السابقة أنه عند المقارنة بين شخصين أو شيئين يتفوق

أحدهما على الآخر نضيف للصفة ( er ) و نتبعها بكلمة ( than ) إذا كانت مقطع

واحد أما إذا كانت أكثر من مقطع فيتم وضعها بين

( more….than ) بمعنى ( أكثر من ) أو ( less …..than ) بمعنى ( أقل من )

* يمكن وضع ( much = a lot = far ) والتي تعنى ( جدا جداًً )

أو ( a bit = a little ) و التي تعنى ( إلى حد ما ) ( قليلاً )

قبل الصفات( comparative ) مقارنة بين 2 كالآتي :

( Let’s go by car . It’s much cheaper .

( Don’t go by train . It’s a lot more expensive .

( Her illness was far more serious than we expected .

( Could you speak a bit more slowly ?

لاحظ أيضاً أن ( than ) مثل ( as ) يأتي بعدها ( N. ) أو ضمير مفعول أو ضمير

فاعل بشرط أن يأتي بعده فعل كالآتي :

( She is shorter than me .

( She is shorter than I am .

* لاحظ التركيب الآتي : -

The صفة –er فاعل فعل , the - صفة er فعل فاعل

The more فعل فاعل صفة , the more فعل فاعل صفة

1- The more expensive the hotel ( is ) , the better the service ( is ) .

2- The warmer the weather ( is ) , the better I feel .

3- The more electricity you use , the higher your bill will be .

3 - Superlative Degree

1- Eman is the oldest girl in the class .

2- Cairo is the most crowded city in the world .

* من الواضح في الأمثلة السابقة أن عند مقارنة شخص أو شيء بمجموعة نضع (est)

في نهاية الصفة و نسبقها بـ ( the ) إذا كانت مقطع واحد , أما إذا كانت أكثر من مقطع

فتسبق الصفة بكلمة (the most) و التي تعنى ( الأكثر ) أو (the least)و التي تعنى (الأقل)

* تابع الأمثلة الآتية فلها نفس المعنى :

1- Nader is the funniest person in the office .

( No person is funnier than Nader in the office .

( No person is as funny as Nader in the office .

2- “ The Spiders ” is the most interesting story in the library .

( No story is more interesting than “ The Spiders ” in the library .

( No story is as interesting as “ The Spiders ” in the library .

* لاحظ : إذا انتهت الصفة بحرف ( y ) تحذف الـ ( y) و يوضع ( -ier ) في المقارنة

( comparative ) و ( -iest ) في المقارنة ( superlative ) حتى لو كانت الصفة أكثر

من مقطع ,,,,, كالآتي :

* Lucky luckier * easy easier

luckiest easiest

* Pretty prettier * funny funnier

prettiest funniest

* لاحظ : كلمة ( most ) يمكن أن تعنى ( جداً very ) على ألاّ يوضع قبلها ( the )

كما في المقارنة كالآتي :

( The book you lent me was most = very interesting .

( Thank you for the money . It was most = very generous of you .

* لاحظ الأمثلة الآتية : المقارنة هنا بين 2 ( أختين ، صديقتين )

( Nour is the older of the two sisters .

( Reem is the taller of the two friends .

* لاحظ : بعد المقارنة ( superlative ) يتم استخدام ( in ) مع الأماكن و ( of )

مع غير ذلك كالآتي :

( The Nile is the longest river in the world .

( It was the hottest day of the year .

هناك صفات شاذه قصيره :-

|Good |جيد |Better than |The best |

|Bad |سيء |Worse than |The worst |

|Far |بعيد |Farther than |The farthest |

|Much \ many |كثير |More |The most |

|Little |قليل |less |The least |

Write what you would say in each of the following situations

1- The bag and the box are of the same weight . ( as )

2- Heba and Rania are of the same age . ( as )

3- The car and the flat are of the same price . ( as )

4- The room and the hall are of the same width . ( as )

5- The wall and the house are of the same height . ( as )

6- The house is more expensive than the villa . ( cheap )

7- Hani is fatter than Tamer . ( Tamer isn’t……..)

8- Travelling by plane is more comfortable than travelling by bus . ( ….. isn’t as ……)

9- I drive more carefully than Hani does . ( Hani doesn’t ……..)

10- Everest is the highest mountain in the world . ( higher ) ( high )

11- The Nile is the longest river in the world . ( longer ) ( long )

12- No student is better than Hassan in class . ( good ) ( best )

13- Nothing is as bad as the soup in the meal . ( worse ) ( worst )

14- Ayman is the most courageous man in Hamadayya . ( more ) ( as )

15- This is the tallest man I’ve ever seen . ( such ) ( taller )

16- This is the funniest person I’ve ever met . ( such ) ( funnier )

17- This is the most accurate calculator I’ve ever used . ( such ) ( more )

18- “ The Spiders ” is the most interesting story I’ve ever read . ( such ) ( more )

19- I’ve never bought a cheaper car than Fiat . ( Fiat is ……….. )

20- I’ve never seen such a generous man . ( This is ……….. )

21- I’ve never spoken to a more talkative woman than Nora . ( Nora is ……….. )

22- I’ve never travelled to a farther country than China . ( China is ……… )

23- If you eat much , you will be fat . ( The ………… )

24- If you sleep early , you will feel well . ( The ……….. )

25- If you work hard , you will get high marks . ( The ……….. )

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

1- My house is the …………… one in the area .

a) old b) older c) elder d) oldest

2- It is …………….. difficult exercise I’ve ever done .

a) more b) less c) the most d) most

3- Karam is …………….. of two friends .

a) tall b) the tallest c) the taller d) tallest

4- He is ………….. than he was last week .

a) healthier b) healthiest c) the healthiest d) best

5- The food isn’t so …………….. as it was in the past .

a) good b) worse c) better d) best

6- He is the ……………….. of all workers .

a) helpful b) more helpful c) most helpful d) less helpful

7- My chair is ……………… comfortable as yours .

a) less b) as c) more d) most

8- Mr. Ali is the ………… to leave the office .

a) late b) later c) latest d) last

9- Noha is the …………. of two sisters .

a) old b) elder c) the older d) oldest

10-Hazem is much ……………. than Rami .

a) more intelligent b) most intelligent c) intelligent d) least intelligent

11- Luxor is …………… from Cairo than Mansura .

a) far b) furthest c) farther d) the furthest

12- This car is not ………….. expensive as that one .

a) more b) less c) most d) as

13- George Mallory’s oxygen tank was ………… than those used by

modern climbers .

a) heavier b) lighter c) colder d) bigger

14- Climbing equipment today is ………. Than that used by Mallory .

a) modern b) more modern c) the modernest d) the most modern

15- Tenzing and Hillary were ……….. than Mallory .

a) successful b) less successful c) more successful d) most successful

16- A woolen suit is not as …….. as the clothing climbers use today .

a) waterproof b) more waterproof c) less waterproof d) most waterproof

Test 5

Ali and Ahmed who are talking about Ernest Hemingway:

Ali : Have you read the article written in Al Ahram today?

Ahmed : Yes, I did - It was about.....(1)…………………………………………………………….....

Ali : What do you know about Hemingway's well – known book "The Old Man and the Sea"?

Ahmed : It is shorter than his other novels.

Ali : ......................(2)...................................................................................................?

Ahmed : Many people think this is his most successful book.

Ali :.......................(3).................................................................................................?

Ahmed : He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1953.

Ali : ...............(4)......................................................................................................?

Ahmed : Hemingway lived a very full and exciting life.

1- You start telling a story about a swimmer who drowned.


2- You tell a friend what happened to someone who spent a night in a lifeboat.


3- You end a story about someone who was lost for a week in the desert.


4- Your friend tells you about the brave Egyptian who climbed Everest.


1- A lot of old villagers suffer ........... poverty and illness.

a) in b)at c)from d)for

2- Hemingway had ....;...... an ordinary childhood.

a) extremely b) quite c) fairly d)very

3- Many people think "The Old Man and the Sea" is Hemingway's ........... book.

a) successful b) more successful c) most successful d) less successful

4- "The Old Man and the Sea" is .......... than "A Farewell to Arms".

a) short b) the shortest c) shorter d) shortest

5- Our plane nearly crashed. It was really ..............

a) terrifying b) furious c) exhausted d) frightened

6- Manolin was Santiago's young ............ .

a) son b) nephew c) apprentice d) cousin

7- After the fish took the fisherman's ........... it could not escape.

a) ball b) bait c) bail d) bag

8- The sharks ate the old man's marlin and left only its ............ .

a) skull b)skin c) skill d) skeleton

9- Santiago felt great........... because he had the fishing line round his body.

a) paint b) pad c) pain d) pan

10-Manolin was .................. about Santiago and went to visit him.

a) tired b) excited c) pleased d) worried

Soha went to a bookshop to buy some books. Different books were on a longer shelf in the bookshop. The shelf on the left corner was highest than the shelf on the right corner. The red book wasn't as most expensive as the black one. So, I took the red book and walked slow out of the shop.

An old fisherman decided to sail to catch fish. He caught a ......(1)...... fish but it was so strong that he couldn't bring it to his ....(2).... . The fish pulled the man in his boat for two ....(3)..... and nights, but in the end the fish was more tired than the ....(4)...... . As he was coming back home, he ......(5)....... the fish. He arrived with only the ....(6).... of the fish.

Writers express themselves in words. There are many different kinds of writers, for instance, journalists who report for newspapers and technical writers who explain how machines work. However, many of the best known authors write fiction and are valued for the way they tell stories and how they use language.

A good writer has a style of writing that attracts your attention whether in a long novel or a short poem. Style includes creation of language and how a piece of work is structured.

Children's writers feature children as main characters, and write from the point of view of a child. Children's stories often appeal to the imagination and have a lot of humour. Children's authors choose subjects that are part of a child's world such as school, or the family.

However, many themes of children's writing appeal to old ages, such as love, friendship and adventure. Some writers are famous because they sell lots of books. Others win prizes, such as the Nobel Prize for literature or have a successful film made of their books.

1- What are the different kinds of writers?


2- How can a good writer attract the reader's attention?


3- What subjects appeal to all ages?


4- Why are some writers famous?


5- Children's stories appeal to ........... .

a) children's hearing memory b)what children know

c) children's talents and skills d)children's imagination

6- Writers who write for children choose subjects that are part of the child's ..............

a)town or city b)historic knowledge c)school or family d)social background

7- What does the underlined word "others" refers to?

a)children b)scientists c) writers d) families

1- What is the story "The Old Man and the Sea" about?


2- What did the fish the old man caught first do?


3- What happened to the martin as the old man pulled it?


4- Why do you think the old man went fishing alone?


5- What does this story show us about people tike Santiago?


6- What do you feel about the old man at the end of the story?


What does the writer of" I never forget a face" find difficult to o?


2-What was the writer's wife always complain about?


3-Why does the writer like to live in Bardfield?


4-What does the writer do for a living ?


"Wake up, old fellow! We're there! "

Why did the writer offer to help the man?


What did the man do in the way?


3- Why was the man wanted?




1- Novels and short stories are both kinds of fiction.


2- My teachers are very knowledgeable about their subjects.


لقد حصل إرنست هيمنجواى على جائزة نوبل في الأدب عام 1953


lessons 1 &2

|parts |اجزاء |bright |لامع |

|location |موقع |excited about |يصل الي |

|have a baby |لديه طفل |arrive at |يصل الي |

|classroom |حجره الدراسه |vehicle |مركبه |

|forget |ينسي |arrangement |ترتيب |

|expect |يتوقع |decide |يقرر |

|get wet |يبتل |decision |قرار |

|dark |مظلم |intention |نيه |

|satellite |قمر صناعي |prediction |تنبؤ |

|navigation |ملاحه |evidence |دليل |

|system |نظام |stay |يقيم |

|airbag |وساده هوائيه |fact |حقيقه |

|report |تقرير |leave |يغادر |

|inspector |مفتش |watch |يشاهد |

|traffic jam |ازدحام مروري |energy |طاقه |

|route |طريق |ordinary |عادي |

|modern |حديث |special |خاص |

|fantastic |رائع |batteries |بطاريات |

|news |اخبار |talk |يتحدث |

|stay for dinner |يبقي علي العشاء |inspector |مفتش |

|exhaust |عادم |work on |يطور |

Vocabulary study

( Think of \ think up \ think over

Think of يفكر في

I'm thinking of my future

Think up يخترع

He thought up a wonderful solution to the problem

Think over يفكر بعنايه

Before we buy the house , we should think it over

( Route \ road \ street

Rout طريق من مكان الي اخر

What is the quickest route from here to the station

Road طريق يربط بين مدينتين

They are building a new road between Cairo and Tanta

Street شارع داخل مدينه وعلي جانبيه منازل

There's a cinema in our street

Questions and Answers:

1- How are engines in today's cars better than in the past?

- They burn petrol more efficiently.

2- How are cars that use petrol and batteries better than early electric cars?

- Early electric cars could not store as much fuel as petrol vehicles. The new car can travel further and faster than the early electric cars.

3- What may car batteries use in the future?

- A new type of car battery can make energy out of hydrogen and oxygen.

4- Why is it so important for us to find a replacement for petrol soon?

- Because some time in the future mere will be no oil in the world and we will need energy badly.

5- What is air pollution a big problem for?

- It is a big problem for the environment and people everywhere.

6- What will all cars use in the future?

- In the future, cars will use vegetable oil or batteries.

7- Who and what is to blame for pollution and for damaging the environment?

- We blame people who use cars and factories as the amount of exhaust is increasing.

8- What can we do about the problem of pollution?

- We can use electric cars, cars which burn fuel efficiently, reduce exhaust fumes from factories, plant more trees and move factories to places where no people live. We can also, use public transport sometimes instead of using private cars all the time.

9- What is the reason for air pollution?

- The reason we have for air pollution is that cars, that, lorries and factories produce a lot of exhaust fumes.

10- What is the problem with industry?

- The problem with industry is that it releases huge amounts of other dangerous gases.

- Perhaps we should drive cars on fewer days, use electric cars, use public transport instead of private cars and plant more trees.

11- What will we be able to do one day?

- One day, we will be able to breathe clean air.

1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- A car satellite navigation system tells the speaker the quickest----------

a) underground b) passage c) route d) room

2- The school........... visited our classes last week.

a) conductor b) educator c) inspector d) instructor

3- The speaker thinks it is going to rain because the sky is really…………..

a) sunny b) dark c) fine d) mild

4- I got stuck in a traffic .......... for 45 minutes on the way to work today.

a) jar b)jam c) jaw d) jail

5-Air which is polluted by exhaust can ........... your health.

a) damage b) denounce c)deny d) deposit

6-Now, all cars .......... petrol more efficiently than in the past.

a) burn b)move c) exploit d)form

7 -Air which is polluted by exhaust can damage your health ....... the environment.

a) as well b) also c) or d) as well as

8 -Engineers are now working .......... a new type of car battery.

a)out b) up to c)on d) against

9 -There are people who are for and others who are ............ the

suggestion of using cars on four days a week instead of seven.

a) about b) against c)of d)at

10-My sister is going to have a baby. This is ............ news .

a) fantastic b) disappointing c) sad d) bad

11- All the family is excited .......... the news of my sister having a new baby.

a) on b) of c) at d) about

12-My uncle and his wife are coming this evening. They'll.......... for dinner.

a) sit b) stay c) remain d) order

13-If you sit in a traffic jam hi Cairo; your lungs will fill with the| ......... from cars.

a) dirt b) rubbish c) exhaust d) light

14-A .......... stores electricity for a car, radio or watch.

a) balloon b) bag c) briefcase d) battery

15-A/An .......... protects a car driver in an accident.

a)airbag b)air pollution c)airport d)air raid

16- .................. cars will cause no pollution.

a) Electrical b) Electricity c) Electric d) Electrician

2- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

Air pollution has become a serious problem. It damages health and the .....(1).... as well: .....(2).... fumes can also damage our lungs. So, scientists are trying to ....(3)..... vehicles that run on vegetable oil. ....(4)..... cars using batteries will not affect us badly. When there is no oil ...(5)...., pollution will be less. But we'll have to find a ...(6).... for it.

تكوينه :

Will + المـصــدر

( He will come tomorrow.


الفاعل + will not + المصــــدر

( He won't come tomorrow.

الاستفهام :

اداة الاستفهــام + will \ shall + الفاعـــل + المصــــدر

( When will he come?


( يستخدم للتعبير عن شيء سوف يحدث في المستقبل .

ويستخدم مع الكلمات الاتيه :

Tomorrow , next , in the future , soon , in + تاريخ في المستقبل

( I will give a party next Friday. ( We will live on the moon in the future

تستخدم will للتعبير عن ما ياتي:

1- للتعبير عن حقيقه في المستقبل .

( He will be forty next week.

2- للتبؤ باحداث في المستقبل .

( He will get the first prize.

3- لاتخاذ قرار سريع .

( I'll have some coffee, please.

4- في الطلب او العرض.

( Will you open the door for me, please?

( I'll post the letter for you.

5- لعمل ترتيبات.

( We will see you at the party tomorrow.

6- لعمل وعود او تهديد .

( I'll buy you a mobile phone if you succeed.

( I'll resign if I don't get a pay rise.

تستخدم shall مع الضميرينI, we) ) فقط للتعبير عن ما ياتي:

1- لعمل اقتراحات .

( Shall we go for a walk?

2- لتقديم عروض

( Shall I carry the bag for you?

Going to

تستخدم going to للتعبير عن ما ياتي :

1- للتعبير عن نيه تم التخطيط لها قبل لحظه الكلام .

( He is turning the radio; he is going to listen to the news.

2- للتنبؤ بشيء في المستقبل يوجد عليه دليل.

( The sky is cloudy; I think it's going to rain.


الفاعل + am,is,are not going to + المصدر

( He isn't going to travel to London next week.

الاستفهام :

اداه الاستفهام + am , is , are + الفاعل going to + المصدر ?

( When is he going to visit us?

Choose the correct answer:

1- He hasn't studied hard. I think he-------------------this exam.

|a- will fail |b- fails |c – is going to fail |d- failed |

2- You -------------------it if you aren't careful.

|a- are breaking |b-will break |c – have broken |d- are going to break |

3- My brother -----------------twenty next week.

|a- will be |b- is being |c – is going to be |d- is |

4- The sky is cloudy, I think it-----------------------------------.

|a- is going to rain |b- has rained |c – will rain |d- would rain |

5- The ceiling of the room doesn't look very safe, it ------------------------------------.

|a- will fail |b- is failing |c – is going to fail |d- falls |

6- I'm------------------my uncle at the airport at six o'clock.

|a- going to meet |b- am meeting |c – will meet |d- meet |

7- What will you -------------------tomorrow?

|a- do |b- doing |c – are doing |d- going to do |

8- If you play well, you----------------------the match.

|a- is going to win |b-win |c – will win |d- would win |

9- He -----------------------to London next week, he has booked the tickets.

|a- traveling |b- is traveling |c – will travel |d- travels |

10- He is filling the bucket with water. He -----------------------------the car.

|a- will wash |b- washes |c- has washed |d- is going to wash |

11- We are saving up because we ---------------------------buy a car.

|a- will |b- are being |c – are going to |d- would |

12- You -------------punished if you make that mistake again.

|a- will be |b- is being |c – is going to be |d- is |

13- I------------------work in an hour. I have arranged it with my boss.

|a- will leave |b- am leave |c – will |d- am going to leave |

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) in brackets :-

1- The scientists at NASA have arranged everything to launch Apollo. (launching)

2- My plan is to spend the summer in Alexandria. (going)

3- Mona has decided to buy a new dress . (going)

4- We all expect his success. (succeed)

5- The old man is staggering. He is likely to fall down. (going)

6-1 intend to buy a new car for my wife. (going)

7- It has just come into my mind that I take my family out for dinner. (will)

lessons 3,4 &5

|electric |كهربي |amount |كميه |

|ideas |افكار |recharge |يعيد شحن |

|end |نهايه |discover |يكتشف |

|oil |زيت – بترول |vegetables |نباتي |

|engine |محرك |fields |حقول |

|efficiency |كفاءه |energy |طاقه |

|battery |بطاريه |possible |ممكن |

|replacement for |بديل عن |protect |يحمي |

|pollution |تلوث |jobs |وظائف |

|problem |مشكله |watch |يراقب |

|environment |بيئه |breathe |يتنفس |

|lung |رئه |part |جزء |

|fill |يملأ |forms |اشكال |

|exhaust fumes |عوادم سيارات |fill with |يملأ بــــ |

|damage |تلف |run on |تدار بواسطه |

|health |صحه |farther |ابعد |

|burn |يحرق |blame |يلوم |

|design |يصمم |situation |موقف |

|natural |طبيعي |agree |يوافق |

|store |يخزن |disagree |لا يوافق |

|fuel |وقود |affect |يؤثر علي |

|vehicle |مركبه |price |سعر |

|mean |يعني |suggestion |اقتراح |

|against |ضد |firstly |اولا |

|engineer |مهندس |opinion |راي |

|take over |يتولي مهمه |for |لصالح |

|discuss |يناقش |speaker |متحدث |

|instead of |بدلا من |decide |يقرر |

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

1-Thank you for the ............... you sent for my birthday.

a) card b) cart c) carrot d) cave

2- I'm going to buy a new car with a computer that controls the ......... and reports any problems.

a) engine b) energy c) enterprise d) entrance

3- These days , cars can use ........ made from vegetables.

a) drink b) food c) juice d) oil

4- Cars, buses and lorries cause air ............. .

a) delusion b) raids c) pollution d) illusion

5- A/An ........... protects us from the rain in the street.

a) caller b) sky c) umbrella d) ceiling

6- To ........... means to plan and draw something new, like a house or engine.

a) describe b) descend c) derive d) design

7............ is a gas in the air that we need to live.

a) Hydrogen b) Oxygen c) Carbon dioxide d) Methane

8............ are parts of our body that fill with air when we breathe.

a) Test b) Kidneys c) Lungs d) Fingers

9- Scientists have ............. engines which use natural gas.

a) drawn b) painted c) designed d) discovered

10 -Many buses in Cairo and other cities use ....... gas.

a)general b)genuine c) natural d) artificial

11-In an electric car, when the battery is empty, the petrol engine takes ............

a) after b)over c)part d) action

12-Scientists have also discovered that cars can run .......... vegetable oil.

a) across b)on c)away d)after

13-Some time in the future, there will be no oil in the world, so we need to find a/an ............. for petrol.

a) engagement b) replacement c)enjoyment d) entertainment

14-Many people are ............... by pollution.

a) affected b) aroused c) awoken d) engaged

15 -We .......... he will come back tomorrow.

a) expect b) expected c) hoped d) believed

16-Pollution ........ the environment badly.

a) predicts b) affects c) blames d) protects

17 -We don't know who is to blame .......... pollution.

a)for b)on c)at d)out

18 -Although we need industry, it leads ............... pollution.

a)from b)at c)of d)to

19 -To ............ the environment, people should only drive their cars on four days a week.

a) make b) damage c) protect d)keep

20 -The problem of pollution is ........... worse every year.

a) going b) getting c) coming d) being


1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1-1 expect Ahmed ............ through his exams.

a) is getting b) is going to get c) will get d) would get

2- There is too little petrol left. The car ........... .

a) stop b) is going to stop c) is stopping d) stops

3- Mum, I know you're busy cooking. I........ who it is at the door.

a) am seeing b) will see c) am going to see d) would see

4- We .............. a party tomorrow at 7 pm for Maha's birthday.

a)have given b)give c)giving d)are giving

5- Nader .......... 20 next week.

a) is being b) will be c) is going to be d) is

6- Both families have prepared everything for the wedding. Salah and Sameeha ......... married next Thursday.

a) will get b) are getting c) are going to get d) would get

7- The captain said, "One of the engines has broken down. I........the plane."

a) am landing b) am going to land c) will land d) land

8- The national team is attacking hard. They .......... a goal.

a) will score b) Were scoring c) will be scoring d ) are going to score

9- We've run out of petrol. I,............ some.

a) am getting b) will get c) going to get d) would get

10-What do you intend to do? -1............ abroad.

a) travelling b) travel c) am travelling d) am going to travel

11-Has everything been arranged? - Yes. The boss .......... for London tomorrow morning.

a) has left b) will leave c) is leaving d) is going to leave

12-A: You see that old lady who can't lift her bag? B: I........... her with the bag.

a) am helping b) am going to help c) help d) helped

13- What are your family's plans for the weekend? - They .......... it on the farm.

a) will spend b) are spending c) are going to spend d) would spend

14-A: What have they decided to do?

B: They........... the small factory next month.

a) have sold b) are selling c) are going to sell d) will sell

Rewrite the following sentences:

1- I'm going to decorate my room. (decided)

2- "I'll cut the electric current if you don't pay the bill." ( he threatened)

3- He planned to start anew business. ( going to)

4- We have arranged to hold a meeting tomorrow. ( we are)

5- I've arranged to give my wedding party next week. (I'm)

6- Her aim in life is to become an engineer. ( will)

7- I plan to build the second floor next week. (going)

8- I don't intend to do this work again. (going)

9- He said" shall I post the letter for you" (offered)

8- 10- father said" I'll buy you a computer if you succeed" (promised

3- Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph:

Adel has finished his exam. We expect he will being back tomorrow. We are gone to wait for him at the train station. If he doesn't come by train, we would look for him at the bus station. We have arranged everything for his stay, so he is spend a wonderful summer holiday.


Translate into Arabic:

In fact, pollution is considered man's enemy. Many of our serious diseases are due to the different kinds of pollution. The government all over the world should co-operate to put an end to this serious problem.

Translate into English:

يجب ان نشجع الطلاب علي الاشتراك في الانشطه المدرسيه.

Test 6

A- Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue :

Finish the following dialogue between you and the representative of the Green Party (Gp):

Representative : Have you read the article written in Al Ahram today?

You :......................(1).................?

Representative : I represent the Green Party. Have you heard about it before?

You : ..........(2)............. Give me an idea about its activity, please.

Representative : The Green Party is concerned with the environment.

You : So you are trying to keep the environment healthy, ............(3)........... ?

Representative : Exactly! We're looking for new members, sir. …………..(4)………….?

You : I'd love to. It's an honour to be a member of the Green Party.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations

1- You are for the suggestion of banning cars from going into the city centre.

2- You are against your father's suggestion that women shouldn't be given equal rights as men.

3- You agree with your friend's suggestion that mothers shouldn't take part in public life.

4- You agree that people should only drive their cars for four days a week.

B- Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- Scientists have discovered that cars can run on vegetable ...........

a) oil b) flour c) butter d) meat

2- Air which is ........... by exhaust fumes can damage your health as well as the environment.

a) damaged b) infected c) polluted d) filled

3- Some time in the future, there will be no oil in the world, so we need to find a ............ for petrol as soon as possible.

a) place b) placement c) replacement d) seat

4- When the battery is empty, the petrol engine takes over and when the car uses petrol this .......... the battery.

a) charges b) changes c) rechanges d) recharges

5- Scientists have ........... engines which use natural gas.

a) built b) set up c) constructed d) designed

6- A : We havent't got any tea. B): OK. I................ some.

a) am going to get b) I'll get c) 'm getting d) get some

7- A : Why are you turning on the television? B) : ............................ the news.

a) I am going to watch b) I'll watch c) I'm watching d) I watch

8- A : Has everything been arranged for your travel?

B: ..................... tomorrow afternoon.

a) I'll leave b) I'm leaving c) I am going to leave d) I leave

9- A : What about your age?

B : .............. 16 on Saturday.

a) I'm being b) I'm going to be c) I'll be d) I am

10-A : You look very happy. Have you had good news?

B : Yes, my sister ................ a baby.

a) is having b) having c) is going to have d) would have

4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets

1- She plans to spend the weekend on the farm. (going)

2-1 have arranged to get married next month. (getting)

3- When are you travelling to Italy? (intend)

4- We are going to spend a week in Hurghada. (plan)

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

Air pollution is a big problem for the people and the environment.If you get stuck in a traffic ......(1)...... in Cairo, your lungs will fill with the ....(2).... fumes from cars. This pollution can damage the ....(3)..... . Scientists have designed engines which use natural ....(4).... . Electric cars use ....(5).... . Scientists have also discovered that cars can run on ....(6)..... oil.

C- Reading Comprehension and Set Books

6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

In the year 2020, you will drive your smart car along the motor way from Cairo to Aswan. If something goes slightly wrong with its engine and you don't know what the fault is, the computer in your car will take over. It will work out what's wrong and do what needs to be done. It will then connect to the internet to find the nearest garage which carries spare parts that will put your car right. It will contact them by e-mail. Your car computer would ask when you would like to have your car mended. Thus your car's computer will not only inform you of the problem, it will also solve it for you.

One of the world's first smart cars was on show in London in 1999. In this car, a computer screen shows the driver where he or she is and if they get lost, it can give them turn by turn directions to their destination.

The smart car can also tell the driver exactly where his or her vehicle is. The driver can phone the computer in the car and find out its location.

A- Answer the following questions :

1- How will the car of the future solve technical problems?

2- How do some modern cars help the driver to find his or her way?

3- How will the smart car help the driver to find its place?

4- What does the underlined word 'It" refer to?

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

5- The smart car of the future will help you to ............ .

a) buy spare parts b) build a garage

c) hire a mechanic d) know what the fault is in your car's engine

6- The computer will contact your car by ................

a) messages b) letters

c) e-mails d) contacts

7- If the driver forgot where he parked, the car computer tells him

a) the distance from the car b) the place of the car

c) the destination to go there d) the way to find it

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions :

1- How are engines in today's cars better than in the past?

2- How are cars that use petrol and batteries better than early electric cars?

3- Why do we need to find a replacement for petrol as soon as possible?

4- Who, do you think, is to blame for pollution?

5- Suggest solutions to the problem of air pollution.

6- In the future cars will use vegetable oil. What is your opinion?

E- Writing

9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about :

"The suggestion that people should only drive their cars for four days a week."

F- Translation

10- A) Translate into Arabic :

1- Air pollution is a, big problem for the environment and the people everywhere.

2- In the future, all cars will use vegetable oil which means that farmers will be able to grow fuel in their fields.

B) Translate into English :

نحن فى حاجة إلى البحث عن بديل للبترول بأسرع ما يمكن.


lessons 1 &2

|subject |موضوع |domestic |اليف |

|worry |يقلق |dirty |قذر |

|bird flu |انفلونزا الطيور |lion |اسد |

|expert |خبير |elephant |فيل |

|humans |البشر |wild |بري |

|illness |مرض |invention |اختراع |

|catch |يمسك – يصاب بــــ |rule |قاده |

|short |قصير |law |قانون |

|unusual |غير عادي |suggestion |اقتراح |

|kind |نوع |advice |نصيحه |

|infect |يصيب |smoke |دخان |

|infected birds |طيور مصابه |hospital |مستشفي |

|extremely |جدا جدا |eat |ياكل |

|caller |متصل |weekend |نهايه الاسبوع |

|outbreak |انتشار |game |لعبه |

|believe |يؤمن – يصدق |fast |سريع |

|expert |خبير |motorway |طريق سريع |

|disease |مرض |area |منطقه |

|disappear |يختفي |get fit |يكون لائق بدنيا |

|under control |تحت السيطره |put on weight |يزداد في الوزن |

|wild birds |طيور بريه | remember |يتذكر |

|farm birds |طيور المزارع |late |متاخر |

|chickens |دجاج |library |مكتبه |

|animals |حيوانات |hit |يصدم |

|protect |يحمي |cross |يعبر |

|touch |يلمس |quiet |هادىء |

|wash |يغسل |attract |يجذب |

|hungry |جوعان |germs |جراثيم |

phrasal verbs

|Break |

|break يكسر ينكسر |

|break away يهرب |

|break down يتعطل ينهار |

|break into/in يقتحم |

|break out ( تنشب ( نار /حرب |

|break through ينفذ – يجتاز |

|Look |

|look ينظر – يبدو |look after يعتنى ب |

|look forward يتطلع |look for يبحث عن |

|look like يشبه |look up to يحترم |

|look up (معنى يبحث عن ( |look around يتجول بعينيه |

|look down on يحتقر |look out يحترس |

|take |

|take يأخذ /يستغرق |take place يحدث |

|take part يشارك |take out يخرج |

|take away يأخذ بعيدا |take in يخدع |

|take off ( يخلع /تقلع (للطائر |take after يشبه |

|take to يدمن / يلازم |take over يتولى |

( include (قائمة داخل يشمل / يتضمن )

(The list includes his name.

( contain (احد المكونات يحتوي على شيء )

(It contains rice.

( consist of يتكون من ( شيء مكون من عده اجزاء)

(The team consists of 11 players.


(In a hurry ( ( في عجله من امره مستعجل

(In a rush ( ( في عجله من امره مستعجل

(In a haste ( ( في عجله من امره مستعجل


(die (of / from ) يموت بسبب ( die away يختفي – ينتهى

(die out = extinct ينقرض ( die for يشتاق إلى

Questions and answers:

1- Why is cleanliness important?

- It protects us from infections.

2- What does cleanliness include?

- It includes hygiene and sanitation.

3- What is the difference between hygiene and sanitation?

- Hygiene is your personal cleanliness and sanitation is public cleanliness.

4- What can bad hygiene and sanitation cause?

- They can cause many stomach infections.

5- Can we see germs? Why?

- We can't see germs because they are very small.

6- Was the second child infected because he ate the chocolate?

- No. He was infected because he ate germs from the first child's dirty hands.

7- What should we do before meals?

- We should wash our hands.

8- How should we keep food? Why?

- We should cover food to stop flies landing on it.

9- Why mustn’t we have dirty dishes or pieces of food lying around?

- Because they attract insects which pass infections to us.

10- How often should one bathe or wash?

- One should bathe more often in hot weather and after taking exercise.

11- What happens if you eat food from a damaged tin?

- You become ill because food from a damaged tin can be bad and poisonous.

Choose the correct answer:

1- Three hundred people died .......... bird flu.

a) by b) about c) on d) of

2- Bird......... is a disease which both farm and wild birds may catch.

a) cold b) cough c) flu d) illness

3-………………protects us from infections diseases.

a) Clean b) Cleanly c) Cleaned d) Cleanliness

4- The ................ of AIDS in the world started in Africa.

a) break in b) outbreak c) breakthrough d) break

5- The change of the climate is a problem that....... the whole world.

a) catches b) pleases c) worries d) covers

6- its hard for you.......... Everest.

a) climbing b) to climb c) climb d) climbed

7- Dishes lying around........... flies.

a) attend b) attempt c) attract d) attack

8- I go to a ........... where I take exercise.

a) game b) gym c) goal d) gang

9-She ............... on a lot of weight as a result of eating much fat.

a) set b) put c) laid d) lied

10- ............ is personal cleanliness.

a) Sanitation b) Hygiene c) Laundry d) Soap

11- Sanitation is.............. cleanliness.

a) personal b) special c) secret d) public

12-You may catch bird flu if you .......... a bird that has the disease.

a) see b) hear c) touch d) listen to

13............... is another word for disease.

a) Ill b) Illness c) Sick d) Sickly

14- You mustn't............. in a hospital.

a) eat b) drink c) walk d) smoke

15-How........... should I drive? - At 90 kph.

a) often b) far c) fast d) many

16-Asia has a vast......... of land.

a) era b) area c) dear d) oar

17-Scientists all over the world think the disease is ............ control.

a) below b) under c) beneath d) underneath

2- Read the text below, and then write the word which best fits each space:

There are some rules that you should follow to protect yourself from diseases......(1)...... your hands before you eat. You should also .....(2)...... more often in hot weather. You shouldn't leave dirty dishes ....(3)...... around. .....(4)...... food so that flies don't land on it. .....(5)..... tap water before drinking it. If you follow these rules, you won't..... (6)...... any disease.


Translate into Arabic:

A lot of people don't choose the job that suits them. They don't succeed because they don't care for their abilities. The youth can begin small projects that appealed to them.

Translate into English:

( الصحه تاج علي رؤس الاصحاء لا يعرفه الا المرضي .

lessons 3,4 &5

|limit |حد |public |عام |

|ride |يركب |micro |دقيق – صغير |

|pick |يلتقط |organisms |كائنات |

|noise |ضوضاء |stomach |معده |

|pass |يمر |fly |يطير |

|meal |وجبه |poisonous |سام |

|weather |طقس |look after |يعتني بـ |

|sweet |حلو |spread |ينتشر |

|move |يحرك |disease |مرض |

|kettle |غلايه |multiply |يتكاثر |

|electrical |كهربي |hot |حار |

|restaurant |مطعم |ill |مريض |

|dishes |اطباق |fresh |طازج |

|sink |يغوص |cause |يسبب |

|smoke |دخان |sick |مريض |

|cleanliness |النظافه |recover |يشفي من |

|happiness |السعاده |hygiene |النظافه الشخصيه |

|carelessness |الاهمال |safe |امن |

|loneliness |الوحده – العزله |keep safe |يبقي امن |

|politeness |الادب |advertisement |اعلان |

|happy |سعيد |useful |مفيد |

|polite |مهذب |seat belt |حزام امان |

Questions & Answers

1- How dangerous is out-of-date food?

- Out-of-date food can be poisonous, so it can pass infection or illness to us.

2- What should parents teach then- children? Why?

- Parents should teach their children the rules of hygiene and sanitation to protect them from infections.

3- What happens if a child is dirty?

- A duty child may become ill or pass infection to other children.

4- How should our hospitals be like?

- Our hospitals should be well-equipped, clean and hygienic.

5- What other places that should be clean and hygienic?

- Restaurants, schools, universities and all public places where a lot of people gather should be clean and hygienic.

6- What would you say to a mother whose child is dirty?

- Please, take care of your child; keep him clean to protect him from infections.

7- hoe can you make sure water is safe to drink?

Boil it before drinking

8- where did the outbreak of bird flu begin?

In Asia

9- what kind of animals and birds can catch bird flu?

Chickens , all kinds of birds and domestic animals like cats.

10- why shouldn’t humans be worried about bird flu?

Because it’s very unusual for humans to catch bird flu

11- what should humans do to protect themselves from bird flu?

If you have touched an infected bird , you must wash very well.

If you think you nay have the disease, you must see your doctor.

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1-You should .......... more often in hot weather.

a) breathe b) bathe c) pass d) press

2- ………..of food mustn’t be out – of – date.

a) Teens b) Tens c) Tins d) Tunes

3-Don't leave dirty dishes or pieces of food ............ around.

a) led b) lied c) lying d) laying

4-You must........ food to protect it from flies.

a) uncover b) cover c) discover d) recover

5- Can you predict what will .......... wrong if you eat bad food?

a) go b) leave c) come d) travel

6-Computer labs should be ............ with modern sets.

a) built b) equipped c) painted d) cleaned

7 -Children are interested in watching ......... of sweets on TV.

a) clips b) films c) cartoons d) advertisements

8 -If you are on a plane,.............. your seat belt.

a) wind b) wear c) worry d) wash

9-If you follow the rules of cleanliness, you are ....... from many diseases.

a) in danger b) dangerous c) safe d) saving

10- Children adore…………..

a) chocolate b) charity c) cheetah d) charge

11-His car ............ mine but there was no damage.

a) kicked b) hit c) heated d) hated

12-Children of the neighbourhood go ............... in a nearby park.

a) sailing b) cycling c) swimming d) fishing

13-Don't ever.............. flowers in a garden.

a) pack b) bake c) pick d) book

14-We must........ touching chickens infected with bird flu.

a) love b) avoid c) avail d) verify

15-Bird flu can ............ from an infected bird to another.

a) go b) pass c) leave d) move

16-He was so tired because of .......... hard.

a) work b) working c) worked d) works

17-You have to be careful.............. your health.

a) on b) about c) by d) to

18-Flies are dangerous ......... that can carry diseases from human to human.

a) birds b) insects c) animals d) fish

19-Don't allow flies to ............ on your food.

a) sit b) land c) go d) walk

20- ................... is a source of germs.

a) Cleanliness b) Hygiene c) Sanitation d) Dirt

21-If you .......... tap water, it's safe.

a) boil b) hit c) hear d) hinder

22-The food .......... delicious.

a) smells b) tastes c) feels d) touches

23- A ............. is someone who makes a telephone call.

a) seller b) caller c) cellar d) cell

24-............. can catch bird flu from infected birds.

a) Machines b) Humans c) Robots d) Planes

25-The disease hasn't disappeared yet. It's .......... with us.

a) no longer b) still c) yet d) no more

| |

|Modal verbs |

|Necessity and lack of Necessity الضـــرورة ونقـــص الضــــرورة |

| |with | Present المضــــارع | |

| |Necessity الضـــرورة |

| | |

|It is necessary | |

| |must – have to – has to + مصـــــدر |

| | |

| |You must study hard. الإلـزام مـن جـانـب المتكلـم |

| | |

| |You have to study hard. الإلـزام مـن الظـروف الخارجيـة |

| |He has to study hard. |

| | |

| |It is necessary to pay the money. |

| |You must ( have to ) pay the money. |

| | lack of Necessity نقـــص الضـــرورة |

| | |

|It is not necessary | |

| | |

| |needn't - don't have to - doesn't have to + مصــدر |

| |You needn't study hard. must لنـفـى |

| |You don't have to study hard. |

| |He doesn't have to study hard. |

| | |

| |It is not necessary to buy meat. |

| |You needn't ( don't have to ) buy meat. |

| |with | Past الماضــى | |

| | Necessity الضـــرورة |

| | |

|It was necessary | |

| |had to + مصـــدر |

| |You had to study hard. |

| |He had to study hard. |

| | |

| |It was necessary for her to take a taxi. |

| |She had to take a taxi. |

| | lack of Necessity نقــص الضـــرورة |

| | |

| | |

|It was not necessary | |

| |didn't have to + inf شئ لـم يكـن مهـم ولذلـك لـم أفعلـه |

| | |

| |needn't have + pp شئ لـم يكـن مهـم ولكـن فعـلتـه |

| |I didn't have to take a taxi. ( I didn't take a taxi ) |

| |I needn't have taken a taxi. ( I took a taxi ) |

| | |

| |It was not necessary for her to buy bread as I bought. |

| |She didn't have to buy bread. |

| | |

| |It was not necessary for me to buy milk but I bought. |

| |I needn't have bought milk. |

| |with |Future المسـتقبـــل | |

| |Necessity الضــــرورة |

| | |

|It will be necessary | |

| | |

| |will have to + مصــدر |

| | |

| |You will have to study hard. |

| | |

| |It will be necessary to bring your car. |

| |You will have to bring your car. |

| |lack of Necessity نقـــص الضـــرورة |

| | |

|It will not be necessary | |

| | |

| |won't have to + مصــدر |

| | |

| |You won't have to study hard. |

| | |

| |It will not be necessary to buy food tomorrow. |

| |You won't have to buy food tomorrow. |

Should - Ought to + inf & Shouldn’t - Ought not to + inf

| |It is advisable to | |

| | | |

| | | |

|+ المصـــــدر | |Should = |

| |It is desirable to | |

| |I advise you to | |

| |If I were you, I would | |

| |It would be a good idea to | |

| |it is a good thing to | |

| |You had better | |

| |You would rather | |

❖ تستخـدم Should عنـدما نقـول أنـه مـن الأفضـل أن نفعـل الشـئ فـى المضـارع .

You should / ought to see that film if you get the chance.

= It would be a good idea to see that film.

❖ تستخـدم Should عنـدما نطـلب أو نعـطى رأيـا عـن شـئ مـا .

A. Do you think we should / ought to ask before we borrow the car ?

B. I think you should / ought to look for another job.

❖ تستخـدم Should عنـدما نقـول أن الشـئ غيـر صحيـح وليس ما نتـوقعـه .

Why are those students playing in the yard?

They should / ought to be inside the classroom.

❖ تستخـدم Should عنـدما نقـول أن الشـئ محتمـل حـدوثـه .

I should be late at work this afternoon I have a lot of work to do.

|Shouldn't + المصــــدر |

❖ ليـس مـن الصـواب أو المنصـوح بـه أن تفعـل الشـئ .

| |It is not advisable to | |

| | | |

| | | |

|+ المصـــــدر | |Shouldn't = |

| |It is not desirable to | |

| |I advise you not to | |

| |If I were you, I wouldn't | |

| |It would not be a good idea to | |

| |It is not a good thing to | |

| |You had better not | |

| |You would rather not | |

You shouldn’t stay up late.

= It is not advisable ( inadvisable ) to stay up late.

= I advise you not to stay up late.

Should + have + pp Shouldn’t have + pp

Should + have + pp

❖ تلـوم شخـص على عـدم فعـل شـئ كـان مـن المفـروض أن يفعـله .

You should have told me you were coming. I didn’t expect you.

He should have helped his friend but he didn’t.

Shouldn’t have + pp

❖ تلـوم شخـص على فعـل شـئ خطـأ كـان مـن المفـروض أن لا يفعـله .

He shouldn’t have parked his car in a no parking place..

He shouldn’t have driven on the wrong side of the street.

❖ ملحوظــة :ـ يمكـن استخـدام ought to بـدلا مـن should ولكـن ought to لا تستخدم كثيراً فى النفى لذلك تستخـدم Shouldn’t بـدلا منهـا .

| |

|Exercise |

4- Rewrite the following sentences, using the word(s) in brackets:

1. It was necessary for him to take a taxi as he was late. ( He )

2. Is it necessary for him to attend the party ? ( Does he )

3. You mustn’t park here. There is a “No parking” sign. ( allow )

4. It’s necessary for us to take a taxi to get there on time. ( must )

5. You mustn’t smoke here. ( smoking )

6. Samira bought some eggs. At home she found plenty of eggs. ( needn’t )

7. It is not necessary to do your homework tonight. ( needn’t )

8. I advise you to work hard to succeed. ( should )

9. It wasn’t necessary for him to accept her invitation to dinner. ( needn’t )

10. Turn off the lights before going to bed . ( should )

11. Why did you come late ? ( should have )

12. You shouldn’t waste your time. ( advise )

13. Why did you smoke here? ( shouldn’t have )

14. I didn’t know the time of the meeting and you didn’t tell me. ( should have )

15. Why did you leave your bike here? ( shouldn’t have)

16. It is advisable to read a lot in your spare time. ( should )

17. Why didn’t you tell me the fact? ( should have )

18. It is inadvisable to waste your time in doing silly things. ( shouldn’t )

19. Rubbish mustn't be thrown in the street . ( Do not )

20. Don't put hot cups on this table . ( shouldn't be )

21. It’s very cold. He was walking along road without a coat. ( shouldn’t have )

22. It is not necessary that parcel yourself. The shop will send it. ( you don't )

23. It is not necessary to write the report today. ( have )

24. He took a taxi. It wasn't necessary to do so. ( have )

25. It is necessary for him to drive us to the cinema. ( had to )

26. It will be necessary for us to get up early. ( We )

27. It was not necessary to walk. He took us in his taxi. ( We )

Test 7

A- Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue :

Ahmed is talking to his friend. Osama about bird flu.

Ahmed : Can humans catch bird flu?

Osama : .........(1).......... .More than 300 people caught it.

Ahmed : ..........(2)...................... .

Osama : You shouldn't worry like that. ............(3)...............?

Ahmed : The recent outbreak of bird flu began in Asia in 2003.

Osama : What should people do to protect themselves from bird flu?

Ahmed : ................(4).................... .

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations :

1- You advise your friend not to spend too much money.

2- Your brother is ill and you give him advice.

3- Your sister is opening a tin. It looks damaged and the food smells bad. Advise her.

4- You advise your schoolmates to keep your school clean.

118. B- Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- Experts believe the recent ........ of bird flu started in Asia in 2003.

a) outcome b) output c) outline d) outbreak

2- .............. is extremely important in protecting us from infections.

a) Clearance b) Cleanliness c) Cleverness d) Closure

3- You must never eat food that smells bad because it may be ........

a) delicious b) generous c) poisonous d) efficient

4- You must not leave pieces of food or dirty dishes lying around, because they will .......... flies.

a) attach b) attend c) attempt d) attract

5- If a child has dirty hands, they will be covered with ............ .

a) germs b) cream c) paste d) soap

6- You ............ park your car in a no parking area.

a) should b) needn't c) must d) mustn't

7- You ............ wash if you have touched an infected bird

a) should b) must c) mustn't d) shouldn't

8- You really need to get fit. You ........ go to the gym more often.

a) should b) couldn't c) shouldn't d) needn't

9- A ................... may cause a serious infection.

a) gym b) verb c) virus d) rule

10-You ........ try playing basketball. It's a great game.

a) must b) should c) shouldn't d) mustn't

4- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s;

1-1 advise you to study hard. (should)

2- It is necessary for you to get a passport to travel abroad, (must)

3- You are not allowed to park your car here. (mustn't)

4- It is inadvisable to waste your time. (shouldn't)

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

There are some of the rules of hygiene. You should always wash your ....(1).... before a meal. You should have a ......(2)..... or wash once a day in hot weather or when you have been running or been to the ....(3)..... You should be very careful about the ...,(4)..... you eat and the water you drink. Make sure that ....(5)..... and other insects do not land on your food. You must not leave pieces of food or dirty ...(6).... lying around.

6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

Being healthy means being free of disease or injury and able to lead a fulfilling, active life. Many factors contribute to a person's health including genes, the environment, nutrition, life style and luck.

In poor countries, dirty water and lack of adequate food are among the main causes of poor health. Infectious diseases such as Malaria and AIDS are also major problems especially in countries that cannot afford modern drugs and medical equipment. In rich countries, health problems are more often caused by people's life style.

Anything that damages the body or how it works, can be called a disease. Some diseases are caused by micro-organisms, germs, others by injury or poisons from the body itself. Nearly all diseases can be treated by modern medicine to some extent.

The most common infectious diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses. Bacteria are single - celled organisms that live outside our cells. They multiply in blood fluids and wounds. Many are killed with drugs called antibiotics. Viruses are microscopic particles with their own genetic material. They live in pur cells and take them over, but cannot survive without them.

A- Answer the following questions :

1- What does being healthy mean?

2- What are the factors that contribute to a person's health?

3- What are the main causes of poor health in poor countries?

4- Give your opinion about lifestyle affecting health.

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

5- In countries that cannot afford modern drugs, diseases such as ........... are major problems.

a) stomachaches b) headaches c) Malaria and AIDS d) colds and flu

6- Anything that damages the body or how it works, can be called a/ an ............. .

a) germ b) disease c) insect d) pest

7- Bacteria are single- celled organisms that multiply in ........... .

a) clean water b) healthy food c) blood fluids and wounds d) balanced diet

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions :

1- Why is cleanliness important?

2- What should you always do before a meal?

3- How should you keep food?

4- Why, do you think, it is important to follow rules of health?

5- In your opinion, how can parents make sure that their children learn the rules of cleanliness?

6- What do you think of public hospitals in Egypt?

119. E- Writing

9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about :

"How to avoid illness by following pieces of advice on the rules of good health"

120. F- Translation

10- A) Translate into Arabic :

1- A piece of useful advice to avoid road accidents is to wear a seat belt even if you are not going very far.

2- If you have touched an infected bird, you must wash very well in order not to catch bird flu.

B) Translate into English :

من المهم جداً أن تكون الأماكن العامة ، مثل المطاعم والفنادق والمستشفيات والمدارس ، نظيفة وصحية.


lessons 1 &2

|quiz |سباق |probably |من المحتمل |

|writer |كاتب |owner |مالك |

|wife |زوجه |learn |يتعلم |

|play |مسرحيه |describe |يصف |

|theatre |مسرح |love |حب |

|idea |فكره |discover |يكتشف |

|sure |متاكد |rich |غني |

|actor |ممثل |part owner |مالك لجزء من |

|patron |كفيل |family |اسره |

|perform |يمثل |good at |جيد في |

|group |مجموعه |noise |ضوضاء |

|retired |متقاعد |marry |يتزوج |

|life |حياه |farmer |فلاح |

|glove maker |صانع قفازات |poems |قصائد |

|leave |يترك |well known |معروف |

|financial |مالي |make money |يكسب مال |

|problems |مشكلات |king |ملك |

|opposite |عكس |successful |ناجح |

|feelings |مشاعر |story |قصه |

|beginning |بدايه |talk |يتحدث |

Language Notes

actor ممثل

Daniel Craig is the actor who plays James Bond.

Patron راعى. مشجع . مؤيد

Without his rich patron Shakespeare wouldn't have been a successful writer.

perform يؤدى ( دور )

Shakespeare often performed in his own plays.

perform ( an operation ) يجرى جراحة

Professor Magi Yaqoub performed a lot of operations on the heart.

theatre المسرح

You can see films in the cinema and plays in the theatre.

Retireيتقاعد . يطلع على المعاش . إعتزل

In 1611, Shakespeare left London and retired to Stratford.

Obvious واضح

Easy to understand

Wander يتجول

He wondered aimlessly in the street.

Wonder يتسائل

I wonder why you don’t pray.


I can easily beat my rivals in tennis

Music موسيقى

Abd Elwahab was a great musician.

Musician موسيقار

Abd Elwahab was a great musician.

Compose يؤلف موسيقي

He awarded a prize for composing soft music.

Composer مؤلف موسيقى. مؤلف نغمات

Mohamed Elmogy was a famous composer.

Music-poetry-stories-novels-drama ( write

He is able to write music as well as poetry.

Singer مطرب . مغنى

Amr Deiab is a singer.

Poem قصيدة

The first thing Shakespeare wrote was a long poem

Poet شاعر

Hassan Ibn Thabet was the poet of prophet Mohammed.

poetry فن الشعر

Farouk Gowaida writes poetry.

Prose فن النثر

Newspaper articles are written in prose.

diary (diaries( يوميات"تدوين يومي لأحداث تحث للانسان

He keeps his own diaries in a secret place.

diary كتاب يدون فيه الانسان اشياء يقوم بها في المستقبل

A: Can you come on Monday?

B: I'll just look in my diary to see if I'm free.

dairy معمل ألبان

Butter and cheese are made in the dairy.

Dairy مائدة

I went to the dairy to get some cheese and eggs.

Questions and answers:

1. When did Shakespeare start writing plays?

-In 1588.

2. What are Shakespeare’s most famous plays?

- Romeo and Juliet (1596).

- A Mid summer Night’s Dream (1596).

- Hamlet (1601).

King Lear (1606).

- Macbeth (1606).

3-How many plays did he write a year?

- He wrote two plays a year.

4. What was unusual about the date on which Shakespeare was born and died?

It was the same date: April 23rd .

5. What did Shakespeare’s father do?

- He was a glove maker.

6. What was the first thing Shakespeare wrote?

- The first thing he wrote was a long poem.

7. Why did he go to London?

- Because he wanted to become an actor.

8. When did he start school?

- He started school when he was 7.

9. What was “Venus and Adonis”?

- It was one of Shakespeare’s longest poems.

10. Why did Shakespeare have a lot of money?

- Because he part-owned the Globe Theatre.

11- Why does King Lear decide to give up his country?

Because he is old.

12- What does he want to know from his daughters?

He wants to know how much they love him.

13-What do Goneril and Regan tell their father?

They tell their father that they love him much more than they really do.

14- Why is Cordelia sent away to France?

Because she doesn't know how to describe her love for her father.

15- What happens to Cordelia when the king sends her away to France?

She goes to live there where she marries the king.

16- What terrible mistake does King Lear make?

He gives his country and money to his two daughters Goneril and Regan who don't treally love him.


1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1-Some parents can't send their children to secondary school because of....... problems.

a) financial b) sport c) health d) pollution

2- Shakespeare's father was a .......... maker.

a) hat b) shoe c) glove d) dress

3- The earthquake ............ a lot of damage to the city.

a) made b)did c)put d)kept

4- Shakespeare was a/an ......... owner of the Globe Theatre.

a) all b) whole c) part d)full

5- A/An ............. performs in a film, serial or play.

a) patron b) actor c) novelist d) writer

6- We went to the theatre to watch a new .......... .

a) poem b) play c) film d) match

7- In addition to his famous plays, Shakespeare wrote great......... .

a) films b) short stories c) novels d) poems

8- Most theatre groups depend on ........ to support their activity.

a) patrons b) leaders c) assistants d) grocers

9- Shakespeare was interested in ............ in his own plays.

a) sleeping b) performing c) writing d) watching

10- When he grew old, Shakespeare .......... to Stratford.

a)left b) lived c) retired d) looked

11-As one of his longest poems was very successful, Shakespeare became ................ .

a) unknown b) famous c) unpopular d) unusual

12-"The King's Men" was the theatre ........... that Shakespeare wrote plays for.

a) factory b) group c)firm d) institute

13-Lear..... his daughter, Cordelia away when she failed to describe her love for him.

a) sent b) posted c)put d)kept

14-Basim ............ around the village not knowing where exactly to

a) wondered b) wandered c) wanted d) weighed

15-Cordelia and the French ................ couldn't save Lear.

a) workers b) soldiers c) farmers d) sellers

16-Lear ......... that Goneril and Regan didn't really love him.

a) discovered b) described c) disabled d) delayed

17-What is most important about a leader is his ability to ............decisions.

a) do b)make c) write d) discover

18-This is not the only mistake you've ever ............. .

a) made b)done c) established d) built

19-Are you interested in ............. sports?

a) making b) taking c) doing d) setting

20- You should always .................... good to others.

a) make b)do c)give d)send

21-He keeps a little .............. in which he writes every day notes.

a) calendar b) diary c) dictionary d) album

22-An orchestra consists of a group of............. .

a) writers b) actors c) musicians d) singers

23-Eveyone must learn ............ their past mistakes.

a) with b)of c)off d)from

24-The number of ........ accidents has recently risen because of driving too fast.

a) desert b) road c) square d) lane

25-A good father has good .......... towards his family.

a) fillings b) feelings c) fallings d) fields

26-Can you see that he's mistaken? - Yes. It is quite ............. .

a) dark b) obvious c) clean d) cloudy

27-The king was .......... and sent to prison.

a) captured b) loved c) liked d) described

28-Cordelia didn't say how much she loved Lear. ........... she was sent away.

a) That's why b) Why c) Although d) There

29-Cordelia wanted to take Lear's country ......... from Goneril and Regan.

a) front b) back c) away d) along

30-The president retired ............... his village.

a) on b) to c) for d) at

31-The three of us bought a new house. I........... that new house.

a) own b) possess c) have d) part-own

32-Dr Zewail................ the femto-second.

a) invented b) discovered c) described d) happened

33-The Egyptians do the best they can ......... they can develop the tourism industry.

a) to b)but c) so that d) therefore

34-Adel Imam is a very great.............

a) musician b) pilot c) engineer d) actor

35-Egypt has ............. a fine weather that it attracts a lot of tourists.

a) such b) as c)same d) similar

36- ............. can you get high marks? - By studying hard.

a) Where b)How c)When d)Why

37-Stratford is the place .......... Shakespeare was born.

a) when b) where c)how d) what

38-They hurried .......... catch the train.

a) so b) so that c) so as to d)as

39-To tell the ........ is far much better than to tell lies.

a)true b) truth c)truthful d)truly

40-Lear was the ................ of Britain.

a) prince b)king c) president d) minister

41-Eating too may sweets .......... children a lot of harm.

a) gives b)does c)makes d) takes

2- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrights who ever existed. His ....(1)..... are still performed now. One of his longest ...(2).... made him famous. At the beginning of his life, he wanted to be an ....(3).... . With the help of a rich ....(4)....., he became a great writer. Hamlet and Macbeth are among his ....(5)..... plays. When he got old, he ....(6)..... to Stratford.

lessons 3,4 &5

|daughter |ابنه |take back |يعيد |

|decision |قرار |put into |يوضع في |

|homework |واجب منزلي |prison |السجن |

|wander |يتجول |feelings |مشاعر |

|send away |ينفي – يبعد |send away |ينفي |

|mistake |يخطىء |affect |يؤثر علي |

|obvious |واضح |effective |مؤثر |

|beat |يهزم |wander |يتجول |

|soldiers |جنود |save |يحافظ علي |

|save |يحفظ |begin |يبدا |

|country |دوله |begining |بدايه |

|prefer |يفضل |capture |ياسر |

|realize |يدرك |mistake |خطأ |

|prepare |يعد – يجهز |luckly |لحسن الحظ |

|risk |مخاطره |lies |اكاذيب |

|power |طاقه |end |ينهي |

|truth |الصدق |ending |نهايه |

Questions & Answers

1- What is the truth about Goneril and Regan?

They said that they loved their father so that they could have his money and his country. The truth is that they do not love their father at all.

2- Where does King Lear go?

He wanders around the country with his last two good friends until they arrive in Dover.

3- Why does Cordelia come to England with French soldiers?

To try to save her father and to take his country back from her two sisters.

4- What happens to Cordelia and her father?

English soldiers arrive in Dover and beat the French. Cordelia and Lear are captured and taken to prison.

5- When does Cordelia tell her father how much she really loves him?

When they are captured and taken to prison.

6- How do you think Cordelia feels when she hears what has happened to her father?

Very sad and sorry (because she loves him).

7- How do you think Lear feels when Cordelia tries to help him?

He realizes that Cordelia loves him more than his other daughters do and that she is prepared to risk her life for him.

8 - Who puts Cordelia and Lear into prison? Why?

The English soldiers who are working for Goneril and Regan, because Cordelia and Lear are trying to take power back from them.

9-How do you think Lear feels when he finds out how much Cordelia loves him?

He feels ashamed , foolish , guilty and sorry.

10- How do you think the story will end? Think of a happy and unhappy ending?

An unhappy ending: I think that evil is punished in the end, so the two daughters will be punished.

A happy ending: The two daughters will realize their mistake and ask their father to forgive; them.

11- Which ending do you prefer? Why?

I prefer an unhappy ending to give punishment to those who! deceive their fathers and mothers with words.

12- What do you think Lear learns from the mistakes he has made?!

King Lear learns that people can have feelings without talking about them.

13- Do you know any Egyptian stories tike King Lear?

I know a father who gave his wealth to his children and they left him alone.

14- Is there a turning point in the story?

Yes, Lear finds out that he has made a mistake.

15- What qualities do people need to learn from their mistakes? People need to be wise, not hasty and not to believe those who flatter them but to believe those who are loving and truthful to them.

The third conditional

If + مــاضـــى تـام , would have + p. p.

( تستخدم الحالة الثالثة للتعبير عن مواقف مستحيلة الوقوع في الماضي.

( He didn't get up early, so he didn't catch the bus. (If)

( If he had got up early, he would have caught the bus.

( He was angry because we called him a bad name. (If)

( If we hadn't called him a bad name, he wouldn't have been angry.

( مــلاحــظــات:

1- تحول الجملة المثيته إلي منفية والعكس

2- يأتي بعد if ألجمله بعد as, because والجملة قبل therefore , so , that's why .

3- يمكن استخدام Had بدلا من if في الحالة الثالثة .

( If she had studied, she would have succeeded.

( Had she studied, she would have succeeded.

وفي حـالـة السـؤال

What + would فاعل + +have done + if +فعل الشرط (ماضي تام) ?

( What you have done if you had practiced well?

( يمكن استخدام if it hadn't been for بدلا من without في الحالة الثالثة.

Without + اســم would have + p. p

If it hadn't been for + اســـم would have + p. p

( Without hard work, he wouldn't pass the exam.

( If it hadn't been for hard work, he wouldn't have passed the exam.


1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- If Ali........... the alarm, he would have got up on time.

a) set b)sets c) has set d) had set

2- If Shakespeare had not met a rich patron, he ........... become a great writer.

a) would have b) wouldn't c) wouldn't have d) won't

3- Salem .......... high marks if he hadn't studied hard.

a) won't get b) wouldn't get c) wouldn't have got d) would have got

4-1........... my best if I were you.

a) would have done b) would do c) will do d) wouldn't do

5-............. he had taken a taxi, he wouldn't have been late for work.

a) If b) Unless c) Without d) Although

6- Samir ............ some tea if he feels sleepy.

a) drank b) drinks c) would drink d) would have drunk.

7- Manal can't buy a car ........... having money.

a) if b) unless c) without d)but

8-........... Radwa got up early, she missed the school bus.

a) If b)Although c) Unless d) Without

9- If Raouf had come to the party, he ......... some old friends.

a) would meet b) would have met c ) can meet d) will meet

10-Mum .......... all our needs if she had enough money.

a) would have bought b) would buy c) will buy d) can buy

11-She .......... her exams last year without my help.

a) wouldn't pass b) wouldn't have passed c) can't pass d) won't pass

12-Unless the athlete ......... fast, he wouldn't have won the race.

a) ran b)runs c) had run d) has run

13-Seham drove fast........... she arrived late.

a) so b)but c)lf d) although

14-If Nagy ......... earlier, he would meet some of his old friends.

a) conies b)came c) had come d) has come

15.............. his financial help, I wouldn't have gone to university.

a) Unless b)|f c) Without d)But

16-The team lost the game .......... they played well.

a) if b)but c) although d) unless

17-If he had been more careful, he ............ that mistake.

a) will make b) would have made c) wouldn't have made d) wouldn't make

18-You ............. early if you take the train.

a) arrive b) will arrive c) would arrive d) would have arrived

19-Travelling by plane is comfortable .......... expensive.

a) if b)but c) unless d) without

20-The driver wouldn't have had an accident if he ........... careless.

a) weren't b) wasn't c) had been d) hadn't been

21-If I....... you were asleep, I wouldn't have turned up the TV.

a) knew b)know c) have known d) had known

22-If the students .......... their homework, their teacher wouldn't be angry.

a) do b) had done c) have done d)did

23-If I.......... you, I wouldn't go to school late.

a) am b)were c) had been d) have been

24-Shakespeare wouldn't have gone to London if he ........... to be an actor.

a) hadn't wanted b) hasn't wanted c) didn't want d) doesn't want

25-Ragab is kind ............... people don't like him.

a) if b)so c)but d) unless

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) In brackets :

1- Many people lost their jobs because the factory closed down. (If)

2- The player played badly, so he lost the match. (if)

3- He was late for work, therefore he took a taxi. (Unless)

4- If Mona hadn't had money, she wouldn't have lent me some. (because)

5- The driver managed to avoid a serious accident as he was careful. (If)

6- Unless dad had helped me, I wouldn't have passed the test. (Without)

7- The athlete was injured. That's why he didn't finish the race. (If)

8- If Soha were not absent, she would understand this lesson. (as)

9- Shakespeare became a successful writer because he met a rich patron. (unless)

10- Unless the firemen had made great efforts, many people would have died in the fire. (without)

11-He left his coat at home, so he caught a cold. (if)

12-Although Hassan is a good student, he has got low marks .(but)

13-Salma got the first prize because of her patience. (if)

14-Randa got up early but she arrived at work late. (Although)

15-It is too cold to swim. (if)

16-Shakespeare went to London. He met many theatre people there. (if)

17-He was put in prison because he accepted bribes. (Unless)

Test 8

21. A- Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue :

Omar is talking to Fathy.

Omar : You look worried. What's wrong?

Fathy : I got a very bad mark in science.

Omar : Oh! I'm sorry about that. ........(1)....................?

Fathy : Because I didn't study hard. .........(2)..............?

Omar : I think you should study hard in the second term. If ................(3)....................

Fathy : I know you are right.

Omar : What have you learnt from your mistake?

Fathy : ................(4)...........................

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations :

1- Your brother dropped his money carelessly and couldn't buy what he needed. What do you say to him?

2- Your sister left the door of the cage open, so the birds flew away. What, do you think, she learnt from this mistake?

3- You tell a friend what King Lear learns from his terrible mistake.

4- Your little brother was carrying many bottles of Pepsi, so they all fell down and broke. What, do you think, he learnt from this?

121. B- Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- In 1592, Shakespeare went to London to be a/ an ............. .

a) writer b) actor c) novelist d) journalist

2- A ................... is someone who supports or gives money to an organization, artist or musical performer.

a) partner b) painter c) parent d) patron

3- A ........... is a building with a stage where plays are performed.

a) cinema b) circus c) theatre d) playground

4- When old Lear discovers that he has made a terrible mistake, he...... around the country with his last two good friends.

a) wishes b) wonders c) wanders d) moves

5- The English soldiers arrived in Dover and ............. the French.

a) beat b) won c) gained d) scored

6- If Shakespeare's family .............. financial problems, he wouldn't have left school at the age of 14.

a) had b) had had c) hadn't had d) would have

7- He ............ to hospital if he hadn't been injured.

a) would have gone b) would go

c) wouldn't go d) wouldn't have gone

8- What sport do you .............?

a) make b) do c) give d) take

9- Try not to .......... any noise when you go into the library.

a) do b) give c) make d) say

10- If he ............ today's newspaper, he wouldn't have known about the job advertisement.

a) had bought b) bought c) hadn't bought d) hasn't bought

4- Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph :

The first thing Shakespeare wrote was a long poem. He first went to London because he want to be an actor. Without his rich patron, Shakespeare wouldn't have be successful. He part owned a Globe Theatre. He made a lot of money from it. Shakespeare died in April 23, 1616.

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

Old king Lear soon discovers that he has made a terrible mistake. It is soon...(1).... to him that his two daughters say that they love him to get his ....(2)...... The ....(3)..... is that they do not love their ....(4).... at all. Lear ....(5).... around the country with his last two good friends until they arrive in Dover. Cordelia comes to England with ......(6)....... to try to save him and to take his country back.

122. (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

Gertrude was the Queen of Denmark two months after the death of the king of Denmark. She married Cladius his brother. She did not know that Claduis was evil. People believed that he had killed his brother so that he himself might become the king. Hamlet was her son.

Hamlet loved his dead father and was very sad at his death. His mother's marriage made Hamlet even more unhappy. He became tired of the world, he had no more pleasure in the things he used to do. He stopped wanting to read, to play and to do all the things that young men love to do.

Neither Hamlet's mother nor Cladius could do anything to make Hamlet happier. The ghost of Hamlet's father appeared and told his son that Cladius killed him while sleeping. He poured poisonous liquid into his ears and caused his death. He told him that he must kill his uncle but he asked him not to hurt his mother.

Hamlet pretended to be mad. He thought of a plan. He asked the actors to act a story which was like the death of his father.

A- Answer the following questions :

1- Why was Hamlet sad?

2- What did the people believe about Cladius?

3- How was Hamlet's father killed?

4- What must Hamlet do after he met the ghost?

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

5- The underlined word, 'He' refers to .............. .

a) Cladius b) Hamlet c) his friend d) his father

6- In order to be sure that his uncle killed his father, Hamlet......... .

a) became tired of the world

b) had no more pleasure in the things he used to do

c) asked the actors to act the story which is like the death of his father

d) stopped wanting to read

7- After Hamlet had met the ghost, he pretended to be….

a) sad b)mad c) tired d) pleased

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions :

1- Why is Cordelia sent away to France?

2- What terrible mistake does King Lear make?

3- What is the truth about Goneril and Regan?

4- How, do you think, Cordelia feels when she hears what has happened to her father?

5- How, do you think, Lear feels when Cordelia tries to help him?

6- What, do you think, Lear learns from the mistake he has made?

123. E- Writing

9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about :

"A story about learning from past mistakes"

F- Translation

10- A) Translate into Arabic :

1- Shakespeare would not have been so rich if he hadn't been the part owner of the Globe Theatre in London.

2- The rich should always help the poor in every possible way.

B) Translate into English :

ماذا تعلمت من أخطائك التى ارتكبتها فى الماضى؟


|living |المعيشه |transport |مواصلات |

|expensive |غالي |boring |ممل |

|cheap |رخيص |modern |حديث |

|city |مدينه |buildings |مباني |

|spend |يقضي |fast |سريع |

|cost |يتكلف |beautiful |جميل |

|tourist |سائح |metal |معدن |

|criticize |ينتقد |imagine |يتخيل |

|positive |ايجابي |exciting |ممتع |

|historic |تاريخي |describe |يصف |

|prices |اسعار |get to |يصل الي |

|enjoy |بستمتع |price |سعر |

|safe |امن |decide |يقرر |

|fantastic |رائع |poster |ملصق |

|sky high |عال جدا |low |منخفض |

|traffic |المرور |information |معلومات |

|public transport |عام |add |يضيف |

|slow |بطيء |interesting |ممتع |

|be ashamed |خجلان من |fill with |يملا بــــ |

|the underground |مترو الانفاق |foreign |اجنبي |

|criticize |ينتقد |overcrowded |مزدحم |

|sky high |مرتفع جدا |afraid of |خائف من |

|architecture |العماره |stay |يقيم |

|entertainment |تسليه |hate |يكره |

|safety |امان |flat |شقه |

|parks |منتزهات |decide |يقرر |

|fantastic |رائع |want |يريد |

|sightseeing |مشاهده المعالم الاثريه |prefer |يفضل |

|drive through |يقود خلال |plan |يخطط |

|the middle of |منتصف |apologize |يعتذر |

|put on |يرتدي |patient |مريض |

|put off |يؤجل |airport |مطار |

|put out |يطفيْ |pool |حمام |

Questions and answers:

1. What are the advantages L of living In London?

- The underground is quite fast.

- It’s a really safe city.

- There’re so many historic buildings and wonderful places to visit.

2. What are the disadvantages of living in London?

- It is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Everything costs so much.

- The traffic is terrible.

- The underground is overcrowded.

- Public transport is expensive and slow.

3. What’s London famous for?

- It’s famous for its museums, theatres, beautiful shops and big parks.

4. Why do you think there are so many skyscrapers in New York?

- Because space is limited, builders built upwards.

5. What are the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building examples of?

- They are examples of skyscrapers.

6. How many skyscrapers are there m New York?

- There are 47 buildings taller than 200 metres and 3 taller than 300 metres.

7- Which city is the capital of the United States?

It's Washington.

8- What is the importance of New York?

It is one of the most important business centres in the world and a busy port.

9- What is special about New York?

It has the most skyscrapers in the world.

10- What is the Statu of Liberty a symbol of?

It is a symbol of freedom.


1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- Although the computer has some advantages , it also has its own--------------

a) friends b) ideas c) disadvantages d) games

2- ……………in the country is quite comfortable.

a) Live b) Living c ) Lives d) Lived

3-............. is me study or desigining buildings.

a)Entertainment b)Archaeology c)Architecture d) Structure

4- Means of ............. in Egypt are not cheap.

a)transfer b)transport c)transplant d)translation

5- On cartoon programmes, children get quite a lot of ................ .

a) population b)entertainment c) money d) homework

6- Critics ................ all works of art in newspapers and magazines.

a)cost b) watch c) criticise d) perform

7-............ libraries everywhere are part of the "Reading for All" festival.

a) Gen era I b) Public c) Special d)Secret

8- The boy is .................. of what he has done.

a)shy b)lazy c) angry d) ashamed

9-.................. results encourage people to work more and more on social issues.

a) Bad b) Negative c) Positive d) Disappointing

10- The .................. in Egypt is the only one in the Arab area.

a)bus b)train c)underground d)ship

11..................... jams are frequent in cities like Cairo, Tokyo and New York.

a) Traffic b) Graphic c) Scientific d) Strategic

12-The film was so .................. that we all didn't finish it.

a) interesting b) exciting c) boring d) fantastic

13-6th October, 1973 is one of the ............... days in our modern history.

a) history b) historian c) historic d) historians

14-Prices of oil are ................. these days.

a)skyscrapers b)skyhigh c)sky d) skyline

15-What are you afraid ............. ? - Nothing.

a)on b)off c)of d)at

16-The man fell down .............. the middle of the street when he was shot.

a) on b)at c)in d)of

17-The tourists would like to go .......... around the country.

a) looking b) viewing c) sightseeing d) staring

18-Although he .............. his best, he achieved nothing.

a) tried b) dried c) cried d) fried

19-The ambulance arrived ............. after we had called. It came in no time.

a) lately b) immediately c) recently d) accurately

20-Would you ........... helping me? - No, not at all.

a) think b) mind c) remember d) remind

lessons 3,4 &5

|refuse |يرفض |enterance |مدخل |

|population |سكان |main |اساسي |

|freedom |حريه |wide |واسع |

|harbor |ميناء |proud |فخور – متكبر |

|structure |بناء |metal |معدن |

|symbol |رمز |imagin |يتخيل |

|popular |محبوب |exciting |ممتع |

|palace |قصر |describe |يصف |

|skyscraper |ناطحه سحاب |get to |يصل الي |

|visitor |زائر |poster |ملصق |

|overcrowded |مزدحم |add |يضيف |

|centre |وسط |information |معلومات |

|decision |قرار |town |مدينه |

|express |يعبر عن |safely |بامان |

|control |يتحكم |palace |قصر |

|organization |منظمه |park |منتزه |

|around |حول |prevent |يمنع |

|world |عالم |quality |خاصيه |

|capital |راس مال |emperor |امبراطور |

|business |اعمال |welcome |يرحب |

|the statue of liberty |تمثال الحريه |port |ميناء |

Questions & Answers

1- What do many people think of Paris?

They think it is the most beautiful city in the world.

2- How many tourists visit Paris every year? Why?

Two million tourists visit Paris every year to see the Eiffel Tower.

3- Why is Tokyo overcrowded?

Because seven per cent of the population in Japan live in Tokyo.

4- Why is Tokyo important?

It is the capital of Japan and its main business centre.

5- Where does the emperor live in Japan?

He lives in a palace in a lovely park in Tokyo.

6- What makes a beautiful city?

Mosques, churches, public buildings, historic places, rivers, parks and museums make a beautiful city.

7- What is the symbol for Cairo and other cities in Egypt?

The Pyramids for Cairo, the Library for Alexandria, the Karnak Temple for Luxor and the High Dam for Aswan.

8- What kinds of places do tourists like to visit?

They like to visit the sights.

9- What makes Cairo a good place for tourists to visit?

It has a lot of sights like historic places and buildings, museums and good shops.

10- How can we help tourists enjoy their visits to Egypt?

Firstly, we should welcome them. Secondly , we must be friendly

and helpful to them. Thirdly, we should give them good services at

reasonable prices.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

21-My uncle has a fine villa with an indoor swimming ....................

a) lake b) pool c) river d) sea

22-Smoking is absolutely bad ............. health.

a) of b)to c)for d)on

23-He asked me ................... to tell him the way to the Egyptian

Museum. He was really gentle.

a) impolitely b) politely c) rudely d) foolishly

24-1 was very disappointed when my brother ............... to help me.

a) agreed b) refused c) liked d) wanted

25-If you make a mistake, you should ................ .

a) thank b) sink c) apologise d) run

26-New York is an important business .................. .

a) middle b)half c) centre d) circle

27-The Eiffel Tower is the most famous metal............. in the world.

a) statue b) structure c) culture d) sculpture

28-The Statue of Liberty .............. at the entrance of New York harbour.

a) walks b) waits c) stands d) looks

29-A flag is a / an ................ of a country.

a) temple b) symbol c) sample d) example

30-About ninety ................ of the land in Egypt is desert.

a) present b) per cent c) parent d) patron

31-The ............. of Japan lives in a magnificent palace.

a) king b) president c) prince d) emperor

32-There are more ................... in New York than any other city.

a) clouds b) stars c) skyscrapers d) flies

33-Kings always live in .................. .

a) hotels b) houses c) flats d) palaces

34................. in Egypt is a threat to development and advance.

People must follow family planning.

a) Pottery b) Pollution c) Population d) Pollutants

35-What is the ................ crop in Egypt?

a) only b) main c) worst d) foreign

36-Egypt has strong ties with all Arab and ......... countries.

a) strange b) odd c) foreign d) far

Verbs followed by to + the infinitive:

افعال يتبعها to والمصدر فقط :

|يعــد |Promise |يستطيع |Manage |يطلب |Demand |يوافق |Agree |

|يقرر |decide |يشتاق |Long |يستحق |Deserve |يريد |Want |

|يامل |Wish |يقصد |Mean |يتوقع |Expect |يخطط |Plan |

|يهدد |Threaten |يعرض |Offer |يامل |Hope |يرفض |Refuse |

|يمكن |Enable |يتظاهر |pretend |يتعلم |Learn |يحاول |attempt |

( He offered to help us ( he decided to stay at home.

( She wants to be a teacher. ( The thief managed to escape.

افعال يتبعها(gerund) الفعل + ing :

|يشمل |Involve |يستمر |Keep on |يقترح |Suggest |يتجنب |Avoid |

|يفتقد |Miss |يمانع |Mind |يوصي |Recommend |يتمتع |Enjoy |

|لا فائده |It's no use |يكره |Dislike |يتخيل |Imagine |ينكر |Deny |

|لا اتحمل |Can't help |يعترف |Admit |يتخيل |Fancy |ينهي |Finish |

|لا اتحمل |Can't stand |يؤجل |Postpone |يؤجل |Put off |يذهب |Go |

( I enjoy watching television. ( He suggested going to the cinema.

( Hatem denied breaking the glass. ( Fancy meeting you here.

افعال ياتي بعدها to + inf او gerund مع تغيير بسيط في المعني :

( مع الأفعال الآتية يستخدم Gerund اذا كان الكلام بصفة عامة و يستخدم to + infinitive في المواقف المحددة :

|beginيبدا |hateيكره |likeيحب |continue يستمر |

|can't bear لا يحتمل |startيبدا |loveيحب |prefer يفضل |


( Hany began to play his guitar, when the phone rang.

(= a particular occasion)

( Hany began playing the guitar when he was six.

(= a general statement)

افعال ياتي بعدها to + inf او gerund مع تغيير كبير في المعني :

remember forget regret try stop

((Remember to + infinitive يتذكر أن يقوم بعمل شيء

(He remembered to see the man.

= He remembered and then saw the man.

((Remember + gerund يقوم بعمل شيء ثم يتذكر أنه فعله

(He remembered seeing the man.

= He saw the man and later remembered.

((Forget to + infinitive ينسي أن يفعل شيئا (لا يفعله)

( Nadia forgot to meet the customer.

= She didn't meet the customer.

((Forget + gerund يفعل شيئا ثم ينسي أنه فعله

(Nadia forgot meeting the customer.

= She met the customer but then couldn't remember the occasion.

((Regret to + infinitive يشعر بالأسف لأنه من الضروري أن يفعل شيئا

( He regretted to say that my brother had an accident.

= He was sorry that it was necessary to say it.

((Regret + gerund يشعر بالأسف لأنه فعل شيئا

( He regretted saying that my brother had an accident.

= He was sorry that he had said it.

((Try to + infinitive يحاول عمل شيء ويبذل مجهود (وغالبا لا ينجح)

( Try to open the door.

= See if you can open the door.

(The prisoner tried to escape, but he was caught.

((Try + gerund يجرب ويري ما يحدث يقوم بعمل شيء( ليري نتيجته)

( Try opening the door.

=What happens if you open the door.

A: I have a bad headache.

B: Try taking an aspirin. = Take an aspirin and see the result.

((Stop to + infinitive يتوقف لكي يفعل شيئا

(He stopped to read his newspaper.

= He stopped what he was doing to read the paper.

((Stop + gerund يتوقف عن عمل شيء

( He stopped reading his newspaper.

= He had read what he wanted to read.

(ينفي الفعل المضاف له ING باستخدام not

( Thank you for not coming late.

( She insisted on not doing the job.

( I apologize for not posting your letter.

( الأفعال الآتية يـأتـي بعـــدها ING في حالة عدم وجود مفعول ،، و يأتي بعدها to + inf. في حالة وجود مفعول

|encourage يشجع |recommend يوصي بـ |permit / allow يسمح |forbid يمنع |advise ينصح |

( They do not permit parking here.

( They do not allow anyone to park here.

Prefer + ING + to + ING

( I prefer using the internet to watching TV.

▪ لاحظ استخدام inf. بعد to ،، و لكن يستخدم بعدها ING مع ما يأتي

look forward to يتطلع الي object toيعترض

be used toمعتاد be accustomed to معتاد

get round to يجد الوقت لـ in addition to بالإضافة إلى

get used to يعتاد علي take toيعتاد علي

Smell / find + مفعول + ING

( They found the boy playing chess.

( I can smell something burning.

( كما يستخدم فعل مضاف له ING بعد التعبيرات الآتية

← be busy feel like يود/يريد It’s worth يستحق

← have difficulty (in) يجد صعوبة في

← It’s no good = It’s no use لا فائدة من

← There is no point in لا فائدة من

← It’s a waste of time مضيعة للوقت

← It’s a waste of money مضيعة للمال


(She has difficulty (in) breathing.

(It's a waste of money buying that house.

(I feel like having a cold drink.

( بعد الأفعال الآتية نستخدم object + to-inf.

|tell يخبر |remind يذكر |force يجبر |enable يمكن |

|order يأمر |warn يحذر |invite يدعو |persuade يقنع |

|cost يكلف |cause يسبب |take يستغرق |hire يؤجر |

|commandيامر |يسمح permit |teachيعلم |allow يسمح |


(She reminded me to close the front door.

(She persuaded me to buy that car.

(Modern technology enables us to lead a better life.

بعد الأفعال الآتية نستخدم دائما to + inf.

|would like |would prefer |Would love |would hate |

(I would prefer to have tea

It + Be + Adj. + to + inf.

It is difficult to find a job nowadays.

It was hard for him to recognize the criminal.

( لاحظ استخدام الفعل need :

Need + V-ING / to be + PP.

( This carpet needs cleaning. (This carpet needs to be cleaned.

Choose the correct answer:

1- I have finished -------------------------the report.

|a- write |b-writing |c – to write |d- wrote |

2- He suggested-------------------------for a swim.

|a- to swim |b-to swimming |c – swimming |d- is swimming |

3- He decided ------------------------------his car.

|a- sell |b- to sell |c – selling |d- to selling |

4- Maha agreed to go-------------------------with us.

|a- to sail |b- to sailing |c – sailing |d- sailed |

5- Fancy--------------------you here.

|a- seeing |b- is seeing |c – was seeing |d- see |

6- I wanted to avoid ---------------------her but I couldn't.

|a- meet |b- met |c – is meeting |d- meeting |

7- He demanded ----------------------the manager.

|a- would see |b- will see |c – to see |d- seeing |

8- He deserved---------------------punished.

|a- being |b- to being |c – would be |d- to be |

9- The thief denied------------------------the money.

|a- stolen |b- was stealing |c – to steal |d- stealing |

10- We have arranged -------------------------at 9 o'clock.

|a-meeting |b- will meet |c – to meet |d- met |

11- He wanted-----------------------------a new camera.

|a- buying |b- to be bought |c – to buy |d- to buying |

12- I can't stand -----------------------------listening to him.

|a- listened |b- to listen |c – listening |d- to be listened |

13- He longed ----------------------------back home.

|a- to be |b- being |c – to being |d- would be |

14- Don't try ------------------if you have never driven before.

|a- to drive |b- drove |c – driving |d- to be driven |

15- Stop-------------------------, you are giving me a headache.

|a- to shout |b-shouted |c – shouting |d- to shouting |

Rewrite the following sentences:

1- I didn't expect to meet you here. ( Fancy)

2- He said he didn't steal the money. ( denied)

3- I haven't done my homework yet. (finished)

4- Let's play tennis. ( He suggested)

5- I can do what I want and you can't stop me. ( You can't stop)

6- Would you switch off the light? ( mind)

7- He said it was true that he killed the guard. ( admitted)

8- He said he wouldn't eat anything. ( refused)

9- He said that he would be happy to help me. ( mind)

10- He asked me to be quick in driving. ( quickly)

11- I'd like to have tea with little sugar. (feel like)

12- Hanan was sorry for not helping the poor lady. (regretted)

13- We like to have tea. (enjoy)

14- He hopes to get the prize. (look forward)

15- I no longer borrow books from the library. (stop)

Test 9

21. A- Language Functions

1- Finish the following dialogue :

Finish the following dialogue between you and Ahmed who is going to the USA:

Ahmed : I'm going to New York, the biggest city in the USA next week.

You : ............. ............. (1) ............................ ?

Ahmed : It's famous for the Statue of Liberty which is at the entrance of the harbour.

You : What is this statue a symbol of?

Ahmed : ........................... (2) ............................ .

You : .......................... (3) ............................ ?

Ahmed : Washington is the capital of the country.

You : I think New York has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world. What is the most famous building there?

Ahmed : ........................... (4) ........................... .

You : Have a nice trip.

Ahmed : Thank you.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations :

1- A tourist asks you where the Karnak Temple is.

2- Your little sister asks you about the history of the Pyramids.

3- A visitor is asking you what he can see and do in the Pyramids area.

4- A friend wants to know something about Paris.

124. B- Vocabulary and Structure

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1- If too many people want to travel at the same time, trains get.....

a) populated b) over weight c) polluted d) overcrowded

2- More and more ............ visitors are coming to Egypt for holidays and sightseeing.

a) careless b) strange c) foreign d) unknown

3- Seven per cent of the .............. of Japan live in Tokyo.

a) posters b) population c) possession d) portrait

4- This road is very narrow, but the road I live on is very ............

a) wide b) popular c) noisy d) dangerous

5- The Statue of Liberty welcomes people from other countries. To them it is a ................. of freedom.

a) motto b) slogan c) symbol d) logo

6- Although I was very polite to him, he refused ............. for what he had done.

a) apologising b) to apologise c) apologise d) to apologising

7- You should stop .............. It's very bad for your health.

a) smoke b) to smoke c) smoking d) smoked

8- Our school wants ............. more computers.

a) to buy b) buing c) buy d) will buy

9- I'd love .............. that film.

a) seeing b) to see c) see d) saw

10- She dislikes ................. in traffic jams.

a) sit b) sitting c) to sit d) sits

4- Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph :

1- I'd like you to lend me your book. (Would you mind)

2- Let's go to the club. (suggested)

3-1 won't go with such a fast driver. (refuse)

4- They will stay at home. (decided)

5- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:

This is an article about Tokyo, the capital of Japan. About seven per cent of the ..........(1).......... of the country live there, so it is very ........(2)......... It's Japan's main .........(3)........ centre, and like New York it has ........(4)........ and fast, wide roads. These are always filled with traffic, so Tokyo has some of the worst .......(5)....... in the world. Tokyo is the home of Japan's emperor, whose ........(6)....... stands in a beautiful park in the centre of the city.

125. (C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

6- Read the following passage, then answer the questions :

The Eiffel Tower is the most famous landmark in Paris. It was built in 1889 to impress visitors to the Great Exhibition, which was held in Paris during that year. It was the world's highest metal structure until 1931 when the Empire State Building was completed in New York. It is 324 metres high. The Tower was named after Gustave Eiffel, the structural engineer who designed it. It cost more than a million dollars to build. About two million people visited the Tower in its first year and the fees they paid completely covered the building costs.

The Tower has three levels, which are connected by lifts. Visitors can, if they prefer, climb the 1.652 steps to the top. 40 tonnes of paint are used to repaint the Tower every four years. The Tower has been climbed by mountaineers and used by parachutists. In the millennium celebrations of 2000, it was fitted with thousands of fireworks which were timed to go off to make the Tower look like a rocket launched into space. On top there is a weather station.

A- Answer the following questions :

1- When was the Tower built and why?

2- Who designed it?

3- How high is it?

4- How, do you think, people get to the top of the Tower?

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

5- Nowadays the world's highest metal structure is ............... .

a) the Eiffel Tower b) the Empire State Building

c) TajMahal d) the Cairo Tower

6- About............. million people visited the Tower in its first year and the fees they paid completely covered the building costs.

a) three b) seven c) two d) four

7- In the millennium celebrations of 2000, the Tower looked like

a) a lighthouse b) the Opera House

c) a rocket launched into space d) a parachute

7- Answer only Four (4) of the following questions :

1- What can you see at the entrance to New York harbour?

2- What is very popular with tourists in Paris?

3- Why does Tokyo have some of the worst pollution in the world?

4- What do you think of living in Tokyo?

5- Drivers have to pay to drive into the centre of Cairo during working hours on weekdays. Do you agree or not? Give a reason.

6- What do you think of the Cairo underground train?

126. E- Writing

9- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about :

"Places in Egypt that are interesting for tourists"

F- Translation

10- A) Translate into Arabic :

1- Alexandria is a beautiful city where there are lots of things all enjoy visiting like the library, museums, restaurants, galleries and parks.

2- The benefits of living in a large modern city are so many: employment, a range of shops and good transport.

B) Translate into English :

كيف تستطيع مساعدة السياح على الاستمتاع بزيارتهم لمصر؟

يجب لن نهتم بالعلم وبالبحث العلمي لانه سبب في تقدم الامم ورفاهيتها


The third conditional

استخدامات المضارع البسيط

يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن المستقبل. (جدول – مواعيد - برامج).

• The plane takes off at seven o’clock tomorrow


استخدامات المضارع المستمر

يستخدم المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن المستقبل. (إعداد ترتيبات سابقة).

• He is flying to London tomorrow.




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