Unit 1: Introduction to Aquatic Science

Aquatic Science Fall Semester Exam Review

Unit 1: Introduction to Aquatic Science

1. World Ocean

a. A ship attempting to travel the world ocean would be/not be successful.

b. All of the world’s ocean basins are/are not connected.

c. According to the movie “Oceans” by Eyewitness, if you placed your toe/boat in the water at the beach you would be connected to all of the waters that cover the earth.

2. Knowing the 4 Ocean Basins

a. The ________ Ocean is the smallest, coldest, and is also known as the Northern Sea; central part is covered in 10 ft of ice

b. The_________ Ocean is the warmest and is the trade route between Africa and Asia.

c. The _________ Ocean is the second largest, the major shipping ocean, and connects the polar waters. It covers about 20% of the earth.

d. The Pacific Ocean is the _________ in size. It covers _____% of the earth.

3. Knowing the 6 Major Land Masses

a. Australia – __________ in size.

b. Antarctica – continent of the ________ Pole

c. North America – includes ___________________, Mexico, & Canada

d. South America – includes all countries south of ________________.

e. Africa – bordered by the _____________Ocean to the East, the _______________ Ocean to the West, and the Mediterranean Sea to the _______________.

f. Eurasia – Single continuous land mass that includes ____________and _____________.

4. Ice

a. Ice covers about 1/___th of Earth.

i. 5.5% of the _______ is covered in ice.

ii. 4.5% of the _______ is covered in ice.

5. Longitude and Latitude

a. Latitude: ___________ of latitude form completer circles around the globe parallel to the ________ and to each other. The _________ is the latitudinal line of reference. Latitude is noted in degrees _______or_______ of the Equator. The lines range from 0-_____ degrees.

b. Longitude: __________ of longitude pass through both poles of the earth. The _____ ________ is the longitudinal line of reference. Longitude is noted in degrees _______ or _______ of the Prime Meridian. The lines range from 0-_____ degrees.

6. United Nations

a. What year did the UN establish major boundaries?

b. What type of boundaries are they?

c. What are they boundaries of?

7. What is the name of the line drawn close to the 180° meridian that separates neighbors by 24hrs?

8. Maps

a. Most accurate representation of the features of the earth

b. Distorts the continents little as possible by not slicing into them

c. Most commonly seen in classrooms, have become extremely accurate due to technology

d. Looks similar to wedges by dividing the area into equal sections.

e. Maps are ____ dimensional while the earth is _____ dimensional

f. International Date Line

g. Parallel of Latitude

h. Meridian of Longitude

i. Axis

9. Define

a. Sea

b. Cartographer

c. Hemisphere

d. Nautical Mile

e. Knot

f. Minutes and Seconds of a Degree

10. Important Facts

a. Earth is _______% water.

b. The average depth of the ocean is __________ feet.

c. Largest fish

d. Tallest mountain range in the world

e. The ocean is salty due to

Unit 2: Origins & History

1. Why stars twinkle

2. Define density stratification

3. Define celestial navigation

4. Define supernova

5. Define nebula

6. Define outgassing

7. Define red giant

8. Chronometers allowed what to be known? Where can the measurement begin?

9. What group of people….?

a. established sea trade throughout the Indian Ocean

b. sailed around Africa

c. developed trade routes through the Mediterranean

d. invented the lateen sail

e. colonized Iceland, Greenland, and Newfoundland

10. Who is Hypatia?

11. Who is Eratosthenes?

12. Who is Hipparchus?

13. List reasons Earth is suitable for living creatures

14. When did the earth form?

15. Earth belongs to what galaxy?

16. What are the three main types of galaxies?

17. What were the first organisms on Earth and when did they appear?

18. How long did it have to rain to create the oceans? What caused it to rain?

19. How long did accretion last?

20. Know the types of research vessels

21. Identify the ship associated and the purpose/discovery

a. Jacque Cousteau

b. Charles Wyville Thomson

c. Fridjof Nansen

d. James Cook

e. Robert Ballard

f. Stanley Miller

g. John Holland

h. Ferdinand Magellan

i. Matthew Maury

j. Charles Wilkes

k. Edwin Hubble

l. Christopher Columbus

m. John Harrison

n. Benjamin Franklin

o. Sir Ernest Shackleton

p. Jacque Piccard

q. Glomar Challenger

Unit 3: Seafloor Features

1. Explain why you could have the same type of contour lines above and below sea level.

2. On a contour map, everything below sea level has a ________________ number and is shaded from _______ _________ to ________ __________.

3. A steep area on a contour map is shown with lines that are______ ________.

4. Define the following:

A. Abyssal plain.

B. Alluvial fan.

C. Archipelago.

D. Atoll.

E. Bank.

F. Bay.

G. Cape.

H. Channel.

I. Cliff.

J. Coast.

K. Continental rise.

L. Continental shelf.

M. Continental slope.

N. Delta.

O. Estuary.

P. Guyot.

Q. Headland.

R. Island.

S. Isthmus.

T. Lagoon.

U. Ocean basin.

V. Ocean ridge.

W. Peninsula.

X. Point.

Y. Reef.

Z. Seamount.

AB. Shoal.

AC. Sound.

AD. Strait.

AE. Submarine canyon.

AF. Trench.

Unit 4: Earth Structure & Plate Tectonics

1. Layers of the earth:

a. Names

b. Densities

c. Thickness/volume

d. Composition/igneous rock

e. Identify on picture

2. What does it mean when seismic waves are refracted? Reflected?

3. Changes in the velocity of seismic waves provides information on what?

4. What is Pangea?

5. Three types of boundaries

6. Two types of convergent boundaries

7. Type of divergent boundary

8. Definition of and what they cause/form:

a. Subduction

b. Continental collision

c. Seafloor spreading

d. Transform fault

9. Which layer of the earth is responsible for tectonic plates and why?

10. What part(s) of the crust have cracks?

11. How many pieces is the crust broken into?

12. Magma vs. lava

13. Plate tectonic map

14. 8-4 worksheet

Unit 5: Ocean Chemistry & Physics

1. Most elements on Earth and in the atmosphere are also in the _________

2. _______ ft evaporates from the ocean every year

3. Proportion of chlorine to salinity is

4. Properties of water

a. Role of covalent bonds

b. Role of hydrogen bonds

c. Elemental composition

d. Angle in molecular structure 105°

e. Polarity

f. Property of ______________ – water sticks to itself

g. Property of ______________– water sticks to other molecules

h. Water is called the _______ __________ because of its ability to dissolve almost anything.

5. Seawater

a. What percentage of the earth’s surface water is marine?

b. How much salt is there on Earth?

c. Percentage of seawater that is water _____ and what percentage is salts ________

d. Why does NaCl dissolve so readily in water?

e. What is meant by a trace element?

f. Is it true that most the elements found in the atmosphere and crust are also found in the ocean?

g. Where do the salts in the ocean come from?

h. How does the ocean maintain equilibrium?

i. What is the average temperature of the ocean?

j. What is more dense, ice or seawater?

k. What is the average salinity of the ocean?

l. ___________ - the number of dissolved inorganic solids in water

6. Temperature

a. Definition of Heat

b. 4 sources:

c. ____°C freezing/____°C boiling

d. ___________ __________ - ocean resists change in temperature

e. ___________ __________ - water has one of the highest which allows it to absorb or release large amounts of heat with little change in temperature

7. With increasing salinity….

a. __________heat capacity

b. __________f.p.

c. __________temp

d. __________density

e. __________osmotic pressure

8. Density Distribution

a. What are three general layers in the ocean?

b. What are the two different layers that make up the middle layer?

c. What is significant about each of those the two layers?

d. Why is this a good place for submarines to hide?

9. Dissolved Gases

a. What are the three dissolved gases we spoke about in your interactive power point chemistry lecture and their quantities?

i. Ocean:

ii. Atmosphere:

b. When it comes to underwater technology, what is the difference between compressed air and a compressed gas mixture?

c. What is saturation diving?

d. What are trace elements?

10. pH

a. What is generally the pH of seawater?

b. How does the ocean prevent large swings in pH?

c. Neutral pH

d. Acidic pH

e. Basic pH

11. Thermostatic Properties

a. What is thermal inertia?

b. Why are the poles so much colder than the equator?

c. Why are there currents?

d. What accounts for 1/3 of poleward heat? And for 2/3?

12. Light

a. What color light is absorbed/refracted and reflected?

b. What happens to red after 33 ft?

c. What do oceanographers use light to measure in the ocean?

d. Which instrument(s)?

e. Does refraction increase or decrease with salinity?

13. Sound

a. Does sound travel faster or slower in the ocean?

b. At what depth is there a sound channel?

c. Where and under what conditions does sound travel the fastest?

d. How is sound technology used to collect data about the ocean?

14. Instruments

a. Hydrometer

b. Calorimeter

c. pH meter/probe

d. Osmometer

e. Nansen bottle

f. Salinometer

g. Refractometer

Unit 6 Review: Weather & Circulation

1. The air in the atmosphere is composed mostly of

2. Air’s density is determined by

3. What in the atmosphere stops energy from escaping into space and causes a “greenhouse effect”?

4. Scientists measure the global warming trend by observing

5. Sea levels rising and ocean currents changing can be an indication of

6. What is the name of the single largest block of ice in the Arctic that has been around for 3,000 years before it first cracked in 2000?

7. The burning of fossil fuels and cutting down of trees adds to the increase of which of the following in our atmosphere?

8. Most of the air pollution mentioned in the news is the result of

9. What is the “natural phenomenon” that some scientists associate with the atmosphere and the natural cycle that they believe exists?

10. Ocean currents are affected by

11. Fresh water will __________, while salty water will__________ due differences in density.

12. The radiant energy that influences the climate that we experience has to do with the angle at which the sun’s rays hit the earth or otherwise called the

13. Oceans temperatures vary by

14. The spinning of the Earth causing surface wind and surface water movement is called

15. In the northern hemisphere currents deflect clockwise to the _____ and in the southern hemisphere they move counter clockwise to the _____.

16. A giant circle created when water moves and hits the continent which deflects the currents is called a

17. Definitions:

a. gulf stream

b. subsurface current

c. downwelling

d. upwelling

e. wave

f. rip current

g. undertow

h. longshore current

i. tide

j. humidity

k. fog

l. dew

m. hurricane

n. El Nino

o. La Nina

p. ocean wind

Unit 7: Waves & Tides

1. __________ are predictable daily rises and falls in sea levels.

2. Swells are mature waves because they have traveled beyond the _________.

3. _____________________ force is the force of attraction between two bodies.

4. Ripples have an average amplitude of_________.

5. The diameter of orbit waves ___________ with depth.

6. To be considered a hurricane, winds must be blowing at least __________ km/h.

7. Waves transmit ___________ across the ocean surface.

8. If the wavelength is doubled, the frequency is _____________.

9. A solar day is ________ hours and ____ min.

10. A lunar day is ________ hours and ____ min.

11. The number of wave crests passing any point each second determines the wave’s ___________________.

12. Groups of waves that travel together with the same wavelengths are referred to as _________ _________.

13. The longer the storm’s duration and fetch, the ______ the storms intensity and the ________ the waves.

14. Wave energy depends on the wave _____________________.

15. __________________ breakers form where there is steep slope

16. __________________ breakers form where there the bottom slopes gradually

17. __________________ waves form where there is a moderately steep bottom

18. There are ____ high tides and _____ low tides in one day.

19. _________ tides are during full and new moons.

20. _________ tides are during 1st and 3rd quarter moons.

21. _________ tides occur when the sun, moon and earth are completely in line.

22. _________ tides occur when the sun and moon are each at 90 degree angles to the earth.

23. Solar tides are caused by ____________________ force.

24. lunar tides are caused by ____________________ force.

25. _____ days are in between each spring and neap tide.

26. Transitional waves include wind waves that have moved into _________________ water.

27. Peaking waves occur when the crest moves _________ than the trough.

28. Shallow water waves extend to a depth of ________ the wavelength.

29. Breaking waves have an amplitude of _______ the water depth.

30. Deep water waves extend below the surface to a depth of _________ the wavelength.

31. __________ tides produce small high and low tides.

32. __________ tides produce the highest of high and the lowest of low tides.

33. A tide coming into shore is a _________ tide.

34. A tide going away from shore is an ______ tide.

35. A lunar month is _______ days.

Short Answer:

36. List the 5 things that produce tides.

37. What is the frequency of a wave with a period of 10 seconds?

38. A wave has a length of 10 meters and a period of 2 seconds. What is its speed?

39. A wave has a speed of 10 meters/second and a frequency of 5 Hz. What is its wavelength?

Label the parts to the wave:

Match the description with the wave:

40. _____ longest wavelength

41. _____ shortest wavelength

42. _____ fastest frequency

43. _____ slowest frequency


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