Chapter 3: Identity, the Media, and Communication Technology

Chapter 3: Identity, the Media, and Communication Technology

Guiding Question: How is Identity Affected by Opportunities to Communicate with People around the World?

1) Have a look at the Cartoon on page 66 (Fig3-1) of your textbook and answer the following questions:

a) What communication technologies are represented by the plugs and cords used in the cartoon? How do people use these technologies to connect to other people around the world?

b) How are the technologies shown already becoming out of date?

c) Why do you suppose the cartoonist left out geographic features such as land masses and oceans?

d) How do you think interconnected communication technologies are affecting cultural diversity and people’s cultural identity?

2) Record your ideas:

Have your ideas on globalization changed since the beginning of the course?

If so, why? How?

3) What are some ways that people use communication technology to stay in touch?


a) Read the FYI on page 68. What is one consequence of this information?

b) Read page 68 of Exploring Globalization, including “Voices’ and “FYI”. When finished reading, create a web diagram of all the people with whom you communicate using various forms of technology. Use a different color to show each kind of connection and longer lines to indicate longer distances.

5) Complete the following chart after reading page 69.

The Digital Divide

|How communication technologies |How communication technologies |

|are widening the digital divide |are narrowing the digital divide |

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|Effects of Internet Use on Identity |

|Positive |Negative |

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6) Based on your reading of pages 70 and 71 why do you think APTN has been successful? Try to connect this to the idea of identity.

7) Briefly summarize the following ideas of Marshall McLuhan.

Medium is the message

Global village

8) Have a look at the cartoon on page 73, answer the questions below the cartoon with a partner and record your discussion.

9) Read about Techno-Isolation on page 75. Do you think technology promotes social isolation or actually helps you to interact with others?

10) Overall what do you think the effect of technology has been on cultural diversity? Has it been generally positive or negative?

11) Where have you got most of your information about the events of September 11, 2001? Be specific.

12) Read the headlines at the bottom of page 77. How might these headlines have influenced readers’ point of view on Arar’s identity?

13) What were the goals of the Make Poverty History-Live 8 concert?

14) Read Angelique Kidjo’s point of view on page 80. Do you agree with her assessment of the situation? If it was up to you, would you have had more African entertainers at Live 8? Explain.

15) What is the cartoonist (figure 3-16) saying about how media coverage affects aid to disaster victims?

16) What does his comment say about the people receiving the media messages? Is it a fair comment?

17) Give a specific example of how the universalization of pop culture can lead to cultural homogenization.


19) Does the dominance of the American media exert a positive or negative influence on diversity?

Positive (+) Negative (-)

20) Read page 84 on manga and anime culture and values. In what ways might these products influence diversity and shape identity?

21) To what extent do they reflect diversity – and a collective identity- among fans of anime and manga?

22) What do you think about the laws to protect Korean culture described on page 85? Are they a good idea?

23) How does what you choose to watch on television affect your point of view on diversity?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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