Draft GSEs for RI Civics & Government and History

GSEs for Geography Strand

|G 1: The World in Spatial Terms: Understanding and interpreting the organization of people, places, and environments on Earth’s surface provides an understanding of the world in spatial terms. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|G 1 (K-2) –1 |G 1 (3-4) –1 |G 1 (5-6) –1 |G 1 (7-8) –1 |G 1 (9-12) –1 |G 1 (Ext) –1 |

|Students understand maps, globes, |Students understand maps, globes,|Students understand maps, globes,|Students understand maps, globes,|Students understand maps, globes, |Students understand maps, globes, |

|and other geographic tools and |and other geographic tools and |and other geographic tools and |and other geographic tools and |and other geographic tools and |and other geographic tools and |

|technologies by… |technologies by… |technologies by… |technologies by… |technologies by… |technologies by… |

|identifying the purpose of a |accurately using maps to identify|identifying physical features of |identifying and utilizing a |a. analyzing spatial patterns and |making the connection between |

|variety of maps. |locations. |maps and globes. |variety of maps for different |synthesizing with other primary and|location and decisions about land |

| | | |purposes. |secondary sources. |use. |

|describing where places are located|identifying relationships between|utilizing geographic tools like |b. utilizing technology to access|b. analyzing the data from | |

|on a map using relative distance |time, space, and distance. |latitude and longitude to |geographic databases such as GPS |geographic technology (e.g., GPS | |

|and direction. | |identify absolute location. |and Geographic Information |and GIS) for research and | |

| | | |Systems (GIS). |application for problem solving. | |

|c. organizing information about |organizing information about |c. differentiating between local,|c. analyzing charts and graphs to|c. analyzing how place shapes | |

|people places and environments in a|people, places, and environments |regional, and global scales |interpret geographical |events and how places may be | |

|spatial context (e.g., the school |in a spatial context (e.g., the |(e.g., location of continents and|information. |changed by events (e.g., | |

|is next to a store; a student’s |school is to the east of the |oceans). | |historical, scientific). | |

|house is across the street from the|store; the house is northeast of | | | | |

|park). |the mountains). | | | | |

|G 1 (K-2) –2 |G 1 (3-4) –2 |G 1 (5-6) –2 |G 1 (7-8)–2 |G 1 (9-12) –2 |G 1 (Ext) –2 |

|Students identify the |Students identify the |Students interpret the |Students interpret the |Students interpret the |Students interpret the |

|characteristics and features of |characteristics and features of |characteristics and features of |characteristics and features of |characteristics and features of |characteristics and features of |

|maps by… |maps by… |maps by… |maps by… |maps by… |maps by… |

|recognizing elements of a map |applying map skills to represent |recognizing spatial information |analyzing multiple maps (e.g., |evaluating the impact of | |

|(e.g., key, scale, compass rose). |a location (e.g., design a map). |provided by different types of |physical, political, historical) |topographical features on the | |

| | |maps (e.g., physical, political, |to draw inferences about the |development of societies. | |

| | |map projections). |development of societies. | | |

|explaining how the elements are |b. identifying and describing |interpreting the spatial | | integrating visual information | |

|used (e.g., key explains symbols; |locations. |information from maps to explain | |from maps with other sources (print| |

|scale indicates distance; compass | |the importance of the data. | |& non-print) to form a coherent | |

|rose indicates direction). | | | |understanding of an idea or event. | |

|G 2: Places and Regions: Physical and human characteristics (e.g., culture, experiences, etc.) influence places and regions. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|G 2 (K-2) –1 |G 2 (3-4) –1 |G 2 (5-6) –1 |G 2 (7-8) –1 |G 2 (9-12) –1 |G 2 (Ext) –1 |

|Students understand the physical |Students understand the physical and |Students understand the physical and |Students understand the physical |Students understand the physical |Students understand the |

|and human characteristics of places|human characteristics of places by… |human characteristics of places by… |and human characteristics of places|and human characteristics of |physical and human |

|by… | | |by… |places by… |characteristics of places by… |

|identifying and describing |a. explaining ways in which |explaining and/or connecting how the |a. explaining and/or connecting how|a. evaluating how humans interact | |

|natural/physical features (e.g., |geographical features determine how |geographical features influenced |and why the geographical features |with physical environments to form| |

|river, mountains, oceans, weather, |people live and work (e.g., living |population settlement. |influenced population settlement |past and present communities. | |

|climate). |near the ocean gives opportunity to be| |and development of cultures (e.g., | | |

| |fishermen or marine biologist). | |customs, language, religion, and | | |

| | | |organization). | | |

|b. identifying and describing |b. explaining how natural/physical |b. comparing and contrasting patterns|b. analyzing and explaining how and| | |

|human-made features (e.g., |features and human-made features makes|of population settlement based on |why physical and human | | |

|buildings, streets, bridges). |a place unique. |climate and physical features. |characteristics of places and | | |

| | | |regions change over time by citing | | |

| | | |specific example(s). | | |

|G 2 (K-2) –2 |G 2 (3-4) –2 |G 2 (5-6) –2 |G 2 (7-8) –2 |G 2 (9-12) –2 |G 2 (Ext) –2 |

|Students distinguish between |Students distinguish between regions |Students distinguish between regions |Students distinguish between |Students distinguish between |Students distinguish between |

|regions and places by… |and places by… |and places by… |regions and places by… |regions and places by… |regions and places by… |

|identifying natural/physical |a. defining a region and its |comparing and contrasting the |a. analyzing and explaining the |analyzing and explaining how | |

|features of different places and |associated places (e.g., the region of|characteristics of different types of|geographical influences that shape |concepts of site and situation can| |

|regions. |New England includes the city of |regions and places. |regions and places. |explain the uniqueness of places. | |

| |Providence; a city can have several | | | | |

| |neighborhoods). | | | | |

|b. comparing and contrasting |b. explaining the difference between |b. explaining the difference between | | | |

|human-made features of different |regions and places (e.g., a desert |regions and places. | | | |

|places and regions. |region is dry, rainforest regions are | | | | |

| |wet; Providence is densely populated, | | | | |

| |Exeter is sparsely populated). | | | | |

|G 2 (K-2) –3 |G 2 (3-4) –3 |G 2 (5-6) –3 |G 2 (7-8) –3 |G 2 (9-12) –3 |G 2 (Ext) –3 |

|Students understand different |Students understand different |Students understand different |Students understand different |Students identify different |Students identify different |

|perspectives that individuals/ |perspectives that individuals/ |perspectives that individuals/ groups|perspectives that individuals/ groups|perspectives that individuals/ |perspectives that individuals/ |

|groups have by… |groups have by… |have by… |have by… |groups have by… |groups have by… |

|identifying and describing how |a. contrasting how people in |identifying and describing the |analyzing and explaining how |evaluating the cultural and | |

|people in different places view |different places describe their |physical and cultural characteristics|geography influences cultural |regional differences for potential | |

|their environments (e.g., home, |physical environments (e.g., |that shape different places and |perspectives and experiences and |bias from written or verbal | |

|classroom, neighborhood, |people who live in a desert will |regions. |shapes how people view and respond to|sources. | |

|community). |give very high value to water; | |problems differently (e.g., urban vs.| | |

| |people who live next to a lake may| |rural). | | |

| |take water for granted). | | | | |

| | |researching a region to analyze how | | | |

| | |geography shapes that culture’s | | | |

| | |perspective (e.g., demographics, | | | |

| | |climate, natural and man-made | | | |

| | |resources). | | | |

|G 2 (K-2) –4 |G 2 (3-4) –4 |G 2 (5-6) –4 |G 2 (7-8) –4 |G 2 (9-12) –4 |G 2 (Ext) –4 |

|Students understand how geography |Students understand how geography |Students understand how geography |Students understand how geography |Students identify the ways |Students identify the ways |

|contributes to how regions are |contributes to how regions are |contributes to how regions are |contributes to how regions are |geography contributes to how |geography contributes to how |

|defined / identified by… |defined / identified by… |defined / identified by… |defined / identified by… |regions are defined / identified |regions are defined / identified |

| | | | |by… |by… |

|identifying natural physical |describing how physical geography |identifying formal (e.g., United |understanding the difference between |comparing and contrasting regional | |

|boundaries of places (e.g., |defines boundaries of regions. |States of America), vernacular (e.g.,|formal, vernacular, and functional |characteristics to understand human| |

|rivers, mountains). | |the Middle East, South County), and |regions. |events. | |

| | |functional regions (e.g., cell phone | | | |

| | |service area). | | | |

| | |b. explaining how regions may change |b. categorizing and evaluating a |analyzing human and physical | |

| | |over time (e.g., physical, cultural, |variety of factors (e.g., culture, |changes in regions over time and | |

| | |political, and economic changes). |immigration) of a defined region. |evaluating how the geographic | |

| | | | |context contributes to those | |

| | | | |changes. | |

|G 3: Human Systems: (Movement) Human systems and human movement affect and are affected by distribution of populations and resources, relationships (cooperation and conflict), and culture. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|G 3 (K-2) –1 |G 3 (3-4) –1 |G 3 (5-6) –1 |G 3 (7-8) –1 |G 3 (9-12) –1 |G 3 (Ext) –1 |

|Students understand why people |Students understand why people |Students understand why people |Students understand why people do/do |Students analyze why people do/do |Students analyze why people |

|do/do not migrate by… |do/do not migrate by… |do/do not migrate by… |not migrate by… |not migrate by… |do/do not migrate by… |

|describing a reason why people |comparing reasons why people have|identifying and explaining the |analyzing how migration affects a |investigating the causes of major | |

|have or have not moved. |moved. |push and pull factors that lead to |population. |migrations and evaluating the | |

| | |a decision to migrate. | |impact on affected populations. | |

|G 3 (K-2) –2 |G 3 (3-4) –2 |G 3 (5-6) –2 |G 3 (7-8) –2 |G 3 (9-12) –2 |G 3 (Ext) –2 |

|Students understand the |Students understand the |Students understand the |Students understand the |Students understand the |Students understand the |

|interrelationships of geography |interrelationships of geography |interrelationships of geography |interrelationships of geography with |interrelationships of geography |interrelationships of |

|with resources by… |with resources by… |with resources by… |resources by… |with resources by… |geography with resources by… |

|identifying geographic origins of|a. comparing products produced |a. use evidence to correlate how |a. analyzing how the abundance, |a. evaluating the environmental | |

|specific resources (e.g., fish |locally and far away (e.g., |geography meets or does not meet |depletion, use, and distribution of |consequences of resource | |

|from sea, wheat from plains). |apples from Scituate, oranges |the needs of the people. |geographical resources impact the |consumption. | |

| |from Florida). | |expansion and demise of societies/ | | |

| | | |civilizations. | | |

|G 3 (K-2) –3 |G 3 (3-4) –3 |G 3 (5-6) –3 |G 3 (7-8) –3 |G 3 (9-12) –3 |G 3 (Ext) –3 |

|Students understand how geography|Students understand how geography|Students understand how geography |Students understand how geography |Students determine how geography |Students determine how |

|influences human settlement, |influences human settlement, |influences human settlement, |influences human settlement, |influences human settlement, |geography influences human |

|cooperation or conflict by… |cooperation or conflict by… |cooperation or conflict by… |cooperation or conflict by… |cooperation or conflict by… |settlement, cooperation or |

| | | | | |conflict by… |

|describing how features of a |a. describing how features of a |a. recognizing and justifying how |using evidence to build a logical |analyzing these relationships in a | |

|place influence what activities |place influence human decision |geography influences human |argument in support or in opposition |given historical or current | |

|do or do not take place there |making (e.g., activities, |settlement, cooperation and |to expansion of human settlement. |example. | |

|(e.g., soccer field on a flat |settlement, employment). |conflict. | | | |

|plain, not on a hill). | | | | | |

|describing how people who live |b. describing how features of a | | | | |

|near each other sometimes help |place affect human cooperation or| | | | |

|each other (e.g., sharing set of |conflict. | | | | |

|markers among a desk cluster). | | | | | |

|G 4: Environment and Society: Patterns emerge as humans settle, modify, and interact on Earth’s surface to limit or promote human activities. |

|GSEs for Grades K-2 |GSEs for Grades 3-4 |GSEs for Grades 5-6 |GSEs for Grades 7-8 |GSEs for HS Proficiency |GSEs for HS Extended Learning |

|G 4 (K-2) – 1 |G 4 (3-4) – 1 |G 4 (5-6) -1 |G 4 (7-8)-1 |G 4 (9-12) –1 |G 4 (Ext) –1 |

|Students explain how humans |Students explain how humans depend |Students explain how humans depend|Students explain how humans depend|Students explain how humans depend |Students explain how humans |

|depend on their environment by… |on their environment by… |on their environment by… |on their environment by… |on their environment by… |depend on their environment by… |

|identifying basic environmental |identifying how needs can be met by|researching and reporting how |analyzing how human dependence on |a. researching and reporting | |

|resources needed in daily life |the environment (e.g., we grow food|humans depend on the environment. |the environment impacts political,|specific examples of how human | |

|(e.g., water, air, food). |to eat.). | |economic and social decisions. |dependence on the environment has | |

| | | | |impacted political, economic, | |

| | | | |and/or social decisions. | |

| | |explaining how human dependence on| | | |

| | |environment influenced development| | | |

| | |of civilizations. | | | |

|G 4 (K-2) – 2 |G 4 (3-4) – 2 |G 4 (5-6) -2 |G 4 (7-8)-2 |G 4 (9-12) –2 |G 4 (Ext) –2 |

|Students explain how humans react|Students explain how humans react |Students explain how humans react |Students explain how humans react |Students explain how humans react |Students explain how humans react|

|or adapt to an ever-changing |or adapt to an ever-changing |or adapt to an ever-changing |or adapt to an ever-changing |or adapt to an ever-changing |or adapt to an ever-changing |

|physical environment by… |physical environment by… |physical environment by… |physical environment by… |physical environment by… |physical environment by… |

|identifying examples of how |identifying ways in which the |identifying and describing human |a. analyzing the impact of human |examining a specific case study of | |

|changes in the environment can |physical environment is stressed by|reactions to changes in their |reactions to environmental changes|how a society reacted or adapting | |

|change people’s behavior (e.g., |human activity using examples from|physical environment. |and identifying and providing |to a physical environmental change | |

|we change how we dress depending |the local community (e.g., | |alternate solutions with |and argue opposing solutions. | |

|on the weather or season). |pollution in the Narragansett Bay | |supporting evidence. | | |

| |means people cannot fish for food).| | | | |

| |generating a possible solution for |b. analyzing the impact of human | | | |

| |a community environmental problem |reactions to environmental | | | |

| |(e.g., if there is a lot of litter,|changes. | | | |

| |create an action plan to clean it | | | | |

| |up). | | | | |

|G 4 (K-2) –3 |G 4 (3-4) –3 |G 4 (5-6) –3 |G 4 (7-8) –3 |G 4 (9-12) –3 |G 4 (Ext)–3 |

|Students explain how human |Students explain how human actions|Students explain how human actions |Students explain how human actions |Students explain how human actions|Students explain how human |

|actions modify the physical |modify the physical environment |modify the physical environment by…|modify the physical environment by…|modify the physical environment |actions modify the physical |

|environment by… |by… | | |by… |environment by… |

|identifying examples of how |using maps and graphs to |identifying how human actions have |a. making predictions and drawing |analyzing the relationship between| |

|people can change the space |illustrate changes in the physical|changed the physical environment |conclusions about the impact that |human action and the environment | |

|around them (e.g., a field can be|environment of the local community|and describe its effects. |human actions have on the physical |over time, using researched | |

|made into a playground, a tree |or region. | |environment. |evidence. | |

|can become a place for a tree | | | | | |

|house, an empty lot can be | | | | | |

|changed into a garden). | | | | | |

|b. describing why people change |b. comparing and contrasting the | | |comparing and contrasting the | |

|the space around them. |effects of changing a place (e.g.,| | |physical, social, and economic | |

| |irrigation creates opportunity to | | |impacts to suit and satisfy human | |

| |produce crops). | | |needs. | |


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