

(Business Owner Name)

(Name of Business)

(Business Address)

Dear (Business Owner Name),

Business owners in our community have several effective ways to advertise. I would like to introduce you to one you may not have considered — the Spartan High School yearbook.

By advertising in the yearbook, you can reach more than (enrollment) high school students with your business’ name, location and your message. You also reach anyone else who purchases or looks at the yearbook — parents and other family members, faculty and staff at the school, as well as patrons at other businesses who buy the yearbook, including local real estate offices, churches and medical and dental offices.

Your advertising dollars also help Spartan High School build a better yearbook for the students in this area.

A sales representative from our staff will be calling you to make an appointment during the week of (date). I hope you will take this opportunity to learn about some of the advertising opportunities available to you in the yearbook.

If you have any questions, please call me at 333-333-3333, ext. 333.


Yearbook Adviser


(School Name)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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