The VES Buzz

The VES Buzz

March 2019 Principal: Ms. P. Davis

Valemount Elementary School 1445 7th Ave; Valemount, BC; V0E2Z0

Phone: 250-566-4427

Dates to Remember:

March 1: Skating 10:15-11:15 **Ms. Dutkiewich's class; Skating 12-1PM **Mrs. Lawless/Ms. Iorns's classes; Basketball game against RCMP 11:30-1:30PM

March 4-18: PAC selling reusable bags

March 5: Ski Trip Marmot grades 4-7

March 6: VES Hot Lunch: Mac n' Cheese; "Avalanche Safety" course (VARDA) 12-1:30PM

March 7: Basketball games against teachers 11:30-1:30PM

March 8: "International Women's Day"; Skating 10:15-11:15 **Ms. Dutkiewich's class; Skating 12-1PM **Mrs. Lawless/Ms. Iorns's classes; Basketball game students vs. parents 2:45-4PM

March 12: Skating 12:00 PM-1:15 PM **Mrs. Cuming's class

March 13: PAC Hot Lunch: Pizza

March 15: Last day of classes before Spring Break!

March 17: St. Patrick's Day

March 18-31: SPRING BREAK--no school

March 20: Spring Equinox; "Earth Day"

March 21: "Absolutely Incredible Kid Day"

April 1: Back to school--classes in session; "April Fool's Day"

VES Monthly Message

March, also known as the "Stormy Month", or the "Rugged Month". It is true what they say, March comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb. This is a very short month for us here at the elementary school, just 10 days of classes and then we are off for Spring Break. After the crazy whirlwind month of February, our Spring Break will be welcomed with a smile as we are given two weeks of rest!

If you have a chance over the break, please take the time to celebrate the Spring Equinox. It occurs March 20 and this is the astronomical recognition of Spring! It also happens to fall on Earth Day. There are many simple ways we can change our lifestyle to accommodate the Earth: composting, recycling and decreasing our plastic usage are just some of the ways. "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out" - Robert Collier. Try creating a worm farm or a compost pile at home, these are excellent ways to use our biodegradable waste and create fertile and useable matter for our gardens or your Mother's flower beds! By choosing to take our fabric bags to the grocery store and by using reusable, washable containers for our lunches, we are already decreasing the amount of plastic waste we create.

The PAC has jumped whole-heartedly into this concept; they recently have purchased reusable cutlery and dishes for the entire school population at VES. These will be used for hot lunches in place of disposable dishes. The PAC is also selling over the month of March reusable bags made by a Canadian company, `Colbri'; please visit to view the bags online. Online purchasing opens up Monday March 4th. All funds raised by PAC go back into our school. Lets support the PAC and Mother Nature (plus the patterns are cute)!

Also over the break, please take the time on March 21 to celebrate "Absolutely Incredible Kid Day"; use this day to really focus on how amazing your child is. We notice at our school how amazing your children are each and every day and it is sad our school is not in session on March 21 to be able celebrate them. The Robson Valley has a great group of young people growing up; lets celebrate them to help build them up for a better tomorrow. Even though Children's Mental Health Week was last month, we need to still take those ideals, and that conscious mindset, and apply it to our children each and everyday of the year.

As the weather completes its bizarre and unpredictable pattern this is a friendly reminder to please dress accordingly. Warm, solid, slip proof footwear is a requirement as the grounds outside vary in slipperiness. Our students still need to be wearing snow pants outside if they would like to play in the schoolyard as this will help to avoid cold and wet pants. Thank you to the parents and teachers that donated jackets, hats, gloves, pants and boots to the school--you know who you are, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. These donations have been used many times already to keep our students warm and dry!

Kindergarten Pre-Registration is open as of January 29, 2019; closes June 18, 2019.

Children whose 5th birthday falls ON or BEFORE December 31, 2019 are eligible to enter Kindergarten in September 2019. Registration must be completed first through the online application process accessed through the SD57 website. The children registering require the following documentation:

-birth certificate -proof of residence -ticket # acquired from the online registration

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The VES Buzz

March 2019

Remembrance Day Poster/Essay Contest Winners

The Robson valley sure has some amazing talent!

Please give a huge round of applause to three of your fellow students for submitting winning entries that went to the central BC level: Delaney Michaud (1st; poem), Gwenelen Hanson (2nd; essay), and Noah Kim (3rd; poster). These entries were top rated amongst tens of thousands of entries from all across our province. These three entries stood out from the rest and received provincial and national recognition. Keep up the great work, you are all amazing. We love to see your

creativity and imagination grow!

Pictured above (left to right): Pete Pearson, Gwenelen Hanson, Delaney Michaud, Eugene Jamin; missing from photo: Noah Kim.

War. From a dog's point of view.

I miss my boy. That was what I was thinking as I was running around the yard. I then decided to lie down on the porch and wait until my boy came home from war. It has never been the same since he left with his friend to fight for freedom in Europe. My life hasn't been the same without him to throw a ball for me, or to swim in the lake with me. Everything wasn't as fun as it used to be.

It was four years that he was gone. When he came home, he was dirty, bruised and alone. As soon as she saw him, his mother was running out the door to hug him. She ran him a bath and put ice on his bruises and cooked him some food.

When he had recovered from his battle, he sat down beside me on the porch and told me everything. How he lost his best friend and misses him badly. How he always had to be very cautious. How he had to carry so many supplies. How dangerous it was. How things will never be the same as it was before. My boy didn't seem the same. So, it was at that moment I knew I had to cheer him up. I ran around the yard jumping randomly. He wasn't looking, I gave him my ball, but he didn't pick it up. I barked, then purposely tripped and fell on my face. He smiled. It wasn't until I jumped far into the pond and splashed him, that he laughed. My boy leapt into the pool after me.

Although I convinced my boy to play with me, he will never be the same. No one will, after they go to war. Those who survive the war should be respected and remembered, along with those who died. I will always respect my boy. No matter what.

The end.

By Gwenelen Hanson

Remember Here we stand All holding hands All the poppies are laid Don't let the memories fade In Flanders field where they rest After they finished their quest Out soldiers are remembered On the eleventh of November Proud families are on the mend Thankful for the letter's that the soldiers were able

to send Now it's all they have left of them

More valuable than a gem Hoping to never go through the pain again It is a scary time for the women and the men

Now we gather on this day Never forgetting the price they had to pay

By Delaney Michaud

By Noah Kim

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The VES Buzz

March 2019

VES: Extra Curricular Activities Schedule

Guitar with Mr. Berkenpas: Where: Library When: Wednesdays: 2:35-3:15PM (DIV07); Fridays: 2:35-3:15PM (DIV06)

Basketball with Mr Coyle: Where: Gym When: Wednesday's 11:35-11:55AM (last day is March 8, 2019) **All grade 6's and 7's are welcome to join

Primary Chess Club with Mrs. Lawless Where: Library When: Tuesday's 11:35-11:55AM

Intermediate Chess Club with Mrs. Lawless Where: Library When: Thursday's 11:35-11:55AM

Primary Games with Mrs. Ramirez Where: Gym When: Tuesday's and Thursday's 1:15--1:30PM

Reminder: The VES newsletter would like to go green. If you would like to receive the newsletter via email, please contact the school and provide your current email address. Your email address will be kept private.

Grade 6 Barkerville Field Trip FUNDRAISING CALL

Moving closer to that time of year again when our kids embark on field trips! Ms. Doughty and Mrs. Shaw are asking parents of Grade 6 students if they are able/willing to participate in fundraising events to help send the Grade 6 class to Barkerville in May 2019.

Our newsletter is also posted to our school website.

If you would like more info on this, please call:

(250) 566-4427.

VES Hot Lunch Wednesday's (the BLUE form)

If you would like to purchase a Wednesday Hot Lunch, there will be a form going home for you to fill out. Please watch for this in your child's backpack. If this meal program is financially unachievable for your family, there are other options available; please speak with Ms. Davis in the office.

Wednesday ProD Model Early Dismissal dates for 2019:

*Dismissal at 1:00 PM* Dates:

April 3rd; June 5th

Cough! Sneeze! Runny nose! Upset tummy! If you are sick, please stay home!

In order to keep our little friends healthy and happy, we are asking that if your child is sick, please keep them home. We want to reduce the spread of infection so that everyone is able to be healthy, happy and able to play with

their friends. Thank you for you consideration, truly appreciated.

Jasper Marmot Basin Ski Trip , March 5, 2019 Grades 4-7 are going skiing at Marmot Basin in Jasper, AB. Thank you parents and students for the prompt return of payment and permission forms! Our bus is full and we have all the students going booked in at the ski hill. The bus will be leaving VES at 6:00AM, please be 15 minutes early to load your gear. Huge thank you to the teacher and parent chaperones! A trip of this calibre wouldn't be possible without you. Have a blast and enjoy the day!

The PAC would like to remind everyone to please bring a reusable container to school on Hot Lunch Wednesday's if you plan on taking leftovers home!

Aggressive and rough behavior, along with foul language will not be tolerated on the playground and in and around our school. Please note that any of this above mentioned behavior can and will result in disciplinary action. If you are having problems solving disputes with your peers please discuss with a teacher or Ms. Davis.

Visit to view the full product line. These bags are made in Canada. All profits made through the PAC sale of these bags goes directly into supporting our school....also they are great for the environment!

A huge round of applause for the parents who volunteer with hot lunch and other PAC events, your willingness to help is truly appreciated.

Thanks again to local businesses, such as A&W who last month gave a generous discount for our Chicken Strips Lunch!

Students not going home to their regular location must provide a note from their parents with instruction to the office. Last minute phone calls and messages may not reach us before the bus leaves or students are let out. To avoid confusion and stress for your child, please send a note or write a note in your child's planner anytime there are different plans for after school. Permission in writing is required before we will authorize these changes.

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The VES Buzz

March 2019

With the temperatures so cold recently, we would like to remind parents that students must be dressed appropriately for the weather. This means "winter coats", snow pants, toques, mitts and winter footwear. If students are bus riders this is a requirement that they have winter clothing with them when they get on the bus. This rule is also in place for students participating in extra-curricular activities during the winter months. If they do no have appropriate winter clothing, they will not be allowed on the bus. We do have indoor recess' for the students at our school when we have inclement weather however, we do try to get outdoors for a bit of fresh air when possible.

If your son or daughter does not have winter clothing that is appropriate please let us know at school. We have

several items available that we are happy to pass on to students.

Please encourage your children to treat school as their job. If they are planning to be away from `work', please call ahead and let the office know of their absence.

If at all possible, please do not send messages with siblings. If messages are relayed to the teacher, please make sure these messages are given to

the office as well.

This will help decrease the amount of home-calls in the morning. As per our legislation, SD57 is legally required to know the whereabouts of all our students if they have not previously informed the office of their planned absence. VES also staffs our school according to the requirements/needs of our student population. Knowing ahead of time about planned absences helps our school re-disperse our staff according to student demands in order to maximize our efficiency.

Thank you for your understanding with this matter!

To the PAC and the fundraising efforts of VES students and parents; with the money that was raised over the past couple of years we were able to purchase new sports jerseys for our school. The new uniforms should be delivered to the school by the beginning of the month, so watch for these

fancy new suits at the next sports event!

Please take the time, at your earliest convenience, to register your child for Kindergarten.

Please see the front of this newsletter for instructions on how to complete this. If you know you are moving or if you know of someone new coming to our school, please let the office know. School funding and classroom arrangements are based on student numbers. All schools in SD57 need to abide by guidelines laid out by the provincial government and the union according to class size; funding is granted based on student n umbers. Many organizations within our community also rely on our school numbers to complete their applications for funding, so please register your child early. If you all ready have registered your child for Kindergarten, many thanks are extended to you. We look forward to the 2019/2020 school year and getting to know your child!

Community Kitchen

Have you ever gone to the grocery store with a specific amount of money and a hunger in your belly? Isn't it hard to stay focused and buy only what you went in for? Before you know it, you have purchased items that weren't on your list and quite possibly you spent more than you budgeted for. This program is aimed at just that problem. We are all hard working families with busy households; it is hard to create a balanced dinner while getting everybody to events and activities on time. This program will create crock-pot meals where all you need to do is thaw and place in the crock-pot in the morning.

Ready, Set, Learn and School District #57 have partnered with Valemount Elementary School to create a program aimed at providing regular weekly meetings to learn about budgeting, shopping, cooking and growing. This program is offered to those families that have a keen interest in this subject, and also have a pre-Kinder child in their household. The program is scheduled to run for 4 weeks in May, 2019. During this time, families will aim to create wholesome and nutritious dinners on a budget for their entire family. Under the guidance of Ms. Davis, each family representative (it doesn't need to be the whole family) will collaborate with the other group members to decide on recipe's they would like to make, shop for ingredients, prep and prepare the meals, and create some fresh baked items at the end of the program.

If you would like to participate in this program, please fill out and return the bottom portion of this form. There are only 10 spots available, and are awarded on a first come-first served basis. This program is completely free of charge, we are only asking for a donation of your time. Once spots are filled, those who are signed up for the program will receive more information. ..............................................................................................................................................................................

Community Kitchen

A 4 week budgeting, shopping, cooking and growing class.

May 6th, 13th , 16th , and 27th, 2019 from 1:30 PM--2:30 PM

Name (parent):_______________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number: _(_________)__________-________________

Yes, I am interested in attending the Community Kitchen please send me more information ______


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