Guilt • Over-commitment • Boredom • Incompetence KEY THOUGHT

[Pages:1]Passion is a word that carries intense, strong feelings.There are many ways to describe passion. Passion can be described as a burning desire for something that causes your emotions to rise where you desire it more than anything. It might be described as something that energizes you to the point that simply doing it is your reward. It could be described, if money or the opinion of others were not factors, where would you spend your time?

In understanding your passion start with knowing the source of your passion. Where does it originate? Does it come from others like your pastor, family, or friends? They may have some influence on your passion. It is from the heart that your passion is derived. Proverbs 27:19 says,"As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects a man." While others can influence our passion they cannot give us our passion. Passion comes from within.

While our passion comes from within there are external influences that impact our passion in huge ways. We call them experiences. Experiences will often give us our passion.

To keep from being disconnected from your passion, it will be necessary to evaluate opportunists to ensure the following passion killers are minimized:

? Guilt ? Over-commitment

? Boredom ? Incompetence

Once you understand the source of your passion, it will be important to know how you demonstrate passion and for whom you have passion to serve in making a difference for Christ here on earth. The following two exercises will be beneficial in helping narrow down how you demonstrate passion and for whom you demonstrate it.

KEY THOUGHT: To stay connected and linked to your passions it will be important to remember the words of Proverbs 4:23 -- "Above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life."


? 2019 by Jay McSwain. All rights reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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