
Art Knowledge FrameworkDecoding Theory of Knowledge. Heydorn and Jesudason.Use the knowledge framework to make comparisons and links between the arts and other areas of knowledge. Identifying similarities and difference between different areas of knowledge is one way to show your analytical skill.Page 81What knowledge have you gained from the arts? Consider novels, poems, art galleries, theatre productions.Think about.What are you favourite film, poem, piece of music, novel and paininn?Is there a link between your choices and gender or cultural bias?Are your insights personal knowledge, shared knowledge or both?Key words:Objective view of artUsing criteria and qualities that are independent of the observer.Subjective view of artViews on art based on personal preferences.A nautilus shell.Is it beautiful? Is it art? Give reasons for your views.Knowledge frameworkCompare the scope and applications of the arts with other areas of knowledge.The arts have a creative and imaginative motivation. How does this compare with other areas of knowledge?How does the social function of the arts compare with other areas of knowledge? Look at the top of page 82.Does art have a universal and timeless truth or is liking art the same as liking sushi? Think and discuss with a partner.Arts and Culture. Page 82.Like language, the arts are universal and have developed in all cultures.Japanese tea ceremonies are art and a social activity. The Chinese dragon dance is a part of Chinese culture. The Kerelan dance drama is a part of southern Indian culture.Is it possible to know about the arts independently of their contexts?Arts and commercial value. Page 83.In 2007, Joshua Bell one of the world`s most famous violinists performed a concert where people spent a lot of money to watch him play. A few days later he played the violin on a subway platform and many people walked by, ignoring him. factors affect our sense perception? To what extent is the way we judge art influenced by context, setting, our expectations and priorities?What has the greatest influence on the value we place on art?In 2006 Jason Pollock`s painting no5 1948 sold for $140,000,000. Should the financial market be the final arbiter of the value of art? Is the value of art reducible to a sum of money?Arts and ethics. Page 83Should art ever be censored on ethical grounds?In 360BC the Greek philosopher Plato said that art should be censored by the state in the people`s best interests. Do you agree?Artists push the boundary between what is acceptable and not acceptable, often to make a point. Look at the piece of art by Damien Hirst of a cow and calf cut in half. Are they in poor taste, or is it acceptable if it is called art?Art has an important relationship with education. Arts can broaden our perspective and open our eyes to social and ethical issues. The arts can communicate knowledge that can educate and inform.Look at this pre-Raphaelite painting. It is now seen as an important piece of art but at the time was shocking and controversial. Art that is shocking today might not be considered controversial in the future. Famous works of art relate to ethical dilemmas—such as Romeo and Juliet. Can you think of an example from your DP classes?Activity. Page 84. Match the knowledge claims about art with examples.Knowledge claims about art.Example.A work of art demonstrates skill.A photograph of the nautilus shell.A work of art imitates or copies nature.A painting entitled The Scream by Edvard Munch.A work of art expresses an emotion.The classical Indian dnace, Kathakali.A work of art contains truth.Beethoven`s Nonth Symphony.Synchronised swimming.Ballet performed as part of a circus act.Michelangelo`s paintings on the celining of the Sistine Chapel.A film showing martial arts using choreographed dance moves.Look at the examples above. Which do you think are and aren`t art? Why?Are any `great` art?What is the relationship between ethical values and art?Knowledge framework: Compare the key concepts and language of the arts with other areas of knowledge. Page 84.Art such as paintings, dance and music uses nonverbal language. What role does language have in the arts? Compare this to other areas of pare the following key concepts of art, looking at how they are similar or different with other areas of knowledge:Creativity, fiction, imagination, form, language, truth, mimesis, metaphorical language, historical and cultural contextWays of knowing in the arts. Page 84-86.Your task is to explore the methods used to gain knowledge in the arts.Language. Page 84Emotion. Page 85Reason. Page 85Perception. Page 86Think…..Page 87.When we make judgements about the performing arts, the literary arts and the visual arts, which ways of knowing do you think are the most important and why?If the arts can communicate in a way that language can`t, is it more appropriate to experience the arts rather than to talk about them?What is the role of reason, emotion and sense perception in the arts?Do computer games with storytelling, music and pictures expand or limit our imagination? Are computer games an art form? Explain your thinking. ................

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