

A Research Paper Presented To

The Research Department Air Command and Staff College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Graduation Requirements of ACSC by

Maj. John E. Cannaday III

March 1997

Report Documentation Page

Report Date 01MAR1997

Report Type N/A

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Title and Subtitle Application of the Organizational Culture Concept to Assess USAF Organizations

Author(s) Cannaday III, John E.

Performing Organization Name(s) and Address(es) Air Command and Staff College Maxwell AFB, AL 36112 Sponsoring/Monitoring Agency Name(s) and Address(es)

Distribution/Availability Statement Approved for public release, distribution unlimited Supplementary Notes Abstract Subject Terms Report Classification unclassified Classification of Abstract unclassified Number of Pages 44

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The views expressed in this academic research paper are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the US government or the Department of Defense.



Page DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................ ii LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................... v ABSTRACT................................................................................................................... vi ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE BASICS.....................................................................1 UNDERSTANDING THE TERM "ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE"..........................6 AIR FORCE LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE .......................... 11 DIFFICULTY IN APPLYING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE CONCEPTS ............ 18 METHODS OF ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT................................................. 21

Caroselli's informal group method............................................................................. 22 Corporate Culture Questionnaire............................................................................... 25 The Twenty Statements Test ..................................................................................... 26 Additional thoughts on the assessment tools .............................................................. 27 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH.......... 30 APPENDIX A: SCHEIN'S WAYS OF TALKING TOGETHER .................................. 33 APPENDIX B: TST INSTRUMENT AND SAMPLE RESULTS TABLE .................... 34 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 35



Table 1 : Modified Questions from Caroselli's Method.................................................. 23



I wish to acknowledge and express thanks to my Faculty research advisor for his assistance in guiding and steering this effort in the appropriate direction as well as for his efforts in leading the research elective forum from which this research topic was derived.




Recent studies have shown a correlation exists between a strong organizational culture and organizational effectiveness. In fact, some studies question the relative benefit of leadership to organizational effectiveness versus a strong organizational culture. Therefore, can a leader improve or maintain organizational productivity when armed with an understanding its culture? With a high turnover rate and destabilizing organizational dynamics (Major Command reorganizations, force downsizing etc.), it is vital for USAF commanders or leaders to assess and, therefore, determine the strength of their organization's culture. This research paper presents rationale for the utility of applying the organizational culture body of knowledge to assist Air Forces leaders in accurately assessing their organization's culture and using this information to improve the effectiveness of the organization.

A qualitative review of current studies and professional literature is conducted to provide a contextual perspective of organizational culture. In addition, methods to assess organizational culture are reviewed. Also included are recommendations for further research to explore in greater detail the appropriate application of organizational culture research to USAF organizations.


Chapter 1

Organizational Culture Basics

I would rather try to persuade a man to go along, because once I have persuaded him, he will stick. If I scare him, he will stay just as long as he is scared, and then he is gone.

--Dwight D. Eisenhower President Eisenhower's statement reflects the nature of leadership in today's USAF organizational environment illustrating the importance of establishing rapport, understanding, and loyalty from the outset in a leader/subordinate relationship. This statement extrapolated to address the leader/organization relationship further underscores the importance of leaders establishing the same rapport, understanding, and loyalty within the organization as a whole. In their article "Understanding and Applying Transformational Leadership," Majors Donohue and Wong point to identification and internalization as two follower reactions that achieve commitment.1 Specifically, these terms describe attitude changes which increase an individual's productive performance within an organization. The focus is on leader/follower influence vice a more pervasive influence which permeates the entire organization. Donohue and Wong assume that attitude change is sometimes called for and that a leader can influence each subordinate to reflect the behaviors necessary for a unit to accomplish its mission. Accomplishing an all encompassing organizational influence,



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