PDF 13 Ways to Make Money, Even in a Bad Economy

[Pages:8]13 Ways to Make Money, Even in a Bad Economy

By Dr. Jason Cabler

Do you need to make a little extra money because it's gotten difficult to make ends meet in this difficult economy? Have you already trimmed expenses as much as you can, and done everything else you can to use your money more efficiently?

If so, then one of the best things you can do to get ahead is find ways to make extra money. I've put together a few ideas you can use to make extra money that you can implement immediately. You can use these to help catch up your bills, start paying down debt, for investing, or just for extra pocket money.

Some of these are just plain common sense, and a few you might not have thought about, but all of them can help you make extra money to get by, even when the overall economy is not so hot.

12 ? Ways to Make Extra Money

1. Become a Wrapper- Ever seen cars rolling around town wrapped in advertising? Not all of them are being driven by small business owners promoting their business. Some people actually get paid to have their car wrapped in advertising and go about their normal daily driving habits.

Depending on what your driving habits are, where you live, and what the advertiser is willing to pay, you can make as much as $400 a month just for driving your car! It might be a little hard to get picked if you drive less than 800 miles per month and don't live in a highly populated area, but it could be worth 20-30 minutes of your time to fill out signup forms on several different websites to see if you qualify. Just do a Google search for "auto wrap advertising".

2. Do You Like Arts and Crafts?

If you're a creative person that has arts and crafts skills, you can make any number of crafty articles and sell them to friends, family, or anyone else around the world by setting up a shop at . Etsy is an internet marketplace for arts and crafts that connects you with people around the world who want to buy what you make. That's a lot better than setting up shop at the local flea market or begging a boutique owner to carry your stuff!

3. Do Some Freelancing

It doesn't matter if you're an accountant or a house cleaner, if you have a marketable skill, hire yourself out to do freelance work on the side. Unless your employer strictly forbids freelancing, it can be a great way to make a little, or even a lot of extra money. If you market yourself well and get busy enough, you could even grow it into a full time business and leave the 9 to 5 life behind for good. It's extremely easy to advertise your services on sites like Craigslist and .

4. Do You Have Photography Skills?

Believe it or not, you can make money selling your photos online at sites like Shutterstock, Fotolia, or . You may already have a large collection of photos you could sell, or you can shoot what interests you and upload them to these sites. Typically, you'll make about $ .25 whenever someone buys one of your pics, so you probably won't make millions, but realize, each photo can be sold an unlimited number of times. So if you upload dozens or even hundreds of quality photos, it could turn into a steady stream of income over time.

5. Have an Extra Room to Rent?

Rent a room or even your entire house to someone traveling to your city using . Just list what you have available on the website and people can sign up for a stay at your home. You're in control of how much you want to charge per night. Plus, you have the power to approve or deny who stays in your space.

Travelers and accommodations are rated by the participants, which allows you to have a better idea of who will be staying in your house. AirBnB will even send a professional photographer to take pictures for your listing free of charge to make sure your space is represented as attractively as possible. Here's a quick video to show you how the process works.

6. Buy and Sell Used Cars- This idea will take a significant amount of upfront money to get started, but you can easily make a very good return on that money. You can find underpriced cars- There are more

available than you think- by scouring Craigslist and other local sources, or go to an auto auction that's open to the public. Find a solid used car, clean it up, fix any minor problems, and sell it for a hefty profit.

To find out the value of a car before you buy it, use to find the Blue Book value. When you find a car that is significantly underpriced compared to the Blue Book price, that's a good one to consider.

Once you buy it and get it ready for sale, advertise it on Craigslist or another local site, and sell it for its true value.

7. Sell Groups of Things Online- Buy items very cheaply at garage sales or thrift stores such as dishes, clothing, and home d?cor items. Group them together in an attractive way, and sell them as a set on sites like Ebay and Etsy. Many people don't have an eye for matching and color coordination, and this is a great way to be creative and help others get unusual combinations of items that they never could have found otherwise.

8. Write a "How To" Book- Unless you're already a writer, you probably haven't seriously thought about publishing a book. But with today's self-publishing revolution, anyone can do just that without having to submit a manuscript to dozens of publishers and deal with dozens of rejections from gate keepers who just aren't interested.

These days, you can write what you want, self publish for little or no cost, and market it to almost anyone in the world for instant purchase.

You can even set your own price!

Yes, I know.

You're probably not a writer. That's ok. All you need to know is how to write an understandable sentence. You don't have to be Hemingway or T.S. Eliot. Just be you. What would you write about? Write about what you know how to do.

Everybody knows how to do something. It doesn't have to be anything complicated or highbrow, just a short book on how to do almost anything will work just fine.

Believe it or not, just because you know how to do something relatively common doesn't mean everyone else knows how to do it. And it especially doesn't mean anyone has taken the time to write a short book about it. Find out more info on how to publish a "how to" book by reading this post.

9. Sell Your Stuff on Ebay

Clean out your attic, your closets, your garage, and your basement and sell the stuff you don't use anymore on Ebay or Craigslist. Also, you could buy stuff at garage sales for next to nothing and sell them on those sites for a profit. This works especially well for children's

clothing, larger items, and collectibles. For clothing and smaller items, you can get them at a yard sale for $.25 to $1 per item, group them together into outfits or sets, and sell them for$10-$15 or more. Of course, it's best to sell things that are in good condition. But I've personally sold things like broken cameras and other electronics on these sites as well. Many people want to buy broken things just for the parts.

10. Throw a Garage Sale I know this is pretty obvious advice, but hey, go with what works. Especially if you have some large items like furniture or appliances that you can sell, It's easy to get them sold quickly if you put the right price on them. You can make money very quickly with a garage sale, along with the added bonus of decluttering your house. If there are any items that don't get sold, donate them to Goodwill or other charity, and you can get a tax write off for it on next year's taxes.

11. Jobs and Gigs On Craigslist Craigslist has "Jobs" and "Gigs" sections where you can hire yourself out for skilled positions or odd jobs. On a recent search I saw ads for people needing everything from a house cleaner, to a Russian speaking baby sitter, to skilled positions such as writers and virtual assistants.

There are a ton of people out there who need the skills you have. Craigslist is a great place to start because it connects you with people who need your skills so much more efficiently than was possible in the past.

12. Detail Cars Many times people don't have the time or don't want to take the time to keep their car as clean as they'd like. That's where you can help. You can work part time and/or on the weekends detailing cars.

You can solicit your detailing services at businesses with a lot of office workers, allowing you to detail several cars in one location while the owners are working. It's not extremely difficult work, and if you do an excellent job you'll get plenty of referrals.

We used to have a detailer that came to my office about once a month and he would typically do 2-3 cars while he was there. Extra income from that kind of work can add up pretty quickly!

13. Deliver Pizzas

This is an old favorite straight from Dave Ramsey. For years Dave has recommended that people who are getting out of debt can deliver pizzas part time. The restaurant pays you and if you're fast and friendly you'll be able make tips from deliveries on top of that.

It's All About Hustling

Even in this tough economy there is work to be done and money to be earned. You may just have to find it in places you might never have thought to look before. You just have to get out there and hustle. As I've said before in the Celebrating Financial Freedom blog, I am thoroughly convinced that in the entire history of the world, there has never been a better time to find ways of making money. In these days where you can sell goods and hire out your skills to virtually anyone on the planet, you can literally operate a global business from a simple laptop.

So if you need extra money to pay off debt, or even to make ends meet, just do a little research, come up with a plan and take action.

You can do it!

The content in the Celebrating Financial Freedom blog and in the above publication should not be considered expert financial advice. Dr. Cabler has no professional certifications or degrees related to finance. You are encouraged to seek a financial professional when making any financial decisions. Copyright 2012 Dr. Jason L. Cabler, All Rights Reserved


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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