How to Make a Difference………………… HUNGER

How to Make a Difference………………… Global Warming

|Become aware |Participate in a fund raiser |

|Here… |Here… |

|Learn more about it | Buy a global warming bracelet from |

|Recycle | |

|Take Care of the Environment | |

| | Buy a hat or T-shirt from |

|Around the world… | |

| Check out the websites of national and international world preservation, | Buy WWF (World Wildlife Fund) cards, beanie babies, or calendars from |

|such as: |you local Barnes and Noble |

| | |

|For Adults | |

|globalwarming |Around the world: |

| | Contribute to NRDC, Habitat for Humanity, and the World Wildlife Fund |

| | |

| | If you do contribute to one of these organizations, wear the sticker, |

| |bracelet, t-shirt, or whatever else you may receive to let others know |

|For Kids |this is important to you |

|rangerrick | |

|climatechange/kids/ | |

|Volunteer |Make your views known |

|Here… |Here… |

|Volunteer at the local recycling center |Write a letter to the SPUR or Marshall Independent expressing your |

|Volunteer at the area state parks |views on global warming |

|Volunteer at SMSU’s chapter of Habitat for Humanity | |

| |Around the World… |

|Around the World… |Email or write a petition to your politicians telling them about your |

|- Go to to find more info |concerns about global warming |

|about ways to fight global warming |Get a WWF credit card from Chase which will contribute 1% of every sale |

|- volunteer at Habitat for Humanity or Global Volunteers |to the WWF |

|Do an internship that addresses global warming |Make others aware of the problem and what they can do to help |

|Here… |Here… |

| Do an internship at a local state park | Invite a friend to check out one of the many websites |

|-Garvin Park (only 15 miles from Marshall) | Start a conversation with a friend or make a comment in class about |

|-Camden State Park (only 10 miles ) |the topic |

| | Promote recycling and walking instead of driving or carpooling |

|Around the World…. |Around the world… |

| Join the Earth Activist Network at | Add information on your MySpace page or Facebook page about your |

| |commitment to addressing global warming and let others know how they can|

| |be involved |

| | |

|Vote for anti-global warming legislation |Work for an organization that supports ending global warming |

|Vote for mayors and representatives or all kinds who support making changes| Gain some experience related to global warming by volunteering for |

|in the city or state to reduce carbon emission rates |organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Global Volunteers |

|Some communities already involved are Duluth and Minneapolis | |

|Support the Climate Stewardship Act because it could bring 800,000 new jobs| |

|to the U.S. by 2025 with the Midwest region, including Minnesota getting | |

|the highest percentage |Ask the organization you are considering joining what (if any) kinds of|

| |socially responsible investing they do |

|Support musical artists that are committed to ending global warming |Watch a movie or documentary about global warming |

|Listen to music you enjoy by dedicated artists such as Taking Back Sunday, |Here… |

|Jon Bon Jovi, and Bonnie Raitt, just to name a few | Watch Al Gore’s personal history of fighting global warming by buying|

|Support music festivals like Lollapalooza who support global warming |the DVD “An Inconvenient Truth” |

|organizations such as the NDRC, , and other | |

|organizations dealing in various other important issues (poverty) |Around the world… |

| | Watch the documentaries about global warming/ climate change on the |

| |BBC |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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