Study Island


|Title: Save the Earth! |Author: Barbara L. |State: Kansas |

|Grade Span: 3-5 |Subject: Reading/Language Arts, Science | |

|Assignment Type: Small group |

|Recommended Time Frame: 1-2 weeks |

Summary of Project:

After studying Earth’s resources, students write a script for a public service announcement promoting some form of conservation. The students then perform their skits for the class. The skits could be videotaped if there is access to a camera.

Materials and Resources Needed:

|Whole class |Per Group |Per Student |

|Examples of public service announcements |Sample scripts – one or two for each group | |

|Video camera | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Key Vocabulary

|Conservation |Recycle |Renewable resources |

|Non-renewable resources |Fossil fuels |Natural resource |

|pollution | | |

Engaging Questions:

1. How can we convince our audience to conserve natural resources?

Implementing the Activity

Day 1: Introduce the project and discuss examples of public service announcements.

Day 2-4: Split students into groups of 3 or 4. Students brainstorm ideas and write or type skits.

Day 5-6: Students practice skits and discuss props that will be needed.

Day 7-8: Present skits to class.

Day 9: If you videotape the skits, watch them and discuss the good points and ways to improve the skits.

End Result

The finished script and skit will be the end result.


|CATEGORY |Exemplary-10 pts. |Proficient-9 pts. |Average-8 pts. |Basic-7 pts. |Not Done-0 |

|Oral Presentation |The oral presentation |The presentation runs|The presentation runs|The presentation |Nothing was |

| |runs smoothly. The |smoothly. The |fairly smoothly. It |does not run |presented. |

| |presenters can be |presenters can be |may be hard to hear |smoothly. It is hard| |

| |heard. It is obvious |heard. It is obvious |some of the |to hear and | |

| |the presentation has |the presentation has |presentation. There |understand the | |

| |been practiced. Props |been practiced. |should have been more|presenters. It is | |

| |are used and help the | |practice. |obvious that the | |

| |presentation. | | |presenters have not | |

| | | | |practiced. | |

|Script |The script is complete|The script is |The script is not |Very little of the |A script was not |

| |and goes with the |complete and goes |quite complete. Some |actual presentation |done. |

| |presentation. All |with the |directions and |is included. There | |

| |directions and |presentation. Most of|conversation is left |are many errors. | |

| |conversation is |the directions are |out. There are some | | |

| |included. There are no|included and all of |errors in | | |

| |errors in conventions.|the conversation is |conventions. | | |

| | |included. There are | | | |

| | |only a few errors in | | | |

| | |conventions. | | | |

For Differentiated Instruction

All levels of learners are able to take part in this activity. Groups can adjust the parts according to skills.

Additional Notes

I have found that it works much better to videotape the skits. The students enjoy watching their own skit, and they can also see mistakes that were made. That way, they will improve the next time that drama is incorporated into a class project. Groups are allowed to present outside if that would be better for their public service announcement.

Make sure the scripts for each group are completely finished before they are allowed to discuss props or start practicing.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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