Distance Learning Courses and E-learning Adult Programmes

?LEVEL 2 CERTIFICATE IN UNDERSTANDING AUTISMModule C assessment You will need to complete an assessment for each module. When you have completed all the questions, please return them to your tutor/ learning provider.The purpose of the assessment tasks is to provide evidence that you have met the requirements set out by the awarding body in order to pass the course. The information and activities in the learning materials will help you complete these assessment tasks. If you have any dif?culty in answering any of the questions please contact your tutor/learning provider who will provide you with help and guidance.Good luck with your studies!LEVEL 2 CERTIFICATE IN UNDERSTANDING AUTISMModule C assessment After completing your assessment please return it to your tutor/learning provider.ADVICE TO ALL CANDIDATES Please complete both the personal details and candidate statement boxes plete all questions in this assessment.Type your answers in the boxes provided.You do not need to return your completed activities for the units – just this assessment.If you require any assistance or guidance please contact your tutor/learning provider.PERSONAL DETAILSNameContact AddressPostcodeTelephone no.eveningdayEmailhomeworkCANDIDATE STATEMENTI con?rm that the answers in this assessment were completed by myself and are my own work.Signature (type name)DateSUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 5Assessment 5.1: Behaviour within the context of autism(The reference in brackets at the end of each task refers to the assessment criteria for the learning outcomes of this qualification and is for your tutor's/learning provider’s use.)1. Explain why an individual’s behaviours may need to be considered within the context of autism. (1.1)2. Explain how these behaviours may influence the way individuals with autism interact with others. (1.2)SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 53. Explain how the behaviour of others may impact on an individual with autism. (1.3)4. Explain why individuals with autism may find changes to their routine distressing. (1.4)SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 55. Outline strategies that can be used to support individuals to cope with changes to routine and structure. (1.5)6. Outline the approaches that can be used to reduce prompt dependency in individuals with autism. (1.6)SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 57. Outline strategies to support an individual’s obsessions and special interests. (1.7)SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 5Assessment 5.2: Supporting positive behaviour8. Outline how behaviour can be interpreted as a form of expression. (2.1)9. Identify a range of factors that may be associated with behaviour that challenges. (2.2)SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 510. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of using proactive strategies and reactive strategies to support positive behaviour in individuals with autism. (2.3)11. Explain the importance of positive reinforcement. (2.4)SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 512. Outline approaches that could be used to support positive behaviour. (2.5)SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 5Assessment 5.3: Developing coping strategies13. Explain how an individual with autism’s behaviour can have an impact on them and others. (3.1)a) The individual:b) Others:14. Give examples of the following strategies that can be used in relation to behaviour that challenges. (3.2)a) Prevention:SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 5b) De-escalation techniques:c) Coping strategies:15. Describe ways to support an individual who is anxious and struggling to contain their own behaviour. (3.3)SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 516. Describe how to support individuals to understand their behaviour in terms of the following. (3.4)a) Events and feelings leading up to the behaviour:b) Individuals’ actions:c) The consequences of their behaviour:SUPPORTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR IN INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISMUNIT 517. Describe how family members can be supported to cope with behaviour that challenges. (3.5)18. Identify sources of support in relation to behaviours that challenge for the individual with autism and their family. (3.6)SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 6Assessment 6.1: Living with autism1. Outline the potential effects on an individual of living with autism, in terms of the following. (1.1)a) Development and puberty:b) Education, employment and life chances:c) Access to services and facilities:SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 62. Describe the impact on family members of supporting a child or young person with autism, and an adult with autism. (1.2)a) A child or young person with autism:b) An adult with autism:SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 63. Identify positive aspects of living with autism. (1.3)SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 6Assessment 6.2: Personal safety4. Identify factors that may compromise the personal safety of an individual with autism. (2.1)5. Give reasons why people with autism may be vulnerable to the following. (2.2)a) Bullying:b) Exploitation:SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 66. Outline ways to safeguard against the bullying and exploitation of individuals with autism. (2.3)7. Outline strategies that individuals can use to protect themselves from harm and abuse. (2.4)SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 68. Describe ways to support individuals to use the Internet and social media safely. (2.5)SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 6Assessment 6.3: Positive risk taking9. Identify aspects of everyday life in which risk plays a part. (3.1)10. Outline the benefits individuals can gain from positive risk taking. (3.2)SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 611. Explain how risk assessment can be used with individuals and others. (3.3)SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 6Assessment 6.4: Transitions and life events12. Identify a range of life events and transitions that individuals may experience. (4.1)13. Give reasons why individuals with autism may find these transitions difficult. (4.2)SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 614. Identify ways that individuals can be supported through transitions. (4.3)15. Describe how to involve others in the transition process. (4.4)SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 6Assessment 6.5: Access to services and facilities16. Identify the support an individual may need to access the following. (5.1)a) Health care:b) Education and training:c) Leisure services:SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 617. Outline the rights of individuals with autism in relation to accessing services and facilities. (5.2)18. Give examples of reasonable adjustments that could be made for individuals with autism. (5.3)19. Outline the support available for individuals and families from rights groups and community support organisations. (5.4)SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 6Assessment 6.6: Employment20. Identify barriers that people with autism may face in gaining employment. (6.1)21. Describe how individuals can be supported with the following. (6.2)a) Gaining employment:SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 6b) Starting employment:c) Continuing employment:SUPPORTING INDIVIDUALS WITH AUTISM TO LIVE HEALTHY AND FULFILLED LIVESUNIT 622. Identify organisations and agencies that support individuals with autism into employment. (6.3)MODULE C ASSESSMENTWe would appreciate your feedback about your learning experience. Please click on the link below to complete our survey. done!You have now completed the questions for Module C. Please return yourassessment to your tutor/learning provider. They will provide you with feedback on the assessment. If you need any further help or guidance, please contact your tutor/learning provider.Don’t forget to complete the ‘Personal details’ and ‘Candidate statement’ boxes on the front page of this assessment. ................

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