Child Care Resource & Referral Program Manual

Illinois Department of Human Services Bureau of Child Care & DevelopmentRevised 3/2/17Part 1:Introduction & Overviewpage 1Part 2: Child Care Resource & Referral Deliverablespage 2Part 3: Reporting Requirementspage 18Part 4:Contracted Staff Qualifications page 18Part 5:Appendixespage 21Service Delivery MapHolidaysComplaint PolicySECTION 1: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEWChild Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies are hubs for coordination of diverse child care activities in each regional community of Illinois. CCR&R agencies are permanent, local adaptable structures through which public and private groups can work together to enhance the accessibility, improve the quality and increase the availability of affordable child care. CCR&R agencies serve all parents and families seeking services within the defined Service Delivery Area (SDA). In addition, CCR&R agencies work with child care providers, their communities and policy makers. Services provided by the CCR&R agency shall include:Administration of the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)Assemble and maintain a child care provider database Consumer education and child care referrals to parents/guardiansTraining and technical assistance to child care providers Recruitment and retention activities for child care optionsData collection and analysis on child care supply and demandCommunity and Provider Services ProgramsCommunity Systems Development is designed to connect and coordinate programs and services for young children and their families. Participate in and/or assist community collaboration groups to provide coordinating services for families.Provider Service Programs are designed to enhance the professional development of individual child care practitioners, improve program quality, and improve the quality of care given to children. SECTION 2: CCR&R DELIVERABLESCCR&R Agency RequirementsAgency has qualified/will qualify under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) 3 and/or 511 and serves as their own fiscal agent or the CCR&R’s parent agency has a 501 (c) 3 status and serves as the CCR&R’s fiscal agent.Contracted agencies are required to obtain and maintain authorized access to all computerized systems as outlined by the Bureau of Child Care & Development (BCCD). Access to computerized systems provided by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) to verify eligibility information, enter payments, monitor training, and licensing status’ are mandatory to successful contract fulfillment. ?Contracted agencies must have high speed Internet access to work with IDHS web-based computerized systems. ?Minimum hardware requirements include computers, printers, scanners and copiers.? Software requirements include Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Office Professional. ?Although various computer Operating Systems may work with IDHS systems, agencies must have an operating system that can interface with Internet Explorer 8 or above (IE8). IDHS only approves access using Internet Explorer. Other browsers that IDHS does not support may have technical difficulties. Agencies must secure an approval from the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) on their Security and Privacy Controls Questionnaire (SPCQ) prior to obtaining eligibility systems access.?Operating Hours/AccessibilityCCR&R offices are to be open a minimum of 37.5 hours per week when possible, should be within normal business hours (e.g., 8:30 am – 5:00 pm).CCR&R agencies will have phone availability for a minimum of 37.5 hours per week.Phone access to a CCAP Eligibility Specialist and Referral Specialist for a minimum of 37.5 hours per week.The CCR&R shall have a central location in the SDA with drop in hours where R&R will complete an annual Accessibility Plan in the format provided by IDHS. Accessibility plan will be approved by R&R Agency shall follow the state holiday schedule (see Section 5 of this document) exception requests must be submitted and approved by IDHS.In the case of emergency closure caused by an uncontrollable event, CCR&R shall notify the designated IDHS staff by phone or email as soon as possible. CCR&R shall communicate hours of operation, holiday schedules and emergency closings to clients through multiple communications such as newsletters, voice mail, signage, etc. The CCR&R shall establish satellite locations where needed and feasible. CCR&R shall have a caller friendly phone system including, but not limited to 800 numbers/toll free service to all callers, TTY, voice message system, call forwarding.The phone system shall accommodate the volume of the designated R&R shall make available email addresses for customers to reach various units within the CCR&R (e.g., CCAP, Training, etc.). All messages (e.g., phone, email) will be replied to within 2 working days of R&R shall notify IDHS and clients prior to changes to the phone system.Personnel/StaffingCCR&R shall have written personnel R&R shall use the job descriptions and job titles provided for contractual staff. As applicable, have written job descriptions for all additional CCR&R staff. CCR&R shall provide all CCR&R staff with orientation including an overview of all the CCR&R services, pre-service and on-going in-service training opportunities, including training on customer service and techniques specific to better serving families of low income, families experiencing homelessness and families of children with special R&R employs qualified staff (effective July 1, 2012). Staff hired before this date are deemed qualified under previous requirements as long as they remain in that position.Designated IDHS staff must pre-approve staff for the Quality Specialist and the Infant Toddler Child Care Specialist positions. The CCAP License Exempt Provider Monitor is referred by IDHS Family and Community Resource Center (FCRC) staff.The CCR&R shall make a concerted effort to employ individuals that are sensitive to the diversity (ethnic, linguistic, economic, and occupational) of the SDA’s population.Contracted Positions:CCR&R staff in IDHS contracted positions must be Gateways to Opportunity Registry Members. New staff must be members within two (2) months of R&R staff in IDHS contracted positions is required to have fifteen (15) hours of professional development annually.Funding is provided for contractually required staff. Upon Department approval additional staff may be employed; however, their duties must relate directly to the CCAP or CORE services outlined in this document.The CCR&R shall employ the following positions. Specific qualifications are noted in Section R&R Agency: CCR&R Director - individual(s) who is responsible for the management and coordination of the CCR&R and its programs. CCAP Services - To provide CCAP services, CCR&R shall employ staff to serve all applicants/customers for child care assistance that reside within the SDA within the budgetary allocation from IDHS. Staff for the CCAP services include:CCAP Coordinator/Supervisor - individual(s) who is responsible for, but not limited to, coordinating/overseeing the day to day work process in the CCAP unit, as well as provide/coordinate training for CCAP staff and communicate with IDHS staff. This position may carry an active AP eligibility Specialist – individual(s) who is responsible for, but not limited to, the duties related to the management of the assigned CCAP caseload (e.g., meeting w/clients, reviewing paperwork, data entry, case and provider eligibility determinations, etc.).CCAP License Exempt Provider Monitor- the individual(s) is responsible for scheduling and conducting on-site visits to License Exempt (LE) child care providers who receive payment through the IDHS Child Care Assistance Program. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, obtaining a current listing of LE Child Care Providers, contacting them to schedule a visit during their operating hours, conduct the on-site visit, review and confirm that required training has been completed and that health and safety practices are being implemented, complete a monitoring report, maintain files and enter data in the format and timeframe specified by the Department, and working with the license-exempt provider community to enhance the quality of care being provided in the child care setting. Travel within the designated Service Delivery Area (SDA) is required. This position has a minimum annual salary of $23,000. Core Services CCR&R shall employ a minimum of 5.5 Full Time Equivalent. (FTE) staff and shall include the following positions:Data Specialist – individual(s) responsible for capturing data as required by the Department for the statewide CCR&R system.Infant Toddler Child Care (ITCC) Specialist -individual responsible for identifying needs within the SDA specific to infant/toddler and providing technical assistance, consultation, including on-site visits for the quality rating and improvement system, and training specific to infant/toddler needs within the SDA. For the ITCC, 1 FTE = 1 person, this FTE is not to be divided. Quality Specialist (QS) – individual(s) responsible for providing technical assistance, consultation, including on-site visits, and/or training for the quality rating and improvement system (QRIS). Effective July 1, 2015, no newly hired QS can be less than .5 FTE.Recruitment and Retention Coordinator - individual(s) who assist in the assessment of local child care needs and who assist in the recruitment and retention of child care providers and resources -with a focus on License Exempt Family Child Care providers.Referral Specialist -individual(s) who assist parents/guardians and families with child care consumer education and referrals.Training and Technical Assistance (TA) Coordinator – individual(s) who coordinates and/or delivers training opportunities for the SDA and who provides technical assistance to child care practitioners. Additionally, each CCR&R agency will have at a minimum one staff member approved as an Illinois Trainer Network Trainer (ITN) for the ITN Environment Rating Scales Training. This will be considered as part of their regular job duties within their SDA.Additionally, each CCR&R agency will have at a minimum one staff member trained to deliver ECE Credential Level 1 training.Board/Advisory CommitteeEstablish and maintain a functioning Board and/or CCR&R Advisory Committee respective of the diversity of the Service Delivery Area (SDA).Composition of the board/advisory committee should include representatives of local groups with an interest in child care. Makes a concerted effort to have representation from the entire SDA.Meetings shall be accessible to all members.Identity in the Service Delivery AreaCCR&R shall maintain working relationships with all types of child care providers in the SDA. CCR&R shall maintain working relationships with the IDHS Family and Community Resource Centers (FCRC) and other social service providers (e.g., Emergency and Transitional Housing Programs, Emergency Food Programs, Medical Assistance Programs, etc., )in the SDA to assist in addressing the needs of families of low income and to ensure these families have access to the various supports that they may be eligible for available from IDHS or other identified resources to achieve self-R&R shall maintain working relationships with appropriate family service agencies in the SDA including, but not limited to, providers of service to families of children with special needs and families experiencing R&R shall provide information on the CCR&R Agency/Services, to include but not be limited to: Telephone numbers, website address, key email addresses. An annual distribution describing CCR&R services specific to programs serving families of children with special needs and families experiencing homelessness. Distribution shall include, but not be limited to following programs: PreSchool for All, Child and Family Connection offices, school programs and Head Start Programs.Maintain data or accesses data from Census Bureau or other sources on ethnic and linguistic composition in census tracts in the SDA. Required Policies and ProceduresCCR&R shall develop written policies and procedures addressing the following items/topics. Policies and procedures are to be approved by the appropriate local Board/Advisory Committee.Data Use For making aggregate data available to the community (aggregate data defined as data that does not include identifying information for any individual, family or program).Data may not be used for personal use. Databases For permitted uses of Core and CCAP Services databases, information and other written materials generated from the delivery of Core and CCAP Services. Policy must include prohibitions on the disclosure of individualized information on parents or children unless required by enhanced CCR&R service contracts. The CCR&R must receive prior approval from the Department for such enhanced service contracts. The policy shall also include prohibitions on the disclosure of individualized information on providers with the exception of referrals to parent/guardians as contracted by the Department and for the distribution of professional development opportunity information. This policy is subject to the prior approval of the plaints Agency shall develop a written complaint policy following the guidelines found in Section 5C of this document. Policy is to be submitted to IDHS. CCR&R shall include a brief written report of its compliant policy in its initial mailing to a provider or a parent and shall make copies of the full policy available upon request. All CCR&R staff shall receive in-service training on the complaint policy and procedures. A signed statement verifying staff received training shall be included in each staff member’s personnel file.Fees For each additional service including provider training; employer technical assistance; and data analysis and enhanced services .CCR&Rs will follow statewide established training fee as applicable.Unallowable a) CCR&R is prohibited from charging for contracted CCAP services or related services (e.g., CCAP Certificate Provider training).b) CCR&R is prohibited from charging for consumer education and referrals.c) CCR&R is prohibited from charging child care providers to be listed on the database.Neutral EntityEnsuring the CCR&R will remain a neutral entity when: Determining CCAP eligibility for providers and clients.Making child care referrals to parents/guardians.Providing the following services to child care providers: technical assistance, recruitment/retention of child care providers. To separate CCR&R functions from any DCFS licensing function.For including license exempt homes and centers on the provider database; all license exempt homes and centers meeting written procedures must be included on the database unless the provider chooses otherwise. All qualified CCAP license exempt providers are required to be on the provider database.For tracking and referral of in-home providers and nanny services.Site Visits to providersWith the exception of the license exempt monitoring visits, CCR&R must ensure any visits to providers must deal with objective matters, such as providing technical assistance and consultation. Policy is to be shared in writing with providers.TrainingThe CCR&R shall develop and implement policies and procedures for training events sponsored by the CCR&R. Training policies and procedures shall be shared in writing with child care providers. Use of Video EquipmentIf applicable, CCR&R shall develop a written policy and procedure to address the use ofvideo equipment for the purpose of professional development and best practices with staffand/or providers. Items to address: gaining prior written consent from anyone beingrecorded and must disclose to anyone being recorded how the video will and will not beused.l. Emergency Preparedness 1) CCR&R Agency shall have in place procedures for staff and volunteer emergency preparedness training and practice drills.2) CCR&R Agency shall have in place a procedure/plan to contact child care providerswithin the SDA should an emergency occur.3) CCR&R shall communicate with the designated IDHS staff member should an R&R Agency shall have in place procedures to assist child care program with referrals when a disaster/tragedy occurs. Ensuring that nepotism will not occur. Resources /Documents/ DatabasesResources / DocumentsUnless otherwise noted in this document, all resources and documents (e.g., manuals, papers, data, etc.) created by the CCR&R used in connection with CCAP, Core or QRIS services – regardless of the format (i.e., written or electronic) shall be property of the Department being held and used by the CCR&R for the benefit of the Department. Materials given to customers must be written in simple, understandable language and where needed, be available in Spanish or other appropriate language to adequately serve the clients who are not fluent in English.DatabasesUnless otherwise noted in this document, all databases, information technology tools, including spreadsheets, and information compiled, created, stored, purchased, or otherwise used in connection with Core and CCAP Services shall be the property of the CCR&R. The Department, however, shall have a perpetual and irrevocable license to use or sublicense the use of Core and CCAP Services databases and/or information of the CCR&R without the need to obtain any other further permissions or consents from the CCR&R or further payments for the use of sublicensing of the same. The license shall extend beyond the termination of this contract. The CCR&R shall, upon request, make and deliver at its cost copies of Core and CCAP Services databases requested by the Department, whether by electronic media, hard copy, or another requested format. The CCR&R further agrees that it will not transfer, sell, alienate, license, or otherwise use Core or CCAP Services databases, tools, or other information generated from databases in any manner other than in the providing of Core and CCAP Services herein without the specific written pre-approval of the Department, unless in aggregate for supply and demand reporting purposes.Additional Services /CooperationCCR&R will cooperate in the distribution and collection of survey information as requested by the Department including, but not limited to: requests for data and information, assistance with focus groups in the R&R shall collect provider market rate data biennially for the Market Rate Survey or IDHS approved alternative method per the policies and procedures set forth in the IDHS approved statewide procedural documents. This includes contact with 85% of the centers and 85% of the family child care homes on the local CCR&R provider database. If necessary IDHS reserves the right to require CCR&Rs to contact a?percentage of license-exempt R&R website shall link to the IDHS Child Care Assistance Program R&R CCAP and Core staff will, as appropriate, provide basic information, technical assistance and referrals to families and providers on the following programs, but not limited to: TANF, LIHEAP, WIC, SNAP, All Kids and Medicaid, Affordable Care Act, Family Case Management, Maternal, Infant & Early Childhood Home Visiting, Early Intervention and Child and Adult Care Food R&R agrees to cooperate with State funded CCR&Rs in other SDAs as required by the state funded, statewide system.Site Administered Child Care Providers serving families within the CCR&Rs SDA.The Head Start Collaboration Office.Other State agencies as appropriate.Delivery of CCAP ServicesAdministrationCCR&R shall adhere to the policies and procedures set forth in the IDHS Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)Policy Manual and as stated in the latest IDHS memoranda and policy AP staff is to manage inquiries from IDHS, customers and child care providers regarding status of applications, redeterminations and other case R&R shall utilize any child care computer software/system, compatible with a personal computer, and any other computerized data systems currently or subsequently adopted by the Statewide CCR&R System and as determined by R&R CCAP Staff must gain and maintain access to the following data access screens:The Illinois Public Aid Communication System IPACSWeb3270?BlueZoneThe Integrated Eligibility System? IES????? The Consolidated Accounting & Reporting System CARSThe Comptroller System?SAMSThe Child Care Management System CCMSUser Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment Production (live) environment7) DataCap scanners and software?DataCapa) User Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment b) Production (live) environment8) The Child Care Assistance Program payment screensHSCCMSUser Acceptance Testing (UAT) environment Production (live) environment9) Key Information Delivery System?KIDS10) Social Security SDX Inquiry System?PASDX11) Automated Wage Verification System?AWVS12) Wage Work Verification System? WVSThe use of these systems shall be limited to the operation of the Child Care Assistance Program, as outlined in the IDHS CCAP Policy Manual,? IPACS Training Manual, IES guide, CCMS Wizards and Job Aids and other processing instructions issued by R&Rs must inform IDHS whenever a staff person with access to any IDHS system leaves employment or changes job functions and no longer needs access to the systems within 2 working days of reassignment or departure.? CCR&Rs must provide staff that are knowledgeable to the workings of CCMS to perform testing of system modifications.? Testers must provide testing results as instructed when testing parameters are distributed.? CCR&R shall work with the Department to ensure program integrity. Agencies shall maintain case records as outlined in the IDHS CCAP Policy Manual,Section Case Record Requirements. As of FY15 (July 1, 2015) new case records must be maintained electronically through the Child Care management System (CCMS), including all supporting documents.Review and determine eligibility for all CCAP application, re-determination and change reports.Enter all child care certificates in HSCCMS within 5 working days of receipt or change.If a CCR&R is operating under a corrective action plan, a list of any IDHS approved processing changes must be maintained and presented to PIQA monitoring staff at the beginning of the R&R shall provide on-going case management. On-going case management includes, but is not limited to, all aspects of the following: initial and ongoing parent/guardian and provider eligibility, case document processing, case updates, termination of ineligible cases, walk-in customer service, answering and responding to phone calls, aggregate reporting, appeals preparation and response, processing overpayments, addressing complaints, investigation and of suspected fraud/forgery, inquiries and action requests from IDHS, and electronic case notes. CCAP cases are coded according to zip code.? In some instances zip codes may cross county/SDA lines.? In these cases, ?the SDA with the most cases in the zip code handles all of the cases for the zip code.? CCR&R shall download the CCTS website management reports monthly. CCR&R shall run CCMS reports (formerly Infoview) through the Business Objects system as instructed by IDHS. The CCR&R will work through the management reports as instructed by IDHS. All forms that are used to conduct IDHS business for the CCAP, including but not limited to, applications, redetermination, notice of approval, reporting changes of information, cancellation, denial, and billing including calculation spreadsheet - must comply with applicable IDHS Administrative Directives. All other forms, letters or revisions to an existing form must be approved by IDHS before use. All documents received for initial eligibility determination, redetermination, or continued case management must be scanned or uploaded into R&R shall maintain case records as outlined in the IDHS CCAP Policy Manual, Section 3 Case Record Requirements. As of FY15 (July 1, 2015), new case records must be maintained electronically through the Child Care Management System (CCMS). Case records include case notes as a standard part of all case processing. All case actions and contact with clients and providers should be documented on the client and/or provider screens as appropriate. CCR&R shall identify staff responsible to serve as a liaison to the Department for the following areas: child care appeals, child care fraud and overpayments, child care policy clarifications, child care complaints, SEIU inquiries and grievances, IDHS FCRC liaison, and CCMS expert /trainer.Nothing in the agreement shall prevent the CCR&R from performing similar services for other parties. However, the CCR&R assures that at no time shall the compensation paid by the Department for services rendered under this agreement exceed the rate the CCR&R charges for the rendering of a similar benefit to others.Child Care Customer Parents/GuardiansCCR&R is to provide current IDHS child care applications to potential child care parents/guardians upon request. Parent/guardians are also to be made aware of the online AP staff shall determine for all child care applications submitted whether the applicant is eligible to receive child care R&R Agency shall describe process for referring customers who do not have a qualified child care provider. CCAP staff shall enter all parent information and received into CCMS.A final eligibility determination must be made no more than30 working days from the date of receipt for all applications, redeterminations, change of information and change of provider requests. b. Child Care Provider1) CCR&R is to provide current IDHS child care applications to potential child care providers upon request. Providers are also to be made aware of the online application. 2) CCAP staff shall determine for all child care applications submitted whether the provider is qualified to participate in the child care program and receive CCAP payments.3) Upon receipt of a child care/provider application, CCAP staff shall confirm provider’s name and TIN is certified on the Comptrollers Statewide Accounting Management System (SAMS) and, if not certified, follow procedures as outlined in the IDHS CCAP Policy Manual. 4) Upon receipt of a child care application or request for a change of provider form, CCAP staff shall follow the procedures outlined in the IDHS CCAP Policy manual. Payment ProcessUpon receipt of a child care certificate, CCAP staff is to follow the guidelines and policies set forth in the IDHS CCAP Policy Manual. CCAP staff is to enter the Child Care Certificate into the AP staff is to manage inquiries from IDHS (BCCD or FCRC), parents/guardians, and child care providers regarding status of payments for cases and providers associated with the respective SDA. Upon request, CCR&R staff will inform providers of the amounts deducted for Union dues and are to refer providers to SEIU’s membership line for questions or concerns regarding union representation.Upon request, CCR&R staff will inform providers of QRIS status in the CCMS and HSCCMS and answer questions about quality add-on amount(s) and are to refer providers to the QRIS Administrative entity or appropriate CCR&R staff if they have questions regarding QRIS eligibility and/or other program information. Upon request, CCR&R staff will inform providers of the three CCAP payment options (paper warrant, direct deposit, debit card) if applicable and refer providers to the Illinois Office of the Comptroller for direct deposit and to the debit card toll free line / website for questions about these payment options. Information on costs associated with paper warrants must also be R&R staff will inform home providers about the IVR Child Care Telephone Billing System and include the Child Care Telephone Billing Agreement (IL444-4773) form and information in provider packets. CCR&R staff will inform clients and providers about the IVR Payment Inquiry line.? CCR&R staff will inform providers about on IDHS and the Office of the Comptroller payment inquiry websites.License Exempt Provider MonitoringCCR&R will work with the FCRC to obtain a list of referred candidates for CCAP License Exempt Provider Monitor (LEPI) R&R will work with the FCRC(s) to identify and track clients referred as candidates for the CCAP LEPI R&R will Identify and describe terms of employment of CCAP LEPI. CCR&R will ensure adequate supervisory and operation (administrative) personnel are provided for the overall management of the CCAP LEPI. CCR&R must comply with all Department required training to receive guidance on CCDF, License Exempt CCAP Providers, License Exempt monitoring and regulatory aspects of CCDBG administration, including, at minimum: An overview of the (monitoring) Program’s purpose.Health and Safety and Child Development Standards. A review of the CCR&R Agency’s responsibilities and deliverables as they relate to License Exempt Child Care Provider Monitoring.A review of the LEPI’s Supervisory responsibilities. Considerations for personal safety, if R&R will hire and retain appropriate ratio of FTE License Exempt Child Care Provider Monitoring R&R staff shall provide technical assistance on the requirements to be an approved CCAP R&R shall describe the procedures for determining which Licensed Exempt providers are inspected, including methods for scheduling visits the frequency, and the number of provider inspections that shall be scheduled and conducted per fiscal year. LE Monitoring staff shall conduct a minimum of one (1) visit per provider per fiscal year. Monitor ensures that license exempt child care providers operate according to CCAP Health and Safety Standards and accurate records are maintained to document R&R will use the monitoring tool provided by R&R will ensure that License Exempt monitoring staff are aware of and follow Department established protocol for reporting conduct or conditions discovered in a license exempt home or center that pose an imminent threat to the health and safety of participating children, including notifying the appropriated CCR&R contact, State or local licensing authorities and take action consistent with the recommendations and requirements of those authorities.Department defined written reports for each monitoring visit conducted will be prepared. Such reports must provide, among other things, that the results of the monitoring and will be made available in a format described by the Department to the provider, CCR&R Agency, and the Department.Delivery of Core ServicesAssemble and maintain a database of child care providers within the assigned SDA Must collect and enter information on child care providers in standard and computerized format of statewide CCR&R system. Must include licensed family child care homes, licensed full and part time child care centers, Head Start, Early Head Start, ISBE Preschool For All programs and License Exempt providers that are Qualified CCAP providers.Must annually contact all licensed providers to inform them of services and give them the opportunity to accept or decline referrals.Must collect complete provider supply data in standard computerized format of statewide CCR&R system.Must develop and maintain a system for periodic updating of provider data to ascertain vacancies and fees. For full year programs, partial updates must occur at least once annually and complete updates must occur annually, for a total of two contacts per fiscal year. For part year programs, complete updates must occur annually, for a total of one contact per fiscal year. Update contact attempted with 100% of provider referral database with at least 90% actual update achieved. Provides Consumer Education and Referrals for ParentsMust collect and enter information on parents/guardians and children in standard and computerized format of statewide CCR&R system. Identification of each family’s child care rm families of the eligibility for subsidized care.Explanation that referrals are based on information from the individual provider, to minimize CCR&R liability; this explanation is to be in writing and shared with the parents/guardians.Goal of three (3) or more referrals (not recommendations) per family to promote informed child care choices.Provision of consumer education and referrals by phone and mail/electronic information rmation on child care options, costs, subsidized care, licensed capacity and quality indicators including provider Illinois quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) and national accreditation status.Provision of information specific to each family’s child care needs including, information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), their parental rights and inclusion practices.As appropriate, information on services for children with special needs including developmental screens through Early Intervention services in accordance with the individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C. Information may include local Child and Family Connections (CFC) and local public school programs (preschool screenings, Preschool for All, special education).As appropriate, information on community social service agencies (including those with expertise in mental health and social work).Provision of consumer education and referrals by internet website. Website must include standard and computerized format as provided by IDHS, via contractor, and a link to the IDHS CCAP website. Website must include, but is not limited to, consumer information inclusive of 2.3.2 g-i.Staff is to maintain each parent’s/guardian’s confidentiality following the guidelines in the Uniform Grant Agreement.Follow up contact within 4-6 weeks to measure parents’/guardians’ success in their child care search and satisfaction with education and referral service with at least 20% (initial referrals) follow up surveys completed.Follow up contact attempted with 100% of parents/guardians of children with special needs within 4-6 weeks with at least 50% follow up surveys completed.TANF Enhanced ReferralsOnce the CCR&R staff has contact from the TANF client and receives a 2151 Referral form from the FCRC, referral specialist shall Return initial call within two (2) business days of receiving a message.Creates a client record in the parent referral database. Collect required data for a child care referral. Complete form 2151 and return to the FCRC.Generate a referral list, indicating programs that have vacancies which meet the families’ child care needs. Or if necessary indicate there are no providers matching the need and/or no providers with vacancies. Offer technical assistance to TANF client on searching for other child care options.Provide TANF client with the referral list and consumer education on quality child care within three business days of first actual contact.Contact TANF client one week after the initial call to follow up to see if care was found. If needed, provide additional referrals (steps d –f). If additional referrals are sent, a three week follow up should occur. If additional referrals are needed, CCR&R staff shall follow steps d-f and provide follow up every two weeks until the child care need is resolvedEnter data following the standard referral timeframe.Coordinates the Development of Child Care ResourcesBased on local needs within the SDA, a written plan outlining the coordination and development of new child care resources (defined as the recruitment and development of new child care options) and retention resources is developed, implemented and evaluated. CCR&R will identify targeted areas for recruitment. CCR&R shall develop and implement strategies and tools designed to increase child care resources in the SDA. Strategies and tools include, but are not limited to, informational workshops or orientations, consultations, technical assistance, printed materials, promotional tools for outreach and promotion, and start up packets and materials. Activities may be done in collaboration with another agency. CCR&R shall develop and implement strategies and tools designed to provide support and assist in the retention and improvement of quality of child care resources in the SDA. Such strategies include but are not limited to providing technical assistance, consultation, and training, promote and assist in connecting child care providers with available resources, develop and/or increase community support of child care. Activities may be done in collaboration with another agency.Technical assistance to providers and the community Technical information and training on home and center managerial issues (start up, expansion)collected and made available to providers and others.Technical Assistance to providers on identifying and serving homeless children and their families.Technical Assistance and Consultation to providers specific to QRIS.Technical information on child care options made available to employers.Technical assistance and training on collaboration between child care providers and community agencies (including special needs service providers and homeless shelters). Information, general technical assistance, and access to professional development opportunities, national accreditation, and inclusion resources. Professional development includes information and general technical assistance for credentials, specifically the Child Development Associate (CDA), the Child Care Professional (CCP) and Gateways to Opportunity credentials.Provide information to all providers regarding the requirements to be an approved CCAP provider. Training Coordination and DeliveryCCR&R must be an Authorized Entity as specific by R&R shall biennially submit a completed child care training needs assessment for the SDA to the Department. In addition, CCR&R shall gather information regarding training needs from various groups (e.g., Department staff, IDCFS Licensing Representatives, etc.).CCR&R shall also assess the particular training needs of providers serving children of low-income families, families experiencing homelessness, and providers caring for children with special needs. CCR&R shall identify training needs on home and center programmatic issues (quality concerns). CCR&R shall coordinate and provide training that relates to the use of research based, developmentally and age appropriate strategies to promote the social, emotional, physical and cognitive development of all children including children with special needs. Training shall support child care providers in the attainment of required IDCFS Licensing training, CCAP Provider requirements, professional credentials and/or an ExceleRate? Circle of R&R shall assess training needs and offer training in each of the following topic areas:Human growth and developmentHealth, safety, nutrition and physical activityObservation, screening, and assessmentCurriculum and program developmentInteractions, relationships and environmentsCulturally and linguistically appropriate practiceFamily and community engagementPersonal and professional development Leadership and program R&R shall develop an annual training plan. The plan shall include a specific schedule for CCR&R arranged training and a description of training resources to be acquired and/or developed and disseminated. Annually each CCR&R is required to coordinate the offering of the Training sessions listed below. Required minimums are listed; however, should provider interest and request for the required training (listed below in i 1-3) result in waiting lists of sufficient number, additional training will be offered.Health, Safety and Child Development Standards trainingCCR&R shall offer the following training to address the federal mandate for child care providers receiving CCAP payments. These training sessions are priority. What is CCAP?Minimum 4 timesECE Credential Level 1Minimum 4 complete series CPR/First Aid training*Minimum 4 times*IDCFS licensing approved training onlyb) CCR&R shall conduct outreach and work collaboratively with community entities to increase local and regional capacity for delivery of CPR/First Aid Training (IDCFS licensing approved training only). Entities may include, but are not limited to, local Red Cross Chapters, American Heart Association, medical and emergency response providers, community colleges, local government entities (i.e., park districts), child care provider associations and networks.c) CCR&R shall notify the designated IDHS staff person when the above training is scheduled.ExceleRate? IllinoisCCR&Rs are required to offer training sessions that support the requirements for ExceleRate? Illinois Circles of Quality. Please refer to the training grids for child care centers and licensed family child care at ? Of the training sessions noted on the training grids, CCR&Rs are required to offer a minimum of one (1) of each of the trainings, with the exception of CLASS, Creative Curriculum, Business Administration Scale (BAS) and Program Administration Scale (PAS) training. ExceleRate? Illinois Orientations are to be done by either the Quality Specialist or the Infant Toddler Child Care Specialists.As new training related to ExceleRate? Illinois is developed and introduced, CCR&Rs will offer.In addition, CCR&Rs are to offer the following training sessions during the Fiscal Year (July – June):PITC Minimum 1 complete series/ITCCQuality Counts Orientation for LEFCC Minimum 1 time Addressing childhood obesity, nutrition and physical activityMinimum of 1 training sessionAssist providers in accessing training on identifying and serving homeless children and their families (on-line and face to face if available).CCR&R shall follow the established statewide fee schedule for any of the training listed in section E8.Whenever possible, the CCR&R shall subcontract with community organizations and institutions, which provide training on various topics (e.g., health, safety, and special needs). CCR&R shall also attempt to identify and subcontract with child care providers whose education, training, and experience enables them to provide training/ R&R shall coordinate training with Head Start, other entities within SDA, and the statewide CCR&R system.Training shall be arranged which meets the needs of providers caring for children of low income families and providers caring for children with special needs. Inclusion strategies and techniques shall be incorporated into all training.Annually, or more frequently if desired, the CCR&R shall distribute a comprehensive training calendar to all licensed providers in its SDA and all license exempt providers in its provider database. The CCR&R shall provide the Department with a copy of its training calendar. CCR&R shall ensure that, throughout the fiscal year, a portion of the CCR&R arranged training is available without R&R shall secure completed evaluations from participants in all CCR&R arranged training using the statewide evaluation form. CCR&R shall provide certificates to all participants who complete CCR&R arranged training. Certificates shall identify hours of training R&R staff shall input training data in standardized and computerized format of the statewide CCR&R system within ten (10) business days of the event.Records, analyzes and disseminates data Must collect parent/guardian demand and provider supply data in standard computerized format of statewide CCR&R system.Must analyze CCR&R supply and demand data and data from other sources (i.e., census) to assess child care needs in SDA. Analyze the availability of CCAP capacity in child care programs.Must analyze follow-up data on outcomes and levels of satisfaction of families who have contacted CCR&R for help in searching for child care.May apply aggregate data to child care policy issues. Administers Community and Provider Service Programs Community Systems Development (CSD) – CCR&R shall:Inform and receive input from the CCR&R Board and/or Advisory committee regarding CSD contracted work, strategies and partners.Work collaboratively with representatives in local communities from multiple systems serving children and families including but not limited to: physical and mental health, early care and education, family and social services, early intervention, home visiting, school districts, local and state agencies.Incorporate CDS work into all CCR&R staff positions.Designate a minimum of one management staff to be knowledgeable in CDS philosophy and work strategies.Ensure all CCR&R program management and Core and CCAP staff directly serving customers will complete the approved Basic CSD training. For new staff within one year of R&R shall provide aggregate data available to assist local early childhood collaborations in planning and evaluation of CSD work. Data can inform the development and implementation of local strategies to assist families in accessing services and measure progress toward R&R staff shall input CSD data in standardized and computerized format of the statewide CCR&R system within 5 working days of the event.Provider Services Program: Provider Services Program is designed to assist all types of child care programs to achieve/maintain/advance program quality and the quality of care provided to children. May include, but is not limited to the following activities: pursue/maintain an ExceleRate? Illinois Circle of Quality, assist child care practitioners to further their professional development, obtain an approved credential, and/or program accreditation.Program AdministrationCCR&R shall administer the Provider Services Program on behalf of the Department. Administration includes, but is not limited to: promotion, technical assistance, receiving grant applications, coordination of application review, awarding Provider Services funds, and collection of required documentation and site visits. CCR&R shall adhere to the statewide policies and procedures as noted in the Statewide Policy & Procedure R&R is required to use the IDHS approved Guidelines and Application forms.No administrative or other expenses shall be budgeted/charged against the amount for Provider Services Grant Opportunities. All funds shall be used for grant award payments to child care R&R shall promote the grant opportunities to all providers within the designated service delivery area (SDA).CCR&R shall establish a year-end deadline for all required documentation to be submitted.Application, activity, approval of applications for approved activities, and payment of funds must occur within the same fiscal year. Funds are to be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis.As applications are received, priority will be given to providers and centers funded by the IDHS CCAP, with greater priority given to those with 50% or more of their enrollment consisting of IDHS funded children.Distribute and collect tax forms as required by the Internal Revenue Service regulations.Distribution of funds shall be attempted throughout the SDA, based on grant requests received.Input activity data in standardized and computerized format of the statewide CCR&R system within ten (10) business days of event or R&R shall follow the record retention guidelines as noted in the Uniform Grant Agreement. Only activities addressed in this document and the statewide procedural manual for this program are permitted.Quality Rating & Improvement System- ExceleRate? Illinois The CCR&R ShallProvide outreach and education to providers on ExceleRate? Illinois.Engage programs in the continuous quality improvement process. Provide increased training, consultation and technical assistance relevant to child care quality and the ExceleRate? Illinois to child care providers and families (on-going basis).Record, analyze and disseminate child care data for child care quality and the ExceleRate? Illinois.Collect data on participants receiving consultation, technical assistance and cohort support and input into the statewide system database within five business days of the activity.The Quality Specialist and Infant Toddler Child Care Specialist shall:Promote ExceleRate? Illinois to providers within the CCR&Rs SDA.Offer technical assistance and consultation services, both on-site and via phone or e-mail, to child care providers specific to ExceleRate? Illinois.Assist in coordination and /or provision of training related to ExceleRate? Illinois and assist with the Quality Improvement Funds cohort(s).Use the IDHS approved consultation Agreement with each child care provider requesting multiple consultation sessions to prepare for application to ExceleRate? Illinois.Assist child care providers as needed in completing initial program assessments using specified assessment process or tools. Assist child care providers with developing and implementing a Continuous Quality Improvement Plan (CQIP).Work with the other consultant team members in providing resources, referrals and guidance to providers related to improving quality.Schedule and conduct silver verification visits at licensed child care centers and licensed homes using procedures and timelines as outlined in the “CCR&R Technical Assistance and Verification Manual”.Use the standard computerized format to record the activities with providers and create a CQIP. All data is to be entered within 5 business days after each activity with a provider.Attend required/regular training and meetings for QS/ITCCS.Section 3: REPORTING REQUIREMENTSAt the beginning of the fiscal year, shall submit a Budget, Budget Narrative and a written Program Plan in the format provided. Program plans – reports shall be submitted on a quarterly bases no later than 15 calendar days following the end of each quarter.3.3. Expenditure reports – monthly expenditure reports are due no later than 15 calendar days after the end of each month. 3.4 Program data Reporting – the CCR&R shall enter and submit program data in statewide system no later than ten (10) business days after the end of each quarter.Section 4: CONTRACTED POSITIONS QUALIFICATIONS 4.1 All CCR&R Staff must meet the following minimum requirement: A high school diploma or equivalency Certification (GED), Specific requirements for contracted positions are listed below.4.2 CCR&R Administrator/Director any staff member in this position must meet the following minimum requirements:Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university in one of the following related fields (Early Childhood Education (ECE), Childhood Development, Child Psychology/ Behavioral Sciences, Business Administration, Family Consumer Sciences, Social Work, Elementary Education, Child Welfare, Family Services, Psychology, Sociology); Four (4) years’ experience in ECE fieldThree (3) years of managerial experience.4.3 CCAP Staff4.3.1 CCAP Coordinator/Supervisor any staff in this position must meet the following minimumrequirements:Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or universityTwo (2) years’ experience in social services, customer service, Early Childhood Education, Childhood Development or related AP Eligibility Specialist any staff in this position must meet the following minimum requirement:Associates Degree from an accredited college or university, or equivalent education and/or experience in social work, customer service or related field - defined as college credits and/or work hours equal to two (2) full years of education and/or full time AP License Exempt Child Care Provider Monitor any staff in this position must meet the following minimum requirement:Must be pre-screened and referred by the FCRC/ Employment and Training Liaison Staff;Must have at least a High School Diploma or High School Equivalency; Must be able to clear a comprehensive background check including: child abuse and neglect (CANTS), Sex Offender Registry (SOR) and Criminal Background via fingerprint check;Individual must successfully complete the required training for this positionMust have a valid driver’s license and provide proof;Must have basic communication skills, both verbal and writing;Must have basic computer skills.4.4 Core Staff Core Data Specialist any staff in this position must meet the following minimum requirements:Associates Degree from an accredited college or university with one (1) year experience in tools used for data analysis (e.g., Excel) and implementing new softwareCore Infant Toddler Child Care (ITCC) Specialist any staff member in this position must meet thefollowing minimum requirements: effective July 1, 2016Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college/university in child development, early childhood education or related field; OR A Bachelor’s degree in one of the following related fields with a minimum of 18 hours in early childhood coursework (Child Psychology/Behavioral Sciences, Family Consumer Sciences, Social Work, Elementary Education, Child Welfare, Family Services, Psychology, Sociology, Human Development);A minimum of three (3) years paid experience working in a child care setting including the experience required by the ECE 5 and ITC 4 Credentials and the remainder of the three years working as a family child care provider, center-based administrator, center-based teacher or teacher assistant, or Illinois Preschool for All teacher;Shall complete the Gateways to Opportunity ECE Credential Level 5 and the Infant Toddler Credential Level 4 within 18 months of employment;Shall be an Approved Trainer for the Gateways to Opportunity Registry within twelve (12) of employment; Shall attend and become certified in the Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC) Modules 1-4 after six months of employment;Working with the IDHS liaison, shall complete the following training as available: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Prevention; Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale-R (ITERS-R);Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-R (ECERS-R); Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale-R (FCCERS-R); School Age Child Environment Rating Scale (SACERS); Program Administration Scale (PAS); Business Administration Scale (BAS); Program quality improvement planningA minimum test score of 80% must be achieved on each assessment scale.Core Recruitment/Retention Coordinator any staff member in this position must meet the following minimum requirements: Associates Degree from an accredited college or university in one of the following related fields (ECE, Child Development, Child Psychology/Behavioral Sciences, Family Consumer Sciences, Social Work, Elementary Education, Child Welfare, Family Services); ORAssociates Degree with minimum of two (2) years’ experience in the ECE field.Core Referral Specialist any staff member in this position must meet the following minimum requirement:Associates degree from an accredited college or university in one of the following related fields (ECE, Child Development, Child Psychology/Behavioral Sciences, Family Consumer Sciences, Social Work, Elementary Education, Child Welfare, and Family Services).Core Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator any staff member in this position must meet the following minimum requirement: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in one of the following related fields (ECE, Child Development, Child Psychology/Behavioral Sciences, Family Consumer Sciences, Social Work, Elementary Education, Child Welfare, Family Services, Psychology, Sociology).Quality Specialist (QS) any staff member in this position must meet the following minimum requirements: effective July 1, 2016Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited college or university in child development or early childhood education; ORA Bachelor’s degree in one of the following related fields with a minimum of 18 hours in early childhood coursework (Child Psychology/Behavioral Sciences, Family Consumer Sciences, Social Work, Elementary Education, Child Welfare, Family Services, Psychology, Sociology, Human Development);Minimum two (2) years paid experience working in a child care setting as a family child care provider, center based administrator, center-based teacher or teacher assistant or Illinois Preschool for All teacher;Shall be an Approved Trainer for the Gateways to Opportunity Registry within twelve (12) months of employment;Working with the IDHS liaison, shall complete the following training as available: Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale-R (ITERS-R);Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-R (ECERS-R); Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale-R (FCCERS-R); School Age Child Environment Rating Scale (SACERS); Program Administration Scale (PAS); Business Administration Scale (BAS); Program quality improvement planningA minimum test score of 80% must be achieved on each assessment scale.All other Core Staff members working directly with parents and/or providers must meet the following minimum requirements: Associates Degree from an accredited college or university in one of the following related fields (ECE, Childhood Development, Child Psychology/ Behavioral Sciences, Family Consumer Sciences, Social Work, Elementary Education, Child Welfare, Family Services); ORAssociates Degree with a minimum of two (2) years’ experience in an ECE field.Section 5: Appendices5A: CCR&R SERVICE DELIVERY AREA MAP 5B: FY18 State Holiday Schedule (as of January 1, 2017)HolidayFY18 (7/1/17-6/30/18)Independence DayTuesday 7/4/17Labor DayMonday 9/4/17Columbus DayMonday 10/9/17General Election DayNAVeteran’s DayFriday 11/10/17ThanksgivingThursday & Friday 11/23/1711/24/17Christmas Monday 12/25/17New Year’s DayMonday1/1/18Martin Luther King DayMonday1/15/18Lincoln’s BirthdayMonday2/12/18Washington’s Birthday(President’s Day)Monday2/19/18Memorial DayMonday5/28/185C: Complaint PolicyThe Agency’s complaint policy shall include procedures for:1. Determining the nature of each complaint, distinguishing among allegations of child abuse or neglect, alleged health and safety, or licensing violations, and personal or business complaints;2. Instructing complainants to make immediate reports of alleged child abuse or neglect to the State Central Register (SCR) via its toll-free hotline number [1-800-25A-BUSE] and immediate reports of alleged licensing violations to the appropriate Regional Licensing Unit;3. Relaying information received from complainants to the SCR and/or the Regional Licensing Unit, as appropriate;4. Establishing and convening as necessary a Complaint Committee (This Committee shall make decisions on the temporary and permanent suspension of referrals and the resumption of referrals to providers about whom the CCR&R has received complaints. Whenever a complaint alleges child abuse or neglect, the CCR&R shall temporarily suspend referrals to the provider in question until it is notified of the conclusion of the SCR and licensing investigations and the Committee decides whether to resume referrals);5. Notifying a provider when the CCR&R suspends referrals and/or relays complaints to the SCR or a Regional Licensing Unit (for reports to the SCR, the CCR&Rs will ordinarily delay notification until 10 working days after the call. For reports to a Regional Licensing Unit, the CCR&R will send notification as soon as it determines that the notice will not interfere with the licensing investigation, but ordinarily no later than 10 working days after the call);6. Informing providers in temporary suspension of the documentation they must submit to request resumption of referral;7. Informing providers in permanent suspension of procedures for reinstatement at a later date;8. Maintaining confidentiality about all complaint actions and records (anyone inquiring about a specific provider suspended from the database shall be told only that the provider is not in the database);9. Establish a written procedure for addressing all complaints received by the CCR&R including those received by IDHS related to CCR&R services and delays in processing. At a minimum the procedure must include: A fair complaints procedure which is clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint To make public the existence of a complaints procedure to provide information on CCR&R agency’s method of contact (verbal, written, or otherwise) to file a complaint, and To ensure everyone within the agency is aware of and is trained on how to manage complaints that are received, and To ensure that all complaints are acknowledged, investigated fairly and resolved in a timely manner, not to exceed ten (10) working days To establish a procedure for escalating complaints that are complex or remain unresolved after an initial level of contact, and To maintain data to inform and assist their agency and the Department to improve services 10. Maintaining documentation of all steps in handling complaints. ................

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