
This is Tripp Crayton, Principal at Jordan-Matthews High School, with your bi-weekly announcement. Progress Reports will be distributed to all students tomorrow. Don’t forget that Thursday is an Early Release Day with students dismissed at 11:30 a.m., and Friday is a teacher workday, and we will also be closed on Monday, November 11th due to Veterans Day. As we continue to monitor attendance and tardies, it is important that students come to school each day, on-time and ready to be fully engaged in planned activities by our teachers. Students who miss more than 9 days during first semester are at risk of not receiving credit for each class. Please continue to monitor your child’s attendance in PowerSchool as we remain focused on helping your child be successful. We are seeing an increase in our tardies for first period, so let’s work together in getting up a few minutes earlier so as not to miss the first part of first period.As noted in the last phone message, juniors will take a practice ACT and all sophomores will take the Pre-ACT on Tuesday, October 29, 2019. Based on the practice scores, we will work with our juniors on ACT strategies in preparation for the statewide administration later this year. We will not be able to call out sophomores or juniors for parent pick-up during testing on the 29th.Reminder of new immunization rules for all current Junior students who will be 12th graders during the 2020-2021 school year: Effective August 1st, 2020, a booster dose of Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine is required before entering the 12th grade or by 17 years of age, whichever comes first. Meningococcal vaccines help protect against the bacteria that cause?meningococcal disease. An individual?who is not age-appropriately vaccinated shall have 30 calendar?days to obtain the required immunizations in order to attend school. Please contact your doctor now to schedule an appointment for the required Meningo Vaccine.?Tryouts for Winter sports are about to start, and it’ll be time soon enough to cheer on your Jets in basketball, wrestling, and swimming. Join our Google Calendar for the latest times and dates for all home action over the course of the next few months.Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @JMHSJets. Enjoy the rest of your day, thank you for your continued support of Jordan-Matthews, where it’s always a great day to be a Jet. Goodbye. ................

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