Pastor’s Appreciation Day


Tell My People May 2007

Pastor’s Appreciation Day

As God’s people, we are to love and care for those that are in the service of God and that minister to us in holy things; we honor our God by esteeming his ministers highly in love for their work’s sake.

On Sunday, May 6, 2007, we hope to express our love and esteem to Pastor Glenn White as the Central United Baptist Church will observe Pastor’s Appreciation Day in honor of his 82nd Birthday and 50 years as our Pastor.

Bo Glenn fulfilling a promise he had made to God while listed as missing in action in World War II gave his life unreservedly to the Lord in 1950. He entered the ministry in 1955 and became our pastor in June 1957.

With God’s help Bro. Glenn has ministered to us a long time. He began pasturing when he was a young man who gave him the advantage of strength and vitality, and he has continued in his pastoral work during which he has attained a full age, giving him the advantage of experience and authority.

We appreciate the years of devotion and self-sacrifice Bro. Glenn, Catherine and their family have given us. Because of the great love he has for his flock, he has encouraged all of us to maintain our faith in a loving and compassionate God and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.

It has been a blessing and an honor to Bro. Glenn to be so long employed in such a good work as pastor of the Central United Baptist Church. In turn, it has been a mercy and a great blessing to our congregation to have a pastor so long among us, who knows us so well and cared for us so deeply; one we long looked up to as the shepherd of the flock. Through the good times and bad, which God’s ministers must expect to pass through Bro. Glenn has held fast to his integrity and kept close his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We encourage all our church members, their families and friends to make a special effort to be in church with us Sunday, May 6, 2007 at 10:30 a.m. to celebrate this great milestone in our Pastor’s life

“Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double

Honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine”

-I Timothy 5:17



In Deepest Sympathy

Our deepest sympathies to the families who have recently lost a loved one.

May God comfort you in your time of loss and the coming days.

….. Edna Dawson, aunt of Kelly Murray Browning and Deena Huffman to Elbert and Linda Huffman & family in the loss of Elbert’s sister.

…To Fred and Thelma Dingess in the loss of Fred’s brother, David Gene Dingess of Holden.

…To Catherine and Glenn White and family in the loss of Catherine’s sister, Nellie M. Ross Meyer of Scotia, NY. She was the wife of Charles Meyer, mother of Mary “Kate” and Joan Meyer, Charles, Chris and Eric Gary and JoAnn White, Keith and Donna White, Darren, Tiffany, Brianna and Bella.

…To the family of Ruby Gilkerson of East Lynn, sister of Laura Vaughan and Anna Marie Markham, aunt of Linda Markham.

…To the family of Martha Mullins York of NC, mother of Patti (Blevins) Clodfelter, aunt of Geraldine Butler and sister-in-law of Mary Ramey.

…To Pearl and Jesse Browning and family in the loss of Pearl’s sister, Louise Irvin of Hackensack, NJ.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


God’s Blessings to You on Your Anniversary

May 5 - Frank and Eileen Hanks

May 6 - Charles and Gloria Wellman

May 9 - Larry and Lana Braymer

May 12 - Steve and Tammy Herbster

May 13 - Bill, Jr. and Brenda Meade

May 14 - Jim and Susan K. Brown

May 16 - Fred and Betty Clark

May 22 - Jason and Serena Bradley

May 26 - Robert and Viola Meade

May 27 - Cecil and Eula Godby

Listen God, a mother’s praying low and quiet: listen please. Listen to what her tears are saying, see her heart upon its knees; lift the load from her bowed shoulders till she sees and understands. You who hold the world together hold her problems in your hands.

– Ruth Bell Graham


A Mother’s Love

There is a verse whose lines begin…”My dear, are all the children in?” …Does it not call back to your mind…Your childhood home-a mother kind?...As members one by one return…At nightfall, and she shows concern…As dark supplants the sunset’s gold…Are all her lambs within the fold?...Someday from her Heavenly tasks…”Are all the children in?” she’ll ask, lambs within the fold?...Someday from her Heavenly tasks…”Are all the children in?” she’ll ask.

Happy Birthday!”[pic]

May 17 Frank Hanks, Paige Hicks, Sarah Parsley

May 2 Serena Bradley, Burke Adkins

May 3 Cynthia Maynard, Cathy Duncan, Ricky Adkins, Lorene “Sis “Meade, Rachel White

May 4 Jack Bailey, Phillip Hannah

May 5 Barry Jewell, Scott Hill, Robert Kuenzel, Philip “Flip” March

May 6 Pastor Glenn White, Jr., Lillian Grake

May 7 Pollie Mcneely, Isabella Rodighiero

May 9 Tilda Tomblin, Betty Wells, Kelliw Adkins, Beth Ann Gray

May 11 Carrie Porter

May 13 Krista McKnight

May 14 Beth W. Kinder, Donnetta Glick, Teresa Bevins, Rachel Laurie, Breanna Welch

May 15 Jennifer Bannister, Rachel Marcum, Michael Morgan, Dara Martin, Brenda Skibo

May16 Angela Thornhill, Mitchell Orr

May 17 Mary Alice Mullins

May 18 Dora Robinson

May 19 Dianna Perdue, Margaret Place, Monika Berry

May 21 Juan Adkins

May 23 Barbara Miller

May 24 Taylor Mullins, Sherry Price, Jacob Meadows, Scott Thornhill

May 25 Jimmy Bumgarner, Keely Ramey, Linda Deaner, Sarah DeBord

May 26 Philip Marsh

May 27 Chris Davis

May 28 Erika Bannister, Jason David

May 29 Tyler Harrison, Robert Meade, Deidra Brumfield

May 31 Tyler Moore, Mytle Adkins, Alvin Farmer, Justin Browning, Lucille Adkins, Thomas Bradley, Rebecca Ross, Jason McCloud, Adam Gollihue, Emma Moore

Prayer Requests

Pastor Glenn & Catherine White, John & Shawn & Isabella Propst, Paul Evans, Mildred Brammer, Lonnie & Geneva Gore, Beulah Frye, Nell Nemeth, Elbert Huffman, J.C. Worf, Grethel Nichols, Donna Samson, Brian & Paula Duffield, Almos & Betty Napier, Harmon Maynard, Sis Meade, Raymond Adkins, Freda Steele, Bobbie & Gwen Long, Arnold Bowen, Jewel Mullins, Lillian Grake & Domer, Pearl Browning, Kenny Evans, Kristi Blair, Homer Vaughan, Fr., Bob & Mary Padgett, Daniel Faine, Jennie Samson, David Gwen Long, Teresa Adkins, Jill Pancake, Faye Adkins, Helen Trent, Marlene Browning, Lori Ramey, Mary Ramey, Laci Vance, Linda Markham, Arnold & Jewell Kazee, Susan Brown, David Brown, Erma Francis, Zeffie Brogan, Noel & Sue Richardson, Orville & Elizabeth Bradley, Bernard Maynard, Rev. Rex Workman, Hazel Butcher, Tom Hines, Vessie & Retha Marcum, Ed Evans, Billie Joe Adkins, Alice Mullins, Jacob & Hannah Bibler, Fatmia Ollie, John Davis, Winna Crum, Bill & Alma Curry, Frank & Eileen Hanks, Grace Payne, Tammy Blankenship, Lois Farmer, Nola Walsh, our church family, our unsaved loved ones, residents in the nursing homes, patients in the hospitals, our country and her leaders, our military personnel, our youth & youth leaders, and the students, families & personnel of Virginia Tech.


A Psalm for the Aging

In Psalm 72, the psalmist reviews a life of dependence on God. The Lord cared for him at birth and he trusted the Lord as a youth (vv.5-6). God taught him when he was young (v.17) and was with him during his mature years. Now he is old, and he prays that God will not abandon him (vv.9, 18). As you read this psalm, you discover the ideal way to spend old age as a Christian. Devote time to prayer and trust the Lord to help you. Instead of complaining about what is wrong, praise God for His righteousness and goodness. Practice continual prayer (V 3), continual praise (vv. 6, 8), and continual hope (v.14). Depend on His strength and use every opportunity to witness for Him (vv.15-16). Ask God to make you a walking wonder (v.7) who will point people to Christ. Keep a song on your lips and in your heart. After all, the best is yet to come!

Special Bible Mothers

Mothers of famous persons are not always recognized as they should be. Can you unscramble their names and match them with their well-known children?

1. Bethalize _____________________________Esau and Jacob

2. Vee __________________________________Eunice

3. Nuicee _______________________________Jesus

4. Soil __________________________________Obed

5. Beekhar ______________________________John the Baptist

6. Debojech _____________________________ Cain and Abel

7. Charie _______________________________ Timothy

8. Haras _______________________________ Moses and Aaron

9. Thur ________________________________ Isaac

10. Army ________________________________ Joseph

Check your answers in next month’s Newsletter

A Spring Bouquet Answers: 1, e; 2, c; 3,f; 4,1; 5,I; 6,k; 7,h; 8,g; 9,j; 10,a; 11,b; 12,d.


VBS—Kids and Parents, don’t forget! Start praying now for a great Vacation Bible School this year. The theme for 2007 is “Take the Plunge! Make a Splash for Jesus!” VBS begins Monday, June 18 through Friday, June 23 and is under the direction of Sister Debbie Evans.

[pic]Greetings to our shut-ins and our out-of-towners! We hope you are having a good day today. Special “Hellos” go out to Bob & Padgett, Nola Walsh, Ed Evans, Bill & Alma Curry, Mildred Brammer, Orville & Elizabeth Bradley, Zeffie Brogan, Virginia Maynard, Noel Richardson, Beulah Frye, Jeannie Bannister, Joann Hammond, Alice Mullins, Grace Payne and all our very special readers. Thought for the day: “God listens for our praise and all the music of His great universe is richer and sweeter when we give thanks.



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