Are We All Really Educated | A.W.A.R.E




In association with the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, Akiachak, Guale,

Yamassee, Mechica, Creek, Seminole, Shishuni, Washitaw,

Comanche, Hawaiian Kingdom Government, et al:

(A Tribal Law Corporation under Section 17, Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, committed to granting tribal jurisdiction to qualified individuals)

China Address: c/o Yap KM, Chartered Accountants/RBN Central Bank

Suite 801, 38th Floor, Block A, China Shine Plaza, 9 Lin He Xi Road,

Guangzhou, 510610, Guandong, Peoples’ Republic of China

USA contact: 402-403-1788 (P. O. Box 168, Swanton, Ohio 43558)

Email: knowledgevillage80a@

Websites: &

Skype: draidun48


Rationale: As fungible instruments, markets are available to buy and sell these “debts” as commercial paper capable of qualifying for private placement programs (PPP). In the international marketplace of financial instruments, debt is considered a valuable asset. PPP is defined as “credit and deposit multiplier” in Barron’s Dictionary of Finance & Investment Terms. Some call it “high-yield programs,” while others not familiar with the innards of Planet Cambistry & Planet Aphnology call it a “scam.”

Professionals who don’t understand the mechanism that confers a method to the madness also call it a scam because they simply don’t understand or are unable to understand how this madness works. Like arithmetic and mathematics that frustrate the learner.

Caveat: Unless and until the potential Client understands finance and banking, I strongly suggest you perform due diligence. In essence, when in doubt, please stay out. We can explain enough, but if you cannot grasp it, then you will need to enter an exhaustive study course at our Tribal Law College.

Method: There is a huge market available to purchase debt at, say, 35 cents on the dollar (Buyer #1). A few days later, Buyer #2 learns about the reputable Buyer #1 who purchased a debt at a low price, so he now jostles to make a good offer.

Buyer #1 feigns a knee-jerk response, and “grudgingly” agrees to sell the debt at 57 cents on the dollar. A huge profit for Buyer #1.

Now Buyer #2 owns that debt. Stockbrokers now exchange this “vital Intel” down the financial grapevine encouraging another reputable Buyer to nudge for a position to buy the original debt.

Buyer #3 appears and “forces” Buyer #2 to sell the debt at 69 cents on the dollar. Huge profits for Buyer #2.

Weeks go by and now frantic offers pour in spurred by the never-quitting 18-hours-a-day workaholic stockbrokers.

Soon, Buyer #4 emerges and offers to buy at 80 cents on the dollar. By the time the last Buyer appears on the scene to buy the debt at the original par value, billions of profits have been reaped. The original debt is “written off” and it’s now an off-balance sheet asset!

The vehicle: Purchase an international bill of exchange (IBOE) as the major multiplying vehicle (MMV) for private placement programs. The minimum cash value for an IBOE is USD $5 million. The IBOE’s yield potential is $25 million within 30 days or less. This multiplication continues until we reach $17 billion in 180 to 365 days when funds will be ready for disbursement.

Multiplication is based on the “credit and deposit multiplier formula” first innovated by the 8th century Sanskrit scholar Pingala, and later adopted and modified by the 13th century mathematician Fibonacci. This is how the Medici family started banks and the banking system as we know it. Jews saw great advantages in this discipline with the Rothschild’s playing a lead role.

Modus operandi: The advent of the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB) witnessed the burgeoning of new financial institutions that have disassociated themselves from the cabal’s anachronism influenced by the 1945 Bretton-Woods Agreement, and the constricting policies and regulatory authority of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Financial Services Authority of England, and the European Central Bank bobbing their heads in acquiescence to the ubiquitous hidden hands and agendas that lob off the head of competition. BRICS is a major competitor to the “establishment”. Wall Street is most upset but I can do nothing!

New financial houses are willing to enhance the value and worth of all sorts of commercial paper that have potential like car loans, credit card loans/debts, home equity, and life insurance policies. These institutions are willing to be innovative and may even consider student loans as a creditworthy asset.


Life insurance policies worth $250,000.00 or less, the position fee is $1,250.00.

Policies between $251,000.00 to $500,000.00, the position fee is $2,000.00.

The position fee rises incrementally for each additional $250,000.00. Example, a life insurance policy of $1,000,000.00, the position fee is $4,500.00.

Yield will be twice or twofold the insurance policy’s worth. A $250,000.00 policy will return a yield of $500,000.00.

Yield time will be between 180 to 365 days once the USD $5 million IBOE is attained based on the position fee.

Proof of insurance policy is required with name and address of insured.


Vehicles that are worth under $49,999.00, the position fee is $1,250.00.

Vehicles worth $50,000.00 to $99,999.00, position fee is $1,750.00.

Vehicles worth $100,000.00 to $250,000.00, the position fee is $2,500.00.

Yield will be twice or twofold the original price of the car. A $50,000.00 car will return a yield $100,000.00.

Yield time will be between 180 to 365 days once the USD $5 million IBOE is attained based on the position fee.

Proof of purchase price is required.


Credit cards/student loans from $10,000.00 to $19,999.00, the position fee is $1,000.00.

Credit cards/student loans from $20,000.00 to $39,999.00, the position fee is $1,500.00.

Credit cards/student loans from $40,000.00 to $ 69,999.00, the position fee is $2,500.00.

Credit cards/student loans in excess of $70,000.00, the position fee is $4,500.00.

Yield will be twice or twofold the original debt. Example, if the limit/loan is $20,000.00, your yield will be $40,000.00.

Yield time will be between 180 to 365 days once the USD $5 million IBOE is attained based on the position fee.

Proof of the credit card application or student loan agreement required to identify the actual loan/debt.


Homes with proven equity of $10,000.00 to $199,999.00, the position fee is $2,000.00.

Homes with proven equity of $200,000.00 to $299,999.00, the position fee is $3,500.00.

Homes with proven equity of $300,000.00 to $399,999.00, the position fee is $4,500.00.

Homes with proven equity of $400,000.00 to $499,999.00, the position fee is $6,000.00.

Yield will be twice or twofold the home equity. If the equity is $220,000.00, the yield will be $440,000.00.

Yield time will be between 180 to 365 days once the USD $5 million IBOE is attained based on the position fee.

Proof of home purchase price and prevailing market equity worth is required.

E. FULLY PAID UP MORTGAGES (free and clear properties):

Homes valued at $10,000.00 to $199,999.00, the position fee is $3,000.00.

Homes valued at $200,000.00 to $299,999.00, the position fee is $7,000.00.

Homes valued at $300,000.00 to $399,999.00, the position fee is $10,000.00.

Homes valued at $400,000.00 to $550,000.00, the position fee is $16,000.00.

Homes valued at $750,000.00 to $1.5 million, the position fee is $50,000.00.

Yield will be twice or twofold the value of the home. If the value is $300,000.00, the yield will be $600,000.00.

Yield time will be between 180 to 365 days once the USD $5 million IBOE is attained based on the position fee.

Proof of home purchase price and prevailing market equity worth is required.

An administration fee of $100 per debt to be added & included with the position fee.


I, _________________________________________________________________________, whose mailing address is


agree to participate in the above-mentioned program with the Native American Law & Justice Center.

I am placing a:

life insurance policy with a position fee of $____________________________

auto loan with a position fee of $____________________________

credit card debt/student loan with a position fee of $____________________________

home equity with a position fee of $____________________________

mortgage loan with a position fee of $____________________________

fully paid up mortgage with a position fee of $____________________________

A total of $_______________________ (including $100 administration fee per debt) will be remitted upon receipt of wire transfer instructions. I will scan and email this signed agreement, along with the proof of debt/loan, to knowledgevillage80a@. Upon receipt of the agreement, a reply email will be send to me with instructions to send the funds to an overseas bank account.

I further understand that the total funds I remit shall be refunded in gold and silver in the event paper currencies become unprofitable, worthless, or obsolete owing to shaky financial markets.

I agree and understand that I am aware of private placement programs as defined by the credit and multiplier deposit in Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms (located in the Files section of the website).

I agree and understand that I am not engaging in securities’ transactions and that I am an accredited investor under Regulation D Section 501 of the SEC laws. I agree and understand that the PPP will be transacted in the Far East and not in the United States or Europe.

I further agree to spend quality time reading this document several times in order to understand its intent, content, extent, scope, scale and effect and impact so that I am absolutely clear in my mind as to what this Program entails in order for me to participate in acquiring a working knowledge of wealth creation.

Dated this __________________day of ________________________________________________________, 20_______

Signature of Participant Signature of Witness

Print Name of Participant Print Name Signature of Witness

Signature of NALJC Representative

Print Name of NALJC Representative


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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