How are we better together

English Drawing together all of our Year 6 skills, we will be writing a story about the elusive, magical Dreamgiver.

Linking to our Geography, we will be exploring the world of non-fiction in order to write a speech to encourage people to act now to protect the environment. This will also help us explore how we can contribute positively to the school, the community and the lives of others. We will also use persuasive writing to entice people to visit various places in the USA.


In preparation for our SATs, we will be revising all areas of maths and be using our resilience to tackle tricky problems.


Is everything always as it seems? Alone and curious, our main character enters a world where nothing is as it seems. We will journey with him and explore. The study of this picture book `The Viewer' by Shaun Tan will be done alongside brushing up on our reading comprehension skills.

The USA and the power of Global Relationships

We will look at how the size of the USA means there is a variety of climate zones. We shall explain how climate impacts life. Over time, we shall explore the population density and distribution and what leads to this. Finally we will look at how a specific locality (New York) has changed over time due to technological, industrial, economic, social and environmental change.

How are local communities coming together to protect the future of the plant? We will visit Westmill Wind and Solar farm to find out!

PSHE--Relationships What is the best way to build, keep and improve relationships? We will be looking at this question to help us appreciate and respect yourself and others and to value your own and other people's cultures.

What do religions say to us when life gets hard? Exploring a range of beliefs belonging to Christians, Hindus and Humanists, we will investigate this.

Year 6 ~ Term 5

How are we better


Value: Collaboration

French We will be working on an independent project combing all our skills and presenting our work and learning to the class.

PE--OAA and Athletics: throwing, jumping, running, hurdles.

How have scientists worked together to better understand how we evolved? We will continue our study of Evolution and Inheritance. We will think about our family histories and why we are the way we are.


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