Lord of the Flies-Quotes - Weebly

The Choir: “creatures”, square black caps with silver badges, black cloaks, silver cross on left breast and hambone frill p.21, leader gold badge, “ perched like black birds on criss-cross trunks” p.22Entrance of choir associated with darkness “You’ve got you small fire all right.” - “...a quarter of a mile of forest was savage with smoke and flame. The separate noises of the mountain merged into a drum roll that seemed to shake the mountain.1st fire contrast to fire at end of novel!“ I agree with Ralph. We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all we’re not savages. We’re English; and the English are the best at everything. So we’ve got to do the right things.” (Jack) No grown -ups /have to look after ourselves- “This is our island. It is a good island. Until the grown-ups come to fetch us we’ll have fun.” “ We want to have fun. And we want to be rescued.” Must have fire, must be rescued-need fire patrolResponsibility of leadership: “He tried to convey the compulsion to track down and kill that was swallowing him up.” “The madness came into his eyes again.”p.51 “I thought I might kill.”p.51The lust of the kill “ Now the antagonism was audible.” p.52 5.“ They were both red in the face and found looking at each other difficult.”p.52 “They walked along, two continents of experience and feeling, unable to communicate.” p.56 –relationship deteriorating between Ralph and Jack Ralph and Jack friendship deteriorating over power “ If you’re hunting sometimes you catch yourself feeling as if--”...But you can feel as if you’re not hunting, but - being hunted; as if something’s behind you in the jungle.” p.53 Predator versus Prey- warDescent into Primitivism“ He accepted a piece of half-raw meat and gnawed it like a wolf” “ I painted my face-I stole up. Now you eat- all of you and I”- p.78“ Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in.” “If faces were different when lit from above or below - what was a face? What was anything? “ -mask Civilization is becoming an elusive memory “We’ve got to have smoke up there - or die” “ Things are breaking up. I don’t understand why. We began well; we were happy. And then -----” (p.87)Read pp.90-91: “ ‘You have doctors for everything, even the inside of your mind. You don’t really mean that we got to be frightened all the time o nothing? Life,’ said Piggy expansively, is scientific, that’s what it is. In a year or two when the war’s over they’ll be traveling to Mars and back, I know there’s isn’t no beast - not with claws and all that, I mean- but I know there isn’t no fear either ’ ” ( Golding, p.92) Simon:Simon believes that “maybe there is a beast” “What I mean is... maybe it’s only us” ( Golding, p.96)Simon became “Inarticulate to express mankind’s essential illness...” ( Golding, p.96).* “ A stain of darkness, a stain that was Jack, detached itself and began to draw away...The stain had vanished. ” (p.133)I Am Part of YOU reread pp.157-159There isn’t anyone to help you. Only Me. And I’m the Beast. You Knew, didn’t you? I’m a part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason things why it’s no go. Why things are what they are. P.158 This quote is beyond Simon’s age and understanding. Important to note that evil exist within individuals- it is a necessary part of the human condition from Golding’s point of view. I Am Part of YOU p. 158 NOTE:Golding believes to survive in this world man/woman must be a survivor- selfish, ruthless, tough, self-sufficient, hard, etc. Humans are Ruthless in own survival, care for self before others - survivor Human Nature: essentially evil, the power to be evil lurks beneath the surface of civilized behavior. ( Parallel to setting of island & theme) A darkness exists within each individual to secure own survival. Even the weakest human when faces with certain conditions is capable of the most violent acts - it is the reason why things happen the way they do. Duality of human nature.Pigs: Important pages to reread re: pigs and lust for the killP.72 Jack& hunters-: ‘we’ve killed a pig…got in a circle…blood…There was a ship (Piggy reports) let but the hunters let the fire go out Kill the pig! Cut her throat! Spill her blood. Pp.123- 126 The boar and making a ringRalph, Jack and Maurice involved in killingKill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in! p.125Pp. 147-150 The killing of the sow viciousness of act/war/rape and pillageSimon is killed as the beast Pp. 166 – 170 reread and make notesKill the beast! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Spill his blood! p.125Connection to setting, mood and atmosphere –nature/storm reflects the evil acts of boys Shakespeare uses storms to reflect the evil being committed by individualsBlue white scarSimon calling out-dead man on a hill!Explosions Circle becomes a horseshoe “They were savages, it was true, but they were human….” (169)List progression of evil acts: Note : Golding shows consequences of this nature: A darkness can destroy man if not checked by imagination and reason; That is why Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy. P.223 Death of innocence, intellectualism, imagination and reasonWith Piggy’s death comes the simultaneous death of the conch: “What are we ? Humans ? Or animals? Or Savages? What’s grown-ups going to think? Going off --hunting pigs--letting fires go out --and now!” Does the answer lie within?Did the boys’ civilization fail because of destructive, evil elements in each boy?Why can’t Beast be hunted or killed?“Simon found he was looking into the vast mouth. There was blackness within, a blackness that spread.” = STAIN THREAT: WE SHALL DO YOU?Horrors of death: The Sow, Simon, Piggy, the little one with the scar on his face, Wilfred, Sam and Eric, Roger and Ralph could have been killed.I’m frightened. Of us. I want to go home. O God I want to go home...(Ralph) It was an accident,” said Piggy stubbornly, “and that’s that.” p.173 “ We were on the outside” p.174 “ Why do you hate me?” (p.125) Who does Jack hate?Note: Important chapters to reread for test:Chapter 1, 4, 7, 8 &12.Know quotes for test Know characters and how to spell namesLord of the Flies as a novel is underlined and is written by William Golding Note: Compare literary elements are found in Lord of the Flies, Fahrenheit 451 and “Oedipus the King” ................

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